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Proficy Historian - Creating Process KPIs

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are assorted variables that organisations use to assess, analyse and
track manufacturing/production processes. KPIs created within Proficy Historian use standard Tag attributes
and therefore can be viewed within any Historian client. KPIs can be used to determine and monitor
Volumes, Rates, Reject Ratios, create Soft Sensors, Scrap/Waste, Energy Monitoring, Downtime, OEE,
Emissions and much more.

KPI development using Proficy Historian

KPI development is generally completed on the central Proficy Historian server using the Calculation
Collector. The Calculation Collector allows users to perform data calculations on values already in the data
archiver, or via 3rd party data-source, performs the calculation, and then stores the resulting values into new
archive Tag/s. Data is accessed like any other Historian tag.
KPIs can be developed for viewing and reporting via preconfigured displays and reports, or if an S95 Tag
naming standard (or structured naming) has been deployed within Historian Tags. Then formulas can be
developed enabling drag and drop options within client displays in addition to standard reporting options.
The Calculation Collector has additional attributes that include
Calculation Recovery: If all data within the calculation is from historical sources (Historian, SQL,
etc) should an error occur, network failure, or a change in calculation Tag. Users can run the
recovery trigger to recalculate the KPI results.
Collection can be polled, or based on a trigger Tag change of state, or value.
Enumerated values can still be applied to calculation results making meaning out of numbered
values and error codes.

Historian Tag Naming Convention

To provide a constant user experience within the product, choose a simple naming convention for all KPIs.
This should be followed for any KPIs visible to the user. This should be something that the end-customer
users are familiar with.
It is good practice to make the DisplayName and the Description unique to identify the KPI from
the UI list. For example, if there are two pumps each with Inlet Flow, Make the DisplayNames P1
Inlet Flow and P2 Inlet Flow, not just Inlet Flow. The same applies to the Description.
When naming properties within the Proficy Client, try to make the properties unique within the first
few characters. It is more efficient for the system to retrieve results when the first few characters are
unique. For example, if you have two properties, it is more efficient to name them MinFlow and
MaxFlow, than to name them FlowMin and FlowMax.
KPI Names: Use short but descriptive names for KPI names within the product. These should be short but
meaningful to a user familiar with the equipment. Some good examples include: 196-GT-101 OUT
SPEED, K21_LT_02.PV.
KPI Descriptions: Can be longer and more descriptive than the KPI names. These can be used by users that
are less familiar with the equipment. Some examples: Line 101 Gas Turbine Output Shaft Speed, Pump
21 Tank Level Backup Sensor Value.

Historian Sampling Modes and Calculation Modes (IMPORTANT)

Historian includes predefined Sampling and Calculation modes to assist with developing simple and
advanced KPIs. These should be understood and used as they will substantially reduce development times.
Sampling Modes: Current Value, Raw data options, Interpolated values, trend and Calculated
Calculation Modes: Count, State Count, State Time, Min, Max, Total, Average and Raw data
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KPI Visual Management is the process of displaying critical information such as KPIs that relate
specifically to production output, efficiency and quality to staff ensuring they have a better understanding of
their process and production levels.
As Proficy Historian is an open-layered application data can be extracted by many different types of systems
including the Proficy Suite (Proficy iFIX, Portal, Proficy Historian Analysis (PHA), Vision, MES etc), Excel
Add-IN, OLE (Microsoft SSRS, Crystal Reports, ERP systems, etc). By developing the KPI at the Historian
level all clients have access to the correct value The same version of the truth.

Example of a Downtime / OEE web part.

Underlined values are hyper links to more detailed information

Creating different types of KPIs

Creating Simple Run-time KPIs such as Volume, Rate, Reject Ratio, Scrap, etc
A meter value against a time value
A percentage of a Tag in a particular state
The calculation requires a base Tag within Historian for each Asset/Meter. Sampling mode would be
Calculated and the Calculation Mode would be Total. Volume = Meter Flow Rate * Time Segment

Creating Simple Soft Sensor such as Differential Pressure Switches (DPS) to identify filter failure. The
KPI is the difference between the Filter Inlet PSI and the Filter Discharge PSI.
The calculation requires both Tags to be in Historian for each Filter/Asset/Meter. For each Tag Sampling
mode would be Current Value. DPS result = Filter Inlet PSI less Filter Discharge PSI

