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4 Transformational Relationships

Cultivate these relationships in your life to cooperate with God in your spiritual growth
~ Philippians 2:12-13

God (Inward) Believers (Inward)

* Core thought: Love God with all your being * Core thought: Keep on loving each other as family
* Key scripture: Luke 10:25-28 * Key scripture: Hebrews 13:1
* Action: Personal spiritual disciplines * Action: Mentoring relationships
* Examples: Prayer; bible reading; bible meditation; * Examples: Meeting with other believers over coffee;
prayer-walk; silence and solitude mentoring; small bible reading and prayer groups

Neighbors (Outward) Strangers (Outward)

* Core thought: Love your neighbor as yourself * Core thought: Show hospitality to strangers
* Key scripture: Luke 10:25-37 * Key scripture: Hebrews 13:2
* Action: Evangelism * Action: Service and hospitality
* Examples: Evangelism occurs in many ways: * Examples: Have guests over for Sunday dinner; serve
friendship; service; teaching a family in the neighborhood; volunteer somewhere

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