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Bibliography of East Timor

Dettman, Anya, and Linda Newbown. 2009. Bibliography of Works on Timor
Leste (East Timor) held in the National Library of Australia. National Library
of Australia.
Ricardo Roque (coord.), History and Anthropology of Portuguese Timor, 18501975. A Bibliography, online version of 21st December 2011, available at (downloaded on [date of access])
Sherlock, Kevin. 2002. The Timor Collection of Kevin Sherlock. Darwin.
Section Igreja (1977-1998)
Section CNRM and CNRT (1988-1999)
Section Frente Clandestina (1976-1998)
Section Partidos e Associaes (1974-1978)
Section Resistancia Armada (1976-1999)



ALMEIDA, Antnio de. 1960. Contribuio para o Estudo do Neoltico de Timor
Portugus, Memrias da Junta de Investigao do Ultramar, 16 (1): 125-139.
ALMEIDA, Antnio de. 1941. As Raas Indgenas Do Imprio Colonial
Portugus, Boletim Geral das Colnias, XVII: (188), 45-53.
ALMEIDA, Antnio de. 1946. Crnica de Etnografia Colonial: Carne de
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da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 22 (249): 107-115.
ALMEIDA, Antnio de. 1946. Crnica de Etnografia Colonial: das Mutilaes
tnicas dos Indgenas de Timor, Boletim Geral das Colnias, 22 (251): 64-73;
22 (252): 48-54; (253): 104-111; 22 (254-255): 61-67; 22 (256): 102-108; 22
(257): 93-101; 22 (258): 53-58.
ALMEIDA, Maria Emlia de Castro. 1976. Les Fataluku. Une Population de TimorDili. IN: JACQUARD, Albert (dir.) LEtude des Isolats: Espoirs et Limites. Paris :
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ANDRADE, Antnio Alberto de. 1952. Artes e Letras do Ultramar, Boletim da
Agncia Geral do Ultramar, 32 (369): 92-95.
ANNIMO. 1929. Estudo Antropolgico do Indgena de Timor, Boletim da
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ANNIMO. 1931. Fomento Agrcola de Timor, Boletim Geral das Colnias, 7
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ANNIMO. 1939. Nmeros missionrios de Timor. Boletim Geral das Colnias,
14 (161): 139.
ANNIMO. 1939. Misso Geogrfica e Geolgica de Timor: implantao do
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Boletim Geral das Colnias, 15 (164): 105-106.
ANNIMO. 1945. Primeiro Bispo de Dli. Boletim Geral do Ultramar, 21 (245):
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Agncia Geral do Ultramar, 41 (480): 71-113.
ANNIMO. 1949. Prossegue a Obra do Administrador scar Ruas, Boletim
Geral das Colnias, 25 (292): 164-173.

