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Student Teaching: Elementary Lesson Plan #6

UNLV Student
Lesson Plan Title
Grade Level:

Heatherann Skelly
Russell Badges

PSMT Name:
Lesson Plan Topic:
Estimated Time:
School Site:

Mrs. Olson
Social Responsibility
45-60 minutes

1. State Standard:
H3.4.3 Define social Responsibility
2. Teaching Model(s):
Cooperative learning
3. Objective(s):
SWBAT define social responsibility
SWBAT list and describe using examples, ways in which they can display
social responsibility within their community
4. Materials and
Whiteboard and markers
Lined paper
Coloring Supplies
Tshirt/badget template
5. Instructional Procedures:
A. Motivation/Engagement:
o TW write social responsibility on board. TW ask students to define
If students are having a difficult time defining, TW ask if any
of the words look familiar (i.e. responsibility).
B. Activities:
TW define SR and provide an example
TW provide an example and write it on the board under the title SR
o SW raise their hand and will share examples of social
TW have students pull out a lined piece of paper and write four SR
acts that they can do
o TW write expectations on the board
SW not list and must write in complete sentences
SW use examples to support their SR duty
SW explain how the community is benefited by this SR
Once students have completed all four SR, and are all approved by
the teacher (followed all expectations), TW hand out student
activity sheet.
o SW label (2-3 words) each badge and draw a picture that
goes with each of the 4 SR. SW color badge and shirt.

Elementary Lesson Plan 1: 1/18/16






Once students are completed, SW staple their lined paper to their

badge handout and turn in
TW staple on board in the hallway to be presented for Leadership
Day for next Thursday.
Accommodation, modifications, and differentiations for diverse
I will provide extra time for students who need more time writing, or
drawing their badges
I will work with students who need closer assistances at the small
group table
TW will explain the big idea to the students. Students must understand
the importance of respect and caring for the community. We are all
Treem leaders, and one way to show that you are a leader is through
social responsibility.
Extension and Contingency Plans:
If time permits, teacher will provide lunch for students who perform
any of their social responsibility acts with written and signed approval
from parent.
Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:
Formative: I will assess whether or not the students understand social
responsibility through each students participation in the WG discussion
when defining and listing examples.
Summative: I will assess the students based off their understanding of
social responsibility based off of each students written responses.
Homework assignment:
No HW will be assigned.
Strengths: This was a great lesson. The students really enjoyed being
able to write, and design badges for themselves for each of their four
social responsibilities that they wrote about. The final product on the
hallway board was stunning, and the students really liked being able to
display their work for Leadership week. Leadership week, the school
invites people in the community to view their classroom boards in the
hallway, and each class displays how they are leaders. The students
feel like they really hit home with our lesson, so that the people of the
community can see how each of our students are working to make our
community a better place.
Weaknesses: I shouldve had a more of an engaging introduction. The
students had a real rough time defining and sharing examples on the
board. Everyone was quiet, but no one could pay attention. Also, the
day before many of the students had went to Carson City, so were very
tired. Once the students saw that they could design the badges, their
faces lit up because they got to be creative.

Elementary Lesson Plan 1: 1/18/16

Insights: The next time I teach this lesson I will change a few things. I
will first off, state the objective. I will move around more so that I can
assess every student equally. I will take my time and provide all
instructions before having the students move on to an activity. I will
assist students who are struggling more, by giving them a starter
sentence. I will make sure that I hook the students at the beginning not
in the middle of the lesson. I couldve discussed the movie Up. I
couldve asked the students to help me remember what happened in
the story. What Russell had to do to receive his badge, and the
measures that he took to make sure that he received them. I would
encourage students to make realistic social responsibilities for
themselves so that they can be excited to actually do them outside of
the school.

Elementary Lesson Plan 1: 1/18/16

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