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Oral ox The Nigerian Society of Engineers Profes ional Examinations - April, 2010 ‘Vime Allowed: 1 Hour 30 Atinutis CANDIDATI °$ EXAMINATION NUMBUI CANDIDATE'S EXAMINATION CENTRE: INSTRUCTIONS: (Please read curefilly) 1, Candidates are espected to aliempt the Objective Questions (PART A) an submit their answers (egether with the question paper within the First TILEY (30) MINU'THS of the examination potiod 2. _ For the Objective Questions (PART A), earetully shade, iu the Answer Table, the space which has the same letter as the letter af the unswer von have chosen 3 His absolutely important dhat-you submit the Ques answers. Non-subpiission of the Question paper will result jon paper with your PART A: Objective Questions ‘Time Allowed: J Hour 30 Minutes Ae c{ple UIA) B|c |p ls AlB/C|b) AlBIC}D] A B/e/D[E AB c|p © A|Bic|b/e AlBIC}D|E A{BiCc|p|B] Alalc|p A ble blr AjBic|D A| B/C |p| E A] Bc} alBlc|p ie Bic|p Al BIC bie A|Bic|p AlB |A[B/c{D You must accept the questions in this Section, Objective Questions (PART A), and submit vour Answer Sheet within the FIRST (30) MINUTES of the Examination Peviud, Te Higerian Society of ngincces The study of metals and their propedtes is known ass. () Mel works (By Metcrology_(C) Metallurgy (D)Metal scienee ‘AGurent of {Aur flows in a eapper condhietor of Len?erese set ad oki {aru How long will i take the elec change to travel ony one end ro eeepeaante HisOlMer elicly ailsiesinie chance’ sauiven ty Vacas toot lection density of copper, n= 8.5 x 11"n and electri charge, e— Lax IW"), WENA, (3)4al movil Be (C)4atdays «1 )4a\yreet An alnoniniv of 2)? resistance resistance is eomnecte in parallel With a copper wire af Sw? inaciteuil. Whatis the resultant Resistantarthecinease) (ALON? (By 5p? (Chop? (Py 1.207 ‘Theoperating ine inthe MacCabe- hele diagram ropresents (A) _stalemontof the resistance to mass transfer, (B) _ slatement of the Inw of conservation ofinace () the equilibrium condition between phases, {P)amensireof the diicully in effecting theseparation oasnintme (B) the locus of constant velocity ia. flow fick liometty is of union importance in the design of = Hilts.) Rumps..(@)Ai conditioners qb THesnnetere (E)Alloftheabuve ‘What torned the world into a global village? (A) The Computer (1) The printinedia (VTelecommunication (Dy Inteinet Shar Dy Supported Lean oClength (Lis earrying a nitinmy distibuted Joa OW). Whatis thevatue of bending momentat midspantt (Ws Wa (WU aw we What do you do when the bearing eapacily ofa sol s oo Low? (2) Underpinning (B) Stop the project (C} Design a strip (P)RaN Foundation (t) Evaluate for founckuion type Find the resultant resistance of the Fullowing eireuit ie acsoss A-18 82. ——B (A) 437 (B) 287 (c) 32? (0) 297 10. Is, Prigesvonal Fcuninations: Ap, 201 “The Brinell number of'a material isa measure of (A) Specific gravity (BY Weight (C) Specific Heat (D) Density (e) Hardness: Which ofthe following describes the Flemings Right and rule? Motion ict at rita ny rate (ny mi) © mine) ) vl oti vant Maton viet at Fach strike ofa alo their original particle sizes, Which of the following represents best approximation to the number of strikes required (o produce 10 micrwn sized particles starting fiom 10 mm particles? (io (By 1 (1900 wo) 99) Je reduction device reduces the size of particles to One of the following completely and uniquely specifies the state of ‘one gram ofpure water: Which sit? (A). density, femperatureand pr (8) volume, femperature and pressure (C) volume, density and pressu (})_ temperatureand pressure (2) Gasteand temperature The abbreviation BOT stands for (A) Build, Qwnand train (3) Build, Qperateand Train (C)— Build-0yperateand Transfer (D) Build, Own and Transfer The 27" President of the Nigerian Society of Engines is (A) Engr KA Ali (BEng De O.Ajayi — (C)Enr(ChieO.A Ajibula (D) Enge B.A. Somol ‘Anovel low pressure, low temperature catalytic reactor for the conversion of nitrogen and hydrogen to amnionia is being operated in the bafeh moxle, Which of -siay he deployed to monitor conversion of arnmonia in the the following devi sealed reactor (Ayathermometer —_(B)an infiared spectrometer (Ca pressure tannducer (D) api meter (Ba gas chromatograph The acronym COREN stands for (A) Commitice onthe Regulation of Engineering in Niveria (B) Council forthe