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Chie wif Pubic Schods Potable Water Sampling Protocol for Lead Concentration ‘Api 15, 2016 (Rev. 2) This Elementary School Sampling Protocols based on EPA Revised Technical Guidance is based on the USEPA Revised Technical Gudance "3s fo Reducing Lead” dated October 2008. The pupose os Protocols to collec, halyze and measure te concentration of led in potable water in Chicago Public Schoo's Elementary School Bullings. Young chen, those 6 years and younger, are at paricularrsk for lead exposure as ther nervous systems are sil undergoing development and thus are more susceptible tothe eects of oxic agents such as, lead " 1.0 Selection of schools for testing was based diithe EPA guidance. The following criteria ‘were applied 41, Schools constructed prior to 1986, “Through the eariy 1900s, lead pipes wete cémmenly used fr inror plumbing in certain parts ofthe county in pubic buildings. Plumbing installed before 1830 is more lily to contain lea than newer pipes. Between 1920 and 1950, ‘alvanized pipes were also used fr plumbing, 3 e arms which Wald most key include chien 6 year or under ho would be mest at ik from high lead levels. 20 4. Compe he Peabo Wer Samling survey (Aachen 1) 2. Visit the schoo! and interview the school custodian to finalize or confirm the information fn the survey, and to generate a floor planisketch drawing showing the water outlets in the school. (Sketches are avaliable from the School's AHERA reports) 3. Ifthe school has not been in normal operation for more than three days, the Sample Collector wil need to ensure that all potable water outlets are flushed completely the day prior to testing. The sampler wil simulate normal water use by ensuring that all potable ‘ater outlets are thoroughly fished the on the afternoon prior tothe day of sampling “The sample should be colacted within 18 hours after the end ofthe flushing period the evening before. 4, Ihthe schoo! has been operating normally for atleast three days prior to testing, the ‘Sampler will ot need to ensure tha all potable water outlets are flushed completely, afer Schools 5. On the day prior to testing, the Sampler wil instrucVconfir withthe engineer that no ‘water outlets in or around the school wil be utiized unt the sampling is completed, 3.0 During the inspection/sampling at each school, the Sampler shall 4. Return to the schoo! for sampling at a minimum of 8 hours after but not ater than 18 hous after the time of the fushing 2, Prior tothe commencement of sampling the Sampler should confinm/verify with the {engineer that no water oul in and around the schoo! has been operatedutiized within the time period between the flushing and sampling, ull dental ote tha are most irle must be coloded 3. Prior to commencement of sampling the Sami ely used fr ining and fod preparation purposes from a COLD water tap. 4. rior to commencing sampling the Sampler should identity and mai bo sampied on the generated oor paniskelé drawing shoving the cue nthe school 5, Sample identied outlets in ae 4.0 Conducting Sampling 3 colt shoud bo 250 milters (LO n volume). A mater tying the source fled at an cet Decne @ aller section of plumbing. A smaller sample is also srying consumed by a child. samples ffom COLD water taps BEFORE the facity opens and [BEFORE any waters used Idealy, the water shoud st nthe ppes unused for at Jeasl hours but ne more than 18 hours beferea samples taken However, water ‘may be more than 18 houts ol at some out that ae infrequertiy used. esis {ypial of normal use pattems, then these outlets shoud sillbe sampled Make sue that noivatr i withdrawn from the taps or fourtains from which the ‘arn re a late pene ofr seg 4. Do not collect samples in the moming after vacations, weekends, or holidays if possible. If samples must be taken during these periods, ensure thatthe system hhas been adequately ushed at least 8 hours prior to the sampling, Chicax gifkier Schools 2. Labeling ‘Assign a unique sample identification number to each sample colacted. The 1g number system should be as follows, Facitty Nam ‘Annex, Addition, Branch, Gym, Auditorium, Pre-K Unit Number, Fountain (F), Water Cooler (WC), Cooking Sink (CS) Floor Number (B,1,2.3) FFountair/Sink location (Narth, South, East, West, Central), Unique identifier. . On the record keeping form include: Sample 10 nimber the MTanfocurt that produced he cut! andthe inumber own, > 5. DO NOT Rinse or OVERFILL containers. , 6. Tightly cap the sample bottles: 7. Review the sample bot label to ensure thet all ofthe “information contained on the label is earect “8. Make sure that al information onthe sample collection form is, Correct and complete ATTACHMENT 1 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SURVEY POTABLE WATER SAMPLING FOR LEAD CONCENTRATION PLUMBING PROFILE QUESTIONNAIRE, Attach floorplan identifying the locaton of out thot provide water for cooking or drinking ‘Name of Schoo! Airs Main Phone Number Principal Phone t Fat Custodian Engineer Phone Faxt 1) When was the school constructed? 2) Were plumbing repairs made since construction ofthe schoo! C]¥Es [JNO IEYES, when? 3) Dothe faucets used to obtain water for drinking and cooking purposes within the school have accessible aerated screens? (]YES-— JNO. IFYES, are the soreens cleaned regularly? []YES [NO 4) Can you detec signs of corrasion, suchas frequent leaks, orrust-colored wate fom taps, within the school? ves (NO yes, how often and from what locations? (Indicate ftom cold andor hot water) 5) Isclectrical equipment grounded to water pipes in the immediate area of the school? [Lhyes FINO tyes, note location(s): 6) Havethere been complaints about a had (metallic) ase to the water? — C]YES_— LINO 7) Whes, ifever, were water samples from your building collected? 8) Is water used during the night or prior tothe daily opening ofthe schoot? C]vEs [JNO EYES, for what purpose? 9) Complete the table below indicating the number and status ofall potable water outlets in and around the schoo! building where water is used for cooking or drinking purposes. Identify the location ofeach out ‘Out ‘amet Number | Nambar [—Deveribe reson) carenty | Currenly | Currenly | For eing ot of service. cpcntionl and | Operation and | Nowe inservice | Gutofservice. | Operation Wiss Fonsi “bubbler type” ‘Water cookers (chilled Storage) Bored water cokes icin ets 9 ‘Oiker source of inking ater (dsr) Infomation provided by riarnaney Ciaiony ai Infomation provided by Grataney ‘aaiony ay Questionnaire completed by. i. mane) ‘elon "ay Fateen) ‘alan co) : 1 | idl ; 2, i i, ul Y il yy

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