Sie sind auf Seite 1von 56


8 'WHAT SAY WE. __


SUSTAINING HERIJAGIE to ,Somethingl 1!J1g,"i!slt


] :5 J!!!Illi' Ang.'the r ~


l a lDFC!irti!l91 ~he Mire

MIN D,EN M EMord ES 20 In:talf.adlJ!lJll T~

24 G.~JSlNA

34 Sydder]1y.lihsn;! ~r£J' lrWQ Lo~~


23 ind1J~lli"'ii;l!~ Tetdhnotogy 19,sa,

Gue:rrl' ContFi'butOrii

THE· on-I E R RE:$ID:ENTS 26 The f'40n:t.e' Game IPt! rIi' '2

J'1 IBef9r.e the Residenb

B~I [lG I NG I [lEAS 36 Se-~iJh.:fe~

.4 0 The Backyard We ~everlKnew


BEYO ND tH E GATES 42 The Fk~g ~hoi' P1r~rnpled1 Riiois

45 RoI~illlg 'em OW!'


48 'The Eindec! ring Semoo~'



~'lE>n,!i!ili!i>:u!ttl!i ,ii,billi~ .. ""'~ a.:.~''',IlWi1..d;: ~L',",n... ~'=1' Tku:o.


ZuIia.'dhl. ,;i.,ill ,bh;.mr:'d1n

I ... a .. ,.!4.r.b-,~.'- .. 11 ~~ ~_, ,5.:'n,EhI

,~I'AnI'!Iil,iI'J:rnI ,i,::l~.,...J&.ph LlI!I:Icbo.ral·~~ iM.!:w._

,lM{mlliB,MJ ~!i iil~'~02! ~lm ~'l:mI

:r_ Jbrai'ibi :J:i.ng1I~ Ab:M!a:b

b t'H.~ Dro.:br "',oon:I W...tSd.1~ ~,ivn... ......

,o-.-~b;o'.!.IOcCiiOrl.'l~ilit:r~ ... fio.n'~iIa _.,..._... oi'i'tiII_;tkI'_'fal~'~ iIii'n.'~~l>:o'i'hI~,~,..."",jlllll~~,Ii:'I;I1'" ® ~'h".!11Il:i1~J11 dtim ~Lmiillll1 ~M. ~ IIJ.SM 2liiJ\~

:.~~~iIo:',=.Lri\. ·.~::r .. ~~~:':.a(u.~:r:~~=~~Jti~·~~~'~=',;C:!:::"~~=;=tr:~"~it~~=:~,

.n'UrKt!m,.:fa, . _9,i'oo!d.ktJo i':<-""!'Ilftft,u;d,_


Tbe. thie.f ~'it7Jr

In 1liii:s; $$i:.:i!i;il wa IQ[}Ji:: ba!h~li1Idl tllil!i;il $;!U8Iiii !i;i.$, ,gif I~n~ IPr!gta$ 'Ii)lfid ~fQ~a:!j~Bi5 lhat c.o:l'1lrii:1lJie '10 t~e' pMciJudi'crnl of The ~~ 1M!n, ilhall1liS rnCiVe been !!:m" ~nedl el'llnffilged Il(dfiti hoily d.g~d b.~ ,111)$ InlIfiQgziiil$ G~'S 'ii'iflO ~ur Ir1U:!'i IbQ~.

'Tine ,smiOOi~ emerly PIli'es. YOUI QI~' l'oQ~j'ngl Gil' bel ie ~he rnll:!lrlY 'lhirngs 'we ili)lkil 'fQr Glmnlfi!i!d Ib~ Ii)l~ arntillJy iJQ.i;ld ~orl'e~, On~ I~mpl!i;il Ibi;liil'ilg] Ihe' ~0!1\d {~mllf!IUI~' fQQif ~al\e5 ~n!lil11' Ih!lilv>fi Ibel!i:!!11 CI"'O'W!nil1lg the ol\d 1~!Jiiltlil1lg5. iilll U5M to" i1t'i:Qi'liI' fll\!ollil 11ii~ If~ Ii)ll >Ljlii!iiI~l!.dry.

Sii'mllil i;I.~lfl thE! ~tliidilints" it9'N$!iI'(Ip;e,"~ 8:M~"I<I' ,bmp I;}$ is: lii'i'iIu~hl m·g,t'i!iIdl in 'Ike free~ml 'Of ~!!i~coI'll1~m hQ'lfe ,given Mel if.o 'the pioneeringIIPillIpa:r' GWI!WA_, to pOp$"f' 1h'Of £~ of Oll,!lr QiJfi'i8iii~' $1~dalilts. ImllrY bEli (iwti f'EIi '!iilJ;, H 5!'II!l!I rted ~II"O'11I'I! til sl I11iIlpi IIe1 h!lll mlb,le iidlea 110 eern m,1U InI i'il:(ll'teL.,

OJ;gfnfl'l.9 t'he M'~ 1l5l, e'bevl' how '!he 'englneeringl CClill11lIPU5 WQ:5! fecl\a~lI11Ied 'f,['lC!ilii'i g ~;j'~I'~9geti Ilii]nd mhi'li'iIdl in Vl~OO{jJi5i mud whi;ifi~:f it Ii'\i;liru~d"

'ii'\1)."" N ... ..."e' ...... """e' .. ;I;.II"'I'"".....K., ~~ ",e..l'~~d ~17"", .,.. .. ...II_JI<1, - ..... !I-': ~'!'i i!'k .. I!T!IA"""

I [.I,.. _ ._...... ,!;:!!"""., ... J'k ... "."I"'''''' II""" II. !;I!~II_'" HiI ... "' ... ~F .. '<.I!I'~""!L~I J ... 'I n .... , .... u ...

n(flVf'(Il1 ~$$1t:l.ln:gbll~'''ii ~pei!i,i't~ nl(dmi!i!:~ g~n by 1100gb I~qllill 1'F 'I~~ Im~y not fit iill'1to 'itle' acoepilied 'l\5tiierllli~~ I!lIQlI11Iem::JatufiB,I'.

Tine ,e.m i~iM'.5I, ,of The' Ile~def' ihll!lV>e oftenl beelm ,eh'idedl fur 1ending 101 hog ,..,~ ~$'i'. Whrtliil' wei mtI~ ,gIl '~hlllfi\~ bJ.1~$$r~S5 fEma and Ig~gmphiUiI, bo II\def5,r 'We' neeal t'C erJimmufllie;a~e!' lOur pm1 'l'Q ,th,!:! ')'O.'Uflig er and 'f~itUlf'li;I ,g'I!i!Ii'i!i;l1if1ltilQniii. I bii;l1lli~ m(lrt' (I ft~rm i,!jliildElir:stgli1ding g,f >&IIJI h eritaQle! can help guide Liii, 'iilnl 1he bWli Iding of' ill! w£tainable hJhJRt~

fl~ "~~~"~~~~~"~ ~~~l!.br,~"",~~~V~r-' (j;ifia(*!"''T-.j.t, .. ' .. t-kf~~.~ ik~._ '~ ... '.. :'~.' ,.MkfM-~.:.I~,~,~ ,-.~~!br,~~~o'I,j;, .... ~,*~·~,~j"'wt'~'~~I~

foIf.'.bQ .,iJ4I'~~tf--~"~~_;,~ ~ .'

'U-~frk~~~J f~~~~; ~~ ~'i!'<'.,l·Ji;-~,if~·r~ rf~·,~.k~"if"~~~~[~)tfb'~kf-""~' ~,~-JI:~~~_v~"b~

Fr~iJ!Kff' - hlW fo-~~~~ iff rt.,.fk,,~~. ~·fWJo~~~ "~'''I Jk

r::~~~}t::L~~~:::~~~~1:d~ MF·~,M)~.


~ 1~("IlI~dw'~~~~J ,(#,~~ ~.,.~,~,~:j'ltJr:~~I~'-'~ ~1~1.~~~j'i~:/j'~'~:FI'

:t;~J ,..,.~~",,&~ ~ ~:AuM ~ n~~·,~W~,~


.... ,~~

~ .Ii A'l_ " . ,I 'T"::,"':I', j 1":]' ,. :I·M"·~r"~Jl~

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lV" ~,.-,..,~ ....... ~'~II'V' •. ' ".~;rv-

b.·~,~~~~lJfo.~f~ h'~~ fi~qh~,~ 1J1'~,rJ-ti~ ~ ~ ~~.tM! '1 b-.I .{di~ ,~~ ,~~

_,.~J",".L -rl.~ .. _l ~ , .. j:_.-J ~~ ~~ (.!Mf.~~, .. -_.-_-_

m.. ". rk - : ''*"j,~ ,M> ,_.

. , fAlJ.:_dol..~. Ji. , - .'

,.".n ... ~'l"~

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;.~ ~ ~ ;~I_;I" ~~ r wN.~~

II" . lI.- •. ,d-, .. ~~~fol;'"·~

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~'''li V'~ 1 ;;,-----.~ ! ' • -

, ,- ea, '1 I


Jill -"-i1.l\. ... ~-~. - ,,\_ ~,d~ft.. i:t, : . r. ~~,_" - -- - ,I' ;!,., :' ~ ~-S~·V~ __ ~II:E"I~'~-=-.~~' -

'-d.-..,,;.~ __ i-:


Veil infor.ift'JGtj'i'8 miJIQcolnQ. tt ij:; Q dJotleo'nge to work on lhiss. trpe.: of l~riodiOJJ which has OtIpJlJredi 'ItJe in·iiras.1s Qf j"egder"$, Try g@'l1ttng ~he \!~e.¥!$ of f:i1iTt"rto'i~t e~ris, (USM A~",rnnJ oJ oou rseJ an ~iDl !l;D1'i be dOJ'le te iVtlMf' impliov<e '~he !Ti(j<gQ.zlne~!.!, ifioon.ce .. etc.

N'Cfh'C f1 Glil-'oli:naosamy IS, A. 162

bpcn,-d 1he Ke:e;'P'jn~ Yitllc}; :SIBiCUQIiJ tQ 'include more of ~holle -who Ii. iY1 !;!I 'be"olMe

'·th~ lelJdef:~l. .

Allqan A'bd Rahim . B. Se, Edl. 'OB

~ricrecse ,tha, fTI'I1Imbe.;r of crtlilci;as, In &ihm!l ~ta.,.sia to -emp"'Q~iSiG :ha, tlI5e ,of '~h~ [ridiooal bn91lj!~. ~ 'feel,. 'i~ no wrong ror illis f,1!1,(]gmine to have i13 QiJnteliflS; ill oolh eOh;:J5Cl M.o'I'i!i~jc ar,wj ElfIgWm,

Nol" Afid-ah Mohd A.inn S. A.. 106

OtJer fdi)'Qi' ,r;a.Pf.les ...

Tne am OlJa' 'ElGrfi Irw'ilr!!!i !;OJTlWbutiPIII, rn"~ MiTJay:!kl Joo ~ .... i' or rhis, j'lmClIOiife\. ,-

wa Qii'e feeing' oanSllilJin-J n ~f1rrnp~r.. We ~ ~~rfy t.een i:l1"iC()jJ[(l!)l:Qi'nsJ OWi' aJll!mnl to ;;...rll'e illboiJ~ filI,clr R.!,,!peilen~ en ;tCUl!Jp~ (jj[ ~mpl'E!'.

~ fS:(jd. The ltJijdet [e,';feryj]ime' 11' ortl, .... es O'i"IJ my des1<. U' is c_onilr.n",nd~6llf: 1"''J1,:J~' (II &fl"I~tl glOIl.ll~ of ru5M"s OI1JJI1IiiF1t{$l:r~ve9 so hGrd ~o ~re'ng~belii Ibe oond,lCre-fw.H!iI illrno m.;;dll-f' c:md '!JluMr,lj, From '~h~. nom~ of f}je ~I~oti;t" boo rd~ I, rEtlililllfli'ibM" lillltJClh~ M,.,niJ.oh Gnd Hormili'Ml., 'Con9m'1ukr,1""n~ f\i:j ltism crmd oU 'ltie o'itlers for' yOllJlr o!J.j~llnd;ngl Ef~rt end [flcnlewllillJen,t U would. be good ~J 'f'he. leader gjo'jJk~ become (lw.liJahooo (mo 'Ic;jmtgl,Jage~) e.3Ij)Elel;j;J!lr s.ilrltCS, 'ih-e~ (Ire' lim!.]",)' a'l1l)CilJ¢.ss 'frottn thmi Ifjineiie.s ~rds '~o m~' be ,:ii'IiGHiel oom!fom;Jble writ! Bt2htlS-o MlJlo~iJ lra!netlha:n flngl.ishi., hrka]?& at rolrle po~nrt I"ri the f,'lJ'hJl~' yo-v i;J;lljjIltIJ ~Qok ,ali no-w IlJrSM~'5, 'pos-i' g I'"C!d$i hiJ¥EI 'fared espec'i(JUy ~~os.e woo did ~ig'hell" ~grrea~ 11'1 1M 'Ii'Cf'iOIJ5 5del'lc~.

'Ch!l:ll1clrn MlJ~D!r M. So!:. Sc. 74

1 WC!!iI deliisMed '10' ':laB: my p.iQu~e II'l K~n:EJI frod;; we rnQ1,IM ~<olr! t1tJs:

Hd,jon 'i;m5, ~ PBlmtJIleIT" feu'UTo& I, 'wi!;.h to !:.o!'lil!'il'lemd ~'he (Ii"1"de OIT, orlROOeenfnQ ~he KiJ!cluk.P. ,as TI' ~s; '!n'orf!l(lr'ive i(j~ wel~ (liS O'f lIrSMJ:s Ir§eOi'd, inl"Q.; 11erbo~ rm:editine. The Q ber- orildl;!l 'OIf'N AAt A.c.e.o.unti' wos, wen wttitlefll g1vin~ Q {fQod dl;1i5cll'iptio!l1l of' PI4JC~ McrW'Qfl MQOrejrTIE a~m(j~~ whom ~ nlJd worked! ror ptie.Yious1y.

