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Jordan Benavides

Tony Bowers
May 16, 2016
The greatest wealth is your health. A healthy lifestyle consist of the
thoughts you have, the actions, you preform, and the well-being of your
body. Your body is your temple, you must keep it clean and pure of toxins for
your soul to peacefully rest in.
In todays society, according to centers for disease control and
prevention, 35 % (one-third) of America is obese and more than 65% of
America is either obese or overweight. As a culture known for its variety of
tasty food, we dont understand the harmful effects of our eating habits. The
way our lives are set up, we are constantly on the go. Our busy schedules
require us to be one place after the other. This results in the government
strategically placing convenient fast food restaurants at every corner of
our community to capitalize on their income. Its time for change, why do we
keep supporting corporations that dont support us. The most common
excuse for not eating healthy is the excuse of not having the time to cook
and not being educated on what healthy foods to buy. The lack of high
vibrant foods result in the lack of an unhealthy lifestyle.
When you eat food in general, your brain responds by producing
appetite hormones, which signals your brain that your body has eaten
enough food to meet its energy needs so your hunger subsides. On the other

hand when you eat most sugars the same signals never make it to your brain
thus resulting in overeating. Studies have shown that instead foods high in
sugar encourage the release of opioids and dopamine that keep you wanting
more. These are the same chemicals your brain release when you take
addicting drugs such as cocaine.
In this life we develop bad habits of over eating but most importantly
eating in general. Weve simply made it a part of our culture. Think for a
second, every time we either celebrate or mourn over a situation it involves
eating of some sort. We go to a sports bar to watch a championship game
and find ourselves filling our bellies with beer, burgers, pizza, and wings.
After graduation we take the family to an all you can eat buffet, celebrating
the success of our peer. The most common of this scenario is during a time
of suffering, whether we are depressed over a relationship breakup or
grieving over a death in the family. The first thing we think of doing is
stuffing our face with some junk food to take the pain away. Over the years
this has become routine. Our daily routine of a big breakfast, a nice lunch,
even bigger dinner, and a snack in between is the biggest problem. Majority
of the time these foods are high in fat and filled with processed substances,
as well as GMOs. The over consumptions of these foods result in lower ones
vibration, thus making them more vulnerable to mental and physical disease
of the body.
The law of vibration states everything in the universe has a vibrational
frequency. From a rock, to a plant, to a human, we all have a vibration. These

are all measurable discovered by scientist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. He was the
first scientist to prove the existence of electro magnet waves. Everything in
the universe is energy, there is no exceptions. Website of Laws of the

People are not aware of how much their eating lifestyle effects their
state of being. According to scientist Frenchman Andre Simenoeton, your
physiological health is literally the platform of your diet. The unawareness of
the type of energies and chemicals we put into are bodies are the main
reasons for the rapidly increasing rates of heart disease, diabetes, cancer,
and other healthy calamities in todays world. The fast food, processed foods,
and refined substances are killing our people. According to Living with Paleo (
pg 12), America spends $1.4 trillion dollars a year, $4 billion dollars a day, on
health care. Its an easy fix to this, let the food be thy medicine and thy be
our food. By eating foods we were designed to eat, such foods high in
vibrational frequency, we raise on our vibration thus engaging in a
transformation of positive benefits to our mental, physical, and spiritual
Once you start eating high vibrant foods you will raise your
vibration. Youll raise your vibration through diet and by the thoughts you
create around it, then it becomes more than just a part of your diet. This will

