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Essay 2 Mauricio Garcia UC PC

That Doggy in the Window

When I was young, I was fascinated with animals. When I turned
six years old, my mother bought a goldfish for me. I liked the gold
fish. I would watch the fish swim for hours. One day, I took my fish
outside. I played battleship in the fishbowl. In an epic pageant,
two rival battleships would fight over the goldfish. I sent a barrage
of rocks and sand to destroy the attacking battleship. Boom! The
rival battleship exploded. I poured dirt over the battleship to
simulate smoke and ash. Finally, I giddily threw fish food in the air
to celebrate the win. Colorful flakes of fish food glorious displayed
my victory. What are you doing? my mother loudly interrupted.
She ordered me to take care of my fish, and clean up the yard.
Later that day, my gold fish died. Enlightened by grief, I question
action and consequence. Since then, I have learned many things
about the animal kingdom. Animals can work for humans. Animals
are beautiful. Animals are important for the ecosystem.
Animals are great workers. Animals have been working alongside
humans for centuries. A guard dog is a classic example of animal

labor. Since the beginning of the man and dog relationship, the
dogs keen senses have been harnessed by man. A dog could
hear, smell, and see an intruder, before a human could sense any
danger. Also, Dogs have been guarding family homes, junkyards,
chicken pens, and castles for centuries. Dogs complete duties on
the farm. Many breeds of canine herd cattle. A herd dog is trained
to group and herd cattle. The herd dog and shepherd must work
together to successfully move the cattle. Finally, Mules are used
for hard labor. Mules have powerful legs that make pulling plows
or a carriage simpler. A harness is placed on the mule. The
harness connects the mule to the plow or carriage. The mule
plows the field, and then the farmer plants seeds. After the
harvest, all the crops are put into a carriage. Then, the mule pulls
the carriage to the market. These are types of work an animal can
The animal kingdom is beautiful. Animals come in many shapes
and sizes. From a tiny mouse to a large blue whale, animals never
cease to amaze me. The bumblebee bat is the worlds smallest
bat. The tiny creature is smaller than two inches. The bat is furry
and cute. When I saw a picture of the bumblebee bat, I laughed

because of how tiny it was. Animals are very colorful. The peacock
is a large bird with dozens of long, colorful tail feathers. Each
feather has an eyeball pattern at the end of it. The peacock has a
bright blue body, with hints of white and black on its wings. The
warning display from a peacock is beautiful. The shiny green and
blue tail feathers dance back and forth. The plentiful eye pattern
is haunting, but the shine from the tail feathers is mesmerizing.
Animals have culture. Some birds mate for life. Chimpanzees
teach their young to use tools. Wolves develop a social hierarchy.
Of all the things animals do, I find penguin habits to be the most
interesting. Male penguins will find a pebble to give a prospective
mate. Once mated, a penguin will devote the rest of its life to
family needs. Penguins can recognize the call of its mate. When
the female lays an egg, the male will care for it. The new mother
penguin must make a journey to find food. While waiting for the
female penguins to return, the male penguins huddle together to
keep warm. The male penguin has a pouch under its belly that
keeps the egg warm. By the time the egg hatches, the mother
should be back from her journey. These are the reasons why I
think the animal kingdom is beautiful.

Animals are important to the ecosystem. The food chain is a

delicate balance. If the food chain is broken, many animals may
become extinct. If I were to eliminate all rats from existence, the
predator would become extinct as well. The food chain will have
to be re-written, and the ecosystem will have to find balance.
Animals are part of plant reproduction. Bees carry pollen from one
plant to another. Bees are the dominate workforce behind plant
reproduction. Bees pollinate over half of all plant life. Bees
pollinate ninety percent of the plants that animals eat. Credible
speculation suggests, if bees were to become extinct, plant life
would decrease dramatically. Again, the ecosystem would have to
find balance. Animals fertilize seeds. When an animal eats fruit,
the seed is not digested. Eventually, the seed comes out in the
animals droppings. The seed is fertilized and ready to germinate.
From the fruit of one berry tree, a bear could populate his territory
with dozens of berry trees. Likewise, a fruit bat could populate an
entire forest with fruit trees. These are the reasons that animals
are important for the ecosystem.
These are the things I have learned about the animal kingdom.

Garcia, Mauricio. "Doggy in the Window". Tonkawa: N. O. C..
Fall 2015. Basic English Composition. Fall 2016.
The author, Mauricio Garcia, describes his perspective of the animal kingdom. The
scope of the human-animal relationship varies between first-hand observations and
historical facts. This essay is Basic English Composition exam. This essay lacks
sufficient "transitional" flow. I would add transitions throughout the essay.

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