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Malaysia is a country that consist of muti-racial.

The predominantly races are the Malays

or Bumiputera (Princes of the Soil), the Chinese and the Indians. I am not talking about races or
about religion, what I want to appoint is about how unique it is multi-racial can live side by side
since a long time ago yet still keep their own separate and individual identities. The largest
group is Malaysia is the Bumiputera people. They are consider as countrys hosts, a heavier
emphasis has always been placed on their traditional, culture and etiquette, in particular those
of the Malays. Bumiputera groups consists of the Malays (originally from the northern plains
Asia), the Orang Asli (the aborigines) and the Malay-related people come from the neighboring
Indonesian islands. Also in this category are the Bajau people of Sabah.
There is also a non-Malay Bumiputera category which consists of ethnic groups found in
Sabah and Sarawak. These non-Malay Bumiputera people are basically of the same racial
stock and are considered the indigenous people of the region. It is consists primarily of the
Chinese and the Indians. Much smaller communities of Arabs and Eurasians also exist.
Malaysian culture today is healthy mix of five distinct cultures. Its own indigenous culture as well
as Islamic, Chinese, Indian and Western cultures. I can proudly said that we have such a rich
and unique blend of tradition and cultures. There may be countless things to observe, but this is
what makes us truly the people of Malaysia.
The Malays is one of the people that very generous and forgiving with foreigners who make
Malay faux pas, those who do not make such blunders will be tightly admired and respected.
The most common we can see is upon visiting Malays homes. The first thing you would
probably notice is that all Malaysians will take off their shoes before entering the house. They
are looking at cleanliness because they do prayer with guest they usually do at living room. By
wearing shoes inside can dirtier the floor and making it unsuitable for prayers. Sometimes, they
may ask you to take off your shoes, if you take you shoes and follow like them this will make
them happy because you are appreciate them. This customs already been used by Chinese,
Indian and Eurasian-Malaysian as well. They will automatically take off their shoes when
entering house of their Malay friends and they also practiced at their own house as well.
Next, we can immediately notice when we are entering the house, the younger Malay
person would very likely make the first move to salam (shake) an older Malay persons hand or
visitor that come their house. Malays style have no hard-and-fast-rules but age takes
precedence over almost everything else. This is to show respect to person that older than them.
Part of that is the Malay handshake (salam) is different than western handshake. Compare to
Malay, western handshake is rather vigorous up and down movement where both parties grip

the others hand firmly. Meanwhile, the Malay handshake is more simply, which is simple palm
to palm touch. Sometimes they only use their fingertips brush against each other. But the most
important here is the bringing of the hand (one or both) back to the heart or the lower part of the
face the nose and mouth to signifies that your greeting has been accepted with sincerity. The
Malays also usually will make hand contact (salam) only at the same sex. This is because
maybe some of them are ready to prayer. What brings here is they may be already had perform
their ablutions which forbid for them to touch of the opposite sex, unless closely related blood.
The touching may make them to retake the ablutions again.

In eastern culture, head is part of the body that is consider sacred. Should not touch yhe
head of your Malaysian friend without permission. Although there is insect on their head too, you
may ask to them before touching their head. While at the public, an act of intimacy is not
common among them. The action of intimacy may cause a lot of unnecessary embarrassment.
Please take note do not easily kiss their cheek or anything, please do not be offended when
your Malay friend is avoiding you. This is natural for them to avoid contact skin with someone
else. The usual Malay way when entertaining people of both sexes is that the men will be invited
to sit together and the ladies will be invited to sit together.
The Malays also would be not to open any gift that given to them by visitor. They may
put it away first. They may open the gift when the giver is not there. Could it be that by doing it
this way we spare the giver the embarrassment of seeing the look of dismay on their faces
should the gift be less than what was expected? But this they learn to respect the guest. Never
ever use your left hand in Malay company. It is Malay custom that we wash ourselves each time
we defecate and the left hand is used for this. Symbolically then, the left hand is considered
unclean. Therefore, for all manner of gestures such as waving or pointing where only one hand
is needed, only the right hand is used.
Meanwhile, for the non-Malays already part of the custom. As the take off their shoes
before entering the house also practiced by the non-Malays. The issues here is about the
cleanliness. Yes due the cleanliness they practiced this it may not be the religious reasons.
Segregation of the sexes exists primarily in Malay homes but it is fairly safe for me to say that
Malaysian women often feel more at home in the presence of the other women than they would
with the men especially foreign men.

