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5 easy to learn Reflexology Foot Maps

General Reflexology Foot Map Areas

Reflexology Foot Chart - sole
Reflexology Foot Chart - inside view
Reflexology Foot Chart - outside view
Meridian points on toes

Basic Reflexology Areas on the Foot

Understanding the basic sections helps you know where to start and finish a
technique and what area or organ you are working on without using a chart!

Example: how to use basic reflexology knowledge with a simple chart to find the
stomach area on the foot

We know that the stomach is mostly on the left side of the body - so it
must be mainly on the left foot
We know that on the foot the body is divided into sections

We know that the stomach is under the chest region and above the waist
Therefore, it is mostly on the left foot between the chest area and

Reflexology Foot Chart - sole

This is a great beginners and professionals reflexology foot map.
Simple diagrams like this one are great to learn, if you are keen to get started
doing reflexology go straight to instructions on how to use a reflexology foot
map today.

Example: how to provide relief from blocked sinuses using this reflexology foot

Locate the sinuses area on the map above (tips of all the fingers and toes)
Repetitively squeeze and release the sinus area for twenty seconds on
each finger or toe (begin on the right hand/ foot with thumb along to little
finger, repeat on left hand/ foot)

Gently rotate all the joints on each finger or toe (begin on the right hand/
foot with thumb along to little finger, repeat on left hand/ foot)
If it is a severe cold, drink plenty of H20
Do reflexology to the whole of both feet or both hands and go back over
the above top three points again until feeling some relief

Reflexology Foot Chart - inside

It's easy to see in this reflexology foot diagram the spine running up the entire
inside of both feet.
The spine is the most important reflexology area because it's the super highway
for all the talking your bones, nerves and muscles do with your brain.

Reflexology Foot Chart - outside

In this reflexology foot map you can see that the shoulder is on the outside edge
of the foot near the toes
Example: how to provide relief for a shoulder ache
Find on the foot the part of the spine that is level with the shoulders (from
bottom of big toe to where the ball of the foot finishes)

Locate the part of the spine that is level with the shoulder area (from the
base of big toe to where ball of foot finishes)

Thumb walk this part on the spine area up and down for several minutes.

Thumb walk the entire shoulder area

Have a large glass of water

Concentrate on breathing through the stomach (watch stomach expand

and fall, rather than breathing and seeing chest rise and fall) in large In and
Out breaths for thirty seconds.

Meridian points on toes

When stimulating the meridian points, apply gentle but firm pressure to each
point, moving in a clockwise, then anti-clockwise motion

If you want more detail in a reflexology foot map contact us or we recommend

finding books by Inge Dougans
Click here for techniques and instructions to learn use a foot reflexology chart
and do a complete treatment!
Reflexology does 3 amazing things; 1. it is relaxing, 2. slightly increases blood circulation,
and 3. promotes balance within the body.

Make sure to visit Reflexology Caution for full list of who can/ can't have reflexology
Reflexology cannot cure anything and information on this website is followed at your own
risk, for more read the Disclaimer here
We're passionate about sharing the ancient techniques of Reflexology with every person that
wants to learn them and relax, thank you for visiting our site.
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1. Top of Head

27. Waist

2. Sinuses

28. Ureters

3. Pituitary Gland

29. Ascending Colon

4. Temporal Area

30. Descending Colon

5. Neck, Cervical

31. Lumbar

6. Upper Lymph Area

32. Small Intestines

7. Parathyroid Gland

33. Sacral

8. Ears

34. Bladder

9. Eyes

35. Ileo-Caecal Valve

10. Thyroid Glands

36. Appendix

11. Shoulder

37. Sigmoid Flexure

12. Lungs and Bronchi

38. Hip & Lower Back

13. Heart Area

39. Coccyx

14. Heart

40. Sciatic Area

15. Spine, Vertebra

41. Rectum

16. Pancreas

42. Uterus

17. Solar Plexus

43. Prostate

18. Stomach & Duodenum

44. Breast

19. Liver

45. Lymph Drainage

20. Spleen

46. Fallopian Tubes

21. Spleenic Fixture

47. Lymph Nodes (Arm Pit)

22. Gall Bladder

48. Sacro Iliac Joint

23. Adrenal Glands

49. Ovary or Testicle

24. Hepatic Flexure

50. Lymph Nodes (Groin)

25. Kidneys

51. Maxilla/Submaxilla (Jaw)

26. Transverse Colon

52. Tonsils


Refer to reiterative foot charts when you are getting ready to give yourself
reflexology. Reiterative foot reflexology charts mirror your body's image. These charts are
based on zones to reflect your body in miniature on your feet.