Creating a KPI against Expectations requires a predefined value that a current value to calculate against to
highlight the processes current performance. The target value may be stored in a 3rd party system (SQL, ERP,
LMS, etc). This KPI can be written to get the external data as part of the calculation, or often it is easier to
copy the value from the external system to an Historian Tag.
Example: Asset Runtime by 8 hour Shift (KPI: Operating Period)
Fixed Value Variable (Maintenance being the 3rd party variable) Fixed/Variable Value
Total Possible Run-Time less Scheduled Maintenance Downtime less Scheduled Breaks Downtime
480 minutes 0 minutes (maintenance) 30 15 15 minutes (Breaks) = 420 minutes

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Historian Calculation Collector KPI development via the Administrator

1. Create a new Tag within Historian using the Tags tab then Add Tag Manually tab.

2. Add Name, Description, Data Store and set the Collector.

3. Collector will be ServerName_Calculation

4. Set the collection attributes. Either polled or via a trigger Tag. Use the Enumerated Set Name to
configure an enumerated value. Finally use the Update button to save changes.

5. The new Tags configuration tabs

6. Once saved (Update) select the Tags Calculation tab and add the calculation using set Tags, or a
Tag formula (*Pu*). Users can type directly, or use the wizard included.

The calculation window is blank when first

opened, or will have Result=Null displayed.
Click Window to expand the calculation area

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Example 1 Creating a Soft Sensor

Calculations for a Filter Differential PSI, or the difference between Inlet PSI and Discharge PSI
Create a new tag (as per previous page)
Set collector
Set collection
Set compression
Calculation tab

Polled at 5s (timeout 1 hour)
Archive compression
Complete calculation

Manually created
There could be multiple installed
Or trigger from another tag
If 0 only save if value changes
Test after developed

Calculation Tab:
1. The first rule of calculations is that you need a Result= so if required type this in the window

2. Next add the first tag (Filter1_Inlet PSI) so click on the wizard button to the right.
a. Type = Insert a value correct leave it as it is
b. Function = Current value correct leave it as it is
c. Browse for Tag (use filter) when selected it appears in Input Tag

3. The calculation now looks like

4. As we are going to subtract the discharge from the inlet value, type in a -sign within the calculation.
Click the Wizard button and browse for, then select the second Tag again using the current value;

5. The end formula should look like this.

Click Test Calculation to check the syntax.

6. To save click the Update button

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Historian Simplifies KPI development with Sampling and Calculation Modes

Example 2 Flow Meter Volume for 24 hrs: As a flow meter is not always constant over a time period each
sample collected needs to be captured and added together to create a volume for a particular time period.
Historian includes the required Calculation Modes to automatically perform this task for you.
The steps are similar to above
Create the KPI Tag and assign collection attributes.
Open the Calculation window (Results=) and select the Wizard
When selecting the Tag choose different options to the previous example of Type = Current Value
Select Function: Insert a Calculation
Non-Filtered Calculation
Input tag:
Searched for a Flow Tag
Total (Not RAW Total)
Start Time:
Default Start Time
End Time:
Default End Time

TOTAL retrieves the time-weighted

total of raw and interpolated values
for each calculation interval. The
collected value must be a rate per 24
hours. This calculation mode
determines a count from the
collected rate.

The calculation would look like

Test calculation and Update to save changes

(Note: When using the calculation tab if you wish to expand the view click on the Window button)

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Example 3 Flow Meter Volume whilst State Tag = value (x)

For this example we want to monitor the volume whilst another Tag is in a specific state, for example when
the process is in a: Divert State, Material through a valve, or pump volumes, Recipe analysis, raw material
levels and much more.
Tag 1(Input Tag) is the same as previous example however we choose Function = Filtered Calculation as
we want to run our calculation against another Tag, State Tag.
Tag 2 (Filter Tag) we search for and select our device/process State Tag.
We want to include Time after the state change and when the filter Tag equals the Divert state
which in our case is 5.

How many times did the Tag enter that State?