RQfuJ~ ~ohllrum @ fl.D1'ilJi1'l B. 5oc. s.c. C,7

!ihClM;: ~ U~I, t-6 ~ 'l'E!!iipDnS(~ rot' lPfQiloong The ~derJ' '';'Qti 'il~I-t"e b~.

. - AJ,yjC!J lea S~ !'-I'~'B

S. IE, rOB

Im:~tJi110" ~,~~~~.,

." .e· .... · "'''0.- ~7'~~# (AJ~ _


eening _. m &r .•..

A (hrnMf\~1 liJlntl !:oBouiif\iQ! ·!:,omr;!!~;r~lol1l w.tiiS ol\Gi'Onl~d b;t ~!JIb[ii1 ~mitlioon dtm Pe rIT.~hU'ri9iDlll Akmi ni ,(PPPj\] i:rivo1't'ing pr\~Hdlool (] nell prnlilUl'l' :se~oDI dlMFefI, ~d A I,J nJiI 9 )'l;!i::!I~, in ~i!!!!ndllQfl wi~h itli.e ,o~-I!NE!ek sdioo.l bn;iQ'k ~!'I MaJdl. 'fhe 13· plJrfic;i'piJn'lS, ,oll dlirdJeFli of USM! stallf, were gjv.e[lJ i'il! dr.JJW·ing !l:I n d dern ol1lrimtmd H~'!!i~f' pj1\owe~s; i3if1d erea11~.v lr1 lPu,ttl n~ eelou rand CltI\diin~ ili'l'litlog'l!!s 10' iri' in I~epi n~ wil~ i~1I!l I gr'G!!j;f'I( 'iihei'lilfl' ·end :tl!1ls~Qinlltbilill':.

In i~ effont fa ~p~iJd '[J1,!,!i::!Iiren~5, 'Foll" 'Il'iie '9 Feerii' 'i;i::!Il!IlpCiI:9IF1ij Plf'p.~ to hold such c:ormpeJiIion-s dl.!l'i~ fufurn ~ holid~ by ~lldi~1 pDF!idp~tlon 10 Ilftdude 'lihC!&e, I\r-(l;FI'1 i@'!J1!llae ~he Ii'XLmpUS ml1l"lmlJnl,¥.

Amij un8llButi'l o~~E!d it &,CiQrs In Mrll1l'ch '2009 witl, Pat'l;l6{:Jt Pemaiu(]n dcm IPemuDlJII'Igcm A~liIImni tPPPA} a~ eneher 1enoftll. PiPPA tJQS been pO!p'llfl'dl mall!;:!I.llto~~ illtBriltion towgr'(l~ tih!l;i m!!llllflter'UlIilCl;I of '~hi;li bll.llild ilngl i;md i~~ ~!Jrl'Th!J F1d~JlIg aff:1[j, iDS. a 00 Il'dudy.\ei' IJrorkpliIJ-ee I!:I nd 'i::F-eCl~ing ,a eOFlg'eit1li~1 Q_'tmt;:!sphS'J181 fo:r 'I~$e wltg ~'~-Uifir'rt th$ ctrf.e-E-I;I~i¢l CIS w8~1 ¢l:!l lor' Inatn-orlin91 Ibi rnO-J'lg 'ilitllmni'. Ihe IOl11lascaping, dHhe @~eilrl (1 ree be1ween ~hfi, ,!jiJfelf::rl'~, Qrid rear pDn;;'h wo~· l,J:nd~r1Iokerii i:n JlOIiiII,J{] r)' '~ogetJ,er wiiliil lliriairi~ri_(]lnQ;i of Ilhe opeJ1l dook ..

A ihi-,mOl W<JiS haM on '1 Apnl 011 An IlllInQ Budi i n i[Jpj]l"!Ectid~ron of th!31 ;e-M.orl"S, bV tile ;iJrgal!1li~i"'Ql corn l1I'I~tdee in '~he, GlobiJllHi{lher Edu:oOO00 nl IFron:JIfnl 2009 wnkh w.c'!i held [rom 13 to ] 6 OecBlmbl3:f' 2009. 'Tihell3l we~e' elboul 11 GO !!)r;--\liJnI9in~1 cemmntee liileTf!~e~ !C! nd :sroiiF rll'QITl the iMJttioflilll Higher MLi.rnlioo RGsoon:hr ~lil5tiirtdl3! 'Dp;P-TN) who· ~LJfood up for 'I~' eYeot.

USM Af-uMnj ~l~t~oi'U Iho~ed ei Mln~glJ! Si:nQfJ :S~I'II~I I'H~tlh We;ek~ il:I1' AAluf'lg Bud' ~1\D~ 2 i 10' :r9' ~rn WJ~h ~he ~1j:utlejp!lI\IQIlI of nine· .~liJ~l:5: ~~I~!!li!l Iheglt'h P~QcllJi;;~S. A9 pg~. '01: the seveFt.~h!l)u r IPros FJ:lJili1!!1'1i;!1 ~tCJ rrln;g fFQIiI1 ] 0 i;J1iP lI;Ioci1 dcv. lili!atii 001 I p~r:SD~!i'~ flOIiB Flu:5:CIt :$eioh1.aiQ prov,idi3!d1 Iral:1- msdtmll diGck-1,Jp to ... i:silDli!L

'r,~:!:,,~~~~~~'~~~ ~Oi!~~ ,by y~ (JIW: '(~ ~fWiI Ar.iU!;l~ ~~ gl'i~'.~~ ~i~'NnL


lI1aiid ood' phDr,o;gmph$ifJ,l.t J!lUJISl~·JDm iii Ki:J.d'd.fn

........... .......,;:, -ll-u..,:_ ""L~'&' L •

u.LUA::lWLmes, iI....WJJ@S'lwl:ll1. ,H,e 'Ob'(I\i1.O'IlliS ar:e

rus~) 'tllile ea.siestr to aver.look. The 'Old fUOF"s, of Minden, ISl',1IiRCk 'buildings are OlU3~ i.nsttm~wbere 'they he1p to 'p:rojoot dl·e ~ huldings in an, auea of g)L"mild and oons-pjooous emieenee 1~Ji]. the ~:p5S scene, :rh,e:rur reef tiles have resisted years of \¥ie'atThlerlng. No~ht~g lS ~ompa:rabl~ ,~,~ t~e wmm 1'\00 ,clay times that ~y ,oome wirth, age. MthDrugThl apPoolloo, w~~ltbe:r~sminedj' these f,ed, ties a.d.d, IDIDe of the ;El!1lih~,ce' and 0010r. to the ~]d MindeWill B~,aekS.

IRoQf iille.s to CI bUilldins c~ a~ impmt(].nt I;lS .our h-i;.ir to our liOOksl like _ha~ " lroof lilies pF~,lde proieellon ~rom fI1a;llliiflS_ TheiY kl;!ep OUlt the min .. ~r !;jhl';!II;!I~ 'from i~e St.lJll end ihey Ci re ,rash onr SlatCl.P:Ieflb gl''ffn..{1 dues ill} ~,~5, of"tha I;ww'irdi:;ng.~_ lfheiS~ FOQ"f '&ires !Il1'Ei lflevJ;lritheles.:;: !Su'ls!roe, ~beO!ll.JiSe: ~he)i ere i!iis~~li:l oo~fld vis 00 I ~ru~I~~(L, Ip'F!Ildi'c'llf in !lJ~pl loocrlirQnl ,camifortins 'fo the bu rid in,g'!5i ~C)CUP.61l11~S_ o<f'len leao· F.r!iend Iv! I' a fj,d. el se dlurill brl2i (;Q'.n~ideriIil9 'trreill" tl'i,rad ~pa~tlllre ito ~if;I '8Iemll;l'nt5"

If'lHI!!l :5cmlinfs8 the :s;!lJlI:;b. o:f ih11li5 lJii[a~ up Ilt buildings 'LJI1Id;er I"eflOMnl!o@fl on aUinJMJS, in '!tie reoem ~on!i'lrod'ii;m fteilZy~ Willi find IhCl~ imare;sting !5:'Iorias: rnn !be adoliatetll from In.ese ~ilas:. Eoon o:f fhere, ~c:r'#)l tem:! cottol !Pieoes IhCIIs 01 story thai :5ptC1rmedl rmom "IlOOn '1501 ~"d An'f«C'Ii ith~ ore 'Ie. bJ(flndhild of Il mlssicmm')f w~o providetll IOaJis with jdbs !Clna the J prod udt' cHhls: m(JifI 100 !llI I til 100 foi)iJtllil en mQT\)' blJ~ldiFlg9' ihfeife il1l Mlfldoo B!JI'If!iJd:.s.

A brlief l1iot~ ~wm my. ':5'OOV€l:flger hUl'it;s1 wM~ ~r-u~ili~ ffi B m_rioulii I~rw:nl]ril¥ -wtnom I tuJld 1i1W(]'P\S wr:mte.C1 10. Ikil'low1 ... ~V"~m~.d: '~ported ,jJ m~uii'M:!~e eI1Isc;Qf'Icedi cbovEi 1he lIP Illfld (J weU-tlnmmEKI be-orci wisp!> IDWny 'ffiOm his chifi. !He has: livel", Qnd !f!aert eyes and a lean olffloolilf llilobfe,-t.Dok wilm Q ~O"'B to cfod i:fl, block-tuttl-, white, iJiJil"$.!!'

BaJl!f MIHkln :rill!! ~ M 'lie' ~1:I1I1K: aJ Nelf.Jilti!!QrJ lJyl!l' ~U!'T#! --.::-I'.ti~flMfdA~mlgn 2.-~



SOriTlEl :Sbu1i08~, ~b.u1Bd 'Eni3 El$:I'tJh!isllIme;:nt or~he Basel MISo$ICi'Fi lIUe W'QI'ks, ~1Il 1860 k:I a Ge~al1i m~9~o.n(! 'f'J lriitlmi!!>d Pisbat HOW8,'!!'BI':i 'ihti3 nit! m!i!i lies IiCI i5led IliI1ti:1li1!f ICtwea-1iOlu as: Plebo1' iii nat c;J German Dame (Uilld hils: lidrmli'ly no!; bearil is usi't'e"

The, noma Bo'581 Mis5ion iis d81"i~ fti.-om lhe, m:lliDS' of' 'Ihe Sw[$S ci~)! Iy.illlg ,a" IllIreqed'iofl af the: $wi5.S. f' ~nch e:nd Gel"l'lflcn bond!E!il'$,

ne, flliSt production ~iiil!3: was' laot:J~ b!(. th~ biJIliilks, of Q.!I'IIl\~ra !c'!1'I;;I Ne1h'U/i{oohJ Irliter:s, 'In lndle, SubseqoonllYJ' morn pmdLfl:;fion plGnis mUlilroariTlocil m i:~PIlDI Calm IKudroli, Mc:dpe,. COQocol, ~nQ~gal 1jJJ1;;1 r-.e;l'Ok~l. - e 1ilss 'gB , their chol'Octil!irisf1k: rrEld colour dUEl to the high oonl'en,l of iron oorflF1{tuna f'Owmi in ~he da~ of loose o raos.

f~' i$i sa i'd thct tha Ih!l)lmitii'ly :Df'the 5JllIrrQI.!Pndirng pracilucrion !5Ii~8iji aMi '~he q~D1~ily ck:!'P' ,l;J'tQiif:oJble ~l1S;YfE!~ tihC:lt i!!Io!Xh ti!;e w.e·!9jh~ abllRll' - ·Io,gjram Q1fld '915· per- ~rrt cr ilhe Me:s ere m:p:~ bri~lle·. S~nce then, 1he B~se' Mlsslii)11i become 01 nou5~ho1d na, e '¥!i'neii'fl it 'womes fo hee rlin [prod "cfs:_~ nri'l' olil.,. in Indio, bet ,alilElrii hadi 'tnsm exportedl tQ lhe S11l1i;lfui :Settil~nnenl'!l,. 1OO'St A~nmj Ina· Mid~le·b:Jstj' l~unJ;poe. Sl.rmalm ;;J nd AUS~F(dia.

Th~ oOIi'f~lttI!l1iiln!:l ,:!iijJ!:!:~S ~$ !O ioir 'hriibiJf~ 0, H'Iit a::Juo~ltv of Ibal IliIiIlnutf(lcruting proce~ b[]'~ ir;; ,S'liU in !,lIr;ie. The pugl mili ,mtd fth:e -c:ruSihiilii9 !iDCJ;;hiII1Ei are drN-e-11 b.,. IIlI ~ 2~~r$epower stearn el!TJgi ne by Ma.!YItdl &. Sons. at ~]mbo~1J.Qf.l. Englond fJfta ~1<Je p ~ee..~ fM p[f-es~ngl iilet!; i1s de ~ br Mndl.

lihe ,rB'clS!l!lIMi'!i.Sion Patenl' 1 865"' amd ~hEi sPQum;di iM.!D~' ore t~e iwo preYQlen'i r-.oof ~ile, thQf de-fine 'ihe QldI Mlii"tdem Darr-ocb sKvline. [Bolh are Ihe symb~l:s Q'f luncompromISiInQli'Crugnncss. OM :sl'lll t:nc:Qpsul(j~i:n9 ils d1[~.1'lJIJter" amll pri!;'tine qualities. T1he 5l!;I1iDB W(lrm IheiCrty 91Q';/ of fh~ ~f:e{i "g~, gfif;!eted pnon.r or mQ~ ful;l!'"i r;.:

Wet!I!'$. for 'f.hJose who, f.1ave CI$.so~ia 'ed with '_he t~~es eMher Ii:j_" roofeT.S er resld~lllh$ o-f 1iF1e:se blJlldrflQ~J' nh:e.1- ~~ 11~IV ~o ~ 'M' ~he ~I!!:$ (In!l eIS floughl,~ p~til Ino_lii; andl dblB to 11il(l1mcllil iihe in..side:s of itha ib:uildingl at a cons: ant il'empemfur;e, becreu,J:>,I8hey .:;o:nd~d ham very 31Qwiy CI nd dtss i pate i'l' Ire krltively fa:st,



tn~ !l'mJ!IfJriy c.~ fu,rm, 0 nJ!li dJop:!e ~ ~ rJfe ~1 fW ~rmoe I!!'M d.'F!i:!i'ni'nll ~ from, ro.ob

lEi(' D~~ojOi'Ii'I'rlll!ll En~iMil!Ir of LlrSMr II" Foong '¥.~ CniWe W1~O forme~~ :geJy>ed w'jln S~tmdQrd !D5~iHl!Ife ~j~v~iiCl (II'lQJo\l' knOVll'n CJ~ .S~Oi'iI!:lllrd$ CI:fLii:I Indlu&'1 rio I Res!!lOi'ii:h InS!i~~ul!) of Morol'sio O~ SIR]M) hQ5, proviided JOe with !,Ilne)i;peded if:QITOWliial~ol'!.

