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Peer Modeling in the ASD


By Kelly Fritz and Evelyn Wright


This presentation discusses the

benefits of peer modeling and how
it can be implemented in the school

What is peer modeling?

According to Prelock and
McCauley, peer modeling
is defined as viewing a
person of approximately
ones own age
demonstrating a
task(Patricia Prelock,

Who is involved?
Student who needs help with
social/ behavioral skills
Peer model
Parents (to give consent)

Who is peer modeling for?

Students (disabled and even nondisabled) that need extra support learning
social and behavior skills that may come easier to their peers.

Students who have been trained in how to provide peer modeling.

Who benefits from peer modeling?

Peers model typical academic and social
behavior in educational environments
throughout the school day and provide support
for students with ASD to promote
independence and socialization. Peers, in
return, gain increased skills in organization,
responsibility, problem solving, decisionmaking, and accountability (Carter, Cushing &
Kennedy, 2009).

Benefits for Peer Supporter

Increases awareness of ASD and other disabilities

Gains compassion and understanding for individual

Increases self confidence
Promotes responsibility

Gain new friendships

Benefits of the Learner

Gain friendships with same age peers
Increased opportunity to practice skills in natural settings
Gain a feeling of acceptance

Steps for Peer Modeling

1. Select peers
2. Train peers
3. Support peers
4. Plan for implementation

5. Implementation
6. generalization
(Neitzel, J. 2008)

Peer Model
Training Guide


What does it look like in the classroom?

Social-related supports:
Prompting social interactions
Encouraging others to interact
with student
Making introductions to others

Explicitly teaching specific social

Prompting use of AAC
Reinforcing attempts

Academic-related supports:
Sharing class materials

Making simple modifications

Helping student keep organized
Providing instruction for
completing tasks
Reviewing content
Prompting to answer a question
or idea
Helping check the accuracy of an

What does it sound like?


What does it feel like?

It feels like a friendship!

Mutually beneficial

Where does peer modeling take

In the classroom

Gen ed and Special ed

At recess
At specials
At lunch

Wherever the students may be throughout

the day!

Why is it necessary?
Increases awareness of differences
Increases acceptance
Positively supports inclusion

Does it really work? How do we

We believe that peer modeling not
only benefits the learner but also
benefits the peer. It also positively
supports the inclusion of our
students in the classroom and school

Research says .
Educators must understand that
when the possibility exists for using a
sibling or peer as a potential model
for teaching skills to children with
ASD, he or she may be just as
effective (if not more so) than
exhausting the much-needed
resources of the teacher or
paraprofessional. (Jones 2004)

Examples of Peer Modeling



The LINK program is a research-based

peer-to-peer support model for students
with autism. The model was developed in
a center program for students with autism,
kindergarten through 12th grade.

A peer to peer support program that

provides many opportunities for general
education students, as well as the
students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
(ASD). Students learn to relate to people
with different needs & develop an
increased understanding of individual

LINKS in Junior High

Where can I get more

Grand Valley State University START Program

Works Cited
Jones, C. D., & Schwartz, I. S. (2004). Siblings, Peers, and Adults: Differential Effects of
Models for Children With Autism. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 24(4), 187198.
Neitzel, J. (2008).Steps for implementation: PMII for elementary, middle, and high
school.Chapel Hill, NC: National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum
Disorders,Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, The University of North
Patricia Prelock, R. M. (2012). Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Baltimore: Paul H
Brooks Publishing Co.

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