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4-Summarize child development theories

Child development refers to the biological, psychological, and emotional changes

that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence. The study of
child development helps us understand the whys so we are better prepared to
improve a childs life. I learned through discussion board #1 that the way we
interact with children will leave a lasting imprint that can affect them for a long
time. Children learn when they have positive role models in their lives. The study of
child development and the different theories will help give me the information and
experience I need to help children grow to their full potentials. I learned from the
power point Principles of development that development is defined as an ever
changing process in which humans change physically, cognitively, socially, and
emotionally. I learned in Chapter 1 of Children that understanding the motions of
child development a make you become a better parent. The patterns of human
development is created by different process. These processes influence changes in
development. Most developmental theorist recognize it would be unwise to take
extreme position on the issues that affect development. The theories of child
development all contribute to the overall picture we use to help a child develop. The
most important issues in the study of childrens development are nature and
nurture, continuity and discontinuity, and early and later experiences. There is a
wide range of theories in child development. I learned in Chapter 1 of Children no
single theory accounts for all aspects of a childs development. Five major
theoretical perspectives on a childs development are:
1) Psychoanalytical theories-Which describe development as a primary
unconscious and heavily colored by emotions.
2) Cognitive theories-Which emphasize conscious thoughts.
3) Biological and social cognitive theories-Which emphasizes we can study only
what can be directly observed and measured.
4) Ethological theories- Which is the study that stresses behavior is strongly
influenced by biology, is tied to evolution, and is characterized by critical or
sensitive periods.
5) Ecological theories-Which emphasizes environmental factors influence a
childs development.
All these theories examine in varying degrees biological, cognitive, and
socioemotional processes. I learned from the power point Children that study of
child development theories are used to improve a childs life, health, and well-being,
learn better parenting, improve child education, and better social policies affecting
children. I learned the significance of attachment throughout childhood. Attachment
is a major milestone in a childs life and remains throughout their lifespan.
Attachment helps infants regulate negative emotions, explore their environment,
and allows positive secure base experiences. Secure bonds are an essential
foundation to a childs lifelong learning. I learned behaviorism is an approach to
psychology based on the proposition that behavior can be researches scientifically
without recourse to inner mental states. Here are a few of the major
accomplishments and the theories they were part of:

Psychoanalytical Theories
1) Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)- proposed that personality has three structures;
1) The ID- instinctive, unconscious
2) The Ego- deals with the demands of reality
3) The Superego-the moral branch of personality
Sigmund Freud Theory had five stages:
1) The oral stage (From birth to 1 years)
2) The anal stage (1 to 3 years)
3) The phallic stage (3-6 years)
4) The latency stage (6 years to puberty)
5) The genital stage (Puberty onward)
Sigmund Freud believed early life experiences determined your
problems later in life.
2) Erik Erikson (1902-1994)
Erickson believed the primary motives for human behavior is social and
reflects a desire to affiliate with other people. There were eight
developmental stages throughout life:
1) Trust vs. mistrust
2) Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
3) Initiative vs. guilt
4) Industry vs. inferior
5) Identity vs. identity confusion
6) Intimacy vs. isolation
7) Generativity vs. stagnation
8) Integrity vs. despair
Each stage has a unique developmental task that must be resolved to
proceed to the next step.
Cognitive Theories
Cognitive theorists emphasize conscious thoughts.
1) Jean Piaget (1896-1980)
Piaget theory emphasizes that children actively construct their understanding
of the world and go through four stages of cognitive development;
1) The sensorimotor stage
2) The preoperational stage
3) The concrete operational stage
4) The formal operational stage
Jean Piaget pioneered the field of childrens cognitive development.
2) Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934)
Vygotsky theory is a social cultural cognitive theory that emphasizes how
culture and social interactions guide cognitive development. He believed
children actively construct their knowledge.
Behavioral and social cognitive theories

1) Ivan Pavlov and John B. Watson provided the foundation of behaviorism.

Behaviorism essentially holds that we can study scientifically only what we
can directly observe and measure.
Social Cognitive Theories emphasize behavior, environment, and cognitive is
the key factors in development. This is the theory of Albert Banduras Social
cognitive theory.

Ethological Theories
Ethology stresses that behavior is strongly influenced by biology, is tied to
evolution, and is characterized by critical or sensitive periods. Konrad Loreig
and John Bradly contributed to this theory

Ecological Theories
Ecological theory emphasizes environmental factors. Urie Bonfenbrenner
develops the Bronfenbrenner ecological theory which emphasizes
development is influences by several environmental factors. There are five
developmental stages:
1) Microsystem
2) Mesosystem
3) Ecosystem
4) Macrosystem
5) Chronosystem
I learned for observations to be effective, they have to be systematic. The American
Psychological Association developed a code of ethics which includes informed
consent, confidentiality, debriefing, and deception. Although theories are helpful
guidelines, relying on one single theory to explain development is probably a
mistake. I learned from Erik Eriksons theory there are specific stages in the social
and emotional development of children. Erikson believed personality develops in
stages that are effected by social experiences across a lifetime and reflects a desire
to affiliate with other people. Erikson believed ego identity is the conscious sense of
self that is developed through social interactions. The theory of psychosocial
development is one of the best known theories of personalities. Erikson believed we
go through eight stages of development. In each stage there is a turning point in
development and first must be resolved to go the next stages. Eriksons stages are:

Trust Vs. mistrust

Autonomy Vs. shame and doubt
Initiative Vs. guilt
Industry Vs. inferior
Identity Vs. identity confusion
Intimacy Vs. isolation
Generativity Vs. stagnations
Integrity Vs. despair

When caregivers are consistent and emotionally available trust will develop. The
development of trust is based on dependability and the quality of care a baby
receives. I learned through my reflection of Lev Vygotsky culture and social
interaction guide cognitive development. A childs development is in inseparable
from social and cultural activities.
Culture teaches children what and how to think. Knowledge is advanced through
interactions with others in cooperative activities. Through culture children acquire
the content of their thinking and provides the process as a means of their thinking.
We teach children how to solve their own problems through interactions. The zone
of proximal development is the differences between what a child can do on their
own and what a child can do with help. Understanding the different theories and the
study of development supports childrens growth and learning I learned from the
Piaget reflection that interaction establishes cognitive structures in children.
Piaget constructed a highly influential model of child development and learning.
Children organize their observations and experiences and adapt them to
environmental demands. This is important when working with children. Piaget
believed children progress through four stages.
1) The sensorimotor stage- From birth to age two, children learn through
reaching, grasping, and reflective behavior. Through physical interactions a
child builds concepts about reality and how it works. A child is internally
2) The preoperational stage- From two to age seven, speech is the main
advancement. Children are not yet able to conceptualize abstractly and
needs concrete physical situations.
3) Concrete operations- From age seven to eleven, children start to
conceptualize, creating logical structures that explain their physical
4) Formal operations- From age eleven to fifteen, a child cognitive structures
include conceptual reasoning.
During all developmental stages children experience the environment using mental
maps they have constructed. The developmental stages of a child enhances
learning in our classrooms. These theories are important in assessing the
development of children. Child care programs present a critical opportunity for the
promotion of child development. Developmental stages enhances a childs learning.

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