"The old cloy ~~I,"r IJ' he ,e!!:plai'ned '''hCJVie a ~kr$$~A ffre·.l'Qllingl and i"Ion~ wUI Dum. f1h(]~ meens lliafJ f1here. ilS l:itlll~ ,cMnc:~ror; 101 finn;!! to, e'i'Eilf ste Ii Oil 'tihe !"'Oo.l hom the O!.l'fi'sid e. ".

IE.{illliglh~ened ''iOii:;'~ h@¥Ei QI~o :~p;1dkeJil i'in !~e p!iJ!50rt (!ibol;)ut 'he ili'li'l,~iTloe or ttJ~r p~':!i!!:(,J~'. ithl! Il'~ TOi"IJ S,lii 1H00f't'i~tJ ,Sendllli' once penned hi'~ !j,tQll1d iin en i nkmntd rm,e'rnQr,g~dllJm ~Q Ii' Foong t'h(]t Qffinm!!:d iI' ••• wMi' we I-tovcl W(: muSillhoild. iI' He el!JlQgi~d ,tih~ old clgy' lille:s !tJ:5i .uind:e~1nIi;hible" Clnd "'w:mhollt 1 h e:f'ii'iI Minden cern P"':!: would heve iCil 101 I ess c I"! 01 ii'1TiI'iI. iI'

The Cc!!ll'IO'lI b!l:ar;s. rel~n~ on ~nt: ClJi1I't:iiiI" tilootlOf'l. These &:s;e~ Mi!Niloli! 'fites !l;!re' going '~\?' liel"i'el Mlnde!!li bul~l~Elj I'I'1Jt1I'!'f Imo-~ l'1tti rs givcfil '~ht:rr I ni~9riil'!f and ,~n.~ir MOYrn. :5:eli'Vke: Of'll 1!T!(:Jlny b!i.ilildliI'!Q!5: lel1~w:here in 'Ihel world. lher orE! alurk!lill1i'f ImiDde 'to la$'!' CHilcl f\O~ kIst!, to f'Ii'Iolk~ as SlC~i'II from 1 ithr til:i~' Ir;ec:ordl. 'rj,Ve PJ~' need "to [pul1f1em bed:; Wher.e ~hey' belong ClI~1 lei mh~iM1 ,co.Mi n i.l e 1~htdi' dlulrifu I $'~i'V:~a: wrthou1 fOi;1ce[uB 'J ;'pensi'Onlf1g" 1h:em to. obliviOfll!



I •

Rugrf Ji:rmarJdi3Vi'11~ OIl'itel'1,q rJ' ~ed1Uell' or !'hal Sdiooor ~f HElu.!l.lno.ll', BurtdMg find ,PlmM.lny, USAot

H&1 Ql:illil k ~&1d'ot~~ h~T11~ljoO.,o:urf •


Mai PI fM'rured ~!11 use oj mJ1oo:s M_ dhJleas; wt}s me ~!'MI,[DI Pro.f Haaa Jlmd' KJlm ,fr is I~ ~ of ,frow Ordffl~JY pe~le roped 'wlm nt-e in melT :5U1de ~Bd' filar dttmCfed' a farge foilowlfl-9 of fillmmi fan~ to em~,re im~,f the ~J!COm remtllnoo onl all ref IB yea'fS'.

.I.! I [mod,s,II,sd flhe ~:it,~om ,[]ift~II' :se'i''Eiro I Am's'ri ~ifJ ril IP-FOdllJlcliiO'-fl9; O'~ 'ihe da¥ whl'cl'i lill1lV(!!l~ed live audienoe, of Iilo !13<S5 ~iililn lOn p;aop.1!3i tSlJlnn.g1 '~h1l3 :snOD'~iIil91'" he $!:Iid.

Sum lPfoooot~ !l:lffi 1'OlJ!!lheli" beeause n' ~qlJlres: oi:l'Ojj1: 1"0 gO throu.g h S1tJg~ fmi_riin,(I1 to ttrmulocul>SEI' ilti.Bmsel"'1;I5 wl'1n Ihe dt(m;!d~n:, and ~Q e.NeQ!J~'e OCCiUfoie IPU neh litiasl, Tihl~' ri'lsthod bJi~ as ilnB' i'trf£lmotiDnilJ! ~rxla!idl m 1bootri'cal mlIOnolBg¥ 'IlmUSi mode its debu1' iin Mil'k1,'f,5liQl,

I~GIti:!1 Md 'lillie: financic:l~ ~mi:.lJIP [roim Ohman Flbfihm11l who, aiso :ie_~I,C15 ,~~ ~!!JOOr.. The S'lritll'Eigrl' producedl en jmll~h'-e QU!l:!liify :sitc=D'11rI.

,!1IHahh'l:LiTi and ~ were 'Ine: oFlI~ 1wo d~rec:~oi';s ai' ~h(lit tUliiiHI: 'wild< daj13d 'It! ifElOJ;rd '~h'13 ,~.rfc-CPIilli ilil ~'ro:nJ of I i'i'~ eudienoes because we won1ecllJo OJpluroe, :spon1aneou$ IDI!l!I91frt!13t;. iT he :5ti'idl iEmcMi'ng lh,(],t '~he :5UlQCElS5 w.D_5 eJlloo iWii~-Mb!Jied to 'nhe ,col!1i~~bllJ~i!i)!'i b~ 1-a~eJ!l~ed iJCIOfS (lInd! ~m work

1h1!f:11ft11 :5ilid HialsllliClriil (I_rid Ihe ~hul'Eo t:h~ !;iDlIflilEl, CO:ri03ipts i!J,bO'll't '~hing$ oiJllid this eil1lCllbl.e'.5i Ihem 10 gener(i ~e [Plifr.a:t'hirt,g iidS(J~ {or Irii3W proj~;,

Pi Mar Pi' ,Ma~ 'TernS Til.!' productlion 'tl!tI$ [IifIOHi expEIli1t!ii,~ tQ IPFOOI!IICe es co I!f'Ip;!:I,red w~lh Qon~-eIll~iol1lal ones, ~DIiW:I;I 'I he, rn:€lOOnj5 ac\8 thDli' ID' rnc(Ord fuur epi5"Od£lS:" 'Ihe 'crew look ;j:iif'Ci<1Jmil 10 012 daVS 10 oompre'e lonrl Ib-u~s; hCld ito be !:!I~It:Ili19Bt11 la, trfilml~paJi' ~ii1!3i !f!I!!l!dli:ElIii~!3 1'0 .he :s~udt{!! 10 reoord ul'1P£'OrnpJed ~jJpturolJS lalJ~hrer [iIi151.sad aif Il.!s,]rlQl'~'tln n~ louid!llirn3li;

~lla'f.!iia i~, 3tliJII ntudTI rill' lbeliind ,S,11iiQl1J p.Dtep li$ti 01009 IHll!)llvYWod,. ln terrns (\i~' gllobai '"h~ ~riool a nd III 11$ lp:rtifBS$ i G:ri 0 I i !Simi CI o:o:rclIiri 1m '~OI IHI c~[;,

.L!$iJngapOti$1 kI~i3f1Jisi!tin ~klrhlO'Jl:5 abi:ds, !by' F;ir'D~dI~ii\I3$ sud! es Iha~j'ng proper ;00 mere r>eirleaf:5al:s ![j fld rnUingl Irve audiEiIil~,fM; $~h 0:5 tho~ beingl db:ri~ ilil 'Ihe UGA,I"" the reIT1llJrk-edl,

The :Si~gClIPofelln 1healriCl!:! I ,and a lis, il'ltciu5-fr)l was cn.ppl~1 W~1i1i 1M ~Ikil'f dlila:ma em at 1(I,IOIiii Am[p!il~ ended. wni1(i4j1I' 10001 jl.rOO'ui:l~. rore~gfi i'fi(,h'lies ItLtlidcl'f tadk adlwli~o[Jg~ of iIIlIIa, sirullt~on Cliid £lOBe! 1ne WCIll!U m!1 18tr~ gmaliw "the i~shy reoo;,o-ere-dl when Si.poi'iecm~ :!i'Ifirtul to ~in~ 'out-~-'Ih_e-bm andl odbptad ~ri~liOOlion_al $'Mmdcm::l15; ,to '€t'XpIJ nd !l:l_~~ivJly.

A ~Ilrt vi~~ '~O ~he lifls'lj~!.!~ ~oonilaJll JIilb::im ~)akarto l!ilsliitul8J o[ Ar1s~ [~ilIQd 1~' l!ildOIi1i~idlliil ort~~ic spirit ~f which he f,~ Fe I", $\€!en nef·e;, H(j1ltiW1 df.scoverecll r-r~m 00 fIVI8 J;!;i [!J It'D ns with i5;tutl!Ei m,s q~ ~h €I i [ri itllL!!!til)' ith till' t h EI 'f ~11~",.9' eemoered ~hem~~s, wi1ifl rert-OWillled ,roll'~~gn fi Immol~Br'!; (Inti 'Clc1s g~iiCionildos.; I[ri dith~ r 'WOrtll$" 1'h ey bell'!chma rk ~he!'f1~eh.e~ ,ag Q~ifjS~' ~lh e worl d.

~'ng WtUi, HoTiilll·,G cim;!lri'lilJ~c 'Jf$:nlllTB [p.JiPdu~d m iIll 'lime when eorn mei'Ci'ell y·altroc~r\i'le '~m FnS weil"~' '~~1 flgl ou r thE![:rfJ~!;DlI and am:5i undlulStry" He :said 'iMrt ~13i 'was il11.S1,p'iredi by 'hl1e 1a1'e Teguh KaI~1 whose WOJKs, ihllJdi IUSlUCI n3'i'olYBd iiJround pnfriotism (]n~ prelis1'il1iing the mw {e.{ll"t'les ,of l'iie. Ofll-Ihe lsk ,of -cas'inQ relclif,;\e1y IUIJ1,nOWn adoli':!i sud. !:IS IElftll::ilrii Mononl ZU1ltllJlZCIlimy il.:I.fId Ma$ MLinamio 'It!ke' 'OI!1l iimporttmt reles, H([~~I e::.:plail'lsd t - Of B wDuld lib, -0 ,o'IiIIIJtuIfe ~lQung mleri 5"'"

II is SUTpn!iilil(l t"a~' t~e IbssiJ8dadeci Halt¢l w:ifJh IIlBltl'lrr}l'oo.rrnb~d hl!Jir~afl.d nO·;flOfrWens&. fool. is. dil ~"tQ. pr--od!Jce lrih-fickling (O:1iIi~j-.El5" He ItramtJrked mm ~:riCMLl!i, pBople dlo. bel ~i (lollDooies bec;;aUte' .... (}om~¥.~like eBements liel in ey,ary.onl8 01 !liS, 'I I I3i ordinal)' propls;]' clntll i is "'emf e;J;press"on ,of someene gefi FIg ~ugM (lndl 1ryirL1!J1 to EillOOlndpme hmn!SBl~ ·n a sirucr len",

loovOD6~' tIff.a qll,ll8;tIDn erFwhy IHlDtfo !;h~ l!5M p~~poedl IUJ:!\. Hg cemmen ed 1001' during his, li'me.~ it 'M:!;'j diffiGult to ge~' !D p.~ac~ in Uni'FBr'iities, and ~O!i@i who 'M3~131 selected oolJldI be cOFl<s[de,rea as Ihe cr"e-mes. de 1(11 OIii:I1IfIas; As. iha !(OlJng Hcifiil tics; aqJirndl ita, dOl 'lfieEJter, he d~ U5M~him'~tl: offfelie.a.: l!OO~fin Periermil!},!;ll Am-s ond 'ilhu-s <could ,alp ki _. fa'Dr:;h:iav.9i iii; ambi1llnn.

.Mrc~iornnIQ ilil Thoo'IBr and Dmm!iJ IjJlild miliEiring in Fine M'$., HCI~~id~:S moJce 1i'i!tI15I ~he b.esi illS US,M oom'ilinecll orirl"ik 11 I tiliinking 'Mi1ik phifosophi:mll iD;p;ptoIlCh8'S in tlie slJbre~s: i'Cwghl' and i~' has QifI aluJfldanc;:e ,of djl"-{j m{J1 lbooks ,Jct' I'ffiiilsion .. nt too ittl!; ,dsitlioDt!l3d '8~rBrs; ~ho :,:f,Ie.nly efllteflainoo Ihei'r siude!ll s' qyes.-flQfliS (mal IP:aliilg91U11l.-Q ,s.ai5:tllrCIlrl il3XpEltkmBriIkIl rh sake ifo;eil ities reDilbl~ ~he sen'lon: to PJigent '~heif '~h.~'a~ricjJl pleee , IHllJiIih:::I 'Was th~r'EI 10 d~]mliVEl amid 'question about 8r [perFomK! nees There weJie: times whenl ih..~ s~~io~ were Ii mriita lart! [by' Itu i Ii EllirfJhu:5;1 asli11!