Regulation of Engineeringin Nigeria (©) Commitice of Registered Engineers in Nigeria 1s 19, 20, Discus \ he Migerion Sovitp of Cegiarers (D}— Comneil for the Regishiation of Engineers in Nigeria Which of these is nuts type of foundation? Oy bite {Dy Sti CE) Concrete ()) Ratt tn Lump Suni items of a BEM, who bees thes Risk? (A) Clint (8) Contractor (C) Engineer (0) Consultant Heat lixchangers cam he foun! int whieh of the fotlowing systems? (A) Boilers (B) Chillers (C) Refrigerstors. (1D) Heat Pumps all of the above with appropriate examples the importance of Codes and Standards in your field of engineering practice = NSE PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION, APR. WKA BRANCH INSTRUCTION: ANSWER ONP QUESTION ONLY YOUR DISCIPLINE Time: 30min, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND ALLIED DISCIPLINES. 1. Describe a typical pumping station. Explain in detail how water in vblained and released to the public for consumption 2. Discuss the role of Mngincers as different frem ‘Technic crafismen in Engineering practice. Distings Engineers and Technologists ns and ish between CIVEL ENGINEERING AND ALLIED DISCIPLINES 1. Discuss management of water supply and distribu networks in a developing cily like Awka, Anambra Stale 2. Discuss consideration for the design and construction of an earth road at Oko, Anainbra State, ith subgrade gradient and CBR of 14% and 23% respectively ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND ALLIED DISCIPLINE, I For quile some years now, poor electricity power supply in Nigeria as been a reoccurring decimal. This ugly situation has resulted in some notable foreign firms relocating to neighboriug countries like Ghana ele. In your opinion as an Engineer, what gave rise to this bad situation and how can it be rectified? 2. In recent time, we have been experiencing break or even total failure in communication from service proviclers nelwork coverage in our areas. Whal are the possible caus of these failures and how can they be amelioraled? & i _ Professional Examinations - Apeil 2009 Hs Tine Allowed: | Hour 30 Mitntes CANDIDATE'S EXAMINATION NUMBER CANDIDATE'S EXAMINATION CENTRE: —~ JONS: (Please read Casielle) ‘arididatis ate expected! 10 attempt tl jogeltier wlth the question paper the exriiaiation period. 2: 1 Kor the Objective @ aphid Whe Bd the seame tte asthe fet Je Wis absolilty important that you eat ) and subinil HNUTES of fable, the eewswver yarduane ches jysil Hie Question papet sith your answers, 4 casey ci OOeD When a Contiactot is paid mobilization, then ‘A ‘the eonltact has been successfully executed 1 ‘The Clicut has fully paid the Contractor © ‘The Contiaetur has signed the contract agreement 1 The Contractor is legally Loud to stat off the project Urthe neutral axis of a reinforced section is above the critical scetion, then the seetion is A Under reinforced B Over teiriforced aq C,— Balanced Db — Noneof the above Vhich af the following is a statically indeterminate structure A Atoad stpported on one member 1 AToad supported on two members € Afoad supported on three members D Lither Aor B. wo resistors ate said fo be connected in series if A Bothearry the same value of euttent 1 Tolal eutrents equal the sunt of the branch currents C+ Suni of the IR-drops equal the applied enuf 1) The same current passes in turn thiowh bath Shen load on a normally excited synchronous motor is increased, its power Fret tends to A Approach amily Ty Becomes increasingly lageinus Becomes increasingly leading 1 Remain unchanged Which of the followings is not part of Tender document A. Instruction to ‘Tenders 1 General conditions of cositract C Drawinigs 1D Contract Agrecinent V7 The followings ate characteristic feature of a project except A Wisa unique task 1 is desighed! to attain a specific resull iG itis not limited in tine Y 1 Irequites a variety of resources A contract ean come to an end except through A Discharge by performance 1) Discharge by agreement (C+ Discharge by breach 24 a ¢ D Discharge by shouting / ‘Which of te followings is not one of the site checks and (esis on concrete quality A” Rapid sntoistute content —. : B > Workabitily ce Detisity a : DD Shmp, we eteabrlty = camer Anindusity which has a flexible, physical plant (hat usually contracts to manufacture a product ot 4 sinail nunbst of products ofa pivei kit