For example if creating a KPI for a Divert sequences you may also want to know how many diverts
happened for the last 24 hours. Generally a Valve will open and close when the Divert occurs so for this we
would simply need to count how many times it has opened.
Sampling Mode would be Calculation
Calculation mode would be State Count
Proficy Historian Electronic Books Retrieval Topic you will find explanations for all of the different
Sampling Modes and Calculations Modes. To use calculation modes the Sampling Mode = Calculated.

Sampling Modes: Current Value, Interpolated values, trend, Calculated and Raw data options
Calculation Modes: Count, State Count, State Time, Min, Max, Total, Average and Raw data
Hybrid Modes: This mode of sampling has the ability to switch between sampled (like

interpolated or trend) and raw data based on the actual and requested number of samples or a
specified time interval.
Query Modifiers: are used for retrieving data that has been stored in the archive. They are
used along with sampling and calculation modes to get a specific set of data. (Only Good,
Include Bad, Only Raw Samples, etc)

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Base Tag Requirements to Develop KPIs

To create KPIs base Tags are required from the process, asset performance related and from the ERP system
such as order requirements and shifts operating. Many will already be been collected although could be in
multiple systems. Example of Tags that could be required based on the KPIs you wish to develop.
Historian Base Tag Examples
Shift ID
Asset ID
Process ID
Factory ID
Asset State ID
Asset Run Hours
Asset Stop - Category
Valve Counts
Flow Rate
Quantity Count / Yield
Rework Count
Electricity Usage
Gas Usage
"Other Energy" Usage
External Temperature
External Humidity

Single Tag for all by Process

Records duty shift ID (change of shift)

Part of Tagname, or add Tag

Can add Asset/Equipment name in spare configuration field

Part of Tagname, or add Tag

Can add Asset/Equipment name in spare configuration field

Part of Tagname, or add Tag

Can add Asset/Equipment name in spare configuration field

Tag per asset

Records the asset state options (stop, run, divert, maintenance, etc)

Tag per asset

Records total run hours for an Asset

Tag per asset

Records reason for asset stoppage stored in the PLC (electrical, etc)

Tag per asset

records total events of an Asset

Tag per asset

passing a point - flow meter

Tag per asset

Current level within an asset

Tag per Process

Units / volume produced

Tag per Process

Pass / Fail (Unit/volume Quality Control check)

Tag per Process

Bad quality items reworked (item/volume)

Tag per asset

KW used per time frame set (by Asset, Process, Factory)

Tag per asset

Kg used per time frame set (by Asset, Process, Factory)

Tag per asset

Kg/Ltr used per time frame set (by Asset, Process, Factory)

Tag per asset

measures vibration of an Asset / Asset component

Tag per meter

records production area atmospheric temperature

Tag per meter

records production area atmospheric humidity

Tag per meter

records emissions from the site

Historian Predictive Tag Examples (linked to, or updated from 3rd party data-sources)
Time slots
Process Predicted Time
Production Predicted Time
Production Predicted Rate
Units / Volume Required
Asset Capacity / Level
Network Flow Capacity
Asset Scheduled Maintenance
Operating Period / Shift
Energy (Tag per type)

KPI: Energy

Need to be relevant to process


Average time to complete task (Unit/ Ltr, etc)


Expected time from start to finish less breaks


Expect units/volume completed (time per unit)

KPI: Non completed

Assigned units, or volume by average time / order

KPI: Remaining Capacity

Total Level Capacity assigned to an Asset

KPI: Total Flow Capacity

Total volume the physical pipes (Network) can manage

KPI: Asset Availability

Total Maintenance time scheduled for an Asset

KPI: Asset Availability

Total hours an Asset can run less breaks per time period (shift/day)

KPI: Gas, Electric, other

Expected Usage for an asset by Energy type

Relational database Data (SQL Server)

Downtime Reasons
Shift / Personnel

Adds to Downtime KPI

SQL Look up reason Codes

Operator selection - reason written to SQL

Adds to Shift ID

SQL look up personnel per shift

Operator selection - updates written to SQL

Alarm and Event Data

By including Alarm and Event Data (AE) within your reports users can more easily identify root-causes and
visually see trends that are impacting on performance. Proficy Historian has an AE Server options that is
highly recommended as it links the Process and Alarm data automatically reducing configuration and report
development requirements.

