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Lauren Renner
Professor Olding
College Writing II
13 May 2016
Zen Movement
The zen movement was a large part of the 50s and 60s. It is still very popular today with
everyone that does meditation, and is used among practicing buddhists. Zen was used immensely
among the hippies, it was a huge part of their self exploration process. One of the main topics
and points to zen is the idea of self exportation. Zen is a complex and complicated thing to
understand but I have done my best to break down some of the main topics of zen and how it
influenced the 50s and 60s. First I looked at the begging of zen and how it came about in the
buddhist religion. Then I looked at the meaning of zen and zazen and how to achieve the state of
enlightenment. After that I explain what the symbol of zen (the ens) is and what it symbolizes.
Next I discuss the impact Alan Watts has on zen and his different thoughts on matters. Finally I
explain how the hippie movement was effected by the practice of zen and how it all ties into the
topic of self exploration. Alan Watts influenced the 50s and 60s in numerous ways with how he
impacted the zen movement, and how that influenced the people of this time period with self
Through researching zen I have learned that no one can fully understand what zen truly is. The
more research I did the more confused I became. Then things started to make a little more sense
to me. Many papers, people and website told me that I will not ever truly understand the full
meaning of zen or how to achieve this enlightenment state. This frustrated me and confuse me

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beyond belief, but I did get a pretty good general understanding of zen Buddhism. I came across
a website that explains how hard it is to define zen, it said, Defining Zen is like trying to
describe the taste of honey to someone who has never tasted it before. You can try to explain the
texture and scent of honey, or you can try to compare and correlate it with similar foods.
However, honey is honey! As long as you have not tasted it, you are in the illusion of what honey
is(Your Guide to Zen Buddhism). When I found this I felt better about the fact that no one can
truly define what it is, it wasn't just me. Zen is something that you have to experience for
yourself, not something that can easily be defined, which is why it is so difficult to explain.
However I hope I explain it well enough to get the main points and ideas of zen across.
Zen is a part of Buddhism, so it has all of buddhists beliefs and morals. Buddhism started with
a man named Siddhartha Gautama who was later given the name Buddha, meaning the awakened
or enlightened one. At 35 years old he sat in the louts position (the same position you sit in while
meditating) under a bodhi tree where he went though three different stages. During the first stage
he saw all of his reincarnations of past lives, the next step is where he reached clairvoyance
where he was able to see everyone else karma. And the final stage was the enlightenment stage
where he became the Buddha. For 80 years he taught people about meditation and about being
able to achieving zen and enlightenment for themselves. Buddha didnt write down any of his
teachings or rules people would have to follow. Instead he rooted Buddhism on the teachings of
dharma (which were what the teaching of Buddha were called) from master to student and with
stories that were passed down form generation to generation. The Buddha is known as one of the
most influential figure in the world, known and touched by so many, helping people to better find
and understand themselves.

1.Third paragraph Information from (Terkel)

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Zen teachings began in the East where Buddhism started, then later teachings of zen began to
spread to the West. This new found interest in zen was believed to come from the idea of having
new life awareness for yourself and everything around you. Along with the idea of everything
being limitless. However different countries put emphasis on different concepts. In India they
focus on the philosophical and intellectual aspect of zen, while China focuses on the practical
and down to earth ideals, and Japan focuses on the esthetic and emotional appeals. Once again
when one try to define zen, it only limits and weakens its meaning all together. Zen has to do
with our deepest self and the chance for new experiences. Quite a few of the zen students follow
four main cues that help them to stay on track with there learning. First there is no dependence
on words and letters in zen. Second that zen is an experience you have to encounter outside of
the typical class teachings. Third is the symbol of someone pointing to mans mind, as to say
everything you need is right here in your head. And lastly to see yourself as becoming Buddha,
because it is believed that everyone has the Buddha spirit in them you just have to become one
with this spirit. Zen has no doctrines, and is not a part of the Buddhists sutras or written
teachings. It is something that can only be taught from person to person passed down from
generation to generation. There are rules set out that you can follow but the main emphasis is on
being able to change the nature of a man and helping him to become the buddha that is inside.
It is believed that as time changes people of our generation become more and more agitated
because they need a direct definition of what zen means. Our generation is the type to need direct
answers and they need them now. So to do so zen master Professor Reiho helps people better
understand the meaning by giving three main points that any definition needs to cover, 1.The
practice of zazen, 2.Penetrating to the true self 3.Vitalizing the true self in daily life(Reiho).