IHaHn iii; inSpured Iby ,Soj]~--tJiii Rar~ pl:ilr.'ltiOllk.r1y. hi's H rfll IP-hther PaflChaU wbi-ch 'fflJS ee ~lpted 'fmm C1i n~~ ~f 1hBi :SDrnS' lit~B; IDIEispite 'NO.~ng on ,a mElifJgra tMJdgstl, emoleur eeters end il'llexpejer.c.ed iCrew managed 1Q IPrOdLJ!;~ Porrhel" IPc ru;:ifaDili 'W" ~dl ~DI:S; elil c~,daimed :Success ~'I' en iifl~eI'iFlQ1iio<na~ film f\li!s-1~Vi:]~. The mQ>~e iillilspired HlD'a itO biil5E1 liis IPmtlluctiolfii on hUJliilJlfiis~t.t: '!,Falwes arnd FooU~m. :Such v-.!:Illue;'I:,. accordlrcigl 1'0 HClM"a~ iDlr'EI much niBiBded in mosr MEiI~iiI'j'~'!iJ1J1 prDdlU'!;:tiDns de.spite 1he igd 'tJhal Mafgrysrgl lis, rich [(1 cullliJre. !Hie, 'i'e-lt ~ POUfik:!i, ,Ilndl ktdk of iBnlnUDri'I eIfEl

~co(}fli~ IMala,;\s"iJn;s from fu rlhet' m:l ... CmCeiri'l:eri'tS inhs ' lieilttiOiI iDnd Qm rl'!du~.

lPe maps" an frftere:sfing Iil~ote by ~Oen IHlEil"iil1lDlmi in 199'1 1~i3!viGj.o.n episods: ~ ~~m ~jIg, he1p$ t~ sum

IUP' ihe iridU!1lfy., f1i • dlo OSI!J.8 JQel sald, ~QrS 1ne ~ie. lEd!. ir ry r~~i'ty" if And Ed I~ led sllIer::ind ,~' 'MNo t~alilkG" "T;!

:Shti~rifl ~1J1l!1~j @ ~ri Wr.I ~ i;IiJJi.h;;II:re.-d I;!' ~~l,lf1riT!'n;1I1?J.i~.Qi;Il!" ~"F:. ~fl@"~ AAriiQ~ ~ir ~~~; !l;l!.MFeiiilfY l'ihe ~~l(lf'ill' ~~ I;!~' rhe PeJglxl" ~~~' dlJ~ ~iMr"ibr;,r~ AJ!.#1'J111 ~I ,1JSI\.l Slie (iQ11 ~ r;Ortlor;td g. oh.rr _ !'''Yi'1rl@tyl;l~



l:eo.d' Qn,di photo,l1lI~pu hy Zu-HlaJ\l, Am~r BLlri:lG'~JfiI' g, i;itg, 1M:

T ~~:r~~:a:~;~:~e;~f~: ~~~;~~:!:

,move Mllwtd 1.0 th~ n~w]y-buih ,e,ilgme~i."ing camplllS whld:l moor of us' have ~erieAoed vrlth the so-caRed. 'quicksand! Dlcident~ a'l! one 'lime or. another, The campus was still ulmder eonstraetion, we had. to attend leemres and ~e:r,e wasn'iI: much of is. chob:e for tiS at that moment,

Wi3 ,dr't!tmnM 'D~ a oorflJJ;US '!JJliii'iliitlst Iud, 91UlEi1iila"J1f wilth (II m fiO,P'r. of 'I\fees. ~'O .O'~.ej" We<! ry ,slude:nls a ~ooril' Ib~ lundetili!3itlilfi irg; :5niild~ lbufl' Cli OO';{Bl\8d wt]1kwt:J~ Wlil:5i 'wIlCJt ~: hed lo sJgelle!'% I:JS, rlf~m 'Itle ~caf{:hil1Ql !SIIJlI'1i ~or' rain~, to, p:ra'o'id\e iiJ:d'dl~iGi'ii!J1 pt"iDfemOIii ag!tlii'iiSt 'flne D:nl5tlili~1 Iheart., I used I'l) be, e{]iUipped wiltl my sunshade: or ool'r 01 pair 'Dr glD'I>85~ 'Dl5, ~11 as IIlIlf ',Ah~~JJ; knop!iDd; Dlnodl lready to!) ~oo' 01'11 my' ye110w ~~.1tn b'IOJde ~o ~ ril' s,wi!rta[ [~nEl ,tll"~ ~OWr1l wiJ~n~1fij ,l3tIiSf{ Il'OOch)_ O~!5iDOOII'f w~ Ihik:~~d (II ~'ide Of'! 'I\he U~M mlnl ~iS"t~r '10" oormmbl~e nrom th~ ei'i~ iiil~rfiiil~ Olin; pus to' USM, iTI.¢l in 1l;(l1n;!P'US free-arl.cM rgel

'Ftle 'Cllmpt!l.s was 'Ihe ·f,]~I' piti~ where lJ!W developedl iiJ:lid tloolucled the perliorm~lilt,e, of ~~;latliaMi3: Iurlxm d lU'ifillQge' s~em (SUI)S~ f,ed by ProhessOf Dr Mar j\:z(R~ Z,ilkdlriClI. ~ we:;; nallifl~d as, IBJo., D l'f:Iirlile~ ~'f.,g~em (BDOECO[):S)., 0 pii~1' pr()j'~~' b~ UlSMs Rjtve~

IEn9~1Jij!3l13tili'igl ClIIi,t! UlrfJelli'i IDr,oiJi'itl,gEl' Re!Oe~l'.dfi eEl ntil""$ IRJEMq .hi:!'I' meers 1he requ ijl"~mellir-s of S~orffi Water oMmflOQ8rifill;li'ilMtli'it!!al 'ror' MDI!f!IyDcl. SUDS, was !lJdI!J'CI~I~ ibein{ll promaloo f'!l}F years iillll 1he IUIIlI~t.ed Killgdom toil COI'iIIbDl' F¢lli1rlIDn ,an:sili9 fmm ,dim;u~e:d '!iD!IJD3S, ililuriJc!InI ill:iie(l :s "

We ore IPFOud of otJiJ CCJI1IPIJ,S thai ~~ is, the 'lirs;l' in ~he oolJlntty foe hO'o'Eli !JJ1iiI o pEl 111 (Oli'!.!"6yd i'iee SY¥1';iIf.s,~ a :51~gkt :5!1@jfJ\€' ·to d]~e.rli lilC][n/W{!'lleiJ ~oYm rds a wi'dle, drcin., !(!'.S (II [pl10il' pr'djSdl. nEIl droii'ii h '~nelil 'iRtlad mugly wJth pliilrn:c <r£lges ·aM fIJI iaver r.J ooii W>!:I$ iaid! Q(1J ~'Op' of 1M' c,og~ fat' n~ 03W glilEs ta' bs 91'"DWn~ CDncEitdilitgi '1M d'rn:iI''L IRainw.l:l1er ~&rii:li~ '~i~t~il'$ '~h rougn the ~Jj]¥eF of ~il ~n~'Oj 1he droili1 i; dt¥i!:"rlEd iltrfD Cli ~IlIGEI' rfEIfEHttltm pood. lHowevElF, Imilllwa~er o'lerl~a'!Med ilJlfldI '~k~aded Ine !StJllToun!:li f1~1 iiJr"B(r1 Id!JI ri n 91 hEr a 'i'Y ro i Iii Ib ea:r U~' ith ~ ·d r'Cr ~ Ii1tI98 ~ ri1J ~id nat 'Qqjre, ''II1lris fl{'"dbr:em has. elnee beeil1r !fJ¥efCOme,

IDuliihfilg loose yeorn we were w-ernea iIIol 10' 'n\!] II:: ~~ fhe droiin jUtSl· iF!J eese fhe pku;lit: ,cages beiOW" gcr~e 'W(I¥. ~!),Jfi lIiIoli\e Qf. !!,Il~. 'i'IIOlnmd fo [p'u:;:1; our l!.!)Ick tQ wgllk over ~h~ CCI:Qt:3. ~n if ~Il!.e,l' 'wer~ IntrN,

As. ·1;i:instrL,u;t~Qn wg~. in PFQlg re551 !'tI·illil "lyrned t:h~ ~ laIBrit.a· :sajl into "qi.Jlicbilnd~ pi~:5i CII1Icl u1niWaty 'iiiaii:m!; may '~M ~keFl1lool'tes; rrurerl up ~o' "their knees, ,s~rug~FIfl!d1 to '~el· Gut, :SO!!lle~~rne.!:l, ~oti'i"'E!I 'fJnJElir shQE!~ to '~h:Ei Siy~11 This happEili:8d utiltil 'the roootls: 'W13fG kllmd and ,5tw~8m IFlO ion:Qf~·r lelf rnudd~ treeks aU ever ~ne ee mlPus,

18i8~n91 ~r.)I' !i:I~ in ,~I!J,JdE!ni' Odlrvl1ii~1 my Ir]I;!:rid~ andl IMd '[n~ O',W-Oiiilunily 10 ~h;tj~i"il Oiuii" ii'ii'iiut*4~~jFig d:.illt; 1bI~ loom ~S{l!Fm fil"C!fill a 1l1fr~d ~ expg:ri~" R1Joor~1 IPrQl~d~ WJ\th 'frie<nd:; ~h~~di :!!LJffiI;e< II,I~ ito Ein:io'P' Ol!r ~ife ~n 'rorj'5tJn..idlii'ilg~ '~kEi' otilmp lis. We toi lmod 'titBliii5so1~ 1'0 ensure proo[;echs were ilill fe~ dlness and t~ FflIliFl~mi<se ihjfi;he~; ~:up;jXl'Mled by O'UIF 'f:oJrn;e1" LemhDF!t! I"! feilQ"iN!, ~CiC IP'rcl· Datulk Dr ,Abu IlkIlktlri Mcl Dink_ PCI~liifiur'l]gl 100 f'!IMif$" PMte,rs~ rJ'(efS, (llftd ~i:irnl Fiil:irtlng bm~ges, ml dbl~n os wem ;j,JS he ... i'lI1g Fflee'ling~ al·ILelli!ba!1J I'! fuyer" .:;on~l_tI_n9 'witJ, 'o~¢Imii·Z¢I~i'QnW(l9~n6a~ ?udrn 0$ .lloliQr-, 1M SM Army Cciii'i,bo~ liroini n~ C~ii'iI~i't: (lPIUILAOA} fo~ 1~1!n Ke.pimpincrill MQhmii~ ~M.AS~ III ~If@'ioo' 'l'tere ~1!Jt51i' :!;i'nee liDE!momi~_

1I'n.ose W>eD'i! fhe aa-r.;, I fj m $!Jr~. mosj' of IIlIS; 'pIeOmM t~ be, I'll"! 'lwil~ghi' ~o~e blt!!C'k i!!1i th!;lge QlOod ord &(lf~" h tiliiil~ Ipll5:s~5 b'f~ 'fine a:IIrTilplJ,J~ IiiidlW :shun 8~ wirth ~~i5ih

Tho· iOMm iQgr1_~ ~iJr.t rurnnNl,; I!>Ill'l'ililtiJII iI'O ';hI! m!riril

....... " 'I'" "I b . iIi·~· I ~ ~I- ,,,," - ~.- t, ~~

ij 1 '_'1iI!;!if)' Wlilil 115,:E!"(] u ~u ,_Clno'Sc'Dlpa 'yO! 1iJ!3I rSJI'Srt8i1J,.

ISui' ~nlil ~h!l::i rfiiWf'logernef1it keeps ~rne of ~he ,011 palm tre~ I[as S:"F!1bo~c, rme!llQ~ m! weli os Ihl5! pond~ ClI· fhe lbooc:k. of S1iudaJi~ Ha~5le ~SIH~12 De~i;iI~i~wl;I ILelillloglt(lln wnere f'KIKiv.c' fiI!:~d§'l~ iUlSM 'to fish.

