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— 1... PE ISAS AGF da a. # THE ART OF LOVING Copyright © 1956 by Erich Fromm Printed in the United States of America All rights in this book are reserved. No part of the book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written per- mission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles’and reviews. For information address Harper & Row, 10 East 534 Street New York, N.Y. 10022 798032 3130 Library of Congress catalog card number: 56-8750 Contents Wortp Perspectives Foreworp Is Love an Art? Tue THeory of Love J. Love, the Answer to the Problem of Human Existence 2. Love Between Parent and Child 3. The Objects of Love . Brotherly Love . Motherly Love » Erotic Love |. Self-Love . Love of God pep Roo Love AND Irs DIsINTEGRATION IN CONTEM- PORARY WESTERN SocirTyY ‘THE Practice or Love 83 107 World Perspectives WORLD PERSPECTIVES is dedicated to the concept of man born out of a universe perceived through a fresh vision of reality. Its aim is to present short books written by the most conscious and responsible minds of today. Each volume represents the thought and belief of each author and sets forth the interrelation of the changing religious, scientific, artistic, political, economic and social influences upon man’s total experience. This Series is committed to a re-examination of all those sides of human endeavor which the specialist was taught to believe he could safely leave aside. It interprets present and past events impinging on human life in our growing World Age and envisages what man may yet attain when sum- moned by an unbending inner necessity to the quest of what is most exalted in him. Its purpose is to offer new vistas in terms of world and human development while refusing to betray the intimate correlation between universality and in- dividuality, dynamics and form, freedom and destiny. Each author treats his subject from the broad perspective of the world community, not from the Judaeo-Christian, Western or Eastern viewpoint alone. Certain fundamental questions which have received too little consideration in the face of the spiritual, moral and political world crisis of our day, and in the light of technology ix

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