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(322): 171-172.
ANNIMO. 1980. Timor do Sculo XVI ao Sculo XX. In: Exposio do IV
Centenrio de Cames. Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, pp. 66
ARTUR, Mximo Ribeiro. 1926 Poltica, Administrao e Trabalho na Provncia
de Timor, Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 2 (8): 102-131; 2 (9): 53-86;
2(10): 112-140; 2 (11): 118-132; 2 (12): 148-172.
BORGES, Vasco. 1942. O Caso De Timor, Boletim da Agncia Geral do
Ultramar, 18 (200): 79-81.
BOXER, Charles Ralph. 1940. Novos Subsdios Histricos Relativos a Timor,
Boletim Geral Das Colnias, 16 (184): 32-38.
BRAGA, Paulo. 1936. A Terra, a Gente e os Costumes de Timor. Cadernos
Coloniais / Editorial Cosmos, n 7.
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Cosmos, n 42.
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Paris: Revue Du Monde Colonial.
CARDOSO, J. Gard Alfaro. 1937. Timor Sob o Ponto de Vista Agrcola, Boletim
Geral das Colnias, ano 13 (140): 31-51.
CARVALHO, Jos dos Santos. 1972. Vida e Morte em Timor Durante a Segunda
Guerra Mundial. Lisboa: Livraria Portugal.
CASTRO, Afonso de. 1867. As Possesses Portuguesas na Ocenia. Lisboa:
Imprensa Nacional.
CINATTI, Ruy. 1954. Vocabulrio Indgena de Algumas Plantas Timorenses.
Garcia De Orta, vol. 2 (3): 359-366.
CORREIA, A. A. Mendes. 1934. Antropologia de Timor. Boletim Geral das
Colnias, 10 (108): 205-207.
CORREIA, A. A. Mendes. 1950. Lnguas De Timor, Boletim Geral das Colnias,
26 (298): 191-192.
CORREIA, A. A. Mendes. 1945. Sobre Um Problema de Biologia Humana em
Timor Portugus, Boletim Geral das Colnias, 21 (235): 13-26.
CORREIA, Armando Pinto. 1934. Notas de Etnografia Timorense Regio de
Baucau, Boletim Geral das Colnias, 10 (106): 35-52.
DORES, Rafael das. 1901. Apontamentos Para um Dicionrio Corogrfico de
Timor, Boletim da Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, 19 (7); 19 (8); 19 (9); 19
(10); 19 (11); 19 (12).
DORES, Rafael das. 1907. Dicionrio Teto-Portugus. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional.
DUARTE, Jorge Barros. 1975. Casa Turi Sai: Um Tipo De Casa Timorense,
Garcia de Orta Srie de Antropologia, 2 (1-2): 1-34
DUARTE, Tefilo. 1936. O Problema Econmico de Timor, Boletim Geral das
Colnias, 12 (138): 33-58.
ESPARTEIRO, Antnio Marques. 1951. A Canhoeira Diu e a Guerra de Timor,
Boletim Geral das Colnias, 26 (309): 17-48; 26 (310): 31-64
FERREIRA, Manuel. 1957. Timor, Orgulho de Portugal, Boletim Geral do
Ultramar, 33 (381): 81-94.
FONTOURA, lvaro Neves da. 1945. Relaes Mais Importantes Da Colnia De
Timor Com Outros Territrios, Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 21 (237):

FORBES, Henry O. 1885. A Naturalists Wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago.

