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el telfono :

bien considero que el invencin del telfono es uno de los mejores ya que nos
permite comunicarnos con las dems personas sin importar donde se
encuentre .
La historia de quien invent el telfono es realmente curiosa , Antonio meucci
lo invento con el nombre de teletrofono . en 1876 Antonio Meucci lo construy
para conectar su oficina con su dormitorio, ubicado en el segundo piso, debido al reumatismo
de su esposa.
Meucci era un hombre sin recursos econmicos asi que no pudo patentar su
idea legalmente . En cambio, Graham Bell perteneca a una familia de dinero
asi que adopto tales ideas de meucci y lo patento como suyo fundo su empresa
y se hizo millorario .
Meucci hizo un juicio contra bell por la idea del aparato pero muri
intentandolo e inmerso en la miseria . en el 2002 un congreso delos USA
reconocio a menucci como el inventor del telfono .

Ingles :
Well, I think the invention of the telephone is one of the best because it allows
us to communicate with other people, no matter where you are.
The story of who invented the telephone is really curious, Antonio Meucci
invented it with the name of teletrofono. In 1876 antonio meucci built it to
connect your office to your bedroom, located on the second floor, due to
rheumatism of his wife.
Meucci was a man without economic resources so he couldnt patent his idea
legally. In return , graham bell belonged to a wealthy family and patented the
idea as his own, founded his company and became rich .
Meucci made a judgment against alexander bell by the idea of the device but
died on trying and immersed in misery . in 2002, Mennucci is recognized as the
inventor of the telephone by a congress of the USA.

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