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Anna Grace Calhoun

Mr. Poindexter
Honors English 9
23 February 2016
The Impact of OCD
Do you have certain habits or routines that you like to follow? What if you had habits and
routines that you had to follow no matter what? For some people with obsessive compulsive
disorder this is a reality. People with OCD experience repeated, unwanted thoughts and/or
images and irrational compulsions to perform repetitive behaviors. OCD is a very serious
disorder that is time consuming, has the potential to be dangerous, and has unclear causes and
Obsessive compulsive disorder can occupy a lot of time and thought in peoples lives.
One of the main struggles for someone with OCD is feeling the need to practice certain habits or
repeated actions. These are called compulsions. Common compulsions are washing and
cleaning, counting, organizing, hand-washing, and following strict routines.1People with OCD
can spend hours over time, following these compulsions. One high schooler with OCD felt the
need to tap the tip of each one of her pencils five times before starting to work on any
assignment. She also would dress and undress numerous times before going to school. 2 This
made it very difficult for her to work efficiently and not waste time.
OCD can often have dangerous implications. There is a form of this disorder called
Harm OCD. In this form of OCD, individuals feel constant fear that they will harm others or
themselves. Some common examples of these fears are snapping and attacking a loved one or
stranger, pushing someone in front of a car or train, and committing suicide.3 A lot of people with
1 "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) Symptoms - Mayo ..." 2014. 8 Mar. 2016
2 "Obsessed With Control - Anxiety Disorders Association of ..." 2011. 10 Mar. 2016
3 "Harm OCD: Symptoms and Treatment." 2015. 11 Mar. 2016 <>

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obsessive compulsive disorder struggle with obsessions that stem from a greater obsession of
being in control. This can lead to dangerous tendencies, sometimes taking the form of eating
disorders and extreme dieting. Melissa Binstock battled severe eating habits due to her OCD.
She would only allow herself to eat 12 grams of fat per day and 12 grams of sugar per item.

Janet Singer, whose son had OCD, reported that after visiting him in college she discovered that
he had not eaten in over a week.5 These kinds of habits can be very dangerous and detrimental
to ones physical health. OCD can lead people to do things that put themselves or others at risk.
Scientists still do not have a clear answer about the causes and cures of obsessive
compulsive disorder. Some research shows that OCD could involve issues in communication
between the front part and the deeper part of the brain.6 However, scientists and researchers
still do not understand why this miscommunication would trigger obsessive and compulsive
behavior. OCD can sometimes run in families, so it appears that it could be passed on
genetically. Genes were a much more common factor in OCD that developed in childhood (4565%) than when the disorder developed in adulthood (27%-47%)7 so genetics are not the entire
answer of how and why this condition emerges. Treatments for OCD are very individualized and
there is no medical cure for everyone
OCD is a dangerous, time consuming disorder that has mysterious causes and
remedies. It affects many people all over the world and is a very important thing to find answers
about. This disorder is a problem that we need to find a solution to and answers will only come
through research and awareness.

4 "Obsessed With Control - Anxiety Disorders Association of ..." 2011. 10 Mar. 2016
5 "The Throes of Severe OCD: a Mother's Perspective | Anxiety ..." 2011. 11 Mar. 2016
6 "International OCD Foundation What Causes OCD?." 2015. 11 Mar. 2016 <>
7 "International OCD Foundation What Causes OCD?." 2015. 11 Mar. 2016 <>

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Works Cited
"Harm OCD: Symptoms and Treatment." OCD Center of Los Angeles. 21 Feb. 2012. Web. 10
Mar. 2016.
"Obsessed With Control | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA." Obsessed

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With Control | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
"Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD)." Symptoms. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
"What Causes OCD?" International OCD Foundation. 28 Apr. 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.

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