London: Marston & Co.
FORBES, Henry O. 1884. On Some of the Tribes of Timor, Journal of the Royal
Anthropological Institute, 13: 402-431.
GENTIL, Sousa. 1929. O Problema De Timor, Boletim da Agncia Geral das
Colnias, 5 (54): 172-176.
GONALVES, Jos Jlio. 1960. Bibliografia Antropolgica do Ultramar
Portugus, Boletim Geral do Ultramar, 37 (434-435): 335-341; 37 (436-437438): 431-472.
HAMY, Ernest-Thodore. 1875. Sur Lanthropologie de lIle de Timor, Bulletin
de La Socit dAnthropologie de Paris, II (10) : 224-227.
HICKS, David. 1973. The Caraubalo Tetum, Garcia de Orta Srie de
Antropologia, 1 (1/2): 13-18.
HICKS, David. 1973. The Cairui and Uai Maa of Timor, Anthropos:
International Review of Ethnology and Linguistics, 68: 473-481.
JARDIM, Joo dos Santos Pereira. 1903. A Cermica De Timor, Portuglia, tomo
I: 823-825.
JARDIM, Joo dos Santos Pereira e ROCHA, Santos. 1898. Notas Etnogrficas
Sobre os Povos de Timor, Portuglia, tomo 1: 355-359.
LAPICQUE, Louis. 1895. A La Recherche Du Negrito, Tour Du Monde, 1(35):
LEITO, Humberto. 1929. Algumas Indicaes Sobre a Nossa Colnia de Timor,
Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 5 (54): 3-31.
LENCASTRE, Jlio Garcez De. 1929. Alguns Dados Estatsticos Sobre a Colnia
De Timor, Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 5(54): 112-131.
LENCASTRE, Jlio Garcez de. 1929. Algumas Regras Gramaticais da Lngua
Tetum e Vocabulrio, Boletim Da Agncia Geral Das Colnias, 5 (54): 82-92.
LENCASTRE, Jlio Garcez de. 1929. Aspectos da Administrao de Timor,
Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 5 (54): 32-54.
LENCASTRE, Jlio Garcez de. 1931. Climatologia e Nosologia de Timor, Boletim
da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 7 (71): 61 77.
LENCASTRE, Jlio Garcez de. 1929. Lista Dos Governadores De Timor E Data De
Posse (1701 a 1926), Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 5 (54): 112-114.
LENCASTRE, Jlio Garcez de. 1934. Marcos da Expanso do Imprio: Solor, Alor
e Timor, Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 10 (104): 12-36.
MAGRO, Antnio Jacinto. 1947. Tropas e Aquartelamentos de Timor Subsdio
para a Histria das Unidades Militares da Colnia (8 Out. 1937-Maio 1940),
Revista Militar, vol. 99 (2/4): 89.
MAGRO, Antnio Jacinto. 1945. Problemas Econmicos e de Administrao
Geral de Timor, Boletim Geral das Colnias, 21 (238): 197-203.
MARTINHO, Jos Simes. 1948. A Cultura da Borracha em Timor, Boletim Geral
das Colnias, ano 24 (275): 208-212.
MARTINHO, Jos Simes. 1945. Aldeamentos Indgenas Um Dos Problemas Da
Colonizao De Timor, Boletim Geral das Colnias, 21 (238): 148-169.
MARTINS, Lus Augusto Ferreira. 1939. O Major Arebro". In: Lus Augusto
Ferreira Martins, Coleco pelo Imprio: Glrias e Mrtires da Colonizao
Portuguesa, 3 volume. Lisboa : Agncia Geral das Colnias, pp. 5-10.
MENEZES, Antnio Teles de. 1929. Mudana da Capital de Lifau para Dli. Ofcio
do Governador Antnio Teles de Menezes de 31/3/1770, Boletim da Agncia
Geral das Colnias, 5 (54): 132-136.
MIDDELKOOP, P.. 1958. Four Tales with Mythical Features Characteristic of the
Timorense People, Bijdragen Tot De Taa -, Land En Volkenkunde, 114 (4): 384405.

