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Os Adjetivos, alm de qualificar substantivos, tambm fazem comparaes. Em

ingls, os adjetivos possuem trs graus de comparao: grau normal (beautiful), grau
comparativo (as beautiful as, more beautiful than) e grau superlativo (the most beautiful).
No Grau Normal, o adjetivo no sofre comparao; no Grau Comparativo, a comparao
feita entre dois substantivos e no Grau Superlativo a comparao feita entre trs
substantivos ou mais:
1. As ... as (to ... quanto) usado em frases afirmativas e not so ... as ou not as
... as (no to ... quanto), em frases negativas. Veja os exemplos abaixo:

John is as fat as his wife.

Joo to gordo quanto sua esposa.
She speaks French as well as the rest of us.
Ela fala Francs to bem quanto ns.
Alexander is not as fat as his father.
Alexandre no to gordo quanto seu pai.
Cristina is not so tall as her sister.
Cristina no to alta quanto sua irm.


O comparativo de superioridade formado da seguinte maneira:
Em adjetivos de uma slaba (e em alguns de duas slabas), acrescentam-se ao adjetivo o
sufixo -er e a palavra than. Em adjetivos terminados em e, acrescenta-se -r + than.
Ex.: old older Elaine is older than
large larger Manaus is larger than Macei.
Em adjetivos de uma ou duas slabas terminados em y precedido de consoante, substitui-se
o y por i e acrescenta-se -er + than.
Ex.: noisy noisierLondon is noisier than Huntingdon.
Em adjetivos de uma slaba que terminam em consoante + vogal + consoante, dobra-se a
consoante final e acrescenta-se -er + than.
Ex.: hot hotterCuiab is hotter than Porto Alegre.
Em alguns adjetivos de duas slabas e em todos os de trs ou mais slabas, usa-se more...
Ex.: expensive more expensive than
A BMW is more expensive than a bicycle.
Maria is old. (Maria velha.)
Maria is older than me. (Maria mais velha do que eu.)
Note que o adjetivo old sofreu uma alterao: er + than. dessa forma que se faz o
comparativo de superioridade quando o adjetivo composto por uma slaba (short
Observe agora outro exemplo:
Maria is intelligent. (Maria inteligente.)
Maria is more intelligent than me. (Maria mais inteligente do que eu.)
Neste caso, o adjetivo intelligent no sofre alterao alguma, apenas
acrescentamos: more (antes) e than (depois) dele. Dessa forma fazemos o comparativo de
superioridade quando o adjetivo composto por duas ou mais slabas (long adjectives).
Ento, lembre-se: a maneira como faremos a comparao depender da quantidade de
slabas que cada adjetivo possui!

Os adjetivos good e bad tm formas irregulares de comparativo de superioridade.

Ex.: good better

The quality of life is better in small towns than in big cities.

bad worse
Traffic is worse in big cities than in small towns.
Observe os exemplos a seguir:
I spent less money than you. (Eu gastei menos dinheiro do que voc.)
That hat is less expensive than the others. (Aquele chapu menos caro do que os outros.)
Note que no comparativo de inferioridade tambm no h diferena se o adjetivo curto
ou longo. Ele formado com less........than.
Which um pronome interrogativo usado quando se tem um nmero limitado de
escolhas na resposta.
Ex: A Which girl is younger, Julie or Elaine?
BJulie. She's younger than Elaine.


Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente as frases abaixo usando os

I She drinks ____________ coffee.
II How ______________ cups of coffee do you drink?
III There was ______________ milk in the pot. It was almost empty.
IV There are ______________ bottles on that shelf.
V How ______________ money do you have?
a) little, many, little, few, many.
b) many, much, little, few, many.
c) much. few, little, few, many.
d) much, many, little few, much.
Resoluo: Usa-se os quantitativos many e few com substantivos contveis e os
quantitativos much e little com substantivos incontveis. Analisando as frases, temos: Na
primeira frase coffee (caf) incontvel ento deve-se usar much (muito) ou little (pouco).
Na segunda frase cups of coffee (xcaras de caf) contvel pois se trata de xcaras de caf e
no apenas de caf ento usa-se many (muitas) ou few (poucas). Na terceira frase milk
(leite) incontvel ento usa-se much (muito) ou little (pouco). Na quarta frase bottles
(garrafas) contvel ento usa-se many (muitas) ou few (poucas). E na ltima frase money
(dinheiro) incontvel ento usa-se much (muito) ou little (pouco). Analisando as
alternativas, a nica que completa corretamente as frases a letra d.

2 Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase Health is ___________ than

a) good.
b) better.
c) well.
d) best. Resoluo:
Trata-se de uma comparao: a palavra than (do que) usada em comparativos. Neste caso
h uma comparao sendo feita entre health (sade) e wealth (riqueza) com o adjetivo
good (bom). A forma do comparativo desse adjetivo irregular e formada por better than.
Como a palavra than j est na frase, a resposta correta a letra b.