"[0 Fifed F'O !;I dis, '1;Iliid 'fir,I;!'1;!; ~hg ded km~s: .hOVEi' be:~n

1=1, ""J" __ d 'ii"L,"~ _ - ~ - _ I ,_._II -d~' "~~d' .... '" Ilnmf-ODlIlJDSiiJ_ II rtElll"EI aIrEl 1110, mOrE! IJ!IjjIICli'i: :5{]nOI I 1"1h .. ,-0 18 II 1.:<

!l]3 dml"nage ~"'S.~em has been redi~iool, A few oor pal"k QJ;eJt!~ ore OOW" p[Q:nl~1 wilth lree~ W pFO>Vi'CIe ~ode,. A msltor might bs; srurpr'tiSlSd to trunci 01 B1I!J1ll11gCit' intElliiid~1 f~r mgk't slirn'uiaUofftl s1ud",1 A s<1uden~ {le:n1'fe~ too, I~ Q!J!!"Ire.~ being ,ool"!;;lmded at the nea~ $~ cenfire, A ~ril!l;l~1 'fimdit~Ol1lgl hvt IhQ:S ol~ bi$E!1iI ~il~·_ GI,I)\~~ iit'~ li'it:oIlY'i:i mi!1iit:ikE if you thiffllk '~ii'i~tin9 oti~ ~ii'lciFi$ I!Jnc;hi]n~:ed •

IPlan Ij iOOUfflI~ ~isil and SEli3! nOW' YJj~' ina ,eM n9~ f;(j~ 1-amilil IP-iac.e. You mc)' no1' reeell ~he @.r(lg[n;rJ! look ~f 1UJ5M eflg'i~eliing 'WfllPU:i '~hc!~ we enjoyed IO~1 before, .Mioks, $!Jf@ Itmt you oib'id!i!i b.'f 'fina ,~IitI(ffii~ li~h~$; iii! ifl;olilt cl oor eam:pt!~ J150l A li'i!!:cr::n~ 'If~g.ed'fl' nifi!li ulili'ieoegsaril~ ta~fli ithe ~iJfe .ar'iJ ,!!rl" My $inOefie; oondo1e!li(j~ to Ih~r '~mi1y .. A~ ,_ fi:I#ho~., rt

MtJlrlZ.Q"k"poh ~ Aiduiloh 'hom,~ih~ ('OJJ'.rTe$;f'i!iIi .M~lfra:n,~ ,~dui'cn



I ~a~_k6"d I'n~ the:,o~~c,~ O:f t;hs 'lto~6~e'~ lad!b .M r:ilild_filfll PM (M'niidk:;:n ICQQPe:ratav~ ~'ndergarten ltd) la9t week to 'fimd Jean ns ~~ ~~"r.31 at't~e front ,d~* :5h~ ~ook.edl w,p 1~J:sfly from hsr paJp~t' w,t-uk ,and aa~'d!, l:Aba. y~~~ A:yf,JI?i~ a'~ i'f ~ wa~ ~,tU i CI,n ~ of t.h ~ !9'tHJ,d snt9 ailnd s,h is ,n,ad J U 9t f91S1e:ln m s ,ye~t!!;! i'ti! ~te:ac:l of 2;.3 ;Y'tlia f'~; ,~~ o.

I :!iIi11iUlecL How rel!l1i]rkab~e her 1iiI£illflol)" wa~, [ltol' ito melll'lim haw qUidbond ~rer1i' she is} ,and ~(xI".I' miJ.rrellolJ~ "thiIl~ :snEll CD!li!d r\8CO{Jni'SB mEl a~i3f :5Q' lIiiIon", 'r~C1r5. -i'PwllIl'tie Joolme/.em ~he is motte: aledion~jel~ Ikn~FI\r iI1!t1:5 bEliElrii witil1 tha, Ttr&lra' CI'S '[JI1il ,[]dimln i:=mraJmv~ :#(Iff member sinee Ils, inoooptlioi11 1'111 ] 975, Shoe, has seen 'the 1II]d~~(] evol .... e fro,rf1 its hl!!ni1!:J1i3 Ib~glrlllili n(lJ!i, with i3h: 1'&l:ichef$ grid ,50 t'lIlJden~s, [nt.e 1he fOIJ r.bui~~jng, 1160· !Studerit ~5f,{]lbl~rrlTiii!iiit ifJ' i:5i todDrr.

I Sifit ,dowlil fur aJ IJIvidl dim Clnd ICI~!;!Ihscl ,015, ~9 iOOlle:d1 me ''lhu IifiDe1i'i'lat- (a! pel' I'M::IlTfie lilll reference '1'0 !how ii'fiV 1 use:.d '~a b!3! iiJ~ CI ohildl~. ~ lri- htirr that dltJ., with Cli W(]iml feefiillQ I'JrI my ~emil'., CDri'iiJrloed 1001' Aunli'e Jeanne has dluSlcc'o'srndi 'flhe Si!!iCf,M '10 'B'~!I!Inii(111 .,olJl~lh tis 5;hl3! lh~s- (llptj:ii6IJred f);@j I!l) h o~-.e a~led a S;~i'1g le atiJ't,

A.uml1e~ Jeanne W{I'S nqt 1ne tl]n1¥ famrliar futoo: rJ~m m~ ¥EI'iIllr5, ifIllt'iJ3 Tm:fikili. T~ OUrFeint ~e:od:mi5~~5; is, llidii~ 0~heor 'I'nqn IPU'iln l~a2afi'jJh, who· ,srolrdea Qllli es I[!II'!I crs5i':stan~ f.aad1iial" ln U 981 ,i]nd rFIbW!itl up the IitIflb to her oW'Ten1' ~;~:ilh!)fl in '2005, HClZillM-Cltl iook me ,For (II

~, rrg-J'Q. ,.Mm_rJ!. lI'i:ii:JilIM.. hli!rdI !lI!'~. ~ ~-qn.. .I!J!!j' Jbi1lti:J-~, ~!!jI:lJrilJt]rjrn-_1:!I

Ib_n:;g~ loull" 'Clmunfil ~~EIi kind~rgfilrieni'-!;i: niB" ~Ill!M'nt9~ (.ope~ed ~f!I el!Jl~:r' 200~l; pr'OllJd~'f deSiCrilbi fig 'I~e :5ChDO~'3i glfiDWlltii (J:iid d~lIopriiH3trl' ithe yJ3t1~. The c.urre-nt progr-Qm me whid! i'lFlduaes oomplJ;ter (Jnalr'nutililfnadia Sillll!cliE5:~, Mcntk'lnn !;b~:513'S1 m;; wl,dl I!]~ l:srQIT1Iic-lMi)ra~ lessens is, CI Wo@rnd of differeillce from IiIil'j' ~imptEi IiDB:I1i a rlm of Ladirbird hQo~ do mrin Q" :5:'iJljgl'l1I~ anoclf 1jJ-'ef'I~ 01 ~rtr!ytillne'. The ,eYl'Il"iclJllUlnrI! In!l)W follow:§; n Miliili:5iti)' !IllPPr\l:)V.stIi pr,s,.,sdh.oo! sy-a![]l!Ju~ whiGh emJ)ho;si'~s, Irl!Jn~ leamjn~ and 'aims, too create ClliI;ofi!01ic IJpproadl-'i to squ'ippili19 p_J'8j.rohdal:i3~ wiln 'I~' n~:iY ,edu-rntioooi coo ~d :Wills: 't()r 'todG'~~ worMi" Th81 d,ulclr~m tlo mudli lenmililg []n.tIIlnCl'i'S' 'fa~ more res;lJ'onsj'biil'itie~ 1ihlQln wherm 1- wa:s 'il child, CelfttJlin~!f iii' i':s a ~tlr itlty nro.1ifI 'Ihl]: "F\'tNeIi' (Ilrid Jaru:( beeks,

k, I ~s: lea~'i~, I !oo!IIQh~ ~ht of :te1' jJ_Fjo!tJeff '~ej1'; M!3r'nD~i.g:s lrush$tl to m~' liIiliiri tI CI~, ~ illifliIifled~atal'f lrec:o;gnfsed Ok Mmh::!lm. The f{! ees li:d my ,o~he~ tEitlJ;i1e1':5 CI ntl ci!i:J5:51i'1i'tf1tE::i ~nil,(]ri'l' of W~Dm i CI:m :!i~illl lin lOum with) fl{)d'Jed hrn frmf. of me 09; I remelifibereill

.JI "I ':..',' IL~-

cut DII:)IIIY. (i ,~'i1r~Ie:!;i fll3li1.

a!JI~:i W13!fei m[]in~y ifwsM ~Jjjj one ilirlIY :si'n~~!3H5EDlfElr liluihdJil!Ig. We dre ..... I[!_fid ,eor.oured QUf!",)Wn piGI,uf1e3 williioiJt wa~kbDDIk5; IIJlrid :!iCrlg IiIUJ'i3~rr ~:rnil.e~ dl:i:i~. Our '~oo-che,~ 1~ldl !IJ Ii k1ll1ehi Qr S~Qries wm. useJul maro I r.a5~5_ We, lfi-lrati pcun~ m' PClI'i"lJb-I1 Cob wilh MI~ -fm our Dlleok-'lime Sl'1i:Jck,and 'M::I:=iIlool @!Jfownl l~ o:nd ,el.rp5lbefuilB wi1.Jmiri,g 'In@1Ti1 '~O' the pDmry. Thef'l we: would go ;l}.'!.J~i3lide te pkr~r making up Otll~' owri, gClmJ:j'S i[]~ we 'HI8m (J!DFIIJ~' soliilstJillDEI:5i Ihrid'in91 CI I~F ~onirru:l~ t-Ei' '!!1.'dim!:Ie' (OIllCe' il weUl, agmss $Flcker lifludi1lo, aut tElCldJ;~r"':5 hOlfro:r). or ~o-ut~1lii W!3 sot eurselves lilllJ~O ~he OGm:s:iCiiFial mi:s~op ~~e 'teCQ'hers noel 'lo undo.

t'ror~~i:.ifii 1'bf~ ---------------------------------

Once ~ r'¢_n IUp me ''f'O~i!!Ir 1'OW~r ~ih!!l~llBd b8ih~ilild lh~ offi~ blJmdilngl li:!r!d 9~Lred m~.self ,~illy ~1iOQ'gj'nl~g en eld rfi1ii:1n rtved 'therre wlm stele m«J,~ ,sirny mlMren. On a nother Qcm~iool' ,5 0'1fI 00 flS: iltIlbbeiti :5'01tri1oooo >8RS;ll IFe:Q -EJ'1rei 'fJI'1!.!IC::~ (lInd !'I~ ... er rre1\!,!!l!1ned it., So~llli1e:!;I ithe<Fe ~eli'e: ,e:h'ltdllef'i vrno' if.~~IJ.s€d 10 plav wilh other cm.Milren, IPtGli'i'fr of W(]ilhgl andl ayili'iiQ ~ii:5.'t!BtI.

10 l1i1i!' o.f my fuf!!Q'Ulnie li1!'Iemories i~~Qhr>ed ~hre[ 'ftil~t In!!>tidlmklrn,S~1 P'Liilf'll GIlIk. Ogl~ (~ Do1iili),. ~ hed fijlf~nl $i'ck 'one d,Qr¥ bul' insi~e,d en go~nH tQ scheol Golilk (:i11owed mii!!! '1'0 iDt&!!rxIlt lP:roVidsd 'th)fll' I :5ID~ ~n her oHkl!ll !l:!lli I,:h!;!~ Qlnd '\!'t!i;!$ b ~~~, lijlUe Qr I!'!O QQntoct wl1h i1he O'~nli!lr pupffls:, ~ iUSIfMdI, A smCl~1 i'r'IQ!fh'lI3~ end blanket we,;;e ~afd ou~ i!lJ ilhe corner 0.1 her IHllre' ,oAt-oe 'Wjlh (II lFiUi'li'llliOr of Lcd~blr'd baob fot miil!! 'to mea. I 'Wo.s ,ot m~ lbest lbeh!!;!'i'iOY~ !l;!l1id 'Goik, ble:s her" ~pt me 'O~Pt!lW all dtl/f !longl wn'lle I reed. iGW(i rds ~IIiB end! of tth~ ,!iDyl' 1"0 my su rpriiSelr two dOi'e friiet'!d~ .. :ji~l~ ,A,nJ'!C!!hila ,andl IEkiMfm~1in Ekih'i01l w~Ul Ci11u\YGitl i'o ... isit f'li'bi!l f« a SMff wh~~e'- !t WQ~ th.e be¥~ Pr.I:e~ri¢~O~ 'ifo r Ii:! ~i~k 'tive~:feCl~ old,

A T,ooJ..,c' 6"fI_1']a1J1 wHh Avu ,sln.ging' "1I"l::i~ ~ Miy,!h:mmflli&'"

i I\l;lliD8mbs~' iIl~ SPCOrl5, dgy ~eld in 'ihe' REild bahlndJ 11;$ Tad'~k.i:!/s ffi~jl1lb.i!Jildifig. Baic:mc;iflg IJn ~gg en (II speen I rUiShsd 1U!P- ~ntI ,dowlili 'fJhCl~' JH:i1'tl to m~ ~iI:m;!iI'lI~ c11;!~~ dlWlriifi!!J1 ~he ~i],siOi1l. Oft :tl.!inny dc:!l\s. '~-e wo~ldl paQ~ game~, :$!JIJOh asl '1ok. HdrimlJu" ~lard ~g€{~ Or '&fCiltdnQ'

_ • _ \!i _


lever)! ,olner ~arl" '~h.>e, Til]dUro wouM :stage !!]I eeaeert, IEDII~I; dO~$ W!iJ~ld pamfolim 1[1 iii tmmt wltstGiE)t" iit b~ 0 ~oto i!]-F'~ ,grol.!il~ one. As Il:i r'O~f1ieQr eld I So!] FIg 'You /tr.~, M!f :S"'Iill~l;irt~,,, itO Cli ~Dlr'!l8i .otawtll c& kmilii~!f miliiri'llbsrs, in CI 11J5.MIlee~!Jre Ihall. I W!f!3 deck_:edl 'ou"!' ~1lW ,~ pili r of b~'ight Imrl ~honl~ !l;l 'wilibs' t-ski'irlit !I;Intli iO ii\I;Id lilib:l~L,I:S truo~~ 1l1dred l1Ie>l:11t:t' be~i'ffd ,one, ea~~ IB~f'larstJeh deneed en sE[]Q!;[!; ,dl's'5$ed In !;I gln;:Jdlutlition r'ob~ eli;! nilPll!;'iEe wUth morllm boar~l.sin<glll1lg ~P\r(l'i:tice Mal~::l, P!erf.ed~ J' DO~ it ,«alii: .Alilnohi~l.r het WI!'m~e:r ~i$tec"1 'W:ho bed:! m$ i~$ l~rlfol1llill flgi a rtJ sci' i@11 ni]~i(iini]1 't€~eVti~iofil yeolf,g f~ter, Thi?~ w~re rno fliV offi!;!ir coruc$ rI~, wli~~ !.J!nf'omgls:tilobla lperfMma~J' oo~h ooe rfi1«e Ole«m.oe '!dnd rnemercble ~[]lil ~Iile, ro~t fu."'ulii~l:r'r ,!;GiIiDEi' q-f th®ss' cpliitOE!ll'itG, 'warn. Il'"OOo~{j\ed '!lmll~re.sel"!erll ii'll 'ViHS f{!;rmat A [e\\I l..-e!]f"S cSq\! 110m f¢tmE!!l"' T'adilm ciI:J55ni_aEa and :stil~ my bs~:1HfIii81i1d'~ Saro SUlkor~ i:i~me' ,ac:r~s',) one ©;f ~f,r.e iFe(::)@rdin~,iS (I,ndl 1~,o~rii(]lH1Eid ~I on !DVD. 'We ho ... ~ yei 'Eo' ~efl '~kBI old {liflng logeoj~~' fer a Ir~p ,clow~ m.~I'"Ji1oer¥ lane·, Prese1l1lM'f rome o1l!S 1h!IlYElibetorile dOefors~ Isrng'inel3{!;1 !5C1s~", ~ctry'is'h;, (SQf~1 WOM, fm the Wortdl Wkle FliJnd ,for Nature il;I~ 0 (:,omlifil.,lIrlirQ[J~i:OIil~; O'fI1k'~r d\adb:litlilil9 hElt life ito £(l,ving ~he. region/s, If~ern) er Olhe~' e~oo ltv ,ruflfGI1io@flin~1 mElm[b,er:s o~: 50ci',Sity_ D\8splitE1 IlI;Iil;Iyi n!J oulf' T~oI;k¢' dby>s '20 ~~~ behi'fid us) we ,!i~i~1 keep 'koc:k of 'I he oM gong_ '~

