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The Value of Isolating DNA

DNA is the fundamental basics of all organic life. When one can understand DNA, life itself is
understood. The idea of isolating it, letting it be studied properly, leads to use in the field of forensics, as
well as many discoveries in the field of medicine, genetic alteration, and the study of evolution.
In the field of forensics, DNA has proved its value in identifying murderers, rapists and thieves.
As the years go on, our methods of law enforcement become more and more technologically advanced.
To identify criminals, scientists can isolate DNA from different biological evidence (Hair, saliva, semen,
blood, skin, etc.) from a crime scene. This is then studied, and used for blood typing, gender
determination based on chromosome analysis (karyotyping), DNA profiling and, a more recent version,
forensic DNA phenotyping. This use in the crime force helps to deter criminals, making our lives safer.
The benefits in court barely scratch the surface of the well that is DNA profiling. Use in disaster victim
identification, and paternity tests are just a few of the alternate uses. DNA is our biological identification.
Whether we do right, or wrong, it can be used to hold us accountable.
Isolation of DNA is imperative to the study and treatment of genetic disease. Every single person
on earth has a slightly different genome. As humans, most of our genes are very similar, but the genetic
variation, about one-tenth of a percent, is enough to create different appearances and health throughout
the population. When there is a mutation in these genes, it can cause it to not do its job. Luckily, since
normal humans have two copies of every gene, the functional one can take over, causing the mutated trait
to become recessive. Sometimes, human carriers of a genetic illness may not even know that they carry
one, because symptoms may not present. Unfortunately, this gene can still be passed down into offspring,
and may present symptoms. Isolating DNA can elucidate why genetic diseases cause certain symptoms,
and from where they originate. In the future, new treatments could arise as a result of this research.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) could be the future of the agricultural industry. DNA
isolation is essential to this. If scientists could design a plant that could grow anywhere and would have
enough carbohydrates, proteins, and nutrients for survival, it would put an end to world hunger. Also,
what if humans design a way to biologically rebuild mars, using genetically modified bacteria to reengineer the soil, give it enough nutrients that, potentially, greenery could flourish. DNA is the root of all
these seemingly fantastical ideas. When DNA is isolated, the different functions and abilities of each gene
can be determined, providing the means to these what ifs. One could theoretically mix-and-match the
best traits of different plants creating super-foods that can grow anywhere. DNA isolation leads to an
endless possibility of ideas that could be realized. That just leaves the ethical question of whether they
should be.
Proof of the Theory Of Evolution, the key to life itself, lies in DNA. The understanding that
humans have come to about our existence is based here. By studying DNA in humans as well as other
animals lead to some startling discoveries. It was learned that humans share the same DNA with many
other animals in the world. We have a 96% DNA match with orangutans and an 85% match with the
common mouse. As a result of this discovery, one can scientifically assume that our heritage comes from
one single organism, and that as the eons progressed, the DNA mutated and changed, branching out,
eventually forming the organisms that we know today. DNA extraction has given us a basis in the
DNA extraction has helped us understand who we are, catch criminals, and study disease. It will
continue to help us do this, as well as create new possibilities in new fields that will surface as the
research continues. This relatively easy process is so special because it will continue to be used until we
understand everything about the building blocks of life.


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