Complete a frase Love is _____________ feeling for me com o superlativo de

superioridade do adjetivo complicated e depois marque a alternativa correta.
a) more complicated than.
b) the more complicated.
c) the most complicated.
d) the complicated. Resoluo:
Como o adjetivo complicated longo (formado por mais de 3 slabas) ento o seu
superlativo de superioridade formado por: the + most + adjetivo (the most complicated).
Assim, a resposta correta a letra c.

EXERCCIOS de fixao:
01. Empregue corretamente os quantitativos many ou much e em seguida marque a
alternativa com a seqncia correta.
_____________ things.
_____________ people.
_____________ advice.
_____________ time.

many much many much.

many many much much.
much many much many.
much much many many.

02. Complete as frases abaixo com little ou few e em seguida marque a alternativa com a
seqncia correta.
There are ____________ chairs in the classroom.
There was _____________ milk in the glass.
I dont like _____________ sugar in my coffee.
There were _____________ trees in this Forest.

few few little little.

little few few little.
few little little few.
little little few few.


Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja correta, de acordo com o uso dos
A) They need much water.
B) She has many money.
C) I have few time.
D) We have little cookies.


Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente as frases abaixo, usando os

I How __________ girls are there in the classroom?
II Fernando had ___________ food to eat.
III We need __________ information.
IV _____________ children were swimming in the pool.

many little much few.

many few much little.
much few many little.
much little many few.

05. Complete a frase Your accent is ____________ I have ever heard com o superlativo
de superioridade do adjetivo bad.
A) worse than.
B) the worst.
C) the worse.
D) worst than.

06. Complete a frase The teacher is ____________ the doctor com o comparativo de
superioridade do adjetivo interesting.
A) the interestingest.
B) the most interesting.
C) more interesting than.
D) interestinger than.

07. Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja empregando incorretamente os graus dos
A) Can Bob run as fast as Jack?
B) A table is usually less heavy than a chair.
C) Portuguese is the lest difficult subject I have.
D) She was the most popular than girl in school.

08. In my opinion, Goiania is _________________ city in Brazil.


more beautiful
the beautifulest
the most beautiful
the most beautifulest

O simple past usado para se referir a eventos que aconteceram no passado, em um tempo
definido. Para isso, so usadas expresses de tempo como yesterday, last
week, last month, last year e a month ago, entre outras.
Ex: I was at home yesterday.
Pete wasn't at school last week.
Were your parents in So Paulo last month?

1 Complete as frases a seguir com o tempo adequado do verbo to be.
I Today _______________ Saturday.
II Yesterday _____________ Friday.
a) is were.
b) are is.
c) were is.
d) is was.
Resoluo: De acordo com as expresses de tempo (today e yesterday), saberemos se o
verbo to be deve ser usado no presente ou no passado. Today significa hoje, ento a
primeira frase deve ser completada com o verbo to be no presente. O verbo to be no
presente que acompanha Today is. Yesterday significa ontem, ento a segunda frase deve
ser completada com o verbo to be no passado. O verbo to be no passado que acompanha
Yesterday was. Assim, a resposta correta a letra d.

2 Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja sendo usado corretamente o verbo there to be no
a) There were a great show downtown last week.
b) There was only twelve students here yesterday.
c) There were a good film on TV last night.
d) There were many children in the kitchen.
Resoluo: O verbo there to be no passado possui duas formas: There was para singular e
There were para o plural. Ento deve-se fazer a concordncia entre o verbo e o substantivo
da frase. O substantivo da primeira frase show (singular) ento o verbo a ser usado
There was. O substantivo da segunda frase students (plural) ento o verbo a ser usado
There were. O substantivo da terceira frase film (singular), ento o verbo a ser usado
There was. E o substantivo da ltima frase children (plural) ento o verbo a ser usado
There were. Resposta correta letra d.

EXERCCIOS de fixao:
01. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase I __________ hungry and
they __________ thirsty" usando o passado do verbo to be.
A) were was.
B) be were.
C) was were.
D) was be.

02. Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja sendo usado corretamente o verbo to be no
A) Joe and I was tired last night.
B) The children were happy yesterday.
C) The girls was at the club last Sunday.
D) Your book were on the table one minute ago.

03. Qual a forma negativa da frase Two people were injured?


Two people werent not injured.

Two people not were injured.
Two not people were injured.
Two people werent injured.

04. Qual a forma interrogativa da frase It was very cold last night?

Was it very cold last night?

It was very cold last night?
Does it was very cold last night?
Do it was very cold last night?


Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase _______________ five

people at the meeting last week and _______________ only one person at the meeting
yesterday" usando o passado do verbo there to be.
A) There are there to be.
B) There to be there is.
C) There was there were.
D) There were there was.

06. Qual a forma interrogativa da frase There were many problems in your life?
A) There were many problems in your life?
B) Is there many problems in your life?
C) Were there many problems in your life?
D) Do there were many problems in your life?