Mqgq!hgffl~'~!'1 .b~ l"toQ!1eOl ,or ,~~h@~~r.!wnji


U alike ~ew Zeal~nd aJ:ld Austra~a~ ~':. Malaysia s~ecies names have penetrated th~ English dictionary, despim the

fact that many of them are endemic to this part of the world. The mCl\St recognisable among these few is the iconic OrangUttm, while the iurlam. :rurnhwans and many local fruits are ]~ recognised_ Instead, many endemic !!!I2'S like bung'll pakmfJ, binhfnmgs and kuhun,9f) are 'preferred. m be known by their anglicised 'equivalents' of' The Rafflesia, B,e,a:£"Cat ana Fly:ing Fox respeclively.

A cmYilnilon aiflJlI!!l'iI'I19ti1t rOF such Pr:"'8~'EIiI'EII1asl is '~h!30 need 'FOf l$rQndQj'idi.sQ~iofl!~ r 'Il l'Osk ~dl'\J(jjn1 (i I read,;, cccompli'5haDl 'o'1(]1 'fihe laf,jllli!98d lds nlirfiil:;:!:]hian of 8'0'81)' i5:~cies. H~we'ler" wh~le $1i;1ool!:!rdisool 1,{)1in names ore nBc'~5[]F)'1o pinpoint Il ~padfic 5p!3Ci~5 far ociervtiffic Il:! Fld reseerch Ptll~~t}J' loeats are frt!e of iSilllch need. Thi~ rF&8dam ,has encouliCIgBtlI tharn to ~ivE! nUlJ1II3rou:s; IFlIl:U)1Ie$ l(t; ene :Jpec:ies.

OmElI folTlii of' the MOIlcrr-' 'i5;taliiJd-Alrdr;5llt~oli'i; is bil!O~ On 'Ihe o::i~r$ made ~ I[j pm1ic:uliJf ,specr'es,. A ~ew O'~ ~he thlr'd-CIlli5, IooJVe Ibsslil m:;:08ptBDI Il!j, '~he most itl~~' nam~ ~ aesc~ibe ~he palft~cule F blrds like r~~~ (.commonl lkoelil But-But ~CDuaJij,p TeiktJ..bJr l:spoflEti dava}1 .Kedicl"i [sond pjpe~ and [Greet A.r~ U~J'. 'The seunds O'f ofulmi libs, 'lh0'S!8' C!~ ,RekalD/Ka~ ~,KJ1'I~md;!3t"}~ Cecf-'Cef {'flower ped.e~h Wak .. Wa~ [miOorhenl, Cak ~hou:se !5P.lllfir'O'W]11 Illiiid the rm.u.m ,d!ll!bi':oU5, 1e&:-TililP (ICl,pwill'lsl have illIO~' been lf1!l)t lboeen lJooni m!!Ju;sly aooe;p1ea os t5kJlfldOlKllla(XI~ OOme,$_

SQlfti!! ai':rhe bIrdJ rhElt 'NNI!' 'i:rS':!I1g~ ,1'l1mile:ll III~], ,ph ell]' ,00 N:sl

IDifferalll' !ocaOOri~ WOlliIld sometimE! EMlriI !:ISSiQri dif'{srBnt $O!.! nds 10 the seme speeles, as ifll ~he, case ~f 1M C:::Uk ~DunOEId CInioCl~ whid1J IS'lpOpllJhlH;r Pipit i'lil (Jlilotharr Il"egiOIfll.

While. Ihese illu$'lfil1e ~he, ifldigefloos. Mct{!!ys' iflgefllli~~ iin G:¢IalfJdililg thsir 'woa'but1J_rie{iI tt Dllro i~I~5 '[hi3:i~ m rei'i\ee !lnd €-"iplororlive spiri~.

The m1flJlll~ dek!ils 00 ~hedr sUIffOOOOffl~ were observecll and vElrhfil[J~ Ric'ortledl., lihB smcJlrer;tj'lbug5, ariidl iD;pbid~ [or exo mp·I,e;, he! ye been c;k~$si~j'ed 11llI110 '~UWJ ke.rnit/.$errgie.rJrJ1 ~~.srJi'! hama aridl 'r,u~1;II1J,. l~til:;k5, and miloes,).

'Ji~e IY\!JI!t1y~ are i~niJllJi:~tic:a~~' inlfl{l!V(fla~e. Ttiey have Imll:nGg~1 to ossiSIi'll ~r'!3trtiv81InfilmB3i fot,cll. inf1llXl~1 $r;;eci~ cooomiflg '10 sho;pe.l' ecleu i", er a oombination~ of ~hase., E'i\srti t:he ali~ril hi pjlapa []ml!!~, wtiI~ 'ni:5t OJ~liXll ker6a.!J /.auf' (:se~ buiff'OL~l.r ~1beit errm~iJst~, ilmd Ict,e~ b.!3d'!J!~ arT I[WIil_'h2!r l+iliIilDca:ms)., Th!3i roisMi Elweb~5, in! 'Ihe Ellglish world dlid fl('$~ cffoct 'Ihemi '~he!( ,con~inlille to giv.s Mmes, t.hD~ TiHEY' 'U rider':5ItJrid., TI\I;iSEI ri'1Clil'lerl f'@r ~h·e,'f. !have ~he abifii~¥ ~C} comnmniCilJr1e 1he iimage oonilUrad ~' '~hl8, IfElferer1I:;'~ ~o even SamiBOI1li31 who is ifI!i7.1' 'F,!Jrmil~hl:lif wi~h iii. Imctlil'le' the ~mQge pr~~ke;cll ~~ th!3! lrliii!iriition off c ~et.bll'U' lcu.rfi,

N;, sut:h kG 'Was ong~IihJI~'f. a~r baru ~!S;ton-a W!lltterj to 'Inelifl, . .Aimd e'!I-ery 'f:oreigJll item in~rOOi.lred m '~h~m will lba; f\sJ~IIl![f\ 'Wid~ a InJ3""Y' oo'rm tltiilJfJ w'i II tlliJ9~1~~ ~nn(:!gfnGfiom., So ,Qfli girplan-e 15 a k.r.ipar lerbgn~l' (Il.,.illldl Wi55$lk OJ :submarin!3i i:5i kcipcl :seJiJlFJill ~,divi'riil;l Vi!$:.§i3'H;' OJ [pilJll"Cchtiter p!J)'VlIg ~'eil!Jl!'l ~ump:ifl£l IJmb!'elliJl: ~he rod!~ W!3:S ori giliiio II]!!' teF[fIlIril~' ud'OtilJ' {a qrbeor ~orrlih 01 I~fri'geraloil', a pet~ .sej'4Jk l[oola chest); and !J ~ec;ord i':s: piri.rl9 Mmm ~blacl pl[Jj\a~.

lror' birth. 1tJei~ ,c~II~, W~fle.- (il111~ oae ooMid~fIll~km fQ~ CI name. ~mes were al~ IlJ~Jlerl cmoornilllQ to 'Ihe'i~ d~tiflglJis~d f-ooIIJl.'ei]. like I!]I particular .shape Oil" GO~I'. The' mUi'1~as. (wh'ictJ illldderr~lLy are ~fllnctJesr ~ ~ooal dCS$lifjQa~l!l>nl are d1ff;e>fen~i"''ted 1h~{)lJQh '~h'ls; mealll~. So 'Ihe¥'e' ,are COk UOOI1 (while.heodef1f'liJnic!~ .. Cak SJs,* {~Q!Jlw·b.TeIiJ~led mlJrfli!J:~, Cal. K~~'!J HflllJnr arid1 CoAl: fu~~ 1[1 i'lieifi!:llily deaf fflllJlliQ, blj!l~' 1,echniCl!JIII'I ...... 11 lteIfUrn~dm!.!ni{lll.

:Silflce M-alol!f dlJ~Hic[JIIDIii~ 'Q~ biir"d:s itlll"@i hg,sed .0111 Cl"il'erii:l d'rffu.rant from thai Ltmnt!Edl C!1iiI8~1 :s'hDlPS~ rouliMl'~ OJid rooks ![]IClI1~ oral insuifffidsmm to id:l3mi~ $p&i~., h !Such ,50mBI o~ 'lhO!;i8 "fDD n!lllf1lL'8rolf~ tQ' bEl oOOh3!g~n5~1 Ibv Iflai2!B c~[JIl;:Ii::iI$n~;i~ !lJ i'!3; lia:rni!l!>d ,crfmr tl;Bii~' htl_biEtit IPt8~rnnCEi5_ Tha !!i;O_rtiBr nilst'riiooiMll cak. for e.g is al~:o I~IlaWlfil (i!i i8uru~ QerejCl (ChUfCll 8iirdl,~ (Jil'8a1f iit',s, al\fi"ni'ty of Irdostting ~1fI I:;hun;:hss_ The gliG!f w.cgJ-lai~ ~id1 ~hq3S iin WBfl]CillliU~!ii loS /'rpit ,Ebf!Ll'~, wh'irs> Ri~h(i rd's ~.piV in '~lIe eparrn ·ffields is: Pipit Taf.lGlh_

01he~ we~6 Ii:Is$ig~ed names ~ooordlili"l1±l '110 Ihei~ :!:lig rimUIFEj biEihll'i'i'D!!.:IIi_ In Imi!;l 9 roup ora 1hi!!l RDbins, f'(! FrtJiJllls; {! nd .s/:iam~~ wlMeh (]I'e, {lrwlJl~e;d es mYr~J, :Ro~~er '~h(] n Rom! ng jjn.em '!;!Ilie r their Iin~JQdk song;; the 1r beh'!l~fo\J'i'" ,seeFlfl' 'to '~he Mal fJi';;S 10 boa' beUer d iKerenilil:ftDIi'!;_ As. S1uchj "the c:tJmFli1,on m6[n f,!j MUliI:lli COOtl'g (lf1emlll" '.M!)_iiI1' 'Foblfi~. Ihe pled f~fltl! Il is M~rai Girt] {ti~emll'r' '=hEi c:litJzy rdb:in,. refeli"in9 tD ils inCEissaliilt 'nopphlllg wnlle' o@pefliFi~ Q~d e IOSIlfilQ ihs mil)., end ~he white If;lJIin,~hiJlrTi1o is M~mj Bl;J~U' (t~r:gl[y lrock rob_1n),.

Some IFlClI1lile5l rike Mer'boJJi, !:!hlngau" 'Toem,plJQ. ~'erang,. bO{lgie '~he imagiootiorrl o.f nl!>W '~he~ were ,eoil'le.d" MJrJ-rbe arorliJ ~ne gene~~fNor!IS"J' lPe'((!p~e I ik-e' me rn a~ ihi(!ilIe ~mi' ~he ;eel rlier

~~ilsd~m ~f be:i1liJ1 ereGFi~e In !l:iiHflmUn i'cGlh:m,

~ O'h~ I 'know ~ IEouJd iih,aF~ ~t ~ 9ou·dw~nt ~e. to; ]f 9D u~ Fe go',rt1~ 1ilI9 WZl9J l 'II go wrt-1, ~OLl. '"

Jim 'CMOC~ 11!

Aucdal'!3 ~MDl'lOmed rarrnD1J Jdrus f;i,CLllTm1yo ~h.IJ~Im'~.he,5cf.JClGIi oi~t:irl'l,~

.30 ~~ ilr~ Ffglln!!19,o, illS/it .Fi'~ '~n ,~~ ~,.gl cr ~am~iJ~!iJ@y~f:tog...~

Wlhen I w.i'::lS 'I'] ~!Jng bOif I w~s' romoo~e.d wi~tJ 0 leeel Ipno1~ I'(]pn~:r ""lin M{; j\o~her. rl! rge YarJMoG 00 i1i'iem ~I laie;r I ee rned '~fl'(jit ~t wcm 'il itwJn·lef!1S ljIi!:~ex, ~p~l. UnAul lhf:l1I~ a eemeramnn 10 me Wi!:i$ ene wh~ :squ1niedl from Ibehll1d (j enmern '~o see ~;he' IIFIil ag,e: '~h~o'!J gill the 'Y1e.~wirflder; bu1' Inl$ g u¥ looked s'rnlgh1' ill~' ihe rrl!llgoll~e ilmagc ~ronn the '!:lam~Fa I 1iha~ :s i:]ii'rea iITilY ,"~t iln'k:i~l!mIQfi wi~11 pl~01ogl'l1ph~.

