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Juan Carlos Duran

English 1101-112
Dr. Evans
April 27, 2016

Purpose: The purpose of my argument is for students and teachers to understand

the danger of climate change altering rainfalls pattern, water levels increasing and
droughts. So they can make changes in their daily activities to reduce harmful
gasses and better understand the dangers change in rainfall can cause. The
audience is students and teachers who are not informed about rainfall, not many
people see this as threat or dont think its important.

Climate change
Imagine students being told wrong information about climate change,
especially younger students who are beginning to learn about it. Being told
that climate change is naturally occurring and humans are not a reason for
climate change. They will grow up denying that climate change is happening
and that humans are the biggest impact of climate change. Miss leading
younger students is not good they are beginning to learn about the world
and their brains are developing. The percentages of people not believing that
climate change is happening will rise, and this will affect us in the future
when water levels rise, floods and hotter temperature will occur.
Not many people see the dangers in climate changing rainfalls pattern
and how its affecting us right now, it rains harder floods are more common.
In an article by Kevin E he talks about increase concertation of greenhouse
gasses, increasing surface heating. Meaning that it can increase surface
temperature witch increases evaporation allowing more rain to collect in the
air making rain amount increase causing floods. Some students dont
understand the change can affect the environment, change in the rainfalls
pattern can cause many problems such as floods. Most students dont
understand how rainfall changes as the climate changes too, how it can
affect our fresh water, society and portable water and its quality.

Students in California are having to read outdated books or books that

dont know any knowledge about climate change. Middle school students get
their information mainly form textbooks that how they learn about climate
change. A poll done by Busch and Roman showed that 54 percent of
Americans teens believe that climate change is actually happening. And 43
percent do not believe that it is cause by humans, this is sad the fact that 54
percent of American teens believe climate change is happening. The rest of
the 46 percent are unaware of the dangers of climate change and how it is
affecting us. Under California state standards, sixth grade is the first time
that students learn about climate change in their formal science curriculum
said Busch and Roman, their first taste of climate change and how it affects
us. Roman and Bush found that in the book 279 clauses that contained 2770
words they said climate change might be happening and that human may
not be the cause of it. The books are unclear and are giving false information
for sixth graders who are begging to learn about climate change. In an
interview Bush said in the section on climate change, modal verbs
like could, might or may appear, In addition, indeterminate quantifiers are
added such as not all or some to statements about scientists. The book uses
words like might or may as if climate change might be something that is
happening or if humans might be the cause of climate change or might not.
One of the textbooks on Earth Science said Until recently, climatic changes
were connected only to natural causes. However, studies indicate that
human activities may have an influence on climate change. The books are
not giving out factual information instead fare misleading them and are
thinking climate change is a natural cause. They arent being told that
humans are the main cause of climate change and that we can change that,
instead they are being fed wrong information about climate change.

Students all around the country are taught about climate change, but
the amount of time the teachers spend on the topic is not enough. In a
recent survey done by Penn state university and the national center for
science education, found that 70 percent of high school and 87 percent of
middle school teachers spend one hour of climate change course. One hour
is not enough to inform students the real dangers of climate change and the
causes of climate change. Berbeco said Thirty percent of the teachers surveyed
report teaching students that climate change is likely due to natural causes, and
another 31 percent said they teach the issue as unsettled science. This is sad that
teachers think that climate change is a natural cause, when in fact its humans who
have big role on climate change. Teachers need to have more time about this topic,
students are leaving school with false information or are being misled.

I argue that teachers should be well informed about climate change, that its
a serous topic to cover. No student should be told false information about an
issue so serious that it affects us all and we are the ones to blame for it.
Teachers should spend more time on climate change just like any other
subject in class. So students know the dangers of climate change and how
we can prevent it and make it better.
Work Cited
"Effects of Changing Climate." Effects of Changing Climate. N.p., n.d.
Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

"Textbooks Inaccurately Present Science on Climate Change as Uncertain and Doubtful, Stanford
Research Shows." Stanford News. N.p., 23 Nov. 2015. Web. 05 May 2016.

VALENTINE, KATIE. "30 Percent Of Teachers Are Teaching Students That Climate Change Is
Likely Due To Natural Causes." N.p., n.d. Web.

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