Gesture of greeting for the non-Malays is something that is dictated more by culture than
religion. A handshake is not really a common of greeting with Chinese-Malaysians (just smile
and a nod will do). It is also be used by Indian-Malaysians groups, as in prayer they greeting by
the two palms touching each other, are brought to chest level and the head is bowed towards
the palms. What we look here is the respect to an older one person is the utmost. Whatever
circumstances we should know and do not forget manner toward the older people. It is a social
offence considered intolerable in Malaysia.
Religion is one of the personal life. As a Muslim, a believer the only one truth religion
Islam, is not just a religion it is a Deen. Islam is looking at the aspect of spiritual and material of
ones personal as well as socio-political life and provides a well-integrated code oh human
behavior. The one and only one we take as guides is the Quran and Hadith. We take those two
as our guidance to lead this life toward a good things. These two are well-defined guidance
concerning a Believers obligations to Almighty Allah and His Creations. Based on the Quran
and Hadith, they strongly make it clear social obligations in a way are more important. If
someone make an evil deeds and commit sin against Allah and then turn to him with sincere
repentance, Allah may forgive his sin. The Quran and Hadith are the obligation that carried by a
Muslim. We should acquire the proper knowledge of these rights and try our best to honour
We do have intention to do something. Yes intention comes first in mind. As we know,
etiquette is related to intention. As a Muslim, we knew that Allah knew our intention when want
to do something and we can say that all deeds are come from the intention. Our deeds also are
depend on our intention, how strong it how weak it is. Our deeds can be identify by Him whether
it is valid or void all depending towards intention. It is obligation to make the intention proper.
Verily, all actions are but driven by intention and for everyone is what he intended.
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
We can manage our intention by looking at our heart how strong you are to resist bad
deed. Yes, intention is the one that drive and motivated force behind the deeds.
There are four types of people: one is a man whom Allah has given knowledge and
wealth. He acts as with respect to his wealth based on his knowledge. Another person says that
if Allah had given him similar to what He gave the first man, he would have acted in the same
fashion. The reward for both of them will be the same. A third person is one, whom Allah gives
wealth but He does not give knowledge. Therefore, he spends his money according to his

desire. Another man says that if Allah had given him, what He had given that person, he would
have acted in the same manner. These two will have the same burden upon them. (Ibn Majah
with a good chain)
From intention bad deeds can be done, yes we do have evil intention that show in our
heart. From evil intention it can be turn a permissible deed into a forbidden one. It may change
that is free from any harm into a harmful deed. Therefore, from that Muslim believes concerning
the seriousness of intention and its extreme importance. The intention is acts as the soul of the
deed and its value. If the intention is sound, the deed will sound too. But when the intention is
wicked, the deed is wicked too. As we strongly state that intention is a complex thing, it is not
simply the statement of the tongue, O Allah, I intend such and such. Nor is it simply a
thought in the mind. Intention is an essential component of deeds and a condition for the validity
of the deed. We must take note, that we must perform a deed for the sake of Allah, we must
learn to drive out intention to do proper deed.
We as a Muslim, we must thank to Allah for all of His blessing in our life. He gave us
everything we need, air to breath, water to drink, good health in daily, good place to live and
more. We cannot count how much it is. It is countless bounties that Allah given us from time that
we were a drop of fluid in his mothers womb. We as be taught that we thank to Him with our
tongue, by praising Him and extolling Him in proper manner. As we use our limbs to do good
thing and good manner it is one of the things that thank to Him. Obviously, it is never considered
proper etiquette to be ungrateful for bounties one has received or to reject the bounties of the
One Who gives. We believe about Allahs knowledge and He knew everything about His people
under any circumstances. When a Muslims heart full with awe, respect and veneration for Allah.
He will obey towards Him as he know that Allah knowing everything future and past and our
heart. This is how we behave toward Him. As a slave to go against his master by disobeying
him or by treating him with evil and disrespect while his master witnessing and watching him,
these obviously show not a proper etiquette.
Allah has been very generous with his people, how a lot of blessing is given to us. We
with sincerity humility and supplication, we humbles ourselves to Him. By seeks a means of
approach to Allah with the best of speech and good deeds. This is how we show to Him that we
thank to Him and this is the etiquette we talked about before. As a Muslim, we also strongly
believe Allah severe grip and ability to punish severely. So we will make sure we obey and
follow what that would show proper ethics and etiquette as we do not disobey Him and tries to
obey Him. A Muslim, he should be think what comes after what he did, what punish he get?

