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Understanding By Design Unit Template

Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By

Animals Everywhere
Wonders ELA Reading unit 4 week 4
Etienne and Bonner

Grade Level
Time Frame

5 days 2-29-16 ----- 3-04-16

Identify Desired Results (Stage 1)

Content Standards
LACC.1.SL.1.1.a: Followed agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and
texts under discussion).
LACC.1.SL.1.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small
and larger groups.
LACC.1.RL.1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details
Vocabulary Strategy:
LACC.2.L.3.4.e: Use glossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases.
Phonics/Structural Analysis/High-Frequency Words:
LACC.1.RF.2.2.c isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sound in spoken single syllable words.
LACC.1.RF.3.3.c: Know Long i, common vowel team conventions for representing long vowels sounds.
LACC.1.RF.3.3.b: Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
LACC.1.RF.3.3.g: Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.
LACC.1.RL.1.3: Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a
reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure.
LACC.1.W.1.3: Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what
happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.

Overarching Understanding
Students will be talking and reading about insects.

Related Misconceptions

Essential Questions

What insects to you know

How are they alike and


Students will be reading

and talking about how
many legs insects have.
Students will be talking
about how spiders and
ants alike.

Students may have difficulty determining the weekly concept.

Students may be confused about informational Text/ Nonfiction and



Students will know

Students will be able to

-How to contrast Vowel Sound, Phoneme Blending, Phoneme

Substitution, and Phoneme Segmentation.
-Phonics/Spelling Long: I
-what the high frequency words mean
- Visualize.
- underline titles of book.

- point of view
- organization in writing
- how to use proper nouns
-blend their phonemes
-segment phones
-Sound out words with the long I sounds
-Understand informational text

Assessment Evidence (Stage 2)

Performance Task Description

The goal is to understand the organization and basic features of print, making and confirming prediction and
decode regularly spelled words.
Researchers, Active participants
Teacher and classmates
Respond to the comprehension questions about making and confirming prediction.
Make Connections T251 (Reading writing workshop p78-87 )
Respond to Reading T269R (Literature Anthology P93-125)
Research and Inquiry T278
Write and analysis T281

Other Evidence
Practice book p (171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178,179,180)
Unit 4 Week 4 Assessment (cold read)

Learning Plan (Stage 3)

Where are your students headed? Where
have they been? How will you make sure
the students know where they are going?
How will you hook students at the
beginning of the unit?
What events will help students experience
and explore the big idea and questions in
the unit? How will you equip them with

This week students will focus on the following strategies and skill: Ask and answer
questions, main idea and key details, informational text, word choice in writing, and
capitalization and proper nouns

Build Background
Interactive Read Aloud
Collaborative Conversations, Close Reading, Response to Text,
Think Aloud, Model Instruction, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, Small Group
Instruction, Teacher Conferencing

needed skills and knowledge?

How will you cause students to reflect and
rethink? How will you guide them in
rehearsing, revising, and refining their

Students will reflect and rethink as I guide them through the following activities:
Day 1- Introduce the Concept
Readers to Writers, T252 (10mins)
Writing Trait: Organization
Shared Writing Entry: Write an Opinion about a Story
Grammar, T271 (5mins)
o See and Saw
Mechanics: Titles of Books
Build Background, Insects!, T242-T243 (5mins)
Oral Vocabulary Words, different, flutter, imitate, protect, resemble, T242, T244
Listening Comprehension- Insect Hide and Seek, T244 (10mins)
Strategy: Visualize, T245
Word Work, T246-T249 (30 mins)
Fluency: Sound-Spellings
Phonemic Awareness: Phonemic Categorization
Phonics/ Spelling: Introduce Long i
High-Frequency Words: caught, flew, know, laugh, listen, were
Vocabulary: beautiful, fancy
Shared Reading, Creep Low, Fly High
Day 2- Readers to Writers, T262 (10 mins)
Writing Trait: Organization
Interactive Writing Entry: Write an Opinion about a Story, Planning
Grammar, T265 (5 mins)
o See and Saw
Mechanics: Titles of Books
Oral Language, Insects!, T254(5mins)
Oral Vocabulary Words: different, flutter, imitate, protect, resemble,T254
Listening Comprehension, T255(5mins)
Interactive Read Aloud: Insect Hide and Seek
Strategy: Visualize

Word Work, T258-T259(30mins)

Fluency: Sound-Spelling
Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Identity
Phonics/Spelling: Review Long i
Structural Analysis: inflectional Endings
High Frequency: caught, flew, know, laugh, listen, were
Vocabulary: beautiful, fancy
Shared Reading, Creep Low, Fly High, T260-T26
o Genre: Fantasy
o Skill: Point of View
*Practice Your Turn Pg. 188-190
Day 3- Readers to Writers, T270-T271
Writing Trait: Organization
Independent Writing Entry: Write an Opinion about a Story, Prewrite, Draft
Grammar, T271 (5 min)
o See and Saw
Mechanics: Titles of Books
Build the Concept, Insects!, T264 (5mins)
Review Oral Vocabulary: different, flutter, imitate, protect, resemble
Comprehension, T265 (10mins)
Maintain Skill: Plot: Cause and Effect
Fluency: Appropriate Phrasing, T265
Word Work, T266-T269 (30mins)
Fluency: Sound-Spelling
Phonemic Awareness: Phoneme Segmentation
Phonics/Spelling: Blend Words with Long i
Structural Analysis: Inflectional Endings
High-Frequency Words: caught, flew, know, laugh, listen, were
Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues/Sentence Clues
Close Reading, Hi! Fly Guy, T269A-T269R
Practice Your Turn: Pg.191-194

Day 4- Extend the Concept

Oral Language T272
Develop Comprehension- T273-273B
Word Work- T274-T275
Language Arts- T276-T277
Integrate Ideas- Research and Inquiry
-Text to text/ Write an analysis

How will you help students to exhibit and

self-evaluate their growing skills,
knowledge, and understanding throughout
the unit?
How will you tailor and otherwise
personalize the learning plan to optimize
the engagement and effectiveness of ALL
students, without compromising the goals
of the unit?
How will you organize and sequence the
learning activities to optimize the
engagement and achievement of ALL

Day 5 Integrate Ideas

-Text connection / Write an analysis
Word Work- T282-T283
Language Arts T284-T285
Writing Traits- organization / Grammar- Proper nouns
Unit 4 Week 4 assessment
Teacher Conference, Collaborative Conversations, Small Group Instruction, Guided
Practice, Independent Practice
Small Group Instruction (Workshop)

Introduce the Weekly Concept

Teach Close Reading
Teach Mini lessons: Comprehension Strategies, Skills, Genre, Vocab & Writing. Apply
Close Reading using Anchor Text, Extended Complex Texts, Apply Strategies & Skills.

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