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One needs to practice the meditation of zazen and be able to recognize and become familiar with
there true selves while remembering to hone your true self while living your every day lives.
Zazen is a form of meditation where you meditate sitting down cross legged up right. While
sitting you have to try and clear your mind while also trying to think about the true meaning for
the world and everything around you. While meditating you would gain the ability to balance
your body, mind and your breathing. Zazen is not meant to be a step in reaching enlightenment
or exploring yourself but to relax and clam the mind. It has been found to help heal illnesses,
relive anxiety or stress, and eliminate bad habits.
Practice is a huge part of being able to reach zen. You have to practice throughout your daily
life or you wont be able to get anywhere. You have to be able to live every moment to the fullest
ability you can, you can not leave a day wasted. To be able to reach the state of zen you wish to
you will have to push discrimination out of your mind and be open to thinking freely. There is a
lot of emphasis on the mind and self exploration but the use of your body in meditation and
every day use is also very important. The world we live in is all about technology and machines
and the next big thing, but you have to be able to increase your awareness of who you are and
what it is you believe in. Though the thought of being able to reach enlightenment and have that
moment of awareness is the goal many say that the journey is just as important of a thing as the
destination. In a journal I found Burke and Shephens explain, Getting into the real nature of
one's own mind or soul is the fundamental object of Zen Buddhism, and most Zen experts seem
to be saying that half the benefit of being there is getting there, and unless you find your own
way there, you never really get there at all(Burke and Stephens). You have to be able to enjoy
and learn form the journey to enlightenment and you can not rely on someone to tell you exactly
1. Paragraph 4-6 use information from (Zen in Daily Life)
2. Paragraph 6 also uses information from (Zen Theory and the Creative Course)

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how to get there, you have to be able to make your own journey or you will never be able to find
what it is that you want.
The symbol of Zen is known as an ens. It is a symbol for the beginning and the end of
everything. It is the emptiness yet the fullness of all things and the presence and absence of all
things. The ens is also known as the circle of enlightenment, it symbolizes no-thing which is
the perfect meditation state to be in. It is also known to be a symbol for the moon which is noted
to also be a token for enlightenment. It can be known for meaning strength, elegance and the
universe. Since the ens symbol has so many different meanings to it, it lets you create your own
definition of what you believe the ens to mean. With believing in this symbol and living by it
you begin to accept the little imperfections in life as being perfect. During meditation the master
paints the ens on the floor for their students to meditate on. The ens is not an elaborate piece of
artwork, making it easy for anyone to draw. However there are very few painters known for their
excellent ability to draw/paint the ens. This ability is believed to represent the artists mastery of
zen itself. Creation of the ens symbolizes in itself the moment in time that the artists mind is
free to let the spirit use their physical body to create the ens. The zen masters hands work
together with the power of the ens to help the ones who meditate on it be able to reach a higher
level of consciousness. There are two different styles to the ens, one is an open circle while the
other is closed. An open ens is described as not contained within itself: but opens out to
infinity(Modern Zen). While a closed one equals totality of experience and life. The over all
message is to tell people to stop searching for this so called perfection and let the universe work
everything out how it chooses to.

1. The symbol of Zen information is from (Modern Zen Illumination Mind~Body~Spirit)

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Zen storytelling is a teaching to the students about moral values and education. While
instilling instruction, skill development, inspiration and the transformation of a person. It is
meant to open the listeners mind to new ideas and concepts. The listener is expected to let go of
the way they are used to thinking about things and try out new ways or perspectives at looking at
problems and life. This openness will help to transform you into being a new person.
Transformation is so important because individuals remake themselves to become more whole or
fully alive. However you can not try to change a person all together, what they believe in and
how they feel about certain things. Trying to completely change a person contradicts the idea that
zen makes, that the meaning of mortality is to see another person as having their own ideas,
beliefs and innate worth. The storytelling does not tell you how to think and be. It provides you
with an educational environment for each person to grow and evolve with what they are given.
Personal transformation is all about the idea of finally being able to see things differently.
Whether it be the way you see the world, or developing different attitudes about things, as well
as different emotions and feelings towards people or ideas. It is about exploring yourself and
what is within you, along with the world and people around you. All while creating an identity
for yourself that is truly you.
Alan Watts was a very large part of the zen movement in the late 50s and through the 60s. He
did many talks in person and over the internet. He liked to say Anybody who says they know
what zen is, is a fraud nobody knows.(Watts) He says this because it is very hard to truly
understand the full meaning of zen and I don't think he believes anybody can know the true
definition. He was a man that would try to explain what he could about zen by using stories and
analogies to describe it. Much like buddhists would do when writing poems or taking to their

1.Zen story telling information is from (Zen and the art of Storytelling)

