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What am I trying to assess?

The proper construction of sentences in Present Simple Tense with the

focus on the use of suffix 's' where necessary.

What do my pupils need to


At what level do my pupils need

to perform?

Pupils need to know how to construct an indicative sentence in Present

Simple. They need to know vocabulary relating to every day actions and
habits (expressions with verbs) and names of the week (adverbials). They
need to be familiar with the adverbial phrase used with the day of the week
(ON Monday, etc.)
Pupils need to be able to read English words (names and days of the week)
and recognise the actions presented on pictures. They need to be able to
read the chart correctly. They also need to understand the questions in
English (so listening skill as well).
They need to perform at A2 English level. (2 nd grade of elementary school,
2nd year of EFL learning)

Will it the same level of

performance be required of all
my pupils?

The level of pupils may differ, because the task is supposed to be based on
what they have done in the classroom so pupils of different levels should
handle it.

What type of knowledge is being



What are the exact criteria for

this assessment task?

A proper use of suffix 's' where needed

Good construction of Present Simple sentences (with subject, verb phrase,
adverbial in a proper order)
I will ask 4 questions and count correct answers. Ss may score 4 points for
the correct use of verbs (1 or 0 point for each sentence) and 4 points for the
good construction of the sentence (1/0,5/0 point for each sentence).
Oral feedback commenting especially on what should be improved or
worked on.

What prerequisite skills do my

pupils need to have?

How will I score the assessment?

How will I give feedback?

Procedure (make a detailed list of how to implement the task; the list needs to be comprehensive for another
teacher to be able to implement the task without discussing it with you):
1. Make sure that students are familiar with the type of chart and the pictures with activities used in the
2. Give a chart to the student.
3. Demonstrate the students a model question and answer referring to the chart.
What does Tom do on Friday? Tom takes a bath on Friday.
What do you do on Thursday? I go skiing on Tuesday. Etc..
4. Remind them about the necessity to add 's' to the verb when they talk about other people. Remind
them to answer with a full sentence, giving information on who, what and when.
5. Ask each student 4 questions containing one or more question about himself (if Ss don't know the
action on the picture, they can be given a basic form).
6. Score the points and give the feedback commenting student's use of 's' and sentence construction.

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