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Wagner 1

Megan Wagner
ENG 111
A Walk in the Woods
March 3, 2016

You Got a Friend in Me?

Everyone has different types of friends, we have work friends, fun friends, and certain friends we

Commented [APM1]: Indent new paragraphs 5 spaces or a full


do a certain thing with each other them. Overall these friendships have one thing in common,
you enjoy the persons company. In a Walk in the Woods, you see that Katz and Bryson do not
really care for one another. Katz and Bryson have an offbeat friendship; at times, their friendship
is healthy and normal and at other times is negative towards one another. I will divulge in the
aspects that Katz and Brysons friendship works and does not work.

Commented [APM2]: Consider rephrasing. This is a little

confusing. How do you divulge in aspects of friendship?

Bryson and Katz have a dynamic friendship that does not follow the lines of a normal one. It is
almost negative towards one another. They are not good companionship for one another they go
long times without seeing one another. [Insert Quote] When another is in distress or scared they
do not comfort one another rather laugh at the other [insert Quote]. Bryson and Katz have strong
views on what is right and wrong that contradict one another. They are opposites in the terms of
their perspective;, Bryson has a realist perspective while Katz is an optimist. Bryson stresses
over details of the trip and likes to be over- prepared. While Katz brings along candy bars and
junk food that isnt the best to eat while embarking on a difficult journey. They butt heads early

Commented [APM3]: This must be a note for your next draft.

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on in their journey when Katz lags behind Bryson and when he catches up to Byrson we found
out that he had thrown out supplies (Cite). Katz found that his pack was too heavy for his taste
and threw things out at random to lighten his load (Cite). When Bryson finds out what Katz has

Commented [APM4]: Summaries and paraphrases need to be

cited, too.

done, Bryson had a mini heart attack and becaome frustrated with Katz. The men also are
different in that Katz enjoys the companionship of others while Bryson craves for
companionship but is never satisfied from it. Bryson easily becomes annoyed with people and

Commented [APM5]: Great insight into Bryson.

becomes introverted. Bryson knew that, in order for him to successfully complete the
Appalachian Trail, he needed a companion. Despite having this many differences, their
friendship works.
Katz and Brysons friendship developed over time during the trail into an almost positive
friendship. They bonded over the hardship of the trail. Bryson also grew as a person making him
more understanding and showingd have better patience which gave Bryson and Katz a better
friendship. Katz grew emotionally and physically. From hiking the Appalachian Trail partially he

Commented [APM6]: This statement needs evidence from the

text to back it up. I could easily argue that Bryson didnt grow on
his journey. This point, then, is debatable and needs support.

was able to shed some pounds and work up his endurance. Though he could never keep up with
Bryson, he shorten the lead Bryson had on Katz and Katz could always easily catch up at the end
of the day to make camp. Katz also overcame alcoholism. In the beginning of the journey Katz
wanted to stop at the barn and keep drinking and stay a few nights before they started their

Katz found that alcohol lost his appeal and didnt help him hike at all. Katz found his health

Commented [APM7]: This needs to have some textual

evidence. I dont remember him wanting to drink in the beginning.
Only after he came back from Des Moines to go to the 100 mile
wilderness in Maine.

along the way while Bryson found something different. Bryson found patience on the trail.

Commented [APM8]: Consider making a new paragraph here.

journey. Bryson did not agree with Katz idea of the hike being a bar crawl. Soon along the hike

Bryson at time didnt even care for Katz and he was the person Bryson invited to join him on the
trail. Bryson who used to consider himself an introvert, found that he craved and needed
companionship. In the beginning Bryson was not the most likeable person and did not get along

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with anyone it seemed like. He left a woman alone on the trail who wasnt sure how to hike it
and in my opinion mentally unstable, just because she was annoying Bryson by talking too
much. Along the trail Bryson also met another group of young adults along the trail and found a

Commented [APM9]: Cite and textual evidence.

female in the group annoying so he took her shoelaces. Then you come to the conclusion that

Commented [APM10]: Katz did this.

Bryson does not tolerate people with high intellect, so when they stumble across a surgeon
hiking the Appalachian Trail, he mock the surgeon and found him annoying with his stories.
Bryson did not care for the Surgeons stories of how he and a friend survived a harsh winter
while hiking another time. Bryson even admitted that he would never consider doing that for
anyone that he would not shed his clothes and share body heat for anyone in grave danger. As
the nNovel continues, Bryson and Katz fall into a steady rhythm and schedule. Bryson finds that
he starts to enjoy Katzs companionship that he enjoys what Katz can contribute to his life as a
friend. Katz and Bryson develop a relationship that is very similar that brothers have. Though

Commented [APM11]: This needs textual evidence.