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students. Alan described zen like this Zen is nothing you are supposed to believe in. Its a set of
ideas, a net in which one tries to catch the fish of reality. The fish of reality is more like water it
always slips right through the net and there is nothing you can hang onto. All the universe is like
water, it is fluid, it is changing. When you are thrown into the water after being accustomed to
living on the dry land and you try to stand and catch hold on the water, as a result you drown.
The only way too survive in the water is to learn to swim. To swim you relax, let go and you
have to breath in the right way. You find that the water holds you up, in a way you become the
water.(Watts) This analogy helped me out the most with trying to wrap my head around the idea
of zen. I still don't understand it all in its entirety, though from what I have learned no one does.
Zen helps you to understand reality of your life, and everything around you. But you can not just
dive right into coming to terms with understanding yourself and reality. You can not think about
it too much, you have to relax and go with the flow of what life hands you. Otherwise much like
getting thrown into the water you will drown, you will not be able to change if you continue to
live your life the exact same way you always have. You'll have to change, grow and develop as
different circumstances in your life change, grow and develop.
The 50s and 60s were when the hippy movement was going on, and huge part of this
movement was the idea of self exploration. The people of the hippie counter culture movement
had the same ideas and morals as those of zen. They were both invested in the idea about the
importance of ones spiritual being rather than putting importance in the established institutions
and government. The hippies were all looking for a meaning to life, just like zen puts a major
strain on the idea to find yourself and your purpose. Both have the vision of not worrying or
caring what others think of you, it is only important what you think and that you are happy with

1. Information of Alan Watts is from (Zen Bones and Tales) also (The way of Zen)

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your decisions. Zen buddhism and the hippies were concerned with the environment and the
power of the earth, as well as both having the belief to be vegetarian and eco-friendly. The late
50s and early 60s was the era of self exploration, a time to try new things and explore a new set
of ideas. This lead many young people/ hippies to come across the ideas of Hinduism, Buddhism
and Native American mysticism. Hippies wanted to expand their self exploration and broaden
their perspectives of the world around them. Though much of this new self exploration was
through the use of drugs, psychedelics being one of the most highly used drugs. These drugs
helped some people on their quest to find themselves, though others were ruined by them. Zen
Buddhism was a huge hit at the beginning of the hippie counter culture movement. It was
focused primarily on meditation and the idea of being, no thinking. Zen spiked a lot of peoples
interest because it has no doctrine, it is a more free spirited way of living rather than a set of
rules you have to follow like religion. The Vietnam war was going on at this time and the
soldiers that were stationed there were the first Americans to be exposed to zen Buddhism. They
found peace with the way of zen in a time and place that peace was extremely hard to acquire. It
was like their safe haven in a time of war. When they came back to America they told others
about zen meditation and its purpose, so many people (especially the hippies) fell in love with it
too. Meditation and the teachings of zen helped people to better understand the idea of living in
the now and not thinking about everything else that was going on in the world around them.
So many people were influenced by the zen movement especially the people who were
growing up in the 50s and 60s.It was not hard to relate zen to the theme of self exploration
because that is what zen is all about. Same goes for the hippie movement the whole idea was
exploring who you were and who you wanted to be, to transform into a new person with new

1. Information about hippies is from (Spirituality and Religion) also (The Hippie Counter Culture Movement)

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ways of thinking. Alan Watts played a big role in helping to spread the word and way of zen in
the United States. Alan Watts influenced the 50s and 60s in numerous ways with how he
impacted the zen movement, and how that influenced the people of this time period with self
exploration. I will leave you with a quote from Buddha, I will not analyze it but leave it for you
to think about and create your own perspective/ interpretation. Buddha once said, The one who
has conquered himself is a far greater hero than he who has defeated a thousand times a thousand

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Work Cited
AlanWattsLectures. "Alan Watts - Zen Bones and Tales [1hr47]." YouTube. YouTube, 2013. Web.
06 May 2016.
"Alan Watts Talk About ZEN, The Way of Zen FULL Alan Watts Philosophy." YouTube.
YouTube, 2015. Web. 06 May 2016.
Bai, Heesoon, and Avraham Cohen. "Zen And The Art Of Storytelling." Studies In Philosophy
And Education 33.6 (2014): 597-608. Philosophers Index with Full Text. Web. 10 May 2016.
Burke, Thomas Edwin, and Edward Stephens. "Zen Theory And The Creative Course." Journal
Of Advertising 3.2 (1974): 38-41. Business Source Premier. Web. 11 May 2016.
"Modern Zen Illuminating Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit." Modern Zen Illuminating Mind ~ Body ~
Spirit. Web. 06 May 2016.
Reiho, Prof. Masunaga. "Zen in Daily Life." Zen in Daily Life / Introduction. Shunjusha
Publishing Co. Web. 11 May 2016.
"Spirituality and Religion." Peace, Love, and Beyond. Apr. 2013. Web. 10 May 2016.
Terkel, Lawrence. "Buddhism." Ohio, Kent. 10 May 2016. Lecture
"The Hippie Counter Culture Movement (1960s) Mortal Journey." Mortal Journey. 9 Mar.
2011. Web. 10 May 2016.
"Your Guide to Zen Buddhism and Zen Meditation." ZEN BUDDHISM. Web. 11 May 2016.

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