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1. Individual Education Plan

Childs name: Laura

Prepared by: Sarah-Louise McLean and Stephanie Lindsay

Strengths &
Interests- chapters
-Playing alone (When
playing with the other
children Laura to
prefer a certain social
distance between
herself and her peers.
Chapter 1)
-cooking (Laura also
spends a lot of time in
the sandpit making
cakes and various
other concoctions.
Chapter 1 )
-affection for mother
(she carried the toy
mobile telephone
around in her pocket
and was overheard
making calls to the

Areas needing
further supportchapters
-Further development
of emotional and
physical interaction
and behavioural
-Learning control,
cause and effect of
relationship with
-Lauras relationship
with students in the

Date: 16/09/2015

Evidence from

Goals, Short termtheoretical ideas

Strategies- linked
to theoretical ideas


-On one occasion

when the teacher
intervened, Laura
brandished the
potato masher she
was cooking with and
declared I am going
to kill you!
-Negative verbal and
social interaction)
(chapter 1)

-Begin to manage
behaviour within the

- Working with child

psychologist to help
with various issues
with Laura, and the
relationship between
Laura and ChantelleA).child professional
with expertise in
both child
psychology and
family psychology to
identify areas of
concern with both
Laura and Chantelle
and their interaction
with each other.
B). based on the
findings adapted
education plan to
include new

The responsibility
for Lauras
does not fall on
just one person.
To enable Laura
to reach her full
potential and to
allow her to grow
and develop
through these
issues we will
need all relative
parties to ensure
that they are
present and
active through
this time.

Chantelle followed
Laura to the door and
shrieked come back
here at once! When
Laura did not
respond Chantelle
bawled come here
when I call you! Do
what I say! I am

-Bringing a child
psychologist to work
with Laura and
Chantelle inside and
outside the
-Identifying particular
behavioural traits
A).The reason
behind this goal was
to understand the
reasons behind
Laura's behaviour,
{this is linked to
Dreikurs theory of
Mistaken behaviour

The relative

cops to tell them to

take her back to her
Mummy. Chapter 2)
-Confidence (She is a
very confident child
who doesnt hesitate
to ask for things or
direct other children.
Chapter 1)
- Playing with dolls
(Laura spends a lot of
time in the home
corner dressing up,
feeding and playing
with the dolls. Chapter
behaviour (mimicking)
(She has been
observed pointing and
giving loud verbal
directions. Such as
you go and get the
cups of tea and you
be the Daddy and go
to work etc Chapter

going to give you

such a belting!!!
-Negative family
social interaction
(chapter 3)
-Phoebe had told her
mother that Laura
and she were
cooking with the
utensils and play
dough when Laura
tried to get the rolling
pin off Phoebe.
When Phoebe tried
to keep the rolling
pin, Laura snatched it
from her and then hit
her across the face
before saying I need
this now!
-Negative physical
and social interaction
with peers.
(chapter 5)

and the four reasons

1. For
2. For
power over
people or a
3. For
needs were
not met and
for avoidance
of failure.}

-Increased visits with
Chantelle at centreto foster and nurture
their relationship,
through these
increased visits,
Laura will be able to
interact with her
mother on a more
personal level in a
more positive and
relaxed environment
with the educators
and other students.
A).Due to Laura
separation from
Chantelle and
placement in fostercare Laura is
unsettled and
overwhelmed by the
situation. Visits from
Chantelle may help
settle Laura in
regards to her
B).Involve Chantelle
in creative play and

parties in order to
help Laura
Her mother
Lauras current
foster family,
Denise, Lauras
teacher including
educators, the
committee and
teaching aides
from Dry Dock
Pre-School, the
elected child
psychologist, the
social worker, the
teacher and Dry
Dock Primary

-strong willed (When

Phoebe tried to keep
the rolling pin, Laura
snatched it from her
and then hit her
across the face before
saying I need this
now! Chapter 5)
-Imaginative and
creative play (Denise
provided Chantelle
with some samples of
Lauras drawings to
take to the school.
Chapter 4)

story time (as per

Laura's strengths
and interests)- this
will aim to show
Laura other positive
behaviour to imitate
and model from her
mother, rather than
the aggressive and
disruptive behaviour
that has already
been observed.
This is in conjunction
with Banduras social
learning theory,
where he contends
that people learn via
observation and
modelling; especially
when modelled by
the same-sex
-Working bee;
A). To further
relationships with
Chantelle and other

parents, which would

further help Laura.
working bee for
parents only.
C) A chance to
create a sense of
community between
parents and centre
with cooperation and
-Teaching aide
A).To help Laura
with understanding
why her behaviour is
seen as disruptive to
other children in the
classroom. have an
aide in the
-Implement routine
for foster family
involvement in daily
life of Laura,
A).Foster family will
be able to gain
knowledge and

information about
Laura like her
behaviors in school
and her interests.
This in turn will help
foster social bonds
to form between the
foster family and
Laura. {This strategy
relates to
theory. A child is
influenced by the
environment around
them in this case we
have created a
strategy that
attempts to foster
positive relationships
within the
-Still plays alone,
however now benefits
from inclusive play

-self regulated social,

emotional and
behaviour control
-Positive verbal

Goals, Mid term

-When playing with
-Have at least one
the other children
Laura to prefer a
A).One on One
certain social
social interaction
distance between
with a peer.{links to
herself and her peers Vygotskys social

-Class behavioural
reward and tracking
A). As a individual
reward system in
class would further

Given it is now
the end of the
year and Laura is
going into Dry
Dock Primary
school, the

-Lauras relationship
with her foster family

(Chapter 1).
-Minimal social
interaction with peers
(chapter 1)

cultural theory in
regards to Zone of
development with
peer supported
learning. which
means that children
with more
knowledge of
positive social
behaviours are able
to guide Laura so
that she in turn may
understand positive
social behavior
-Laura has a better
understanding of her
own behaviour in
regards to verbal
and physical
empathy in regards
to her behaviour with
others socially.
(Vygotsky theory
states that it is with
the use of language

isolate Laura from

her peers a group
system is best.{ This
strategies is linked to
Skinners operate
conditioning in
regards to physical
behaviour in regards
to peers and adults.
The reason for such
an extreme strategy
is due to the safety
of all involved.}
-Chantelle has a set
routine to come into
the center- along
with other parents.
Otherwise this
strategy would
create a sense of
isolation and

support group for

Laura is now
going to change,
however some
will be staying the
The support
network for Laura
is as followsFoundation
teacher and Dry
Dock Primary
community and
relevant teacher
aides, Child
Lauras mother

made trough
meaningful adult
interactions that
leads to higher
development.It is
with the aid of
language that
children are able to
internalise their
understanding and
knowledge of the
world around them
which leads to a
child's ability to use
private speech for
self-direction, selfcontrol and problem
-Better relationship
with foster family
A). Stabilisation of all
relationships in
Laura's life. (Leading
to a sense of
security and
cooperation in
regards to outside
influences on
Lauras life.){as per


Bibliography / References
Bowes, J. & Grace, R. & Hodge,K. (2012) Children, families and communities
Bandura, A (1977) Social learning theory
Kearns, K (2010) Birth to big school
Hammer, Marie (2015) Lauras Story (Chapter 1 - Chapter 5) Accessed
Staats, A (1988) Skinners theory and the emotion-behaviour: incipient change with major implications
Vygotsky, L (1978) Interaction between learning and development

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