Alarms during
the process
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KPI Examples General

Most of these would be applied against a defined time period, shift, or whilst as Asset is in a particular state.
Historian includes specific calculation modes to assist with KPI development such as the Total option.

Amount that passed a point for a time period

Digital: Asset Run / Stopped

Flow Rate * Minutes (Time Difference)

Analog: Flow Rate
User defined Time Period / Shift

Amount that passed during divert ID

Analog: Divert ID

Flow Rate for Asset ID where Asset State ID = Divert * Minutes

Digital: Change of State
Analog: Flow rate

Level against Asset total capacity

Target 3rp party Value

Asset Total capacity less Asset Current Level

Analog: Current level Value

Flow against maximum Flow capacity

Target 3rp party Maximum Flow

Asset maximum Flow Rate less Current Flow Rate

Analog: Current Flow Rate
Analog: Asset ID

Asset / Process operating Speed

Analog: Unit Count

Unit Count * Minutes

User defined Time Period / Shift

Asset / Process operating Speed

Analog: Total Volume

Volume * Minutes
User defined Time Period / Shift

Total Units that fail QC process

Analog: Quantity Count

Quantity Count where Quality ID not= Pass

Digital: Pass ID / Fail ID

Good to bad ratio

Digital: Pass ID / Fail ID

Percentage of Pass to Failure

Tags required

Rejects not/cant be reworked

Quantity Count Analog: Count

Reject Count less Rework Count

Rework Count Analog: Count

Non Completed

Remaining Units / Litres

Tags required

Target 3rp party Analog: Quantity Value

Quantity Target less (Quantity Count less Reject Count) plus+ Reject
Count with Quality ID = Pass
KPI: Quantity - Rejects
KPI: Rework Count = Pass

Order Count

Total Order Count where quality = pass

Tags required

Rework Count

Quantity Count where Quality ID = Pass + Rework count where

Quality ID = Pass
Quantity Count
Quality ID

Vibration Monitoring

Vibration within Asset

Target 3rp party Analog: Value

Vibration Rate Value against Target Vibration Value

Analog: Vibration Current Value

Asset Outage Time

Displays time an Asset was in Failure

Asset where State (not=) RUN by Minutes

Tags required

Analog: Asset ID

Asset State ID

Asset Availability

Total minutes an asset/process is available

Target 3rd Party: Maintenance Time

Operating Period less Scheduled Maintenance

Analog: Operating Minutes

Displays time an Asset was Running

Analog: Asset Availability

Asset Availability less AOT


Average time a process takes to complete a

task - all units required with quality of pass.
Target 3rp party Analog: Total Minutes

Target Cycle Time against Actual Cycle Time for Asset ID (by shift)

Tags required

Divert Volume
Tags required

Level Capacity
Tags required

Flow Capacity
Tags required

Rate (units)
Tags required

Rate (volume)
Tags required

Reject Count
Tags required

Reject Ratio
Tags required


Tags required

Tags required

Asset Up-Time
Tags required

Process Cycle Time

Tags required

KPI: Order Count

User defined time / Shift ID

User defined time / Shift ID

Time: End Time - Start Time

(A plant may have several assets that perform the same task. Monitor the Cycle Time as a performance measure between them)
TakT Time
Tags required

The available production time divided by

customer demand ( time per unit)
Target 3rp party Analog: Order Count

Asset Availability / Order Count for Asset ID (by shift)

KPI: Asset Availability

Time: End Time - Start Time

(The purpose of takt time is to precisely match production with demand, enables sales delivery schedules to be met)

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KPI Examples Downtime

Downtime KPIs are used to create specific Asset / Process reports that outline the reason why downtime
occurred. Failure for an asset by category.
Base Tags Include:
Asset/Process Run Hours, Failure Category ID, Asset/Process ID, Shift ID
Humidity and Temperature
Other tags that directly impact on asset performance rates.
SQL: Operator inputs for shift changes and Downtime Reasons
Use the Historian enumerated value function to change ID values to meaningful test
Downtime Planned

Same as Asset Availability

Asset Availability

Total minutes an asset/process is available

Variable Value: Maintenance Time

Possible Run time less Scheduled Maintenance less Scheduled Breaks

Time Period, Shift, 24 hrs, etc
Time Period, 1 hr, 15 mins, etc

% Total actual minutes an asset/process is

available vs Expected Available time
KPI: Asset Availability

% Run Hours / Asset Availability

Analog: Total Run Hours

Asset Actual downtime

Analog: Asset Run Hours

Total asset Run Hours where state (not=) Run

User defined Time period


Actual Downtime less Scheduled Downtime

Total asset Run Hours where state (not=) Run less Asset Availability

Tags required

Analog: Asset Run Hours

KPI: Asset Availability

User defined Time period

Asset Alarms

Alarms for the asset / process during the

downtime period.