Ye~~ lalef' wner.J O61!e @.f liIr broine.r:s bou!Jh~' ill IPefrli 75 (a~OOdlf remel'l'lbern')i ro~efi'f'lcier~ I haa my 'first dhanee Iil'f rellliy '~1r1~1 wi~h ill oomeFCi. BII1~ of C',o!}urse we we:r:e WI1!' iE(J1k:l!1Q~Mc eboul ine, !lI'iols i~a~' ilIfKIrtlef. $lnce '~l~Ffl$ il::i nd pj1Oc~sing w.ei1& j;',fJ;I'fier ex"pei'1~lve 1'0 'J1IOIj)~ men lhen, these ,sheds 1I.!$!J(lllly oo'medl d~lI1I to our p;oo~Figl ~tves.

l hed m'f! ~m $lli\!Jle rem, refJc:;: ~SLl) ecll11lera In. 1 ~75J !l;I1 Ibu~k1, IRiooh itS 40'1 ~' IBVieIit f,QU9h my d~m C[]IiDI;I!"(I W~$. Ihe [pre:ftlgJou$ aif'idl oosHier Nlikl!5ii'!1. fl~rn!l: a nd1 pro!;,~i'ng were! :sfilll eo:pemiwl f1hen. ,!jCi, my gca;tSlatli::!ll venit!rmi, Ilnfl'.o ICiII1d:Mope and wi~d~~Fe liliI z'OOs; were IIj)IXI!,jIFiO!lJ~ I:ndyr9EiI'lEEl~ I h!;:ld Ih.e mQ~ ,~~Ii$yflflg 111;1~~~ from ~'h~~ ,oOIflil~FCi wi't~i'i I ~is~loo '~f1c: le ndliifl ,;Z'oo ~nl ] 9'79 ~ wIhi~ I mgnl;lged 10 ge1i' mgny '5hgrlP 'i;fo~!;!-,up :sh~I'$ ,o~ '~he ai11llli1f'lo~. loo,;;s~ bird perks end aquotlu rn~ lbEio[]11!1!I;I my ttJ\FQlJ,Pm.e photo f.oi;:,[Jl'iEl!Il5.

!By tha' tililil~ ~ was, :Sill.llcl'p.'i n'9l ~111 'Wlo!i!;Orl'5in~ USAf. I broDidelill!~ m'f lphotogmphlc koo;wledlJe ~ .5UMon'bing to pootog~~!( lI1f'I~pif!efj. 1ih~ expt;iBSti ma, to 00 urn p,otogIDtlph'p.' as, w,sl~ ClSi mlTtlEiIi!f:l p:ruduO'S", W'lnen IlJ ~oca~ !iX!lmer~1 sh~p h:::!d a .sa~e II!:!QqlJilr>edi m!( i"if"$'I' N'i~..on.

wnh ~hls new ~oYJ' my pho~r:~ ~i'c verdu~' ,chail!!ledl gea~; Ll:II1I~pe WIlS lm~' 'kJ'ifOUlrUI8 s;ulb;ii!!i~' hut i I[]I:so lbegolni t[]kin~ ~horos of .. &liB IRedW'ing flf{ldklfl1cils wl:'ilch well'e plen~lrlJl i"1'i M:]dr~, aool tina 'UJ_rdll_nilJ~5, ClIlIcii Rtn~-N®d~'I3d IPIfIEI0 i5.ilJtrls, which mod!e OCOJ~lofileal 'ylsitS' ill1l 'Ihf!' 'f(! rd. ~ w!!:!s ,e,~en blJ!lVe enough '10 ibeFlIiie:nd' '0 pal!iliclJllall" IIt]~JjOlillhtJrt 'HItIlS IC regular' vli~r,

!DiIi!~ ~~dl" figfidt, IllS i~nt .rm!~~!:Ii!iii: .oI',g, pgtr ,gJ' ~niNI~ekJid' ~~Ii!rns. ~,",~!:g1 'Pi~ iIliruriiY' !!mQe,i:!' ~~:rrn., tJS'A 1 tji'79,

~ HfIm.~rH tim tb ~i1!I ,!]ffGi f'l:rft:: ~1!!i'~'J_ B.fIrD ~ ~' r.riIY' I&f'~ ~~ io ,plC(1'J~' !JJrd 1POO:r.QgMjliJt;II'

IBy '~hal 'Ilime I sot b:Jltk "to McllcJ,yEia illl ~ 983 .. M¥ '~rtip~ ~o lJ~md· l~rks. ~ '0001 'Ihe seas W!ell"e ,(:II~~ oc;compilnled ~ both m~ IN'ihorii FMl ifI nD! ..:. pair of lB!lI::!ihlill;lll birlOturll:II~., The:S8' loompcrUDrlS !@pened IU~' my W<:IlI1d.

I dev,slaped 'rhe aDmi~ '1'0 aSSOCic::lM: '!J:njmal,·oal~ w,iltJ f,he Cll"eQ1u~ tOOt mode lhem, Dim mbr'plmologielS :suddenly bEiopt!mB, fosciriJ:l~il19l I!:Ind ~h~~r QcM'riI'ie.s $'t'lllllfIJI1l:l1il1lJ.-~ wOlllltdilake Ume ill) [die ~n ~he Inelllill3:5it IiIclUr"EI rl!I:>e1'Vi!i wirth tI f-ociJI! Ibir,d-baaik ~n ..:.lllitiO'Sli e'tI;l'1)' ooufllry. I rill!! nagedll~ 'Y.Iisit.

I~··~ ~r1 j~ ,u.,..~~ 'Ih'- d '-...#"''l'" ,LL.". ""''''' .. 11·1i111 ... ·r·lng l"liillA'L! ~t ~, ... ~~~_;I' Ii!'!JII l>l! ~l~l''_' UI VII ... """ 111 ... , ", .... ", 1·1..... .....'. _, I!>!t iI"'!"l!o;'l~nIG

wifdlif.s,. Au5'lira~icllil pOllir'C!liO, illndl cuclkalooSi 0 ~ :![iplelitl idll ~l Ol,!.!~ fores~ ~es end qg~ rf'l€r DiJnks. e!ooUllId w,i~ t'Qmf!arl~ a~'lcm end ~8 r -rclJlnill~ ,iJle!ii ... im.::.,

~'rhe l;$i!lk:!fi4 -------------------------------

A~~i~ ~~iI"~hi~,ofwJ~.lfle l'Hte'ph~ ~r, 'M Karni!f,illifl:iO Wand!

&ilIb '1:IilP.l.lQi itJe "'lllY,r:tJ~ro fGJ' """"J.cl1IIe lde.I!II~1'1i !but ;i'OI~ iPfil!(J'de hi!;!~pll1j Up!: <on ifhf'J.r Ill!!l!imvfoor i!l'Iild ,pflo:l'ogffl,phy

i~ 1ii8Xll' tAoostioo '~hi!JI' is oft$'f1 posedl to nils' i,SI "'How kH\QI do. you hcrve '~o wo~t 10 g;ei those ~ho1s?i? Thi:s iiS 'il 1iM'ile 1r1~. f.i$ eril w.ae_kal!iltis, ~ IifKIy ~rKII at IG(]£ fOur IfmlJl"S w.ailiflg i1l~' 0119 ~~t ElIIITI' Ihis. ,somefinne.s ,sf~ch_~d ,ullInl e'lfening. On the ~Mr lliandt if I had! dOriE! Irn'rIf Ihame.wo~ Clnd ilfta, :su~acfI' are: Ib:kd:i like hombllls end nllllJlf:( wmer bi~Si 'Ihal ilJre' rTil'!)j'e' prediQIabler I just IIlMd lD 00tEI '~h13i·r 'filifiEl, of !Drrl;wi and get tIi~iiB ithl3 Ii~ db~ 1~f.Qre ~bal ii'me '10' wait 'for ~Mm. Bu~' ~t !i'lTfie5i I do, not lmirid :stCJl'ing ~ 'Cilrd 'sfJill ~r'iI Dna sp.o:t'~ '0 -faw lliout:!il in tile IhojJe ~oot I r1I1{1'!J1 make 'il In~w tlllKI. If this happen:s" "",tJi'!::h i$ 'if@irp' :!iB1dpli'ril ncw~ til' IE ,[] liE: Ii I (];dlrBriolilil!3! lmslil hB'jghtGr'iEicil bv 'ihe ~bremen~' .oF !OO !}1ur11fi9 'tl-iem in pl!ioj'O~, hIJ roii:l' I mede ~~' n par!;DIiICI I :!i'Nmd illi",d or Cll phQlo [!J:si Jrroof CI~ '519I1it~n9,.

'W~! n~$ arli seldbm ,snc,ooliftsr,a.d why tiki; ;fOUl sp;afldl se much lime wtiUlng. 11I!i~ 1~ ge1' $i'gM' @f '~h.e $(!me ~hfng$~ '" lifi!3)' 'IlSketi.

IIiil pho]DQFClphy i~ lI'I3a[iy lIIa'o\l3r· tha: 5Jjml3' '~hjng_ The lbirds, tmcll ~fJier !l:l1'e!tl~Ull"e9; iITfIa~b.e ~he $iJme bJoji fQo!Jtiom;, ~ rid ~rfl hUng$ a~!i, 'OOrt'o'I3,,( d~.pfl3il8m efifI·OI'iDrlS. IlL 1tiI'f of IrghfJ 0fI [] fetocrka~':s; tkj~grish~ back wo~[dl 'ill1lmedraleily ifif'Iake thG~ pl@ure mere dmtiiiil'ti(: ~htln 'iha, pn3'i'i:ou:!; on:emkEl'li il1l the ,~Itnda. tl' wCI(!Jrdl I~ mo~e e)l_ci'lin:gl and lucky I~ en action pil!)~illIre is 'Iil~en of {II Wa-k-wtl'k (Madr&iJslil] Or c S'~i!'F l[Sparrronf;crWk] 'wDn !fJ stcJ~ilflQl ~il1I i1~ daw~,

O~~iCIIITII;mI~!f tf,e:~ WQ!l!Ildl be an ~li1i1arnfJ' ,qf !;l!iiOfJhEill" lkiml_ .'~he oppeo_n;m~1;I< cl' !i1il~~~1 I W{I~ Ql1ee s IiIlI;II; k, in thai pcrih cif 1;1 I~ jl,J nnp,;i'ing '~ [rom '~ rushi'ns T~l!;!n:!:r Se-!C!lr ~King '~bml ~n UlSM, I FOSJ;!' from mY' oro-tld,~ng l~irtlDIiI oliid ~,)!ed :5liilL ThE! ~nglb;i !lDliRahaw :!ifoppl;'ldl lmClm8fTi[(] rilly ki k:dk ot me a!iid :~I~the_redl iIlW!ll~_ SQ.JT)' ng. 1!;t-"O.l'O ifot- 'fihl~, g.:ne.!

IBu,t FlilO!iI w'ildliil'e ,5>lalkiln!a :!iE!:!l!iIOIil~, 0 rei neil !Il~ e'o'l;Inill'ul," The ·~~p.i'c;Q11 ~~ion, i~ OI~mQ,!lI' '1;I1w~ il;h-glroderii!i4;id by wo iH1iI9" ,rQUOW'Eid Iby WCl ii~ilii9 iI;Iliidl rn Qcr"EI w~1ti ng_

So,~ ilm raspon~a ki' th!l;l IIllSli qUEiiiiliofll, "Wih!!lt kiln d of eq u'i pf1i1i~llifJ' i~, bei¥fJ' '~Qr g'l;ltti'ng '9Qod Ibi'~1 P'I!wQto~~ IT

As:soc.blB P.m~r MoIJarnea r.alfu.c~ Idru-.;, is (]J]'f8mtY ill ~ g;t' ~~ Sd'i~ gt H~~il'lg, ~Idi~ ~ Pi'c!:n!'iifi~, i!"JS,M., H~' '~n

be r:E'.Qd19d at ~_OO@.ta~oo.OOIil1 --

Suddenly There Were


. .'

. .

. .

. ," .

"" .. '.

a ·····e· .. ··s······

... / . ," ."' . .

. . .

" ~ .


... ~.. " ", ~'.

A n1'H.~...f.'.,. ",,",,,II-."""J" '[liJ'r"" .lLt.""""",,,.,,,,,,,,, "lT~ ~.I' UJ" 0 ~rl""'_II.IU!·~t' ~V1j' 1J1~r.'~ p~

only a~![Ji)n in. the g~,d wh.en ·the mlBln.-m;ElJdf lakes - TiaSlk {Lake} Mruzarpan runa Tas'tk Am~n. -

......... " ""V{i~ T-"'-:-' ;,,,. t..-._"oD'1;jo.",.".. '[I, "t.........,.",... ~ ~u· ~r"""" 11'!1.firf: I6]OjI MW .... 'I''''"',., i w .aU' !l;~n~

~rtg ·thrQug~l 'llie dq~Lon as,you C8111 :sti~~ sec: tcdaYj draj[n~ng i,~~to ~ ~floWtltg .beside a seclron of the' fJi!!Tim.clier f€na: cmJt~id.c: USM.

~tlTiili] fui'i!ii dl!!:Jlf13Gsi.on~ si_ngle (] mll douMe .sto_r,ay 'iimbar longhouse5 bull!' to h.inr.:Hon es s:t.uderrl ooslel~. lihe :sin3lJms '~Id be ~!iWUllen with wam_r I'1IIshinfi dl:1iNn from Ule .sui'1l'@iJi'1Idi~ hilt$ d iJ~1l'j1 hea ... y ~jfl OI1!!l when tlOO aetti:oo of the sfum.m Dut5idB fIlsl USMi n'ilDiri 'O[[n1PU:5; !lJ't- SungQi Dua oolJildl nel c,Q!pe. w[f,'h 1he amol,lfll li)'f WiJlt-l3:r, ir1i' o\ ... e rflowEI'd its btJ:liflks DI nd noocledi the depre.m:"on.

