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Annotated Bibliography

Siemers, Rebecca M. One Night of Fun and The Rest of My Life. English Comp I
Cause/Effect Essay (2016): 1-6. Print
Writing number one is a Cause/Effect Essay I wrote last semester in my English
Comp I class. The story told one of my life experiences at the age of nineteen,
which was a result of poor decision making of getting into a vehicle with friends
after consuming alcohol. The results were life changing and truly a miracle in its
own that we survived, able to tell the story. Now with teenage children of my
own, I use this story as well as photos and details as a way to teach them and
educate them on not making the same bad decision I did and how dangerous it can
be. I read back through the essay and I can see differences in my form, sentence
structure and do believe that I can see a growth in my writing skills compared to
the essays I created this semester.
Siemers, Rebecca M. "I Knew Better." English Comp Narrative Essay (2016): 1-7. Print.
This Narrative Essay is my first essay to write last semester in my English Comp
class. The topic was to be about something that drastically affected our life. I
debated for days on what I should write about. The one topic that I just returned to
that answered the question at hand was to tell the story of the night I was raped at
the age of fourteen. This was a difficult story to write and the more I had to relive
the details of that night in my head in order to write the essay, the more I
wondered what I was thinking. Although very emotional and unpleasant to think
about in detail, it was important for me to do and I felt a good deal of
accomplishment just getting through the story on paper period.
Siemers, Rebecca M. The Transgender Debate. Sociology Essay (May 2016): 1. Print
Writing number three is an Essay wrote by me this summer, May 2016, for
sociology course. The topic was about the transgender debate. In the world we
live among, there are multiple debates over topics that rarely are agreed upon by
the majority or society. Society and the social norms which lead humans to
behave the way they do is ever changing and one of the hardest things to do is
change what the majority views as acceptable norms. The debate of which public
or private restroom/locker room a transgender individual should use is one that
our country is arguing over currently. It is also one that will be difficult to solve
with so many rights activists and sue happy society we live in these days.
Siemers, Rebecca M. Global Citizens of Living Earth to Keep Earth Living. English
Comp II Essay Four ( June 2016): 1-7. Print.
Writing example four is my essay created during this class and is one over the
devastating effects our planet is undergoing due to the waste and pollution
humans are putting into the air and soil. With industrialization and technological

growth, comes a high price and in the end will cost us our planet. I talk about
small things citizens around the world can do to help reduce the continuous of the
damage that is destroying the planet and discuss research I read and gave
examples of things others are doing to help.

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