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Matt Kandler
Ms. Gardner
English 10h/ Period 4
6 May 2016
Climate Change: A Global Problem
The 20th centurys last twenty years to date have been the hottest in 400 years, says
Pete Spotts, a devoted writer and researcher of climate change, who along with 95% of scientists
believes climate change is a real phenomenon and humans are mostly to blame. According to, (Climate change is) a long-term change in the earth's climate, especially a
change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature. While this is very true, it
does not do justice to the immense effects climate change has on earth and its inhabitants.
Climate change is an issue that affects all people, as earth is where all people live. From rising
sea levels, to hotter temperatures, to extreme weather, climate change is a threat to everyone.
Climate change needs to be controlled, recognized, and prevented by all because of its
detrimental, unpredictable, and deadly effects.
Without being properly informed, many would argue that climate change is not real or
not enough of a problem to deal with because they may believe it is a science with much
uncertainty and speculation involved. For example, some scientists say the earth goes through
cycles in which periods of time have more intense climates than others (Why Global Warming
is Taking a Break). Additionally, some scientists even say research shows CO2 levels are
optimum and there is nothing to fear. ('Climate Consensus' Data Need a More Careful Look).
Some scientists even believe climate change is a past phenomenon that no longer affects the
world (Why Global Warming Is Taking a Break). To summarize, those in disagreement of

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climate change believe there is no solid evidence to prove it is happening, and therefore it is not
something dangerous enough to try to prevent. While there may be speculation involved in
proving climate change, there is enough evidence around the world to show that climate change
is a relevant phenomenon that is inimical to the earth and a phenomenon which must be
controlled from becoming further damaging.
Admittedly, climate change research could have stronger findings that are easier to
understand. Nevertheless, when one considers the visible detrimental effects climate change
continues to have on the environment, it is impossible to deny its existence. For example, the
oceans fastest change in chemistry in 300 million years is happening now (Renton). Also, the
melting of the polar ice caps is causing a vast number of ecological issues, from sea levels rising
to the destruction of fragile coastal ecosystems, such as the Mediterranean and even California
coastlines (Renton). Further, James McCarthy, a climate change researcher, stated, the last
seven years have been the lowest recorded (polar ice cap levels) in more than three decades of
satellite observations. Based on this research and apparent evidence, it is clear that the earth is
in an unnatural state. It would be irrational to deny climate change's existence and allow these
detrimental occurrences to continue. If so many unnatural occurrences are happening in this
modern time, how else, other than climate change, could they be explained?
Furthermore, climate change is a dangerously unpredictable phenomenon which must be
controlled through recognition and prevention from an educated human race. Everyone must
realize the unpredictable situations that can only be explained by climate change. James
McCarthy of the Tribune News Service, suggests, The rate of rise was almost twice as fast over
the past 20 years than earlier in the 20th century. Similarly, The first decade of this millennium
2001 to 2010 was the warmest since measurements began 160 years ago (McCarthy).

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Frighteningly, a domino effect has been triggered as greenhouse gases rise into the atmosphere,
causing global temperature rise, melting the polar ice caps, ultimately beginning a variety of
ecological problems created by sea level rise. (Renton) Clearly, in recent years, earths climate
has changed in a rapid sequence, a sequence that has become unpredictable and a danger to earth
and to all of its inhabitants. Therefore, these unpredictable changes must be prevented and
controlled by an educated human race who are aware and capable of changing their ways. In
recent years, the unpredictable climate has shown menacing signs that must be suppressed before
they become unstoppable.
Ultimately, climate change will have and has had deadly effects when not recognized.
Not only is the environment suffering, but countless species of animals are affected and killed by
climate change. While climate change is not yet a direct threat to the lives of humans, being
informed on the deadly effects it has on some animals would make the imminent threat clear. To
illustrate, according to Alex Renton, a knowledgeable researcher and advocate of climate change
awareness, Evidence from around the world is that they (hundreds of coastal species) will not
(survive by 2100). Coastal destruction is directly caused by the rise in sea levels, which clearly
can be blamed on the rise in earths temperature. Coastal life which has inhabited Earth for
thousands of years has become threatened constantly by environmental changes, and even in
some cases, extinction. A study by, revealed that over 200 species of animals,
including polar bears and penguins are threatened by extinction due to climate change. In
addition, hundreds of habitats have already been destroyed in very recent years due to rises in
water level (Renton). These rises in water level will soon be revealed as even more deadly if the
climate is not controlled soon. Coastal and arctic species live in fragile habitats which directly
relate to water levels and ice cap levels. With the forces of nature becoming more and more

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harsh, even more endangered animals will perish if nothing is done. Obviously, the effects of
climate change have proven to be extremely deadly and destructive. From wetland birds to polar
bears, hundreds of species are under the threat of extinction due to climate change, and humans
are to blame. Species never before threatened have now been driven to chaos, a direct result of
humans. Most people do not realize that they are causing this, as it is a direct connection with
climate change being a middle man, which is a major problem. The blood of many animals is on
the hands of humans, and the flow will continue until something is done. The only way to stop
the problem is to inform people.
In conclusion, climate change is detrimental to the environment in numerous ways,
extremely unstable and rapidly unpredictable, and brutally deadly, killing hundreds of animals.
Climate change will destroy habitats, environments, animals, entire species, and over all, our
only earth. As stated by James MacCarthy,
Earths climate is changing in profoundly unusual ways. We are wittingly and
unwittingly contributing to this change. The evidence couldnt be more clear. Perhaps the
largest uncertainty about future climate is whether or not we as a people will engage the
power of scientific understanding to reduce the chances of major climate disruption.
Humans may have not been directly affected by climate change yet, but if everyone does not
soon acknowledge it and make a change in their lifestyles, humans will soon be drastically
affected. We must ensure everyone knows the frightening abilities of climate change before it is
too late. Humans may be to blame for climate change, but we can still be the saviors of climate
change as well.

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Works Cited
"Analysis: Global Warming Killing Some Species." N.p., 21 Nov. 2006. Web. 06
"'Climate Consensus' Data Need a More Careful Look." Wall Street Journal 2012 aug 14: P. A.14
DB - SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.
"The Definition of Climate Change." LLC, n.d. Web. 09 May 2016.
Mccarthy, James J. "Just Past the Hottest Decade Ever, It's Clear the Globe Is Still..." McClatchy
- Tribune News Service 2013 oct 14: N.p. DB - SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.
Renton, Alex. "The Disaster We've Wrought on the World's Oceans May Be Irrevocable."
Newsweek 2014 jul 11: N.p. DB - SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.
Spotts, Pete. "Climate Change: Scientists Now 95 Percent Certain We Are Mostly To..."
Christian Science Monitor 2013 aug 20: N.p. DB - SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Apr.
"Why Global Warming Is Taking a Break." NewsRx Health & Science(2014 Sep 07): P. 196 DB
- SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 25 Apr. 2016.

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