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ANKHNOSIS:[The difference between an Atheist and a Awakened Conscious

Soul, one don't have a belief in a Supreme Being that Exist, but the other
Overstands, what it means to be and know what is a Supreme Being...

Religious folks says their some Entity sending people to Heaven and Hell.

Atheist says, I know your bullshitting, can you prove it.

Someone who is Aware, Conscious, and Inner-stand the two stances, says,
Both of you is right, but you don't want to realize that it is us who are God, it
is us who are Supreme Beings, it is Nature that is Karma, it is Nature whom
one of you serve, and the other don't believe...

It don't take rocket Science to grasped these two dilema's, of course

Christians don't realize they are worshipping the Sun in the sky as Jesus, of
course Muslims don't realize they're worshipping the Moon and Venus Star,
as Allah, of course Hebrew Israelites don't know they're worshipping the
Moon as Yah, of course even Rastafarians don't know they are worshipping
Jah as the Sun, of course Atheist don't know that they are studying Nature as
God, of course we know, some just don't want to accept the reality of these
things, The Earth, Sun, and Moon, they are the Trinity and Godhead over and
in you, of course on the true nature of things the Devil is your Ego, of course
on the true nature of things, the only savior is a mind who have liberated
them self from Ignorance, Yes we know, we don't apply labels to our
experiences, we are awakened, we became all those labels to know them,
thus we are no longer of them, therefore we are Saved(Liberated).

There many African Tribes, if you was to ask one of them how old are you,
they would look at you crazy, but if you asked, how many are you, they
would respond I am the 4th or 5th child, etc, cause their is no Division in
them, they are One Tribe. Which brings me to, Age is just a number to
supress, and opress an ageless Soul Being, its only in the Modern World, you
find folks are Aging, cause our minds are condition to think we are Old, and
ready to cease to exist..

Folks don't yet realize that Nature whom is God has no Titles, nor special
names for one set of Religion, when you begin to apply titles and names, this
birth Ego, this birth Dualism, Be you, Be Real Self, this is why -Be(Mind) goes
with -Ing(Body) /BEING, cause you have to Go within, to be aware of your
Being(Soul)... Amen -Ra

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