is known as A Mass produ iidustiy B Caplive industry © Jobbing industry Y * 1 Prodnction industry Apiece of steel is hardened by heal eating, what is the effect on the tensife strength? A Reduced! (ensile strength B Noeffect © Not possible D Uniform tensile strength, Arc Welding electrodes are usually coated with: A Sagging or Muxing nuaterials ; ising oF reducing inalerials C Acidic or basic materials Dd Tnsulators or conductors. A bean is said to be ofa uniform strength i A Bending moment iste same throughout the bean B Shear sltess is the same throughout the beam C Deflection is the same throtyzhout the beain D_ Bending stress is the same al every scctiotl along its longituclinal axis, “The tclin BEME commonly used in engineering projects stands for A Bill of Engineering Method and Evaluation 1 Bill of Engineering Measurement aud Beonom € —_ Bilkof Enginecting Measremeniand Evaluation D Bill of Eeonomy Measuetnett and Engiyeoring Ju a restivoie the average vulunie of sediment deposition is 0.1 5inillion cupic meters per year. Lf the dead storage and the talal enpacity of the reservoir are & million eubie meters and 36 million euble meters respectively, ther A. The reservoit will theoretically be silted in 240years B The tesetvoir will sfart reducing after 6) years C Both (A) and (B) b Neither (A) nor (18) 16 Briltle materials exhibit A Marked yield point 1 igh limit of proportionality C Low liniiof proportionatity y 1) Same stress sitain curves in tension and compressive 17 The magnitude of a factor of safety dacs not depend on: A Magnitude of foading , B Nature af toading : © Homogeneity of materials 1D Degree of economy y una foundation exceeds 1/6, the 18 When the eccentricity, of the tesultant vertical fon Pressure distribution below the Fuoting is A Teapezvidal B+ Rectangal c trimgutar 8 Circular 19 Power in wally is expressed as a pioduet of volls and amperes. Apmoxinnitely, what does i cost per hour fo nin an electrie finmmce if the cost of electieity is Pive Naira per Kilowatt how? A M0:SD B NS:00 © _NSO:00 D Nsto:00 20 Aneseinple of standard Jotun that are used in Engineering and construction contracts ine as follows excep A FIDIC Conditions et B ICE Conditions © ICT Conditions Dd MIE Conilitions. PART B: GENERAL ESSAY, Time Allowed: One Mour A difficult problem facing graduate Engineers iu Nigeria is the ick of or inadequate nuidance he teeeives from the more experienced ones, How has this affected you? Suggest how this siltation may be improved Professional Examinations: Seprember, 2002 4 | rary Lamers is @ farm of violence: iv je on Jawan spirit is en injustice agains 4 dunn being that torments Pression against the the timate worth of every MCE us nist realize that iris not only prover Nixerians, itis the fact ofpoverty amidst, plenty, (intds! natural bouny, 1 passionately believe Nigeria has no usiness being poy view ofthe couniry’s endowed humanand awwal resources" Kasin Memortal lecture 2000, Hnumerste the possibte ag Hoverty in the miidst of plenty in Nigeria | amt explain itow they may be overenine esti ep" iN a jn HE pst eT net WI at you wer She Ans yout AAT yuan guages! y eer oe his NUE w nin go) “RS ssseutBe fo daaoos wo1s08yy ayy aie cl : ull iS rion Soci of Emgeers 2. uns: Seplem der, 2062 Sem d PART A: Objective Questions ° ‘Time Allowed (Par AY: 30 1 fest THIRTY (30) MINUTES: THE ENGINEER IN SOCIETY ts must be preceded by ‘Assessment, 3. Eneruy use Asse 1. Pree Asso i008 up ie 3 la chose snes wham se ering in Niger i Te fessional Examinations - Scpsember, 2000 Time Aliowee: f Howe 30 Minutes CANDIDATE'S EXAMINATION NUMBER: ‘CANDIDATE'S EXAMINATION CENTRE: DDISTRUCTIONS: PLEASE 2245 CAREFULLY Candidates must temps me Objective Questions (PART A} anc submit tir A: Sheet within the fest THIRTY GO) MINUTES of the Examination Period. or the Objective Quescons BART A) carefully shade, ix the answer Shee Below. the Space which has the sce lever as the iene ofthe onswer vou have chosen, Its absolutely impotsane that you submit the Question aeper with your answ script. Non-submission ofthe Question paper wil reult in disqualification. a Answer Sheet afajololalelalalalalelafo [ole Ip te fo le] 12 Niger! PART A: Objective Questions xj environmental production 7 rion among stakenoides Co esegs out ssintenanes sa rari wate spoly is more fikely t0 succor Arora iq erbnology axd weil mained specially SB Staaiati ecnovogy eat vilage U ‘Raapeve echnology osicg technical expen =f D. tperkanstble wares soeree ‘Which of te following is not used tn Sow measiia Noe See ‘D. Borda mibe method of economic analysis? Internal rote cf 2as72 f ‘iu Clon of USA visited Nigeria in Avgmst 200° p28 -27. C2 1909 Natobal Eoginesring Conferenes and annie! arm eS ngiocering Strscgies for Poverty Alleviate fe Se for of Engineering mi Privatization ane CORE C__ Swsiainable Energy Geaerat marion in Developing Countries. ull and che ineviatble sions. September. 