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1.The importance of the affective domain in language learning.
The Affective Domain emotional side of human behavior.
2.The role of self-esteem and inhibition in second language acquisition.
Self-esteem self confidence, its how we consider ourselves, are we successful or not.

Global you have high level of self-esteem in general, in any situations.

Situational / Specific self-esteem in given situation, for example at the discotheque.
Task self-esteem in particular task, for example during the dancing.

Inhibition defenses created by yourself to protect your own ego.

The higher self-esteem is the lower inhibition is.
3.Risk-taking as a characteristic of a good language learner.
Risk taking it is the ability to make intelligent guess. Learners have to be able to gamble a bit and to take the risk of
being wrong. Somebody who have high level of risk taking is better in learning language than other who
have lower level.
4.The impact of anxiety on the process of language learning:
a) the concept of foreign language anxiety, understood as a combination of communication
apprehension, fear of negative social evaluation and test anxiety;
b) debilitative vs. facilitative anxiety and their respective roles.
Anxiety it is associated with feelings, frustration, self-doubt, apprehension or worry.

Global anxiety (trait) it is the part of our personality, we are afraid of everything.
State anxiety this kind of anxiety refers to a particular situation, event, act.

a) Foreign language anxiety 3 components:

1) Communication apprehension its the inability to express mature thoughts and ideas (being afraid of
speaking). A fear to be not understood.
2) Fear of negative social evaluation we are afraid that we will say something wrong, out of place. Need to
make a positive social impression on others.
3) Test anxiety apprehension over academic evaluation (being afraid of taking part in writing tasks).
b) Debilitative vs. facilitative anxiety:
Debilitative anxiety its a negative factor which restrain somebody from doing something correctly.
Facilitative anxiety help you to get your goals, aims.
5.The concept of empathy and its influence on the process of language learning.
Empathy the ability to imagine how another person is feeling and so understand his/her mood. Empathy is easier in
speaking than in writing because it is easier to get immediate feedback (answer) from the interlocutor.
People who have more empathy are better in communication (BISC) field dependent.

6.The role of introversion and extroversion in language learning.

Extroversion it is a need of being accepted by other people. Need other people to feel good, talkative.
Extroverts are said to need other people to live.
Introversion not liking company of other people, less talkative, strong characters and high self-esteem. There is
no need to be with other people. A lack of need of being accepted.

In language learning extroverts are better in communication, but we cant say who is better to be (somewhere
7.Different types of motivation and their impact on the process of language acquisition:
a) Integrative vs. instrumental motivation;
b) Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation;
c) Resultative motivation.
Motivation the need or reason for doing something, a feeling of interest in doing something. It is a motion or desire
that moves one to a particular action.
a) Integrative vs. instrumental motivation:
- Integrative motivation push us to integrate with given society in order to become a member of that society.
- Instrumental motivation push us to achieve a given goal, aim. For example good job, high salary, high level
of education.
b) Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation:
- Intrinsic motivation motivation which comes from your inside, for example my own wanting.
- Extrinsic motivation motivation which comes from outside, for example marks, parents.
c) Resultative motivation:
Situation in which success causes motivation. It comes from success that we achieve to work normally.

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