be the start of a new lifestyle. A lifestyle in which we need in hope of change

not only in America, but the rest of the world. This practice is the answer to
many worldly issues in todays society.
A high vibrant diet consist of foods that are natural, alive, and provide
positive benefits to the person. The vibration frequency of food is derived
from the amount light it gets directly from the sun, our most natural source
of energy. This determines the value and mineral composition of the food.
The result of this makes us lighter and less dense. Fresh fruits and raw
vegetables hold the highest vibration. More foods with a high vibration are
pure water, raw honey, whole grains, sea vegetation, and nuts. Other foods
such as maple syrup, cooked vegetables, non-pasteurized dairy products,
free range eggs, and wild fish are less efficient but still quality vibrant foods.
Foods to avoid with little or no vibrational value are those consisting of most
meats and anything processed, refined, or chemically made. Also canned
foods, frozen foods, and especially fast foods are ones to remove from your
The main purpose of a high vibrational lifestyle is to get one healthy.
Through the diet of this lifestyle we learn what foods create healthy cells
which will lead to everything else falling into place. Cells are the basic
fundamental units of life. They are the bricks from which all your tissues and
organs are made. Overall cells keep your DNA safe and provide energy for
everything you do. The mineral composition of our food will determine the
frequency of its vibration. The more nutrients and vitamins it has the more

energy can be transmitted to your cells through a process called cellular

metabolism. Successful cellular metabolism will lead to prevention of many
disease of the heart and kidney. Science behind Paleo pg 47
According to John Wemmie, M.D., Ph.D., a neuroscientist at the
University of Iowa, your emotional and mental health are directly
corresponded to your ph. level. Your Ph levels are determined by the foods
you eat and are the first line of defense in disease protection. The two
measurable of your ph levels are acidic and alkaline. Acidic levels come from
low vibrant foods which are filled with sodium. In contrast alkaline foods
derive from high vibrant foods. The more acidic you are the more prone you
are to negative emotions such as stress, anger, and hate. The alkaline
emotions are those of love, peace, and joy. This information speaks for itself
and is another reason to promote a high vibrant lifestyle.
By raising your vibration you become more fully conscious of your
thoughts and actions and choosing them more wisely. It expands your overall
awareness of your inner and outer body. You will become more energetic.
With this high vibration, you will defeat all old negative thoughts and poor
behavior patterns. As these patterns start to become nonexistent, your heart
opens up and you experience more unconditional love. Your energy literally
becomes full of light, the most natural form of energy. You will no longer rely
on artificial sugar loaded energy drinks or youre double shot of expresso
coffee from Starbucks. There will be a new balance formed between giving
and receiving. Then we will see a shift in change of becoming teachers and

not preachers. We are all teachers that learn from each other, so therefore
we are students as well. This enlighten allows us to live in the now. We will
view every meal, breath, day, and life as sacred. The benefits go on and on,
you will experience change in your life youve never exposed before. One will
be in complete control of their life, not having to depend on someone,
money, a materialistic object to bring them happiness. True happiness lies
within and its a choice.
Overall the new lifestyle having a high vibration is a process. Treat
yourself as if you are a child learning how to walk. You must remain kind,
loving, and patience. Everyones journey is unique and different, the whole
idea of this movement is evolving to a state of being with you empower
yourself. You will have the say so, you dont need anyone else approval.
There is no step to step tutorial you must follow. These are the self and
societal judges are ones we must break away from. Give yourself the
freedom to explore and see what works best for you. One might argue that
this does not tie into their religious beliefs because they must put God first.
This belief is completely wrong. This practice is universal, its for all
regardless of sex, race, and religion. The goal is to better yourself. That
concept by its self has a chain affect. Once you provide benefits to yourself
you will be a positive influence to others around. Regardless of what religious
figure you believe in, this is the basic fundamental of all religion. Theres no
traditional ties with this practice. Join the movement of self and world
acceptance, peace, and love. Embarking in this journey you find

unconditional love for everything in this universe. We are all united, all
extensions of the one true God regardless of religious tradition.

Works Cited
"How to Raise Your Consciousness & Vibration Through Diet." Bridget
Nielsen. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2016.
"Law of Vibration." Laws of the Universe. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2016.

"Low PH in the Brain Linked to Depression and Panic Disorder." The

Ranch. N.p., 14 June 2012. Web. 13 May 2016.
"Overweight and Obesity Statistics." Overweight and Obesity Statistics.
N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2016.
Joulwan, Melissa, and Kellyann Petrucci. Living Paleo for Dummies.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2013. Print.

Johnson, Richard I. The Sugar Fix the High Frutcose Fallout That Is
Making You Fat and Sick. New York: Richard J Johnson, 2008. Print.

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