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Blake Nunn

English 12
6 May 2016
1. The best holiday of the year is Halloween because of its fun and the
prizes you get. Also, its fall so there is the benefit of having everything
pumpkin flavored. For example, there are things like pumpkin muffins,
bread, spiced lattes, and even pumpkin doughnuts. As you can see food is
an important factor in the holiday. Everyone knows it is tradition to go
around from door to door saying trick or treat, it has always been a fun
night since I could remember.
Even if youre not into the tradition it is perfectly acceptable to turn of
the porch light and stay in by the fireplace with a movie. People
understand that not everyone wants to give out candy and have to answer
the door. I think its quite fun on the other hand. Answering the door and
seeing all the little kids outfits is adorable.
The best thing about Halloween is that it is for everyone to enjoy and is
meant to be celebrated together. Christmas is for Christians, Hanukah for

Jews, Thanksgiving is for Americans. Halloween is for people who like

candy and costumes.
2. Martin Luther King Jr. was an African-American man with a dream of
attaining civil rights for all African-Americans. He lost his life while
speaking publically about his ideas for equality (fairness). He was the
greatest Civil Rights leader in the 1960s. King was born in 1929 in
Atlanta, Georgia. His father was the minister at the Baptist Church in
town. At fifteen years old he got into college and graduated in 1948 with
plans to become a minister just like his father.
King made his famous speech known as the I have a dream speech.
This came to inspire millions of African-American people to join his
campaign. He also fought for non-segregated (together) busses, this all
started when the famed Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her
seat. This man knew how to speak to people, how to get them inspired
and ratified.
In 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. was giving a speech in Memphis,
Tennessee. It was called Ive been to the mountain top in front of a lot
of people. Suddenly the escaped convict James Earl Ray shot him. The
speech was intended for the striking of the African-American garbage
men. He died on April 4, 1968 and the convict was only sentenced to nine

years in jail. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who fought only for equal
rights (equal opportunities) and peace.
3. This is about how marijuana is bad for you and why it should not be used
recreationally. Marijuana: Marijuana comes from the Sativa flower
(anth/o Greek). All forms of marijuana are mind changing and alter the
brain. THC is the main psychoactive chemical in marijuana, which is
what causes the mind altering affects that change and hurt the adolescent
brain in teenagers across the world. Marijuana also contains more than
four hundred and eighty other chemicals.
Marijuana smoking is associated with airway blockage, also lung
hyper inflammation, and regular marijuana smokers say that they have
more bronchitis than non-smokers. Marijuana has several negative
physical and mental effects. For example the use of marijuana may
impair or reduce short-term memory and comprehension, it can also alter
a sense of time and reduce ability to perform certain tasks that require
coordination and concentration. Studies have shown that heavy or daily
use of marijuana negatively affects the part of the brain that controls
memory, attention and learning.
These affects can last for weeks at a time after the drugs wear off.
Some people use it for chronic (chron/o Greek) pain but it just numbs it
away. Someone who smokes daily can have a reduced (de Latin)

intellectual level most of the time. Smoking marijuana causes changes to

the brain that are similar to those of cocaine, heroin and alcohol.
4. The last journal is a free write and the last one was on dangers of drugs
so Im going to go more in depth into that but with other more dangerous
drugs. Prescription Drugs: The medical definition of a prescription drug
is one that can be obtained only by means of physicians prescriptions to
treat a diagnosed to treat specific conditions and to be taken as directed.
Pharmaceutical drugs are designed to treat specific conditions and to be
taken as directed. There is often a misconception that prescription drugs
are safer than illicit drugs, but this only true when they are taken exactly
as prescribed for the purpose intended. Taking a drug that is not
prescribed to you is dangerous and can be deadly. Many prescription
drugs can be highly addictive. Combining these such drugs or mixing
them with alcohol significantly increases the risk of overdosing and this
is extremely hazardous.
OTC drugs: Over the counter drugs should not be taken recreationally,
this can be physiologically damaging or even fatal. Under California law
prescription drugs are considered control substances. Selling or
distributing such drugs is against the law. Possessing, transporting and
using drugs that are not prescribed to you is illegal. Some of the most
commonly abused drugs fall under three categories, opioid pain relievers,

stimulants, and central nervous system depressants. If arrested for doing

any of the things listed above, you will go to jail on some serious

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