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Irvin zavaleta

Garinger high school
Can a human being be illegal or are we all illegal? Hello, my name is Irvin
Zavaleta and today I'm here to convince you that immigrants deserve an opportunity and
a chance to show that we can be a part of your society and a part in your economy if
given the opportunity to be legal. Immigrants deserve an opportunity because they
contribute to our economy, it will decrease crime rates and no human should ever be
separated from their love ones.
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In order to understand why immigrants deserve a change in America. We must
first discuss the history of immigration. The first people to arrive in America where
European settlers around the 1600. In 1670 the first colony was settled in Jamestown,
Virginia and around 1850 about 5 million germans migrated to the United States. After
1900 the population grew 14.7% of the 13.6% of Americans. americans gave themselves
an opportunity to be free to be able to follow their own beliefs therefore, immigrants now
should be given an opportunity to find a better future
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When immigrants move to the united states they help create jobs by creating
business and by letting more immigrants work means more tax revenue. Out of the 2015
taxes paid by americans and legal immigrants added up to 11.84 billion and immigrants
when over 2.2 billion dollars from the initial amount Reported by
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Why fix our jobs immigrants arent given the opportunity to use their full
potential, unfortunately those who come to the United States come with little to no
education while other that have education cant work for what they are educated on. So
our economy is affected by not letting immigrants use their knowledge to create business
and jobs for others, therefore they are forced to work in jobs that don't participate in Everify programs or work visa check programs.By approving a reform our economy will
increase because we would not have leaks of money that has to go for deporting
immigrants Based on previous analysis from the Center for American Progress, a mass
deportation strategy would cost an average of $10,070 per person, for a total of $114
billion to remove 11.3 million people. That is 114 billion dollars that can be use towards
the payment of 18 trillion in america debt.
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18 % of immigrants that come to the U.S. are in jail for illegal trespassing waiting to be

deported that is more than the kidnaping rate at 1%. Approving a reform would cause
crime rates to go down, And would make less people in jail for driving without a license
and will make criminals easier to catch. If immigrants were legal they could get their ID
and license and also get their fingerprints scanned that way if any crime was committed
they could now know who commit the crime and can be punished. therefore, many
people who come here illegally dont have a background check so we dont know if they
are criminals or terrorist. I believe it would decrease security and increase safer living.
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Out of the 397,000 immigrants deported in 2012 22% of hispanic kids were put in
foster care and are more likely to have issues in their growth and development. Surprise
raids and checkpoints causes parents to live in the shadows because they are scared to get
deported and their kids to be left behind under a cruel foster care service. which mean
their to scared to work which decreases economic growth because their is not enough
people showing up to work. So i ask should our kids have to suffer for american
Should our kids depend on a fall in our society. Should our kids grow with hate in their
hearts. They don't have to if America overcomes the racism and discrimination.
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I say today we need to stop racism and discrimination against our people, we need
to finally end the slave minds of others, and put a new period in the creation of our new
United States. I strongly agree America has the power to change for the better and help
each immigrant as a united country. If immigrants were given the opportunity to be legal
many changes will be made to our America. Therefore, we need to give them a chance to
grow with us as not just a country but as a family.

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