2000 Professional Examine is a planning wecaniet geeaaeareemeeeadss Froeni= D- Suman COSINE ch of the foliowins Cridcal path analysis ‘aca 100em=_ What isthe itensiny of pressere on ape piston is mn equilib? Dp, 49.05 N m= eg acis on 2 piston of with che underside of te PH naa water in eomtae compu ve pobane a a +80 round rebound 10 € height Of jst of 20 m above ht ‘gue wo ape’ ny Tig by a auunber of éifferet meth ‘D. absorption. | the evaporation wigh of 18 reé i 2 snonth of sg ang tes an average surface syater evap penis 0.5 coilday, Se volume of capa 1s 80 ice measured in a class A 18000"? C. 180.00m? D- 126 godm? sn a production set up esi Drea Teens © ail of he Inspection and quantity comrOl loomest «B. conciliation and Arbitration: professional Examinations: September. 2000 a planning rechnic ag ea ence memes Purine D. Sian CONE 1, tyhien of the following IS 4. Cristal path analysis presssse on She sitton of res 100em7. What is te neni aejecsda of the piston. ise piston i equi Sass wee ene” OD: ss of 50 ke 2088 00 2 in comtact with ihe 4.905 = 108 Nim Exeress sin 3x in term of sin 5 Gsin Sx - sn A. sin’x jax = $ Sunk bp, 4sinxasindx-3 50% , Earory. _presigant of the Nigetim Sociery fastens S Benge Titi Om D. Engr, Mestaphe Bolaa a. If the evaporation vaparziné vr 2 nomi oF ches an average 3.5 emiday, dhe volume of wate? 13. A canal is 80 ion lone =e ‘measured in a class 4 2a is 30 days is c. 180.00m? D. ‘260m! B 18900? C- 426 00m? produetion se: up consider prcblema Fa '° alo the jon ang quantity contral rion and Arbitration. B in ing and desparch | -D, © coweil _ “The National Engineering and AGM of ‘As an engineer, make a submission 10 the President of the 75 strate ‘coming up ben AL 4th Bh Dec. 2000 B. Lith 15th Des 2000 C. 20th - 24th Nov 2000 D, Nov 2000 (Geographie inférmation systems (GIS) may be defined 2s ‘A. computerized tools for caprering, Storing, chec! Gigplaying data which are spatially x system developed 10 solved building mai A. Toenable te crue cost of the equipment © be working lif. ation and maintenanc gow To accursiely determined the average repair. bout based works can be equated to the notion of “fmploymeat-imeasive works 8. _local-resource ‘based wor all of the above. D, none of the above. A streamline is line ‘A. whose tangent is slong velocity direction across whieh predominant uid takes place that is smonth and orderly in a flow across waish dhere is Irast low vow PART B: General Question es to employ to alleviate poverty both in rural and urban areas. 3, incegrating, analysing and is f uslfzation rates and cost of meinvenanse sal Remublic of Nigeris on 1, Sie: fortis ering t-maleneray. between wo Thies * evaporate condenser. ‘C. empension valve. 5. Doping mavens are clied impurities bestnse hey Gerrease wee mumbec cfcharze carriers, eres of sernicon ‘scuriconducter less than 100% > eqsaistucnse off p76 semaiconduerr, : finéerents! 9 Le | ‘a. Eand R sore series cicult g, R isin ties wit &,. 6. w, isin series wath & D. There is <2 series cresit. fis deGoed atta rae “the weight of ware m Sr "eit oF males a Given TORE>* of sol. Seine comet © Molstuntweight © Voids D. Unit weight Sat ore eid =i gontinnond eam 7B: detente beam Ccesuateves beams -D- Sxedend bean Face Coarol ‘ofl Cost, Teta! Construction Sum. = Setinate! 7 8. Eame cos, Provaine:! Sum, Bill of Eagincsring Meesuemers cod Evahiatos, Estar 722i Cost Total Construction Sam. @ Scle-tun, Bai of Estimated Measurements end Cost of Supply: ms cat Sam, Bill of Engineering Measuexe: Festi Cost, Total, Tau Cost of Supply. ia idesniy 22 opporunity so cstt_sh production : : cree « business through partments and begin production or mazkcting 28 the case may be commence progurion and make v-

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