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India Shall Overtake USA by the Year 2075...

Feb 13, '07 9:06 AM

by sher for everyone
It’s indeed true that India Shall Overtake USA by the Year 2075....! It shall have following
1.First Stage:
In this stage, India shall by 2030 become a superpower.
2.Second Stage:
In this stage, India shall by 2050catch up with the USA.
3.Third Stage:
In this stage, India shall by 2075 overtake Economicaly the USA.
The ruling Indian elite and middle classes shall reap in the first two stages the economic benefits.
Millions of common Indians shall be able to reap only in the third stage the economic benefits of India's
Progress .
By Thakur Sher Singh Parmar,

Note: The above article was first web-published on Feb 13, '07 9:06 AM on

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