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Unique Properties of 1

* 1 is the multiplicative identity

* 1 is the only positive integer that is neither prime nor composite
* 1 is its own factorial, and its own square and cube (and so on, as 1 * 1 * ... * 1 = 1)
* 1 is the only number whose concatenation with itself can yield primes in many cases
* 1 is the only number with exactly one positive divisor
* 1 is the first figurate number of every kind, such as triangular number, pentagonal number
and centered hexagonal number to name just a few
* 1 is the only square-free square (submitted by Alexey Radul)
* 1 is the only triangular cube (proved by Max Alekseyev and Jaap Spies)

Unique Properties of 2

* 2 is the smallest prime number

* 2 is the only even prime number
* 2 is the only number whose factorial is prime
* For any polyhedron, 2 is the number of vertices plus the number of faces minus the number
of edges
* The smallest field has 2 elements
* 2 is the only number that it is its own primorial, as well as its own factorial
* 2 is the only number that isn't n-polygonal with any n (submitted by Alexey Radul)
* 2 is the largest deficient factorial (submitted by Alexey Radul)

Unique Properties of 3

* 3 is the greatest number of consecutive integers that can be pairwise relatively prime
* 3 is the only prime sandwiched between a prime and a composite number
* 3 is the only prime followed by a square
* Every positive integer is the sum of at most 3 triangular numbers
* If the n-th Fibonacci number is prime, then n must itself be prime, with the exception of 3,
which is the 4th Fibonacci number
* 3 is the only number which is equal to the sum of all the natural numbers less than it
* 3 is the only triangular number that is also prime

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