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Information Literacy

Ashley N Omar
1. Topic: Ethics
a) Keyword : Ethics, Human Ethics
b) Database:CINAHL Complete
c) Why: I know that this is a creditable database and was more relevant towards my topic than
the others.
d) MLA: "News And Ethics Resources."Nursing Ethics23.3 (2016): 359-363 5p.CINAHL
Complete. Web. 15 June 2016.
e) MLA: Brown, Geraldine. "Greetings For A New Year 2016."ABNF Journal27.1 (2016): 3-4
2p.CINAHL Complete. Web. 15 June 2016.
f) Screen Print #1

g) Screen Print #2

Information Literacy
Ashley N Omar

2. Current event
a) Title: Ethics should be at the core of Cyber security: Former Cyber Defense head

Summary: The former head of Cyber and information security in Australia, General
Stephen Day believes that ethics and trustworthiness should be at the center of Cyber
security practice. It is important for those in the cyber security business to act
ethically. If you do not think ethically then you should not be in any type of business.
His strategies aim to defend the nations cyber networks.

b) MLA: Barbaschow, Asha. "Ethics Should Be at the Core of Cyber security: Former Cyber
Defense Head | ZDNet."ZDNet. N.p., June-July 2016. Web. 14 June 2016.
3. Internet Article
a) keywords: Human Ethics 2016
b) MLA:"The Ethics of Investing in Another's Lawsuit."The New York Times. The New York
Times, 27 May 2016. Web. 14 June 2016.

Information Literacy
Ashley N Omar
c) Search Engines: Google and Yahoo
d) Table: Google Vs. Yahoo
# of results 152,000,000

# of results 10,600,000

Google recommended and explain ethics clearly

Yahoo was not helpful the first site was Wikipedia

with an article.

which is not a creditable source, they did not

recommended anything and wanted the keywords
to be more specific.

4. Internet article
a. Time: June 3, 2016, No the article has not been updated.
b. Ethics is the main important element in cyber security.
c. The author is Asha Barbaschow, she has a degree in Communications and a background in
technical writing. Yes, she is qualified to write about this topic. I know she is qualified to
write about this topic because she has been in the engineering world and knows the
importance of ethics and ethical behavior and thinking.
d. Yes, I believe this is a trustworthy article. The facts are supported with evidence supported
by other articles and other article support the text and content in this article.
e. This material was written to inform the reader about ethics and the importance it has with
the Australian cyber security and to put information out about the cyber security and what
upgrades and activities.
5. Compare
a. Ease of access: The database article is organized and had plenty of information and
references throughout the article and was very clear. The internet article was shorter and not
as much information or organizational structure as the database article.

Information Literacy
Ashley N Omar
b. Timeliness: The internet article was easier to find articles within 30 days and would state the
exact date and time it was posted. The database articles was stressful looking through for
articles within a 30 day time frame.
c. Authority: The database articles had the authors information at the beginning of the articles
which was fine I personally like the About the Author section in the end of the article but
it was very detailed. The internet articles had a link to the information about the author
which I thought was pretty neat and organized and also has a little overview of the author
which was perfect.

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