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Islamic Manners Heart

and Tongue Diseases


Question: What does Islam say about

Back Biting (which is a tongue

In Islam it is haram to back bite it is actually a major sin. In the Quran

Allah (swt) says O you who have believed, avoid much [negative]
assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or
backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother
when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is
Accepting of repentance and Merciful. 49: 12 Reference: Quran
Translations /

What are Tongue and Heart Diseases

Tongue and Heart diseases are stuff that are haram to do in Islam.
There are many more diseases like eye and ear diseases. Also when
you say heart and tongue diseases your not talking about physical
diseases, people just mean like bad words or stuff you cant do in Islam.
If you do say any tongue or heart diseases you must make Istigfhar.
Some heart and tongue diseases are. Some of the heart diseases are
jealousy, arrogant, hatred , envy and revenge





Being rude and disrespectful

Tongue Disease and Heart Disease

Swearing: Swearing is when you say something rude or swear

Backbiting: Backbiting is when you talk behind someones back

Slandering: Slandering is basically backbiting

Lying: lying is when you dont tell the truth to someone

Heart Diseases:

Arrogant: Being arrogant means to show off

Jealousy: being jealous means if someone bought a new pen and you
really like it

Hatred: Hatred is when you hate someone or dislike them it is not a sin if
you have hatred for someone because they have done something to you

Revenge: Revenge is when someone has done something to you and

you get revenge on them by doing something bad back

Examples of good things to say/


Making Istighfar

Being Obedient

Following Islamic rules

Reading the Quran

Making Tawbah

Giving money to charity not being greedy

Being Obedient to your parents mainly

Praying and worshiping Allah

Repelling bad against good

Do good deeds

What is manners in Islam

Manners in Islam can mean a lot of different things like being obedient
and kind to your parents and to use your manners like worshipping
Allah and making Istighfar. If you do any of the heart or tongue
diseases then it is the opposite of being mannered in Islam. It is
important that you do use your manners but I dont mean like saying
thank you and please.

In the Quran Allah (swt) mentions that you should respect and care for
your parents. In the Quran Allah mentions that human beings must
recognise their parents and that this is second recognition of Allah

In the Quran it also says that in particular you should be obedient to

your mother.

What I need to improve in

I dont do much heart or tongue diseases but I sometimes dont tell the
truth so I need to tell the truth more.

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