Know the difference between a Chinese foot chart and a reiterative foot chart. Chinese
foot charts are based on acupuncture meridians. Chinese charts reflect places in your foot that
correspond with other parts of your body, but not in a reiterative pattern.


Remember that foot reflexology maps or charts have multiple views for the top of the foot
and the sole, as well as both sides. It's possible to get confused when you look at charts and
to mix up the top and bottom foot reflexology maps.


Keep in mind that the reflex points on the left foot correspond to the left side of the body,
and the reflex points on the right foot correspond to the right side of your body. In most
cases, organs and other body parts are shown on both the right and left foot charts.


Dont forget to look for the spinal reflex points that are located on the inner sides of your
foot. The reflex points shown on the outer side of your foot correspond to the outer sides of your


Administer reflexology to correspond to broader areas of the body if you have a simple
foot reflexology map that doesnt show all the zones and meridians in your feet.

1. Chinese Reflexology Point for Migraines (Temporal Area)

If you experience migraines or headache pain in the temporal area (sides of your head), this
point is especially effective for moving the Qi to help you get relief. The Chinese Reflexology
point for Migraines (temporal area of your head) is located on the inside of your big toe
between the big toe and second toe.

To massage this point, use your

thumb to press and rub side to side on this area. Start at the tip of your toe and work your
way down. When you get to the base of the toe, pick up your thumb, place it back at the
top of the toe and repeat. Massage for 60 seconds to help smooth the flow of Qi.
If you are experiencing headache or migraine pain on the left side of your head, rub the
Chinese Reflexology point on your RIGHT foot and vice versa if its on the right side of your
head. The reason why you rub the opposite foot is because the energy meridians cross over
at the neck and thus, flow through the opposite sides of your head. If youre feeling pain on
both sides, rub the points on both of your feet.
One thing to note is that this point is very likely going to be extremely sensitive to rub if you
have a headache or get headaches frequently. Sensitive points indicate areas where Qi is
not flowing smoothly. The more sensitive a point feels, the greater the disruption to the flow
of Qi.
You can also rub this point daily even when you dont have pain. The consistent massage
will help the Qi to flow more smoothly through your temporal area and thus, help to
alleviate your symptoms over the long-term.

2. Four Gates: Tai Chong (LV-3) and He Gu (LI-4)

The four gates are actually two acupressure points on your feet and two on your hands.
They are commonly used in acupuncture to treat headaches.
WARNING: Do not massage the Four Gates points if you are pregnant. These
points powerfully move Qi and are contraindicated (not to be used) when
pregnant as they can induce labour.
Tai Chong (LV-3)

Tai Chong is also known as Liver 3 (LV-3) because it is located

on the Liver meridian of your body. In Chinese Medicine, the Liver plays a key role in
ensuring the smooth flow of Qi throughout the body.
The point is located on the top of the foot in the webbing between the big toe and the
second toe. Use your thumb to feel for the bones of the two toes into you feel where the
bones intersect. Then slide your thumb about a thumb-width above this intersection and
press the depression between the bones.

Press and hold for one minute. As mentioned in the Chinese Reflexology point for migraines
(temporal area), youll press on the foot opposite to where youre feeling pain in your head.
Press Liver 3 on both feet if you are feeling pain on both sides of your head.
He Gu (LI-4)
He Gu or Large Intestine 4 (LI-4) is a bonus point Im including because its actually located
on your hands. Combined with LV-3, these points are very powerful for moving Qi and are
known as the Four Gates.

Large Intestine 4 is located on the top of

the webbing of your hand between the thumb and index finger. Its like the Liver 3 of the
hand. An easy way to locate this point is to press your thumb and index finger together.
This will cause the muscle to bulge upwards. LI-4 is located on the highest point on the
Press on this area with your opposite thumb. Then relax your thumb and index fingers as
you press and hold this point for 60 seconds. Remember the opposite rule for where to
press depending on where youre experiencing pain.

Reminder: Please do not press this point if you are pregnant.