NUNES, Jos da Costa. 1935. Misses De Timor, Boletim Geral das Colnias,
11 (115): 152-159.
NUNES, Jos da Costa. 1938. Relatrio da Visita s Misses De Timor, Boletim
Geral das Colnias, 14 (154): 181-184.
PARREIRA, Henrique. 1929. Contribuio Para o Estudo da Organizao
Scientfica do Trabalho Indgena, Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 5
(51): 39-49.
PINHEIRO, Almeida. 1927. Timor, Boletim Geral das Colnias, 3 (21): 177-191.
S, Artur Baslio de. 1948. Preliminares da Histria de Timor, Boletim Geral
das Colnias, 24 (280): 3-25.
S, Artur Baslio de. 1950. Os Caladis De Timor, Boletim Geral das Colnias,
ano 26 (302-303): 35-45.
S, Artur Baslio de. 1951. ndia, Macau e Timor, Boletim Geral das Colnias,
26 (310): 65-78.
S, Artur Baslio de. 1954. Documentao para a Histria das Misses do
Padroado Portugus no Oriente Insulndia. Lisboa: Agncia Geral do Ultramar.
SALAZAR, Antnio de Oliveira. 1942. Comunicao de S.a Ex.a o Presidente do
Conselho Assembleia Nacional Acerca do Ataque Nipnico a Timor, Boletim
Geral das Colnias, 18 (200): 10-14.
SALAZAR, Antnio de Oliveira. 1945. Os Acontecimentos de Timor Durante a
Guerra do Pacfico, Boletim Geral das Colnias, 21 (244): 3-14.
SALAZAR, Antnio de Oliveira. 1942. Exposio de S.a Ex.a o Presidente do
Conselho Acerca dos Sucessos de Timor, Boletim Geral das Colnias, 18 (199):
SILVA, Jos Celestino da. 1927. Final do Relatrio das Operaes de Guerra no
Distrito Autnomo de Timor, 1896, Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 3
(23): 89-100.
SELIGMANN, C. G. 1909. A Classification of the Natives of British New Guinea,
The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland,
39: 246-275.
VALDEZ, Jos d Ascenso. 1929. A Instruo do Nativo de Timor: O Que Se
Deve Fazer, Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 5 (54): 93-110.
VALDEZ, Jos d Ascenso. 1929. Timor e a Sua Pecuria, Boletim da Agncia
Geral das Colnias, ano 5 (54): 55 71.
VARIZ, M.M. 1937. Portugal Missionrio e as Misses de Timor, Boletim Geral
das Colnias 13 (141): 123-129.
VASCONCELOS, Frazo de. 1929. Dois Inditos Seiscentistas Sobre Timor,
Boletim da Agncia Geral das Colnias, 5 (54) 72-81.
VEIGA, Duarte. 1926. Estradas em Timor, Boletim da Agncia Geral das
Colnias, 2 (16): 88-94.
WALLACE, A.R. 1883. The Malay Archipelago. London: Macmillan.
National Library of Australia
Refer to Anya Dettman, 2009.
NUS Libraries
ABC Australia. and Chip Taylor Communications. (2000). East Timor a license to
kill. Derry, New Hampshire, Chip Taylor Communications,.
Jakarta's astonishing announcement that they would at last consider
independence is proving to be little more than a change in tactics by the real
powers in east Timor, Indonesia's military. Here we establish the link between
these militias-benignly known as "village police" and the Indonesian military,

ABRI, who have supplied weapons and do nothing to stop the campaign of
Acquisto, L., et al. (2002). East Timor birth of a nation. Lindfield, N.S.W., Film
Australia Pty Limited,.
Looks at the establishment of East Timor as an independent nation,
through the experiences of a woman struggling to support and unite her family
and of a former resistance commander turned politician. Explores complex
issues involved in reconciling the past and building the future.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation. and Chip Taylor Communications. (2001).
East Timor 2 : balibo 5 mystery : journalism dangers. Asian studies series / Chip
Taylor Communications. Derry, N.H., Chip Taylor Communications,.
Twenty-five years after five journalists were killed while witnessing a
covert Indonesian invasion of East Timor, Shirley Shackleton, the widow of one
of the reporters, unravels the truth behind the mystery of their deaths.
Produced to present the truth, and to insure that their lives were not lost in vain,
this program is a riveting and emotional expose that reveals the dangers so
often faced by journalists reporting in areas of conflict.
Baranowska, C. and Ronin Films (Firm) (1999). Scenes from an occupation East
Timor 1999. Civic Square, ACT., Ronin Films,.
This programme is about the last six months of Indonesia's occupation
of East Timor. Carmela Baranowska is the only filmmaker to have documented
this period. She travelled to East Timor in March 1999, working as a one person
crew and stayed on until the UN evacuated its comjpound in September 1999.
This video is filmed from the point of view of the East Timorese who were
directly affected by the events unfolding rapidly around them. The footage
includes eyewitness accounts of the role the Indonesian military played in a
systematic campaign of destruction, murder and terror.
Barsamian, D. and N. Chomsky (2001). Propaganda and the public mind :
conversations with Noam Chomsky. Cambridge, Mass., South End Press.
Bekker, P. H. F. and International Court of Justice. (1998). Commentaries on
World Court decisions (1987-1996). The Hague ; Boston, M. Nijhoff.
Bentley, G. C. (1995). East Timor at the crossroads : the forging of a nation.
London, : Cassell.
Berlie, J. A. (2001). East Timor : a bibliography. Paris, Indes Savantes.
Bilveer, S. and Singapore Institute of International Affairs. (1995). East Timor,
Indonesia and the world : myths and realities. Singapore, : Singapore Institute of
International Affairs.
Cabasset-Semedo, C., et al. (2009). East-Timor : how to build a new nation in
Southeast Asia in the 21st century? Bangkok, Thailand, IRASEC.
Carey, P. B. R. and Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and Terrorism.
(1996). East Timor : Third World colonialism and the struggle for national
identity /cPeter Carey. London, Research Institute for the Study of Conflict and

