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Caleb Nelson

November 11, 2015

H:\princepals of info tech\Nelson-cALEB-cAREERS\Nelson_Caleb-Choices360Surveys.docx

Career Search and Discovery

Statements of Self-Learning from:

Save this document to your sFile (H:)

Remember to include your name at the beginning of filenames.
In the order listed below, complete the LEARN ABOUT YOURSELF assessments from
After completing each survey, refer to this template and key your response to the feedback from the
survey for each of the two questions below:

1. What did you learn about yourself; what did you already know?
2. What action will you plan to take after reviewing the survey results?

What did you learn about yourself; what did you already know?
That Im more artistic and investigative than I am realistic I already
knew I was all of these but not in that order
1. Interest Profiler


2. Basic Skills


What action will you plan to take after reviewing the survey results?
I will most likely not care I believe that I have my own path and that this survey
just is telling me how I am now
What did you learn about yourself; what did you already know?
That I could do a lot if I wanted to and I have a lot of that I could do I already
knew that I had some potential to work
What action will you plan to take after reviewing the survey results?
I dont know I will just follow lifes plan and live my life


3. Workplace

What did you learn about yourself; what did you already know?
I like to an achievement hunter and I already knew that I like to get things
done and completed

4. Ability Profiler


What action will you plan to take after reviewing the survey results?
Im am going to again not do anything because I want to study engaging not
boxing and packaging
What did you learn about yourself; what did you already know?
That Im good at arithmetic and form perception and I knew I was good at math
What action will you plan to take after reviewing the survey results?
I will us my skill in math an perception to get in to a good engineering school

H:\princepals of info tech\Nelson-cALEB-cAREERS\Nelson_Caleb-Choices360Surveys.docx


Caleb Nelson
November 11, 2015
H:\princepals of info tech\Nelson-cALEB-cAREERS\Nelson_Caleb-Choices360Surveys.docx
What did you learn about yourself; what did you already know?
That I like manufacturing and that is what the thingy says and I already know
that I do not want to get in to manufacturing
5. Career Cluster
What action will you plan to take after reviewing the survey results?
I will figure out what I need to do to get In to engineering
6. Transferable Skills

What did you learn about yourself; what did you already know?
That there are many jobs that I can join and I already knew that there were jobs
out there for me but not this many


What action will you plan to take after reviewing the survey results?
I plan to work hard and find a good job to work at

7. The Career

What did you learn about yourself; what did you already know?
That Im a realistic person when it comes to and I already knew that about


What action will you plan to take after reviewing the survey results?
I think that will try to get in to and good engineering college and to some real


H:\princepals of info tech\Nelson-cALEB-cAREERS\Nelson_Caleb-Choices360Surveys.docx


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