3. Zu Ling Qi: (GB-41)

The English translation for Zulingqi is foot overlooking tears. Its aptly named because
when you press this point, its likely be so sensitive that it will bring tears to your eyes.
While there is a saying, No pain. No gain. please use your common sense and go with
what feels comfortable. Its better to err on the lighter side than to press too hard or for too

Zu Lin Qi or Gallbladder 41 (GB-41) is located on the top of the

foot between your pinky toe and second last toe. To locate GB-41, feel along the top of
your foot for the bones of your pinky toe and second last toe. Theyll form a V where they
Gallbladder 41 is just above the point of intersection. Feel in the webbing for a slight
depression. It will be just outside the tendon in your foot. Its okay if you cant feel the
tendon. As long as you are just above where the V intersects, youre close enough as the

entire Gallbladder meridian runs through this area. Once you locate this point, press and
hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
Do I need to mention about the opposite foot? I think youve got this down by now. Psst I
wont even mention it for the last reflexology point.
Because the Gallbladder meridian is paired with the Liver meridian, this point will benefit the
flow of Qi. The Gallbladder meridian also runs through the side of your head and right
through your forehead so its very beneficial for headaches to get Qi flowing smoothly
through this channel. This is also a good point for menstrual issues, so if you get headaches
with your period, this is a beneficial point to press.

4. Chinese Reflexology Point for the Face

If you are experiencing headache or migraine pain in your

face, the Chinese Reflexology point for the face is a good one to massage. The top of your
big toe corresponds to your face, all the way from your forehead to your neck.
Since its not convenient or recommended to massage the toenail, this point is best for just
below the eyes, in your cheeks, the jaw area and the front of your face. Use your thumb to
rub the top of your big toe, side to side, working your way from the base of the toenail to
the base of the toe. When you get to the bottom of the toe, start again at the top. Repeat
for 30 to 60 seconds.

The Cure for Headaches and Migraines

Congratulations! Youve just learned 4 (actually five if you include He Gu on the hand)
points to get your Qi moving smoothly again so that you can get natural relief from
headaches and migraines.
At the beginning of this article, I promised to discuss the headache and migraine cure.
The reason I put the word cure in quotations is because Traditional Chinese Reflexology is
not about diagnosing diseases and curing them.
Fundamentally, the focus of this healing modality is to bring your whole body into balance
by getting your Qi flowing properly. When Qi is flowing as it should, your body will be in a
state of health and well-being. Chinese Reflexology is about finding Qi disharmonies and
clearing them in order to support and promote your bodys natural healing process.
The cure for headaches and migraines is as simple as getting your Qi flowing smoothly
through your body and your head. Then, presto! No more headaches or migraines.
Ultimately, your body wants to be in a state of balance and harmony and Chinese
Reflexology helps you achieve this. There are so many underlying reasons and factors why
someones Qi can be out of balance. (e.g. too much qi, not enough qi). Diet, lack of
exercise (or even too much exercise), stress, worry, emotions, environment all of these
things affect the flow of Qi in your body.
If you try to figure what the problem is, you can start overthinking things, which can also
then impede the flow of Qi in your body! Fortunately, with Chinese Reflexology, when you
massage all of the points on your feet, it doesnt matter what is it out of balance or how its
out of balance. Simply massaging the reflexology point will help to balance the flow of Qi.
Then, your body can then focus on what it does best, which is heal itself. And thats why
Chinese Reflexology is an excellent companion to almost any healing practice (Western or
holistic). It simply helps your body to heal itself.

Want a Quick Reference Chart on how to

locate and massage the 4 points for headache relief?
Simply fill out the form below and youll also receive Chinese Reflexology foot charts, free
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P.S. Its my passion to share Chinese Reflexology with as many people as possible so that
they can experience amazing health and vitality. Its a big job to get the word out, so if you
could please share this article with your friends and family, I would very much appreciate it.
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You might a
Hands are a little smaller and not quite as easily oriented to the torso of the body as the feet are. It is not as easy
(at least for me) to find exact points. Still, hands are more convenient to work on for yourself and I have found
that children love to have their hands massaged. It is very calming and relaxing for them. We all know that there
are times that we would love for our kids to calm down a little.

So.... here you go - a Printable Hand Reflexology Chart:


- See more at:

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