Catholic Institute for International Relations. (1992). East Timor : an

international responsibility. London, : Catholic Institute for International
Chalk, P. and Rand Corporation. National Security Research Division. (2001).
Australian foreign and defense policy in the wake of the 1999/2000 East Timor
intervention. Santa Monica, CA, Rand.
"In late 1999, Australia undertook its most significant external military
operations since the Vietnam War - the intervention to stem the violence and
bloodshed following East Timor's August 1999 vote to separate from Indonesia.
This book examines key developments leading to the deployment of the
International Peacekeeping Force for East Timor (INTERFET) and assesses the
impact of this intervention on Canberra's future defense, security, and foreign
policy planning. The author finds that future Australian-Indonesian relations are
unlikely to exhibit the cordiality of Prime Minister Paul Keating's era, but will
instead be guided by a more-businesslike and frank style of engagement. The
author also finds that the 2000 Defence White Paper, which was issued in the
aftermath of the INTERFET intervention to provide a long-term plan for
restructuring Australia's armed forces for rapid deployments to areas of regional
unrest, is both ambiguous and open-ended. A defense review like the white
paper could result in a resource-deprived force structure, contribute to a
somewhat confused Southeast Asian policy, and generate unfounded
expectations of what Australia is able and willing to do in terms of its alliance
commitments with the United States and associated contributions to coalition
warfare."--BOOK JACKET.
Cheng, C., et al. (1990). East Timor turning a blind eye. N.Y., N.Y., Paper Tiger
Tells the facts relating to the military takeover of East Timor after they
declared independence from Portugal in 1976, and of the mass genocide which
has taken place. Shows how this has been virtually ignored by U.S. journalists
who cater to official U.S. government policy.
Chomsky, N. (1980). East Timor and the Western democracies. Nottingham, :
Chomsky, N. (2000). Rogue states : the rule of force in world affairs. Cambridge,
MA, South End Press.
Compton, R. W. (2002). Transforming East Asian domestic and international
politics : the impact of economy and globalization. Aldershot, Hants, England ;
Burlington, VT, Ashgate.
Connaughton, R. M. (2001). Military intervention and peacekeeping : the reality.
Aldershot, Hants., Ashgate.
"Acknowledging that the development of today's international collective
security system has been largely ad hoc and conditioned by a multitude of
diverse interests, Richard Connaughton's groundbreaking investigation
uncouples present arrangements by re-examining the early philosophies and
the development of international organisations. Drawing on practical
experience, Connaughton assesses the fundamentals which impinge upon
today's regime of disorder, identifying new definitions, principles and key