07. Qual a forma negativa da frase There was an important thing to do?

There was not an important thing to do.

There wasnt not an important thing to do.
There not was an important thing to do.
There was dont an important thing to do.

08. A frase Havia dez alunos na sala de aula em ingls :


There to be ten students in the classroom.

There were ten students in the classroom.
There was ten students in the classroom.
There be ten students in the classroom.


Em adjetivos de uma slaba, acrescenta-se - est: old oldest; tall - tallest.
Ex.: Australia is the oldest continent.
Em adjetivos de uma slaba terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante, dobra-se a
ltima consoante e acrescenta-se -est: big biggest; fat fattest; thin thinnest.
Ex.: Julia is the thinnest girl in her family.
Em adjetivos de uma ou duas slabas terminados em e, acrescenta-se -st: large
largest; gentle gentlest.
Ex.: Russia is the largest country in the world.
Em adjetivos de uma ou duas slabas terminados em y, substitui-se o y por i e acrescentase -est: dry driest; heavy heaviest.
Ex.: Australia is one of the driest countries in the world.
Em alguns adjetivos de duas slabas, acrescenta-se -est ou usa-se the most antes do
Ex.: Brad Pitt is one of the most handsome actors in the U.S.
Brad Pitt is one of the handsomest actors in the U.S.
Em adjetivos de trs ou mais slabas, usa-se the most.
Ex.: Tina is the most intelligent person in her class.

Com adjetivos terminados em -ful, usa-se the most.

Ex.:Rob is the most careful driver among his friends.
Os adjetivos good e bad tm formas irregulares de superlativo: good best; bad worst.
Ex.:The best at sports in my family is my brother.
The worst cook in my family is my sister.
Usa-se the least antes do adjetivo.
Ex.:Sara's house is the least comfortable on the street.

EXERCCIOS de fixao:
01. Complete as frases com o superlativo dos adjetivos entre parnteses:
a) The Amazon is not the __________________ river in the world, because the Nile is longer
than the Amazon. (long superlative de superioridade)
b) Amazon is the _______________________ river in the world. (powerful superlative de
c) The recent discovery of the true source of the Amazon is one of the
_____________________ in geographical terms. (important superlativo de superioridade)
d) The Amazon is the _______________ river in the world. (large superlativo de
e) Today was the __________________ day of the month. (cold - superlativo de

02. Complete as frases com o comparativo de SUPERIORIDADE :

1. Africa is ____________________________________(big) Europe.
2. Life in Sweden is ____________________________________ (expensive) in France.
3. The south of France is ____________________________________ (sunny) the south of
4. Meat is ____________________________________ (good) for your teeth than sweets.
5.This car is ____________________________________that car ( fast)
6. Your dress is ____________________________________mine (long)
7. My town is ____________________________________John's town (nice)
8. My sister is ____________________________________my brother (young)
9. This boy is ____________________________________an elephant (heavy)
10. My French is ____________________________________my English good)
11. Summer is ____________________________________winter (hot)
12. The Alps are ____________________________________ (high) the Pyrenees.
13. Whisky is ____________________________________ (expensive) than milk.

14. The sun is ____________________________________ (big) the Earth.

15. A Porsche is ____________________________________ (fast) a Rolls-Royce.
16. Eva's work is ____________________________________ (good) mine
17. Dogs are ____________________________________ (friendly) cats
18. Is Brazil ____________________________________ (big) Colombia?
19. Bob is ____________________________________ (sall) Jack
20. Jill's ____________________________________ (intelligent) Bill
21. My homework was ____________________________________ (bad) yours
22. The weather today is ____________________________________ (cold) yesterday
23. Bob is ____________________________________ (polite) his brother
24. He is ____________________________________ (stupid) she is.
25. Tom is ____________________________________ (jealous) Tim.

01. (UNIOESTE) Assinale a alternativa que expressa uma comparao de igualdade.
A) We are the world's leading producer.
B) You used to wait years to have a telephone installed.
C) These resources are no longer exploited at the cost of the environment.
D) Brazilians are as technology-hungry as anywhere in the world.
E) We are the world's largest producer of sugar.
02. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras,
respectivamente: Big and Good.
A) Biger/ The Bigest // Goodier/ The Goodiest
B) Big/ The Bigger // Best/ The best
C) Bigger/ The Bigest // Best/ The best
D) Bigger/ The Biggest // Better/ The best
03. The more we looked at your bedroom, _________ we liked it.
A) better
B) the less
C) most
D) the Best
04. Selecione o comparativo e o superlativo correto das seguintes palavras,
respectivamente: Large and Small.
A) Larger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smallest
B) Largger/ The larger // Smaler/ The Smallest
C) Larger/ The larggest // Smaler/ The Smalest
D) Largger/ The largest // Smaller/ The Smalest

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