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BALANCED SCORECARD Te | Learning Customer ] &Growth J Ouro Xx Tear) ET eee y Cer Pe Increase ‘Customer Satisfaction (/ Inerease Customer Customer Through Superior Confidence in Our cross-se! Internal Customer the Product] Processes Appropriate Channel )\ Problems Learning & Growth (Employees) Line Increase Employee Productivity, Develop Strategie Skills © How do shareholders perceive the firm? ¢ What are their financial goals? a © How well does the firm serve its targeted customers? * How do customers perceive the firm? © How well is the business running? TSW) © Does daily operation support organizational goals? Catered \ © How does the firm continue to learn and improve to “create value in the future? felt) FINANCIAL PERSPECTIVE Financial- related data > Risk assessment > Cost- benefit Ela Timely and accurate data CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVE Performance Customer satisfaction (OU Kelaal-1e olin Market share Meet the UI Cod gall ql Ta voli Ky High-quality av Lect > Efficient in processing orders >On-time delivery INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESS PERSPECTIVE orts tc Performance (Ge) i=) Perea cite Cees ’ organizational +s Operational Paro ts oral (10a) Motivation LEARNING AND GROWTH PERSPECTIVE asad IeS Technological Continuous Mentoring leadership learning > Corporate New product mode Cle Olea development

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