factors which influence decision making processes. In support of these

conclusions, the book features detailed case studies of Iraq, Somalia, Rwanda,
Kosovo, East Timor and Sierra Leone." "This realistic view of military
intervention and peacekeeping provides a new perspective which promises a
more rewarding future for the international security system. Essential reading
for academics and practitioners of international relations and conflict
management."--BOOK JACKET.
Cotton, J. (2004). East Timor, Australia and regional order intervention and its
aftermath in Southeast Asia. Politics in Asia series. London ; New York,
RoutledgeCurzon,: 1 online resource (xii, 193 p.).
Cotton, J. and NetLibrary Inc. (2004). East Timor, Australia and regional order :
intervention and its aftermath in Southeast Asia. New York, RoutledgeCurzon.
Cristalis, I. (2009). East Timor : a nation's bitter dawn. New York, Zed Books.
Dalrymple, R. (2003). Continental drift : Australia's search for a regional identity.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT, Ashgate.
"Rawdon Dalrymple studies Australia's sense of vulnerability and
attachment to distant protectors which has coexisted with tendencies of both
assertiveness and complacency. The book examines the cautious development
of Australian relations with East Asia during the 1980s and 1990s, with detailed
coverage of the background to the Australian effort and critical analysis of
where Australian forays into the politics region leave its standing in East Asia
and the world today."--BOOK JACKET.
Dunn, J. (2003). East Timor : a rough passage to independence. Double Bay,
NSW, Longueville Books.
Durand, F. d. r. (2006). East Timor : a country at the crossroads of Asia and the
Pacific : a geo-historical atlas. Chiang Mai, Thailand
Bangkok, Silkworm Books ;
EBSCO Publishing







Eldridge, P. J. and NetLibrary Inc. (2002). The politics of human rights in

Southeast Asia. London, Routledge.
Frederick, S. and AWARE (Singapore). Committee on Rape. (2001). Rape :
weapon of terror. River Edge, N. J.
Singapore, Global Publishing ;
Association of Women for Action and Research.
Friend, T. (2003). Indonesian destinies. Cambridge, MA, Belknap Press of
Harvard University Press.
"Theodore Friend's remarkable work is a narrative of Indonesia during
the last half century, from the post-war revolution against Dutch imperialism to
the unrest of today. Part history, part meditation on a place and a past observed
firsthand, Indonesian Destinies penetrates events that gave birth to the world's
fourth largest nation and assesses the continuing dangers that threaten to tear

it apart."--BOOK JACKET.
Friend, T. (2005). Indonesian destinies. Cambridge, Mass. ; London, Belknap.
Gorman, R. F. (2001). Great debates at the United Nations : an encyclopedia of
fifty key issues 1945-2000. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press.
"Perfect for promoting student debate and critical thinking, and ideal for
use by Model UN clubs, this ready-reference guide provides information and
critical examinations of the 50 most important issues debated in United Nations
history. Each entry consists of four narrative sections: the significance of the
issue; the historical, social and economic background of the issue; the history of
the UN debate and intervention on the issue and the positions of various
nations; and the outcome of each debate."--BOOK JACKET.
Gunn, G. C. (1997). East Timor and the UN : the case for intervention.
Lawrenceville, NJ, Red Sea Press.
In the forceful tradition of Nobel laureate Jose Ramos-Horta's FUNU (Red
Sea Press 1987), the present worl advocates self-determination for and the
urgent need for UN intervention in the former Portuguese colony of East Timor.
Since 1975, when neighboring Indonesia invaded and occupied this small
Southeast Asian half-island, an amazingly creative and dedicated international
community of activists has arisen over this question. Now, the Nobel
Committee's award of the 1996 Peace Prize to Mr. Ramos-Horta and his
compatriot, Bishop Carlos Ximenes Belo, is drawing worldwide attention to this
ongoing tragedy. In addition to the author's own analysis of the situation, this
book features a selection of relevant UN documents and other primary sources
relating to East Timor, including: the key General Assembly and Security Council
resolutions of 1975-1982; the damning reports of UN special Rapporteurs; the
hyper-proceduralist utterances of the Foreign Ministers' meetings; and the World
Court "no-case" judgement on the Australian deal with Indonesia over East
Timor's oil reserves. This, the most comprehensive collection of official
documentation of East Timor published to date, bears eloquent testimony to the
silent agony of the East Timorese people over two decades.
Gunn, G. C. (2000). New world hegemony in the Malay world. Trenton, N.J., Red
Sea Press.
Hainsworth, P. (2000). The East Timor question : the struggle for independence
from Indonesia. London, I.B. Tauris.
"The East Timor Question considers the potential for change against a
backdrop of strong popular and political support for the Timorese cause, which
has emerged as an issue of global importance. It illustrates how local,
individual, organizational and campaign initiatives have contributed to this state
of affairs, in the context of the increased emphasis which is being placed on
ethics, international morality and human rights in contemporary international
relations. Drawing on the personal experience of individuals, this work provides
up-to-date analysis both of the situation in East Timor and of recent political
changes in Indonesia."--BOOK JACKET.
Heijmans, A., et al. (2004). Searching for peace in Asia Pacific : an overview of
conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities. Boulder, Lynne Rienner
"Fourth in an acclaimed series, Searching for Peace in Asia Pacific offers

