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Power Flow through Transmission Line ‘The flow of power at any point along a transmission line can be determined with the knowledge of voltage, current and power factor. This power can be derived in terms of the transmission or ABCD parameters. These equations can be applied to any ‘two terminal pair network. Fig. 5.5 shows a transmission line with sending end quantities represented by subscript ‘and receiving end quantities represented by subscript '® vsies Walco SA Tanerisn tne ABCD oo oo Lowe SFE sePatiey | [2c Fig. 535 The complex power delivered by the receiving end and that received by the senadng end of the transmission line i given a8, Se = Pe tjQu=Ve li Sp = B+iQs=Vsii Here li, and 15 are complex conjugate of currents Ix and Is. Consider the following equation for sending end voltage in terms of ABCD parameters, Vs = Ik = Let A= Aj Za, B= |Bizp, IVe| 20" Ve = [Vs] 28 Substituting these values inthe equation for iy _ [Mal26-DAiZe ve} 204 ~ 1826 _ Ns IAW! J ~ I Ter The complex power at the receiving end is given by, Pe iQe = Vet EUS cpg AL ep ‘The real and reactive power at receiving end are, [Val LVI JAl LV - BI Ter mth) i 0s (f~8) = Ist Va JAL Iver Qe TBI sin (8) HAL TAL sin Ba Similarly the sending end complex power is given by PoiQs = PBL IVs cpa tal cps ‘The real and reactive power at sending end at = DLV capa) LYSINE coe ps Bo = Tgp esa) Fg 8 (B +8) a IDLIVS neg ay LVALIVE ain (pe Qs = BETTE singh a) SM sin +8) ‘The receiving end power will be maximum when =8 as seen from above equation Substituting | =6 in the expression for Fk we get Ws Val IAL IVEE og oa: Br Bye) ‘The corresponding Qx when Py is maximum is given by, Oe = —!ALLYAl sin pa) Pam = Thus maximum real power will be received if the load draws the leading reactive power given by above equation. Thus it can be seen that there is limit to the power that can be transmitted to the receiving end of the line for specified magnitudes of sending and receiving end voltages. When angle & becomes equal tf, maximum power will be transferred of delivered. Further increase in 8 results in less power received. For achieving the condition of maximum power the load must draw’ a large amount of leading current which is not practicable. But by using leading VAR ‘compensation the power transfer can be improved. Power Flow through Short Transmission Line Consider a short transmission line with series impedance Z. The shunt admittance of the line is negligible. The ABCD parameters for short transmission line are R= Betz, B-Z=|z\20 Substituting these values in expressions for Py andQy obtained in previous section we get, . we = Valco =a) -!¥at WSL AV in 9 ne Qe fe 8-5 Similarly at sending end, Vs Vsl IVb Bei pape pay eee = GP ino =LYAL Wel sno 08) ‘The equations that are written for short transmission line can also be applied for a long line when the line is replaced by its equivalent x model and the shunt admittances are lumped with the load at receiving end and sending end generation. From the above equation for Pr, it can be seen that maximum power is received at receiving end when 8 =0 such that (Wal IVid 1a? oo hee 12Z7 Tz . R But coo = & [sl Val [Ve Pen = Normally resistance of a transmission line is small as compared to its reactance which is necessary to maintain efficiency of line high Z = R+jX.2)% @ = tan! X, / R290" cos = cos 90% 0 Thus by neglecting R the expresions for Fy and Qa will reduce to ny = WSL ing X [Wet [Val LaF a Ee For stability considerations equation for Fy. is helpful while equation for Qx plays Lmportant role in reactive power compensation. In practice angle 8 is between 15 to 30°. So that coa8 lies between 0966 and 0:86. we assume 8 =1 we will get reactive power supplied by short line to receiving, end as given by, [Val [Val _1Vel? ne [er Me UVsi= 1Val] Qe ‘The difference between sending end and the receiving end voltage is say AV JAY] = 1Vsl 1Vil Wel ae = Ue av Various important observations can be obtained which are as follows 1. For small R(R=0) and for small 6, the real power transferred to the receiving ‘end is proportional to siné while the reactive power is proportional to the magnitude of the voltage drop across the line. 2. Maximum real power transferred is maximum when 6 =90° and the magnitude ‘of this maximum power is |Vsl |Vxl/X:. sind =sin90°=1 is called steady state stability lim 3. Maximum power at receiving end is proportional to V2. Hence for higher power transfer, corresponding voltage must also be higher. 