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The appendix sits at the junction at the small intestine and large intestine. Its a thin
tube about four inches long. Normally, the appendix sits in the lower abdomen.
Appeddicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a 3 inch long tube of tissue that
extends from the large intestine. Appendicitis is a medical emergency that requires
prompt surgery to remove the appendix. Appendicitis can occur anytime, but it
occurs most often between the ages of 10 and 30. Its more common in men than in
When you have appendicitis you will manifest the following symptoms like: pain
around the bellybutton, lower right side abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea,
vomitting, constipation,abdominal swelling, low grade fever and a sense you might
feel better after passing stool.
There are other confirmatory peritoneal signs like, Psoas sign: pain on the
extension of right thigh, obturator sign: pain on internal rotation of right thigh,
rovsings sign: pain in right lower quadrant with palpation of left lower quadrant,
dunphys sign: incresead pain when coughing.
Patient J.J was diagnosed of acute appendicitis. He was compalining of pain at his
right lower quadrant. Upon assessment, following diagnostic procedure was
performed. Patient J.J is positive of psoas sign, obturator sign, rovsings sign and
dunphys sign.

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