critical background information, up-to-date surveys of the conflicts in Northeast

Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific, and a directory of some 400 organizations
working in the field of conflict prevention and peacebuilding in the Asia Pacific
region. The authors provide detailed, objective descriptions of ongoing
activities, as well as assessments of the prospects for conflict resolution."-BOOK JACKET.
Hill, H. and J. M. d. S. Saldanha (2001). East Timor development challenges for
the world's newest nation. Singapore, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies : Asia
Pacific Press, the National University,: xxv, 381 p. maps 323 cm.
Hitchens, C. (2001). The trial of Henry Kissinger. London ; New York, Verso.
"Hitchens investigates, in turn, Kissinger's involvement in the war in
Indochina, mass murder in Bangladesh, planned assassinations in Santiago,
Nicosia and Washington DC, and genocide in East Timor."--BOOK JACKET.
Human Rights Watch (Organization) (2006). East Timor : tortured beginnings :
police violence and the beginnings of impunity in East Timor. New York, N.Y.,
Human Rights Watch.
Inbaraj, S. and W. F. Bello (1997). East Timor : blood and tears in Asean. Chiang
Mai, Thailand, Silkworm Books.
Indonesia. Departement Luar Negeri. (1996). East Timor : building for the
future : issues and perspectives. Jakarta, Department of Foreign Affairs,
Republic of Indonesia.
Jardine, M. (1995). East Timor : genocide in paradise. Tuscon, AZ, Odonian Press.
Jardine, M. (1999). East Timor : genocide in paradise. Monroe, ME, Odonian
"In 1975, after centuries of Portuguese rule, tiny East Timor - population
700,000 - declared its independence. Nine days later, Indonesia - current
population 200 million plus - invaded. Since that day, well over 200,000 East
Timorese have died."--BOOK JACKET. "Noam Chomsky calls it "perhaps the
greatest death toll relative to the population since the Holocaust." Yet
Indonesia's actions are supported, diplomatically and economically, by the
United States, Canada, Australia and most other western countries."--BOOK
JACKET. "In this book, Matthew Jardine and Chomsky tell the story of East
Timor's heroic struggle against impossible odds, and explain why you so seldom
hear about it in the western media. They also suggest ways you can help these
long-suffering people gain the peace, freedom and justice they deserve."--BOOK
Jolliffe, J. (1978). East Timor : nationalism and colonialism. St. Lucia, Q., :
University of Queensland Press.
Kartasasmita, S. (1998). East Timor : the quest for a solution. Singapore,
Crescent Design Associates.
Kingsbury, D. (2001). South-East Asia : a political profile. South Melbourne ;
Oxford, Oxford University Press.
"South-East Asia: A Political Profile outlines the political processes and


institutions of the countries in South-East Asia, in particular tracing their past

and explaining how they have come to be what they are." "The book is ideal for
students of political science and South-East Asian studies at all levels."--BOOK
Kingsbury, D. (2009). East Timor : the price of liberty. New York, PalgraveMacmillan.
Kingsbury, D. and M. Leach (2007). East Timor : beyond independence. Clayton,
Vic., Monash University Press.
Kingsbury, D. and Monash Asia Institute. (2000). Guns and ballot boxes : East
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Timor negotiations between Portugal and Indonesia. He tells the story, including
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years of Indonesian occupation. That occupation produced a refugee diaspora
spread between Portugal and Australia that has been integral in advancing East
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