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Personal Statement

As a teacher of history and English, I believe it is imperative to provide students with the
knowledge and skills necessary to become active and informed global citizens. Through
informed knowledge of global and national history and past actions and events, students are
able to make reasonable and informed judgements on paving the way for a brighter future for
the next generation. English not only improves students communication skills, but also provides
them with the ability to analyse, interpret and evaluate the context of set texts. As a teacher, it is
my responsibility and my passion to ensure that all students find the content and curriculum
accessible. Teaching is a profession that rewards and challenges each individual through
constant development and lifelong learning. My passion, motivation and enthusiasm with
regards to teaching and learning will assist me in constantly growing and improving as a
practitioner. Education is a vital aspect of life, our students are our future. As an educator I strive
to provide students with the best possible education, nurturing them as individuals and engaging
them with the skills they need to succeed in life.
As a pre-service teacher, my professional goals are centred around providing a safe and
supportive classroom environment for my students, ensuring student engagement at all times,
providing effective and efficient feedback to learners, and creating an enriching and authentic
learning environment. In order to achieve these goals while on my professional placement I will
attend professional development sessions, seek constant feedback from my Student Based
Teacher Educators and engage in reflective practices. As well as completing observations on
my supervising teachers, I will also visit other teachers in the college to ensure I am making the
most of the opportunity to learn and improve. Through engagement with colleagues and parents
I am able to improve my professional practice. My experiences in schools have varied from lowsocio economic to middle-class colleges, both state and private schools.
I aim to demonstrate the Australian Professional Standards in all aspects of my teaching and
learning, ensuring I draw upon a range of skills and abilities both inside and outside the
classroom. My teaching style is reflective of the Inquiry Based Learning model and SocialEmotional learning framework, adopted by Catholic Education Services. Through inquiry
learning, students are able to enhance and deepen their understanding of the content as well
as draw upon relevant and prior knowledge and skills. Students respond effectively to active
engagement in the classroom and thus this approach is at the forefront of my teaching and
pedagogical style. Social-Emotional Learning encompasses a holistic approach to learning that
is centred around the physical, mental and emotional well-being of students as well as providing
academic support. I emphatically believe that the education of learners should be holistic and

therefore place high emphasis on ensuring the social emotional learning framework is present in
my classroom.

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