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Unit 65

Assessment Two
Client Needs
The pixels, a Manchester based band, which have had until recently a reasonably
successful career in and around the local Manchester music scene for the last
five years. They have now been picked up by a record company and offered a
deal, but need publicity.
It is my job to create a web banner to raise awareness online of a national tour
The Pixels are due to embark on.

Target Audience
The target audience of my poster will be 16+ year olds, because most concert
attenders are older. To make my product appeal to my audiences I will make sure
to keep a professional feel to the poster while making it look fun and exciting at
the same time. I used the website Live Analytics to find the average age of
concert goers and then use the data sourced from there to use as my target
audience to make sure that my product reaches the people that are most likely to attend. Another
thing I found out when researching was that the reason the number of younger people attending
concerts had gone down was due to the prices and so I will make sure that the prices appeal to a
younger audience as well.

In my poster I will include a background image with multi-coloured stars in the background with text
stating the name of The Pixels the fact that there will be a tour, the date of the tour and some
locations of the tour. There will also be music demos of some of their songs to introduce the user to
their music and so that hopefully they will want to hear more.
My mood board is separated in 9 different
sections. The first section shows the different
colours I will be using. I wanted to use bright
colours to really draw in and interest the reader.
The second section shows example font ideas for
the title, I like the idea of The Pixels being in a
purposely pixelated text as it related to the title.
The third section shows the different font sizes
and for this poster I feel that most of the text
should be in a large size to make it clear what it reads, since the background will be a little busier.
However, I feel that the details should be in a smaller font to save room as this texts purpose wont
be to catch and draw in the readers attention. The fourth section of my mood board shows different
ideas for possible backgrounds. The background that I most like is the dark blue with small pixelated
stars as I feel that it fits in with the theme of their band. The fifth section shows different logo ideas
to try and make The Pixels their own logo that fans can associate with the band, like Nirvana had the
yellow smiley face. The sixth section of the mood board shows different capitalisation ideas, I think

that The Pixels should be in full capitals as this is much more striking and makes the reader think
that whatever is in capitals is important. The seventh section shows other band logos and names and
helps to give me ideas as to how to design The Pixels logo.
Publishing Format
The publishing format for my web banner will be in either Flash format or gif format.
Aesthetic Quality
The aesthetic quality of my banner ad will have a retro feel to it. Since the
band is called The Pixels, I feel that having a retro theme will fit well since
retro games are usually very pixilated which fits well. The asset which
will most fit the retro themed will be the background, which will be
multi-coloured stars on a navy blue background. I will also use
pixelated font to fit the theme. I will try and keep the rest of my web
banner simple, since the background which I am using is already
relatively busy. I will use white fonts since white will be easily noticeable
over the dark navy background.
Visual Style
The layout of my web banner will be fairly simplistic. There will be bold, large title text saying The
Pixels National Tour! Underneath this title, there will be details of the tour in smaller text with
locations and dates. They will be centred. There will be music as a sampler in the background to let
people that havent heard of the band get to know their music and hopefully make them want to
hear more and want to buy tickets for the tour.
Type of Images Used
The images Ive used for The Pixels web banner are very retro themed. The background Im planning
to used has a navy background with multi-coloured pixelated stars since this will fit with the name of
the band. Im thinking of using a picture of The Pixels, though originally I thought that if I did Id
make the image pixelated, but after thinking about it Ive decided if I do use an image of the ban I
will not pixelate it, as bitmap images that are pixelated rarely look aesthetically pleasing.
Time Management
To make full use of time I have done my work to set deadlines, this will make sure that all my work is
being done at a good pace and that I will not fall behind in any topic. I have made sure that work has
been completed to these deadlines so that I can complete the finished product by the due date.
Legal and Ethical Considerations
Copyright laws
The Copyright law originally came from the United Kingdom from a concept of common law; the
Statute of Anne 1709. This was the first statute to provide for copyright regulated by the
government and courts, rather than by private parties. It then became statutory with the passing of
the Copyright Act 1911.

The Copyright designs and patents act (1988) was introduced for two main reasons: making sure
that people were rewarded for their hard work and also to give the creator a form of protection
from getting their work stolen. Before this act was introduced there was very little that creators
could do, in a legal sense, if someone else decided to steal their work and claim it as their own. The
law gives creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films
and typographical arrangement of published editions rights to control the ways in which their
material may be used.
Currently in the UK one does not have to register or apply since the laws of copyright are
automatically enforced. Copyright lasts for a lifetime and then 70 additional years after the creator's
death. After this period of time has come to pass, then the copyright is usually passed down to the
creator's 'heirs' or beneficiaries. Often, the copyright does not only lie with the 'creator' alone, but
somebody else.
Working in any part of the media one will find restrictions which always apply in regards to what
somebody can say or does. This is done to protect the audience from being insulted by racist
comments, or other insulting comments, which can be hurtful to a large, or small group of people.
The rules on the internet are not any different, copyright still exists, however it is a lot easier for
people to break these laws on the internet and more people feel protected due to the internets
sense of anonymity.
Within different jobs in the media there are different levels of restrictions. For example, a comedy
show and a news show will have very different levels of restrictions since modern day comedy can
be found insulting towards some people, whereas a news show will have much higher levels of
restrictions in which are more heavily enforced.
If anything shared is found offensive can result in the company being sued and being made to pay
out money in compensation. Ways a company can avoid this are:
* Obtaining permission from the primary owner of a picture, video or sound clip before being able to
use it. Without someone's written permission, one must not use any part of someone else's work.
* Avoiding slander. One shouldn't make a verbal statement about an individual which could be
viewed as insulting, abusive or done in a way to damage somebody's reputation.
* One shouldn't make a written statement about any one individual which could be viewed as
insulting, abusive or done in a way to damage their reputation, this is called Libel.
* One should be aware of the way they represent and describe the content and the characters in
their work, since it should be unbiased and accurate (to an extent). This applies to race
(black, white, asian, etc.), gender (male, female, other), sexuality (homosexual, heterosexual, other),
disability (able bodied and otherwise), nationality (British or otherwise), class (working, middle or
upper), regionalism (north and south), age (young and old), religion (Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc.)
Meaning that suggesting that anyone of these groups is inferior is strictly off-limits. Breaching any
one of these rules means that the production might not be allowed to be published and viewed.
There are some laws already in place which work alongside these rules such as The Race Relations

It is extremely important that when I am designing and planning my project, I take into consideration
all of the rules listed above and ensure that all the Acts are complied with. Most of the rules above
are reasonable considerations, however I will still need to check with the client to see whether they
are aware of all the considerations as and when is necessary.
To make sure that I do not break any of these rules, I will need to make sure that I gain permission
when needed or use media which is not copyrighted, and I will need to give credit where credit is

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