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Classroom observations should be for at least one hour. Report on required observations using
the guidelines below. Points can be earned, depending on the thoroughness of your responses for
each section of your report. See practicum assignments sheets for specific observation details.
Classroom observed should not be your current practicum classroom. It can however be in the
same building.
Identifying information
1. Type of classroom (1 pt) High School Math class, general education setting.
2. Teacher-student ratio for lessons observed (1pt) 10:1 due to a field trip.
3. Grade and/or age level of children observed (1pt) High School, many of the students
are seniors.
4. Classroom physical layout (1pt) The desks are in groups of either 4 or 5, with a
Smartboard on one wall and a white/dry erase on another. The student are in groups with
different understanding of the subject.
Activities Observed (Subject/activity) College Credit Pre-Calculus
1. Materials used (teacher-made, published) (1pt) Today was a test review of wrong
answers. So the class was working off of the returned tests. As questions we asked
and problems worked both the whiteboard, and Smartboard were used.
2. Purpose (what is being taught) How the problems should have been worked and the
correct answers. Some students did get the correct answers by working problems
other than the way the teacher expected.
3. Procedure (brief-general description) (1pt) Mr. Messner and his class had a very easy
going conversation type tone.
4. Input/Output channel(s) used (1pt) Many of the learning style were used! Auditory,
visual, kinesthetic/tactical.
(What channel is being used: auditory, visual, kinesthetic/tactile, multi-sensory)
5. Students reactions (1pt) The students were happy to see what was incorrect. It was
interesting seeing the reactions of some students due to skipped steps in the order of
operations. It may seem redundant but PEMDAS really is a lifelong skill to
Personal Reaction (4pt)
Your reaction- how did the lesson go? I was totally absorbed and pulled into the class.
The content was way above my ability, however the way Mr. Messner ran the day and his
interaction was so welcoming. If I was in high school I would hope to get him as a
teacher. He really knows how to connect.
Behavior Management Techniques (1pt)

How did the teacher control, reward and/or motivate the class? The only
reward/motivation I saw was that he let the class know if they can justify wrong answers
he may give them points back. Well once that was said students were comparing tests
and bring to his attention how 1 got the step right and yet theirs was marked wrong.
Miscellaneous Observations (1pt)
Interesting materials, strategies, ideas, programs used none that I saw.
14-15 = A
13 = B
12 = C
11 = D

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