What would he become? What happen to him? Yes, while he disobeying His order, the threat is
already come upon to him and tied with him. His punishment is based on what his action about.
What about when we obey Him and do thank to Him? We are the one that follow His order and
obeying Him as if His promise has already come true for us. This is where we have a good
expectation toward Allah and from having this thought we already done a proper etiquette
toward Him.
As a conclusion, we must thank to Him and show to Him that we are thank to Him for all
good fortune that given. We must have strong feeling to resist bad deeds and do good deeds.
Sincerely trust Him and turn to Him and have a good expectation to Him with respect. The more
we follow the order and obeying to Him, we can get elevated to a good rank and be the one of
the devoted slaves of Allah.
The Noble Quran is the Word of Allah to His people, which is surpasses all of the other
speech. As we know how high the level of sacredness of the speech of Allah, the honor and
virtue of His speech are undeniable. As we know, whoever speak according to Quran, has
spoken the truth. Whoever judges according His Words, has judged justly. It is truly sacred
Word of Allah, who denied His Words are the loser and destroyed but for those that strongly
accepted the Words from Allah with their heart will be successful and victorious.
As our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
Read the Quran, for it shall come as an intercessor for its companion on the Day of
Resurrection. (Muslim)
Here the situation where one of the Prophets most staunch opponents came to him and
said, O Muhammad, read the Quran to me. Allahs Messenger (PBUH) read to him the
verse that bring means:
Verily, Allah enjoins Al-Adl and Al-Ihsan, and giving (help) to kith and kin, and forbids AlFahsha and Al-Munkar and Al-Baghy. (An-Nahl: 90)
When his opponent asks him to repeat the verse, the Prophet (PBUH) had hardly
finished reciting it, astonished at its lofty wording, sacred meaning and clarity. He was
possessed by its great ability to influence man. He did not wait long but immediately raised his
voice to state his confession concerning it and declare his testimony concerning the holiness
and greatness of Allahs Word. He said, By Allah, it has a sweetness. It is full of elegance. Its

lowest portion is for foliage and its highest portion is for fruits. No human can say such. (Ibn
Jarir At-Tabari)
As a Muslim, we have the obligation to respect to Allahs Messenger which is our
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We must know the proper etiquette and respect toward our
Prophet. Allah has obligated upon every believing man and woman proper manners with respect
to Allahs Messenger (PBUH). A Muslim also must love him and obey him as what He is ordered
to us as His slave. As stated, it is obliged to obey and one may not to break the obeying order.
One must gradually continue behave in the proper way towards him under all circumstances.
The One said:
O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad (PBUH)).
(Muhammad: 33)
Allah has also made the love for the Prophet (PBUH) obligatory, as has been stated by
the Prophet (PBUH) himself:
By the One n whose hand is my soul, none of you truly believes until I am beloved to
him than his father, child and all of mankind. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
The Prophet (PBUH) is given by Allah with special characteristics of beauty in both his
physical appearance as well as his behavior. Not just that he also bestowed upon him by the
Allah, concerning his soul and being, what makes him the most beautiful creation ever and
complete whatsoever. Then, it is obviously stated that we must have the proper etiquette with
respect to such a being. A Muslim must obligate to fulfill their roles as the devoted Muslim that
love, respect and love to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). We would ask Allah the One Who to
have good proper behavior and respect toward our Prophet (PBUH) and guide us to always
support him and are of his party.
A Muslim believes that his happiness in these two worlds, the first and second, is
determined by the extent that he disciplines and trains himself, betters himself, purifies himself
and refines himself. Similarly, he knows that his unhappiness comes about by him running,
desecrating and spoiling his self. A Muslim also believes that what purifies his soul and further
cleanses him is the beauty of faith and good deed. The aspects that ruin and destroy his soul
are the evil of disbelief and disobedience.
Due to that, a Muslim is always living in a state where he is refining his soul, purifying it
and cleansing it. He is the first one to refine it. He uses the means of purification for it and

