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Name: Aya Bolinas

Level: BSN-3A
CI: Ms. Argie Cajipo, RN, MAN / Ms. Rosario Rojo, RN, MAN
Area of Exposure: LDZDH- OR
Date of Exposure: May 23-25, 2016

Within 28.5 hours of exposure at the Operating Room of The Doctors
Hospital, Incorporated, I will be able to:

Review perioperative concepts comprehensively.

Determine predisposing and precipitating factors that lead to the clients disease condition

Correlate the drugs being administered to the client comprehensively.
Identify various surgical instruments according to their functions correctly.
Evaluate nursing care rendered efficiently.


Gather factual health assessment accurately.

Conduct a thorough physical assessment using cephalocaudal approach.

Document pertinent data correctly.

Conduct an effective perioperative health teaching.

Utilize principles of asepsis at all times.


Establish a good working relationship with the hospital staff.

Manifest core values of an Augustinian student nurse at all times.
Respect clients values, norms and practices.
Accept constructive criticisms and recommendations positively.
Exhibit initiative and resourcefulness throughout the exposure.

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