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J: The Seco de Chavelo is a typical dish of the area Catataos in Bajo Piura ; a
plate of roast green banana and dried meat that is part of the heritage of the
northern cuisine of Peru.
O: Oh really? What does the word seco and the word chavelo?. And
How the food is prepared ?
J: The "seco " words and " chavelo " refers basically to the type of cooking
bananas that do not have juice but if adequate moisture , which when mixed with
seasoned meat, tomatoes, crisp and golden onions, peppers, and ancestral
chicha , result in a plate of exquisite taste
O: Oh my God! , that delicious. I will make that dish next week , because my family
will come and I'll have them walk that surprise . Would you help me prepare seco
de chavelo? or better prepare them ceviche ?
J: Off course. Either way,whichever is easier for you
O: Ok Jorge, see you
J: Ok, bye bye

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