Rate* Reject Ratio

KPI: Reject ratio

User defined Time period

Tags required

Asset Availability
Tags required

Downtime Actual
Tags required

Analog: Scheduled Breaks

Historian AE Server

Downtime Bottleneck
Tags required

Used to identify bottlenecks in production

KPI: Rate

The report/display would also include shift and downtime reasons from SQL, ideally corresponding
AE data from Historian and downtime categories from Historian.
KPI Examples Oee
The below examples are included to complete a detailed Downtime solution, not to develop a custom OEE
solution that could end up costing more than Proficy Efficiency, a GEIP off-the-shelf OEE module. We will
refer to these KPIs as Oee.

OEE = Performance * Availability * Quality

o Performance = Actual production / Possible production
o Availability = Actual production time / Possible production time
o Quality = Product produced (Less Scrap and Rework) / Product produced

Oee_P %
Tags required

OEE rating against potential machine

KPI: rate * Reject ratio

(Rate * Rejection Ratio) / (Rate) by user defined time / shift ID

Target: Potential Production Rate

User defined Time period

The Actual production time / Potential

production time.
KPI: Asset Outage Time

KPI: Asset Availability

Oee_Q %

OEE type quality calculation

(Quantity Made less (Scrap + Rework)) / Quantity Made

Tags required

Analog: Count

Analog: Count of rejects used +

KPI: Scrap

Oee %

OEE = A * P * Q

Oee_P * Oee_A * Oee_Q

Oee_A %
Tags required

Asset Runtime Time / Asset Availability for selected time period

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User defined Time period

User defined Time period

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KPI Examples Energy Monitoring

These KPIs can be applied to numerous types of energy sources; Electricity, Gas, Diesel, Coal, etc.
Base Tags Include:
Process ID, Asset ID, Shift ID
Meter usage rate as granulated as possible (asset, process, site)
Past energy bills and breakdowns to ascertain predictive usage
Humidity, Temperature and other tags that directly impact on asset performance rates.
A predefined time slot to measure power. (peak pricing times should be a time slot)
o Peak Pricing Examples: Between (7am 8:30am) and (6pm7:30pm)
Electricity Used
(per time-slot)

Usage Rate per time-slot

Tags required

Analog: Energy Usage Rate

Electricity Peak

Identify high usage time-slots per shift/day

for weekly, monthly and annual reports
Analog: Energy Usage Rate

Rank time slots from high value to low value per day/shift over a
month (or year to see seasonal trends)
User defined Time period

Process Electricity

Group of assets used for a process

% per asset of energy consumption to complete the process

Tags required

Analog: Energy Usage Rate

Predicted Electricity

Asset / Process: predicted rates per time-slot

that can be tracked against in real-time.
Analog: Energy Usage Rate

Tags required

Tags required

Tags required

Factory against Supplier readings. The total

from all meters compared to supplier
Analog: Energy Usage Rate

Electricity Meter usage rate by selected Time Slot

User defined Time period

User defined Time period

Target 3rp party Analog: Value

User defined Time period

Total energy from all meters

User defined Time period

The above are used for all energy types (CNG, LPG, Diesel, etc)

Total Energy Used

for the Process

Combines all energy sources used, Power,

Gas, etc. $$ amounts can be applied

Total of Electricity, Gas & Other - defined user/batch time period

Energy usage per


Used to calculate energy required per unit

made, or litre processed

Total of Energy used divided by units (litres) produced - user defined


Process Emissions
per time slot

Records emissions for an asset/process per

energy time-slot (per emissions meter)

Asset/Process Emissions per defined time-slot

Total Emissions
per time slot

Total of all emissions meters per energy


Total of all Emissions meters per defined time-slot

Process Emissions
by user defined time

Records process emissions per user defined


Asset/Process Emissions per user defined time period

Total Emissions
by user defined time

Total of emissions meters per user defined


Total of Usage meters per user defined time period

Time Slot Emissions


Actual against predicted emissions per time

slot to ensure compliance is met

Emissions Actual against predicted by predefined time slot.

