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Center Arrangement
Materials List
For the low shelving unit:
Top Shelf/workspace:
- Growing avocado tree

- Tolsby frames with Leaves
- Wooden bowls with:
o Acorns
o Pinecones
o Seeds
o Bark
o Large variety of leaves (for identification and exploration)
o Tree nuts (check for allergies/school policy)
- Pine needle discovery bottles

Lower Shelves:
- Basket with magnifying glasses
- Ruler or unit blocks (to measure the avocado tree)
- Writing/drawing utensils
- Tracing paper and journaling books
- Additional Leaves (laminated for use on the light table)
- Informational books about trees. Examples:
o The Tree Book for Kids and Their Grown-ups by Gina Ingoglia
o Trees, Leaves, and Bark by Diane Burns
o The Life Cycle of a Tree by Bobbie Kalman
- Tree slab puzzle
- Tree slabs (variety of sizes)
- Tape
For the light table:
Set up 1:
- Sea glass pieces, flat and smooth
- Gems
- Tree branches and twigs
Set up 2:
- Laminated Leaves
- Tracing paper
- Crayons and pencils
For the Walls:
- Tree charts labeling parts of a tree (see pictures for examples)
- Extra space for children to hang their leaf rubbings or drawings

Material Inspiration Picture Examples

(Gathered from Pinterest and Google Images)

Growing an Avocado Tree Set up:

Tolsby frames with Leaves:

Pine needle discovery bottles:

Light Table set up 1:

Tree slab puzzle:

Light Table set up 2:

Science Center Furniture Arrangement

Wall (with charts and relevant project work displayed)

Light Table

Low, child sized

table, with 3-4 chairs
placed around it.

Low Shelving
unit, with
work space
on top,
placed under
a window.

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