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Miss Debra Jizi

Cecile Kyona
UWRT 1102 - 029
3 May 2016

Happiness Reflection
When I started this research I assumed that circumstances were
a major factor of happiness. I did not even think it was something to
question. I thought circumstances greatly impacted our level of joy and
happiness. After doing this research I discovered that circumstances
only affect our happiness for a certain period of time (typically 3
months), and our happiness level goes back to normal after that period
of time. Studies have shown that circumstances only affect 10 % of our
general level of happiness.
I have learned that I can regularly engage in activities such as
exercising and/or attending religious services to positively boost my
sense of well-being. I like how I have already experienced the effects of
both activities and I could not agree more with this research. I have
found that I have developed feelings of joy and a sense of achievement
since I started working out. I am also more optimistic. I am more
satisfied with my life and even my body shape, which wasnt the case
before. Both working out and engaging in prayer or bible studies have
had a positive impact in my happiness level.

Before reading this article Does Money Buy Happiness, I thought I

knew the answer to this question, but I have come to the same
conclusion as Dan Gilbert and the author of the article: The relationship
between money and happiness is complicated. The similarity in these
individuals research is that happiness is not affected by circumstances
such as wining the lottery or even a loss of a friend or family member.
I am a little frustrated with what I have learned in regard to
aversion to happiness in different cultures. I think it is a very
unfortunate that some cultures are afraid of being happy and
expressing it. Aversion to happiness actually prevents people from
being happy and content about their lives and makes them feeling
guilty for it instead. I must admit that sometimes I am very hesitant to
share some of the most joyful moments of my life with others in the
fear of awaking negative feelings in them. This being said, I believe the
question of aversion to happiness is a complex one.
The hardest part to accept in this research form me was
that money actually has a part to play in happiness. Im one of those
people who believe that money can buy a bed but it wont buy sleep,
however this research broke some of those barriers down an have
introduced me to a different perspective. Although I havent
completely let go of what I originally believed I have realized that the
idea that money contributes to greater well-being could actually make

If I were do to more research on happiness I would love to

find out more about the two types of happiness Dan Gilbert mentioned
in his TED talk. I am curious to know which one is more important than
the other as well as the steps to take into attaining both forms of
happiness. The most valuable information I learned and would like to
carry with me from this research is the fact although circumstances do
affect us; they do not have a constant effect on our overall level of
happiness. Being aware of this information will help me go through the
hard times of live with the confidence that they will not sadden forever
and I will eventually get my joy back.

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