Daily Emissions

Actual against predicted emissions per day

for a user defined time period

Emission daily totals for last 30 days.

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Historian Enumerated Values

An Enumerated Data Set provides an enhanced way of displaying data. It enables you to retrieve numeric
data as string state values. The string values can be used in reports or displays, improving flexibility in
defining string values that suit your requirement. For example, a stored value of 1 can be returned as a string
value Running.
Creating enumerated values
The original/field value must be numeric
You can define the state value as any data except BLOB and Scaled types
Arrays and Strings cannot be utilised for enumerated values
You must create an enumerated set and assign values to use enumerated results
An enumerated set can be applied to multiple Tags

Search Historian Tag Database

Select the Tag that you wish to
create an enumerated set for.
View by Tagname, or Tag
On the Collections tab use the
dropdown for Enumerate Set

Click on Create New Set button.

Configure the Set

Enter Name and description

IE Control Valve State
Set the State (IE Open)
Set the Value (IE 1)
Add description
Click Save to List
Repeat to add more States to
the set as required.

Click on Save Set and OK once

Examples for device/asset Tags that could be enumerated
Stored in PLC/SCADA as a number
Enumerated To
Factory ID
Dry Side
Process/Machine ID
Drier 1
Asset/Device ID
Asset/Device State ID (Pump, Valve, etc)
(0 or 1), (100 or 102) etc
Stopped & Running or Open & Closed
Error Codes (Downtime Category code)
0, 1, 2, 3, ...
Electrical, Mechanical, Blocked, etc
Shift ID
1, 2, 3, 4...
Different duty shift names
Operator ID
1, 2, 3, 4....
Bob, John, Tania, Barry, etc
For best practice these IDs should match the corresponding IDs within your existing systems (SQL, Oracle, etc) such as shift details,
machine / process names and IDs, error codes, etc.

We have chosen these examples as the information would be required in multiple different report types and
not just for Downtime Monitoring. Often the FactoryID, MachineID and AssetID are part of the Tagname
and therefore do not require a separate Tag to be captured.
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HMI Tagnaming convention: Proficy iFIX and other brands

The Tagnaming convention deployed within the iFIX Server database could also identify the machine and
piece of equipment been monitored negating the need for separate identification Tags.
We want the Tags within Historian and iFIX to be the same name so the Alarm and Event data can
be applied easily to the respective Historian Data Tags. We dont recommend changing the
Tagname within Historian to create a naming convention at this level
Example: Tag Name Convention: SM_BS_15_245.F_CV
Factory ID
Work Centre
Process / Machine ID
Equipment ID


Bin Sorter
Machine code
Equipment code

In-feed Hydraulics

If your site has not deployed a detailed Tagnaming convention we can use other Historian fields to store the
asset/device name for reporting purposes.
Example of an iFIX Tag:
Example of the description:
Chemical Tank #1 Level
Only very limited information is available via the Tagname. Should you wish to add more descriptive
information this can be added to the Spare Configuration field for the Tag stored within Historian.

To retrieve this data when building a report you will need to query the CollectorGeneral2 field.
To enable a report search by location the query maybe used several times however each one will
search for a different part of the entry; Saw Mill, Bin Sorter, Plainer, etc. For instance if we wanted
to create a downtime report for an area (all assets within the Plainer process/machine) we need to
be able to associate the Tag with the plant area. Alternately just use the Machine/Process name.
Note: Step Value on the above Tab enables square-tooth data representation often seen within HMI
displays rather than sharp saw-tooth representation. Especially good for digital On/Off, Stop/Run views.

