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UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. C05998503 Date: 05/25/2016 CLASSIFIED INFORMATION NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ean ‘AND THE UNITED STATES or ‘RELEASE IN PART B7(0) 5 1. Intending to be legally bound, 1 hareby accept tt ebigaions contained in bis Agreomeat ia eoncideraton of my being Granted ‘2ccess fo claselfed information. As used ln this Agreement, cessiled Information 1s marked or unmarked casclied information, ‘including oral cammunicatons, that i classed under the standards of Executive Order 12958, or under any other Exeeuve order of satule that probbls the unauthorized csciosure of lfermaton inthe interest of national secuty; and unclassified information that ‘meets the slandards for classiicalon and ls in tho process ofa cassiiaton determination os provided ln Seaton 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4(0) of Execulve Order 12958, or under any other Executve order oF etalule fat requires prolacon for such information In tho Interest of national secur. | understand and accapt tet by being granied access to classiiedInormaton, special confidence and trust shal bo placed ia me by tho Unied Sistas Goverment. : 2. thereby ecknomodge that | have received a secuilyIndocttnalon canceming the nature and protooton of elaslfed information, Including the procedure lobe followed in ascertaining whether other petsons to whom | conlemplale dicing hs formation have bbeen approved for cous tof, and that | understand tese procedures, ‘3, nave bean advised thatthe unauihortzadclsclosure, unsuthrtzd relenion, oF negigont handing of elseled Inermaton by me ‘ould esuse demago or breperable Injury tothe United Sites or could be uted to edvantage Dy @forlgn nation, thereby agree tha | ‘wl never civlge classed information to aryone unless: (a) have ofelay veifod tht the reciplont hes been propery authorize by the Uniled Stales Government to receive Hor (i) | have been ghen peor walten noice of aunodzaion fom the Uriied States Goverament Deparment ot Agoncy (hoveinafir Deparment er Agen) responsible fer te casslicaton of formation or last granting ime a secuilly clearance that such dacosure ls permited. | understand that i 2m uncaraln about te classification status of Information, | am required to confi trom an suiherized oficial tal tho information is uncassifed before | may disclose R, except lo @ person as provided fn (a o (}, above. further understand that | am oblgated fo comply wit ewe and regdations that promt the lwrauhorized disclosure of cessed information, . 4. thave boon advised that any breech of his Agrwamant ay resul nthe termination of any securly clearances | holt; removal fom ‘22y poshion of special contidence ard tvst ruling such clearances; or tamination of my employment or ctor relationships wilh Copanmonts or Agencies that granted my socurly clearance or clearances. In adlon, | have been advised that any unauthorized sclosure of cesifed information by me may consitule a vblalon, of violas, of Untied States canal laws, Inciung tho provisions of Sactons 644, 799, 784, 768, “982 and 1924, Ts 18, Unled States Codo, “the provisions of Secion T63(b), Tide 50, United States cade, andthe provisions ofthe ineligance (aniles Protection Act of 1982. | recognize that nething Inthe Agroomten conatttes « waiver by the Unad States ofthe ight lo prosecule me for any stahory olatlon. 5, | horeby assign o the United Siates Government all royals, romunertions, and emolumenis that have resited, wil sul or may result fom any écrosure, publecton o avelaion of claifed inormation not coneaiont with to terms ol his Agrebment. 6. understand inal the United Sistas Government may sack sy remedy avalablo to to enforce this Agreement incing, but not United to, applicatn fot a court order praising disclosure a information in breach of this Agreement. 7. tunderstand thal! classed informalton to which | have access or may obtain access by signing thls Agreement Is now and wi remain the propery of, or under th control ofthe United Stalee Govornmentuniese and unl othenite determined by on authoticed ofc or final rng of court of am. | agroe thet shall rou al cassie mafedals which have, or may come into my possession oF {or which | am reaponsile.becsuse of such gocaes: (a) upon demand by an suthorlzed represeniatve of the United Stas ‘Govemment;() upon the conclusion of my employment or ober relalonship wih Ce Department or Agoncy that let granted mo @ soourly cearance oF that provided me access to classiied information; or (0) upon ie conchsion of my employment or other relationship hal raqures cess to caesifed Information. 111 donot rte such materials upon request | understand that tls may be ‘8 Vilation of Seetons 798 andor 1824, Tie 18, United Silos Codo, @ ned Sales criminal lav. 8, Untoss and unit am released in wring by an authorized represeniative ofthe Uniled States Government, | undorsiond theta {onsen and chfgaons imposed upon roby 8s Aroement py ange Ua | em grate Sasso ceed oman, 125 oreo. 8, Each provision ofthis Agreement I severabe. Wa cour shoud frid any provision of his Agroament io be unenforceable, ail oor ‘rovslons o his Agreement shall remain in ful free and eter. (Ceatie on verse) mre = Focenan a Leeman Bonnaeo ta UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. 05998503 Date: 05/25/2016 UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2015-15018 Doc No. C05998503 Date: 05/25/2016 40, Those resvictons are consistent with and do not supersede, confcl with or othoraise ator tho employee obligations, fights or lables coated by Executive Order 12868, Secton 7211 ol TWe §, Uned Sates code (gowarning cecovures to Congroeth, Secon 1034 of Tilo 10, Unied States code, as amended by tho Milary Whsdobiowor Protection Act (governing dlelosre to Congress by ‘members of the ritaryk Section 2902() (8) of Tife 6, Unled Slates Code, 22 amonded by the Whlstebewes Protection Ack (goveming lsclosures of togaliy, waste, travs, abuse or public health o slaty trata); th lleEoence Ideniles Protecion Ac of 1882 (60 U.S.C. 424 et seq) (governing ciscosures tet expose conidental Governent agen), and tho sales which prota against isciosure hat may compromise vo national seculy, including Seclons 641,763, 794, 708, 952 and 1824 of Tle 18, Unlied ‘State Codo, and Section 4) ofthe Subversive Actives Act of 1860 (80 U.S.C, Secton 783()). Tho defellons, requirements, ‘obligations, sights, sanctons and fables ereaed by said Exnouive Onder and Teled tates are Incorporaled into tis Agreement ‘ond ore controling. 11, | have read tis Agreoment carefly and my qusstons, i eny, have been answered, | acknaloedgethat the briefing officer has ‘made avaiable lo ma the Exaculive Orcar and statues referenced In hie agreamnt ands implementing requis (32 CFR Sadion 2009.20) 90 at! may ead them al this tne, HI so chase, : ‘THE EXECUTION OF THIS AGREEWENT WAS WITNESSED | THE UNDERSIGNED ACCEPTED THIS AGREEMENT ON [BY THE UNDERSIGNED, UNCLASSIFIED U.S Department of State Case No. F-2016-18012 Dec No. COSB98503 Date: 051252016

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