Bryson will always remain and introvert, he became more patient when talking to people and not
so quick to judge someone. When he comes across the last stranger he will meet along his hike
he finds great comfort in her and even refers to her as mom. [Insert quote].
A Walk in the Woods is a friendship story, not the stereotypical friendship story but never less a
friendship story. A story of two people developing a close bond and friendship despite their
differences. Though the characters are not the most likeable people they show that even the most
unlikeable sort of people can make friends.

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Works Cited
Bryson, Bill. A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail. New

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York: Broadway, 1998. Print.

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You have some good insights into Boryson and Katzs character and friendship in your
essay. The primary area for revision is adding the textual evidence you need to support
your points. Also, since this seems like a rough draft, it would need a few rounds of
editing and proofing to catch all the places that need citations and grammatical

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Wagner 5





Does not meet Requirements


Student makes a clear interpretation of the book

and evaluative claim using the form of Claim
because Reasons. Student effectively employs
concepts of analyzing texts and close reading.
Focuses discussion on topics from prompt to
evaluate and interpret the text. Supports claims
with textual and contextual references. The
analysis is sophisticated, fresh and exciting,
posing new ways to think of the material.

Thoughtfully engages with

ideas presented in text. Takes
some chances. Needs to stretch
analysis a bit further. Employs
concepts and methods of literary
analysis effectively and mostly
focuses on supporting a clear
interpretation of the text.

Shows engagement with

ideas in text by choosing
appropriate quotations,
but may lack sufficient
analysis. Inconsistently
employs concepts and
methods of textual analysis
and/or may incorrectly
apply these strategies in
her/his analysis. Analysis
diverges from the
rhetorical aspects of text.

Quotations may not be

appropriate for analysis;
analysis skims surface or
may not relate to purpose
of the assignment. Rarely
employs methods and
concepts from this unit
and/or diverges too heavily
from the rhetorical aspects
of text.

Analysis fails to offer

insight into effectiveness
of text for authors
purpose and situation.
Student does not apply
methods/concepts of
rhetorical analysis from
this unit and does not
focus on rhetorical aspects
of text.


Follows the Three CCoherent, Connected, and

Compelling throughout; developed logical
structure, sophisticated transitions, coherent.

Mostly follows the Three

Cs; developed logical
structure but may lack
transitions or clear topic

Rarely, if ever, follows the

Three Cs; includes confusing
or unclear transitions and
topic sentences.

Reader has to work too

hard to make connections
due to absence of
transitions & paragraph


Effective use of sources to support and enhance

thesis; all quotations well integrated and cited
properly. All paraphrases cited. All quotes and
paraphrases are explained and analyzed.

Effective use of sources to support

and enhance thesis; the majority of
quotations and paraphrases well
integrated and cited properly.
Almost all the quotes and
paraphrases are unpacked and

Follows the Three Cs

sporadically but shows an
attempt; structure may
lack development,
transitions, or clear topic
Effective use of sources to
support and enhance thesis;
most quotations well
integrated and cited properly.
Some quotes and paraphrases
are explained and adequately

Information from sources not

used to support the thesis;
some quotations are cited
properly. Few quotes are
integrated properly. Few
quotes and paraphrases are
explained and analyzed or are
done poorly.

Information from sources

generally does not support
and enhance thesis;
quotations are not well
integrated and cited
properly. Little to no
analysis and explanation of
quotes and paraphrases.


Significant growth from draft

to draft; avid participation in workshops and
peer review.

Ample revisions. Good

participation in workshops and
peer review.

Moderate revisions. Average

participation in workshops or
peer review.

Few notable changes b/w

Unmotivated participation in
peer review and workshops.

No clear effort in revising the

essay. Did not participate in
peer review or workshops.

etc. (20)


Exceptional command of
language other surface features of text.
Correct citation style.

Strong command of
language and other surface features.
Some minimal errors; citation style
often used correctly.

Problems in language usage

and other surface features.
Several errors in citation style
and punctuation.

Distracting surface errors.

Citations often excluded or

Did you proofread? No in

text citations and/or works
cited page.



Engagement with

Organization and
Using Sources

Writing Workshop
and Revision

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