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Displaying KPIs and Developing Reports

There are numerous clients available to access and display Historian KPI tags. Often existing reports
currently utilised can be altered to include Historian data. As KPI tags within Historian have standard Tag
attributes they can be access by out-of-the-box tools included with GEIP products, or any OLE client.
Proficy iFIX HMI/SCADA - Use the standard tools provided out-of-the-box.
As iFIX is an Operations based system generally it is used to display Operations-based KPIs
Historical Datalinks
Enhanced Charts
(SQL Block / Visiconx / VBA) to display and update data to SQL (shift and downtime reasons)
Proficy Historian Analysis (PHA) Use the standard tools provided out-of-the box.
PHA is a Proficy Vision plug-in that is the primary companion visualization tool for Proficy Historian, and
supports both flat-tag and contextual, or model-based searching and trending of Historian tag data. It is easy
to use, supports drag and drop, and is tightly integrated with Historian and Vision.
Standard time-based, XY and area charts
Current value KPI tables
Historian Alarm & Event database table
The ability to do ad-hoc analysis, or save analysis sessions as favourites for fast recall and
Print to PDF or Word
Proficy Portal (RTIP) - Use the standard tools provided out-of-the-box.
Portal is perfect for root-cause analysis and process efficiency reporting, especially where trending and
adhoc reports are required. It is fast and easy to set-up, supports drag and drop, includes an expression editor
and can link data from numerous data-sources (connectors maybe required).
Standard Time-based, XY, Statistical and Category Charts
Historical Grids
Gauges and Dials
Heat Map visual to quickly display plant and process throughputs
Print to PDF, attached to email, send to recipients
Proficy Vision (Web Server Hosting) - Use the standard tools provided out-of-the-box.
The ProficySOA server manages connections to many different systems including Historian, iFIX, SQL,
Oracle, ERP systems, MES, Maintenance Systems and much more. It contains enhanced security and
manyS95 models such as Equipment, Process Procedures and Personnel; it includes a basic Visual Studio
development tool to create basic reports. The full version of Visual Studio can be installed, or reports
developed remotely can be copied to the ProficySOA system.
By installing Proficy Vision on the ProficySOA Server it enables almost any web-server to be hosted within
Vision making them all accessible via a single URL, simplifying access to users from PC,s Tablets/iPads,
Smart Phones, etc. ProficySOA and Proficy Vision are free to all users with a current GlobalCare support
policy and can host web sites from numerous remote servers.
iFIX WebSpace
Proficy Portal
SSRS Web server
Excel WebPages
Almost any web server can be hosted within Proficy Vision

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SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) - Use the standard tools provided out-of-the-box.
SSRS utilises an OLE connection to access Historian data and is perfect for daily, weekly, monthly, annual
reports where data requests are generally not changed (predefined attributes). SSRS is great for reports that
many people access/view using tabular grids and data links. Historian supports direct connectivity, SQL
Linked Server and Pass Through options enabling any configuration to be deployed maximising any
previous investments made.
Tabular Grids
Some specific objects (Dials, Levels, etc) that support OLE connections
Often a complete Proficy Vision solution will include Proficy Portal, PHA, SSRS and some .Net displays.

Proficy Historian Excel Add-in - The included MS Excel Add-in offers administrative and reporting
capabilities. Both topics are covered within the Historian Electronic Books. There are also sample reports
included with the Historian install that can be easily modified to perform a variety of tasks. Reports
developed in Excel can be converted to a web report and viewed with Proficy Vision.
Sample Reports on the Historian Server: C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy Historian\Samples
Alarm and Events, Batch, Daily, Statistic Analysis example reports
The Historian OLE DB Provider is a data access mechanism (defined by Microsoft) that allows you to
query Historian product data using Structured Query Language (SQL) statements or other client reporting
tools. It adds tremendous value to the Historian product by providing simple access to data from within the
SQL environment, without the need for complex scripting.
Furthermore Proficy Historian OLE DB Provider includes standard Linked Server functionality that
enables a remote Historian Server to appear as a local SQL Table again simplifying data retrieval and report
For example there could also be an existing solution developed utilising a relational database (SQL,
MYSQL, Oracle, etc) that you simply want to enhance. Use the OLE DB Linked Server option to add your
Historian data to the existing system.
A test tool Historian Interactive SQL Tool is installed for testing your scripts before adding
them to your displays / reports.
There are OLE query examples within the Historian Electronic Books under the heading
List of Examples.

For any assistance, or additional explanations please contact your GE Intelligent Platforms representative

Document authored by The Industrial interface Company NZ Ltd

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