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1. Is your goal stated positively?

Focus on what you DO want rather than what you DON’T!

For example, it is much more effective to choose to weigh 150lbs. vs. losing 50lbs.
2. Is your goal measurable and quantifiable?
How will you know when you reach your goals?
Eg. I weigh 175lbs rather than “I’m at my ideal weight.”
3. Is it specific?
Have you identified clear visuals that represent accomplishment of your goal?
Remember, your mind works in pictures.
4. Is it reachable and unrealistically realistic?
Is your goal humanly possible? Then it’s reachable.
Make sure it stretches you, without discouraging you!
5. Is your goal congruent with who you are and what’s important to you?
6. Does this goal increase the choices available to you and add value to your life?
7. Does this goal add value to the people in your most intimate circle?
8. Does this goal add value to the wider community?
9. When you think about the tasks involved to achieve this goal do you feel excited?
Are you passionate about doing what is necessary to experience this reality?
10. Will you experience joy as you are achieving this goal?
11. Do you know what you will gain when you achieve this goal?
Eg. Energy, more time with loved ones, freedom of movement, etc.
12. Do you know what will happen if you do not achieve this goal?
Eg. Not being able to fully participate in your children’s lives or your own life, etc.
13. How will you share your gifts, talents & wisdom as you are achieving your goals?

14. Have you started a list of resources to help you achieve this goal?
People, information, skills, tools, books, etc. IF NOT… DO SO NOW!
15. Have you started a timetable of what tasks/actions/activities you need to do in
order to achieve your goal? IF NOT… DO SO NOW!
16. Have you taken the first step to achieving this goal?
If not, stop everything and take the first step right now! AGAIN… DO SO NOW!
17. Have you written a statement that describes how you will know when you have
achieved this particular goal?
The best way to do this is to make it sensory rich, in the present tense, describing
exactly the situation (what will you see, hear, feel, touch, taste that will let you
know you’ve been a success). E.g. Today is December 2010 and I am standing in
front of an audience of 200,000 people who are giving me a standing ovation. I’m
feeling exhilarated at being able to deliver dynamic information that has
transformed their lives! I am so grateful and my purpose is so alive!
18. Is this goal posted somewhere that you will look at it daily?
19. Do you spend time daily visualizing and feeling the feelings you will have when
you achieve this goal? Commit to doing this now! Say it out loud…I commit…to
spending time daily visualizing & feeling the feelings of achievement of this goal.
20. Do you have a growing list of Action Steps close to you at all times?

These are the most critical in determining whether or not you will achieve your goals!

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