purifies it from its impurities. He keeps it from everything that ruins or spoil it, whether it be
erroneous, evil beliefs or impure speech and actions. He struggles against it night and day. He
holds it to account for every moment. He encourages it to do good deeds and pushes it to acts
of obedience. He completely turns it away from evil and depravity. In order to purify it and make
it wholesome, he follows the following steps:
a) Repentance
What is the mean is where a person is ceasing of all sins committed and acts of
disobedience, feeling guilt for every sin one committed in the past and firm conviction
not to return to perform any sin for the rest of ones life.
Hadith, the Prophet (PBUH):
Allah is more pleased with the repentance of His believing slave than a person in a
waterless desert whose camel leaves him. He looks for the camel until he is about to
die from thirst. He then returns to his place in which he was and then he sets to sleep
until he dies. He puts his head on his pillow to die. Then he wakes up and finds his
camel with his provisions, food and drink with it. Allah is more pleased with the
repentance of a slave than that believer is with finding that camel and his provisions.
(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
b) Watchfulness and being on guard
In this state where a Muslim realize that he is being watched by Allah. He keeps
adhering to this belief and understanding in every moment of his life until he
becomes absolutely certain that Allah is seeing everything he is doing, knows all of
his secrets and is watching all of his actions. With this attitude, a Muslim will know
and recognize the greatness and perfection of Allah. He feels great and welcome
when upon remembering Allah.
Allahs Messenger (PBUH) aid:
Worship Allah as if you see him. If you do not see Him, He sees you. (Al-Bukhari
and Muslim)
c) Taking account of oneself
After all what we did, we must take account for ourselves about that deed that we do
on that day. We should look that evil deed and sin like a losses. As we take a look at
the sin, we must find some compensation toward that sin. As the compensation, from
the sin that he committed he must ask for forgiveness from Allah for ignore the
obligation to obey Him. Seek for the forgiveness, have remorse, repent and perform
the good deeds that he believes will rectify the evil that he did.

d) Struggle and striving against oneself

Every muslim is struggle with their own, which the biggest enemy in their life his soul.
By its nature the soul will drive him to evil deed and makes him flee from good. The
soul need to calm down and the soul love calmness and relaxation. As a Muslim, we
must realize that we must strong to against our own soul to win this war. We must
forbid all evil deeds to obey the One Allah.
In human nature, we are always be born with feeling sorry towards the others. Kindness
is one of the nature of human, where it is a basic quality of human nature. This kind of feeling
will softens th heart when informed about the sufferings of the fellow creatures and makes one
restless for providing relief to them. From this, a man feel sorry toward them by the mistakes of
others and cause him to guide them properly. What created this feeling? What is that drive it? It
is love and sympathy. Love and sympathy are created also in animals too, on account they
show some kindness to their offspring. We must know that kindness is the attribute of the
Almighty, God. It is highest and vast sense. His kindness is far greater than anything and He
given all of His kindness to all entire of the universe. Kindness one of the essential in the
In Islam, sympathy is one of the moral quality. While in government and administration, it
is not important of the individual act of sympathy. What it is about to say is on the general
climate of thought and practice in which people can satisfy their needs without generates
acrimony and hostility. Social system will remain unstable if the government unsympathetic and
callous in their attitudes. Sympathy has to be effective, so it is to be universal and free from
racial and sectarian prejudices. Sympathy is for all not for specific person only, all of the
population even the minorities as well have the right to get sympathy from the administration.
For the minorities, Islam has stated and provided special and privileged status to them in a
Muslim Kingdom. Their life, honour, property and privileged should be special concern to the
rulers. They should be receive same kindness and sympathy as for the Muslims in an Islamic

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