4. Reactive power delivered by line Qx. is dependent on AV and is independent of power angle 5. Circle Diagram We had already seen in the previous sections how to calculate the real and reactive power at sending end and at the receiving end mathematically. Now we will see how to represent characteristics of transmission line graphically. By taking either Vs,Varls or Ix as a reference these characteristics can be plotted, These characteristics are nothing but representing circles. Hence such diagrams are called circle diagram. A circle diagram is drawn with real power P on X-axis and Q on Y axis on complex plane. The circle diagram can be drawn at the sending end as well as, at the receiving end. These diagrams are helpful for determination of active power P, reactive power Q, power angle 8, power factor for given load conditions, voltage conditions and impedance Z of the line. Receiving End Circle Diagram The complex power at the receiving end is given by, Se = Pe +jQr = Ls |Val {BI Isl 1Vel 1BT Gy = Wal Met sing a) LAL aE singp-2) IAL LVR? 2B-8- ZB-a This complex power can be plotted in the complex plane with horizontal and. vertical components having the units of powers. This is shown in Fig. 537. The real component of (Pk +jQr) is, Pa =1Val IIx] cos Ox where Ox is pf. at the receiving end Fig. 5.37 The imaginary component of (Pa +) Qe) is, Qk = [Vel [Ie} sinee Here Ox is the phase angle by which In lags behind Vp. By convention we will consider that inductive load draws positive reactive power. Now if the same phasor diagram shown in Fig. 5.36 is redrawn with the origin of the co-ordinates axes shifted, then the resultant figure is shown in Fig. 5.38. The co-ordinates of the centre of the receiving end circle are given as JA} Vel? ns AL al cos(0-0) AIALIVal? inp -a) yee TT The radius OG of the circle is given by, ~ Ls! 1Vel Radius = —S 2-8 [BI ‘The Ox is the phase angle by which Ve leads In. The position of point O is independent of load current Ix and will not change as long as | Vel is constant. Further more if values of Vs and Vg are constant then distance OG remains constant. Now with change in load, the distance between points H and G goes on changing, As the values of Vs and Va are fixed, distance between points O and G remains same which constrain point G to move on a circle with centre at O and radius as OG. In order to keep point G on the circle it is required that with change in Px, Qy should also change. If values of sending end voltages are changed then for same values |Ve} the position of point O is unchanged but a new circle with different radius is obtained. Receiving End Circle Diagram In this section we will consider the general procedure for drawing circle diagram at receiving end with considerations of various conditions. Normally in 3 phase system, 3 phase power is specified and the voltage is line to line, The procedure for drawing circle diagram is based on phase quantities 1) Pa is the receiving end power and Vx is line to line voltage y Pept = BE, Vi ne = YE AL [Vega l? 2) Caleuate | | Wyn TB TAL LV gpa? 3) By checking values of Fapy and ——gr"— decide suitable scale 4) Draw horizontal and vertical axes and fix the centre of the circle whose co-ordinates are given as Veoal? Horizontal co-ordinate = (AL Tg cos (6a) AL |Vigal? Vertical co-ordinate = al sin (B-a) Draw line OO; as shown in Fig. 5.43. 5) From point O; draw a load line subtending an angle of Ox. Reduce Frpn to scale and cut the horizontal line at point M. Draw the vertical line from this point which will cut the slanted line at L. Thus the operating point L is obtained. 6) Now join OM which is radius of the circle. Convert it by using scale to MVA or kVA 1st 1 Va} OM x scale = |B) Sending End Power Circle Diagram With the help of circle diagram at sending end we can get Ps, Qs and power factor on complex plane. The complex power at sending end is given by, Ss = B+jQs = DI g - Wl LV = Bh IVs)? 2B-a By LB+5 = IPL yee concp ay -L¥St Val cos ps By = [py !Vsi? cos(B-a)-— “tg ™ cos (B+8) - ID} [Vel |Val Qs = By [Vsi sin (B-a)-—7gT* sin (B+8) By the same method as for the receiving end circle diagram if Vg and Vs are kept constant then it can be proved that the point G’ moves over a circle with centre O'. ‘The co-ordinates of the centre are given as, || x = [BL INSP conto -a) |D| yu = Spy LYSE singb-a) The radius of the sending end circle is given as, ius = (st 1Vel Beas = BT The radius is same as that obtained in case of receiving end circle diagram.

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