SllllIdenils st«{illig iffiI' theS€ lon~hQu.s-es hll]di to 'ffllae ~r'dugh kne!Ei-.dasp flDod WItI18rn; 'wbI3l'lB'!i€ir fIls'j' nsededl 'Iii) {iQ OilJ~ for !l:i ill' reClitll@I'J!. Tlhere[ore. m'illl 'was wh~ tthey ,d~ctl-l3d. SilnCIEI, the ion~ houses; Ihc til stood On! !OOfiIQrrefe tPfem !lJbo'te ihe grolllllld~ 100ir illlt.eMor· Fei1I1ID'inedl chow ~Iaodl ~I" I~L

Than ona lnigh~' in '1 9811 01 :sperl: arL!~1 h;o C1n ,Bladlri:c :5; he riI' ;G'ir1l:!JH lignl~ed ~me oombtJs~ible mGtooCl15 i!;lind !5ODIili on~ of the !~!liilI;JImU\!i8'!l 'Vf!:I$ a;nsullfEd ~iiI 'irutlrii1Si, II.spFe<!d 10· (mother beror:€' '~he ·f,ire was broogni' u~~ ~, Thlsf!3i 'WiI3fl;1o no ,C(lwo}tJe:s In ~'-I:nddanl ~u~ most ©if lill e studeats weJe away iOn 11.01'1 de 1.

~ fii !l!iI!~ ~~i!i!l' ~b.if,Ql!: ~C' ~~W:' ""I) /!Jilsr tfu.a 'fili@,., ths IItIrn_;:JIin:iri~ Ibn~Du5BSi '!!¥131'9 d~oliM and t!.!booqlJoe.n-tl,(, 'two 1 .,5 m· deep lakes were dlJ@11'iJ. :5i3rv:~ .tis 1'i131erinDn po:n;rl~_ A :5II.!'[oa' ~ 'Wits ijlll:5ftll!~1

!l:!1' T(j~lk Amari '10 release; Rood WGreil'$ (!ooumulaled inl

tha lob into 'fin.e i5.:11ll3D1lfJiIL

iUrtrMtttirig}YI l~EI 1!;iI~ ~IiiU:l 'Ihair :5U-OOU naingl Q1'El8ti~1)'

_ t _ _ _

hcrve become the hOOle' fm ~~ I~ilor iit«rocbJ Clint! hir,dii Ifls w~ll. O"'"!\lIF thJEI: years", IlTIe ~l3kei!ii hc'!'e beeeme s1agm::!1ecl end afgae IhC!~ t!JImed the' \!VIl:!l'e~ gll'El~n Clint! i1J$M ns, wonkilngl itO ~$~Qr'Ei th;i3 p:ltLslir.19 G(!!ndiiiof!l oif ~be ~iJk~.

ILlltae, 00 we biiO'!N ~ooj 'Ihe.~ finlp' ~room e:ffj]i'ng f~ USM, Ipa~8S thro!Jg!h under jCl~1lI1ii SUITIIQtli D~ii dnd! '~ow\~, in! il:J1 S-0!.!~h~oo<ste.rll' d ir;eC1iion ~'O moe.J"ge 'I'i~~h 'il uiN"er., Thi$ In\'131" [~ i'Ui5.:t abmrrfi' '125 ntiJ o~' lliO:m '~l1it8'IP,U~[]U' Jsll'EltClk l-ei1ly, otl LebtJh~~ 18i!J¥CliIll Lepa~" And b~ ~heifl. a~~ wmi3t' ~hitl~ r,s ,diisdlillllr:Qi3d 1iblflill tiI1l1;!i lilJlka; would lic ... e 00 !JJ"E ed 2 km ~n_1'o ~he see, l'

't4l_n,g ('nl!;!ci: Y.;XIf.i i.$: ¢:II"'l!;!fl~ly ~n et!J;J't}I .If.i IRejfi~P ~1'iI~fl'"lfilil dCiI'i Pe.fiybt,.r1lg,;;ln Ai'-tit:i1'.itJ If'PPAJ, IU$M. F/..e o::fJlI ~E!' readli!;!d (lP dim;;k_yoon@yahao.lliili!ll. 1~lblfh (,),sflil[i!n i's Ql:I!'fJ!!nJfv (II J'SGlluMf crt 'roo Sdl00r of HiJlli<iQQ." EitlfJ'd'iJi!,Q 'ana PJ'an~jmg..· USM.. He ~.I:I ~ f'eC:II:ne& (11' :f.I,r.I.~.~.Il,[i~sm'.m:t'

'l4J.n other wards, sejahtcrtJ ,. S iii i (Jurney to a desired state of well-being of an indigeunus community .. ' t acts as a soeietal glue that liJends thimgs together :intO a hM'won1ous and optimal bdutce with one another,,'"


lndeed, :~u:J(fl!reilia eel p~b1lre~ the if.~eno~ ,of mr:::! In ,f] holi5ITI; WC" wh'l;!rti i~ d~E!lper mEiOIilRn;g EimU;ompi;;l~~ i1he !i1Ie:i-l]J:!l; 'tn~it ,clIlfls: ifl'i::f'(JS:!l; ~fle: Iph~1];IOi:III, ern~tl~ft61,r memrfgll inteUeau'Qll,l' 'iJlliid spi mug! WJ;i11-be~n9 'o~ tthe illf'i d~vl dl!H~ I !{I$ we:l~ (J,S '~he :[;@er.~i'f es ,~ whele, llii !!J ,5emi~e~ Ii' ~,5 gl '~el)' ~nlque ~perten~ fh;J~' ind~idllJgts end ~le1tes 1U~p:lre 'to o!lFldl ~f'lf 10 R=!ifeserv,e em much 00 1~~~_IM-8\, In wor.d!i~ .!i'E!,~JJfern ~s; DI roulm~ fa ,[] d~'!red scm !1 of 'Nel1~ooliilQl o~ iUl1Illoo~enoljjS cxnmuni'iy, I"' 'CJ!;ii ~~ !ll $'Q1;1"i;ltg~ glllJoe th(llt bo:nd" thilli1jg~, 'i'Qge'~hil;lr ilmo a fl~~fjfj;oi1liotl~ Q nd ~p~kfl(jl be lenee wl~:n one !l:;LnQth~T_ 5\1d. h: 'fJh-.e wm'il~ of th;l;l 'i'!i'Ord :5ej'~:lIh~.J;!i!TgI ithot' IU n¥orl'U'na1'e'I~ hi:! ~ 'fa lien I Mo ebllvlen CI s sil:t.dcl'r 1pn;!4i'OOUPIe,!l irf$\eif 'ilii !ll ,sfogja of lhi:l',!\ing m:;I' har ~n ~illg" A1' I~' W>enl' irrr.o Cii>Fi1rndicnO!1l wIllliII e!i en ,o1ner; whil;l~' th)l;l Igrtter ~n be py~!U~1 'lQ 1ih.;!, "II~' to'S the eoo ,go~l~ wnl16 'II r~ iIW~ so f'Of 'I hoe, fomer, I n ooFl;m~r".

'hL._1"ih ; EI" IL h _Ii '" ~'

roO' liiilJiC l'ifQOi!!i, Qi 1O~11iI9 Ql;In I!l~ lOt t i;i !!;L~1'ri men ,em

'[!well~bclflg. ~ and 'r,heii'~of. 'We OJ'j~¥ need ~'O ii'i':ad 'l1he 16go~ ,cd: lifs, fa !If!:il;i hiOW' tru~ '=hi~ i$'1 e:!lp-ec'ia~lv tOOl:;I1l

The il;h~Llemi!Je t},e:n I~ !how to ilnfu-$e .s~i;!l~ IlxJd:: imQ ibe ,oF. 'tI1iFlg~; ,aM wh;lJi' betler place 'to d'i:\i 'itJ~ irr Ina 11;11 Ill'll in~'ttmmolli of le::Jrning 1hat is; k]rgEiI~ in~rI Iby the Irloll0!'l of "'1na ... l~g, '" Thls, was mi!:ii'JE ~' al~ began, SORili;! 10 yegF:ii agQ.;o I iI;IliIgOged !ll gllrQUp Qf I!iiCi' mora

loon 'fl'ifli ,p;eopte ~o ~lml ilk ~' n~ It ~s' ~s! bc1e 'hu bFin;g1 back Sejah1.J;!"-.!7OI llirlQ ,.he iQgm:pu~ ~iife Dliliid IEiI;D~"'!ite_llfl" I f!errel~oo ihe ,OOrt1jK!~ 1i'1ef1 WU~ O'l'fii'bulit Ii:i nd lno-r, ' ..... Ijj; "'h!!lvs'" l'O[) mCln~ arliiJicl'(l11 ~lfL.fcl!!!lll"a~ built 1lIrullI' !l;(llnl InreC]le'fl ~he r1if! i'UHII enV~['(iirl f'fler.t Il!.o~ ~ w~s; werllOo" when I W!!J~ !Ill ~f,ydem ~Olinl;!' 'Ih~e dei;i;iId~5 '1:;1810'" 'i~ oom.dlOW' In (jl Szi'CII~ of :s~rfou~ ~iWlb!llali'lee. If 'f,h~s' ood gone g.:n IOIf' CI while IQrug,'el" '!fl!Ei 'flIDuld p.robabIV' Ilm'i'B reaehed '~iplprng pol m soene r 'InC! nl we ~houghl,

The ldee IIiII~n il$ 'to re-edueere (}uu.~lves iilbou~' I~® 1iIii~liIl_ng o..f ,' gnd !better ~iil~ pul it 1Q ~k'eo., Henee If'1e Moo oJ Kampl!\S S'ej'oi'ero ~ il:I ceneept Ifl~t build~ an f'i .... e bi;!liiil;. e~Rile:'n~ ,of (gl VClli.mtee'Mlnill, I~bl eviiii!l!')OO~oo~e.d~ (c:) 'teamw.i)rk1 ~'dll In·~oui':cJi"Igr ~nd (e:) do cumen !!ltiOfll, \{olun1eetism\r

·fOr e>:~lftIiplE!1 h (II hgll~IiiQrIh of fiincetfly 10; cootribiJIf0ifl, wfllch in runiJ i$; IIJI :5DUQ of wel~"lbeiliil!9l , 0 bolt'i 1ke Me, who, voll:lln~eff$ amid ~be belil$~kj!l)1).t EvOCieliQ!i"' ba~ed, on 'l'he ;@'f,her f.t~lild, 'i:!l; ·iID ~ll$!.1JiI;I obi~j''i'Jty:r KlEher-lhgrt 11100 rsa~ w£TiLdn eeuld IffiSlJll' in b;ai1i91 ~niolklllTi"dli'i'~1il1 i~gdl of c:k:i't{j~dlrl'Y\e n, A. se nse o;f obledil'tirty IIiflCllk;a.$ ~i¢',fi.f~' more ac:Jrilff'lll h1e,


In much Ihe ~me 'WJ:D]f.. BIl~mre5, fuol objedi'i'IDr ~, belier praeflffld when dive~e QJl1nroniS C! nd idees cre OO!lJI;Jht cHer !tI1i [II pC mculc r i:SS!lll!3'., I~' Cliso meClmr~' 'I hID a !l'ef!~e, of s:hi!:! r~d yalue !be lorged .. I!lYQrd~n;g poo!Hi~i,(Jl ~ID3S' of ooo~kl\5; 1'i1l311CEi ImCl~ng SEI,tcrhl'eta ItlUJie~ble. ~n ~ d~irlg" n 19, enGOOraged1 ~M~ as. man.,. IpeoplB CI~ pO!i~[b!a be CDl'lSultedl in~!3milll1y tl:n-~Q!lJl1;iliru ~PCl'ldJng '~un'lher '1M' cl~le o~' in~lll!e~ lowcm:ls i'l'iWkil'i!;M !SEIio ItlsrDI even mora [p81iV.:I~_ In-,sD!!.m:::ingl (]11~Dw~ ,ktt ~rt]ci'pa!ioo and sh'lJrfng ln Ih'i:! l'iOO~j~ of {! ~hl:ero ctJlifJpus_

IFI Fl!lJ11Iy, U~e Illi'OOe'f.Ses and O'L!~mniH~' ere ,~o, be Full", dloC,IlJIfiiEl'nit@d C$ pGlfl'fllllnerni' I'Elcorcl:s fOil lref;EI ~n03· ;1fII li:ofltlintll~flgl ~'Q bil'~ng .se'jahjero Iii) ~'h.e: ne:d ley.e,I. 1H~'il8tl ..,iJi!l;lril iJt c;Orifle~ to pvtilirlg, pan ito pClpE1I1" 'l;iI~d 'l1iansII!lHll'Ig ~he co:nc;;ep~ int~ aeit~Oi'l, lhere 'Wler-el me n't !9oE1plid .. In] em iiliiii~iell 'foru r'n of chout 25 people nne n'r' q;ueshiolllled lne prqctuoilli1)! ol '~he ,eollllcepl'. Others. ~el iri' WGS ,~ ,mad; in it! pam ,ondllli~n~ not su!ih;:li:nabt13_ Stil~ ~fflero fell' '11'101' U W(!~ Q ..... cm1e of r1ll>Olle'P' and eft'm'!'. ~~ SG8ir'ned I~k~ a ,!;mZ)l' idsDl_

IBul' '[]5 1ii'i.O~ oon~I~Cll'idIi15 WErn: OJIrTiiUll oul niKI:ri'f nFe keen 'j}o ~f!( 'iI' ©;u1'. Hence a lPi~O'!' phase '#!lJ$ foiJlJ n~'hed Iby IPPl!;!lIi'iIurtg ~tni;l Op~i'Dffii to '~h€l ~1i1~ilrEI IIJCrrnlPUl:5i_ On!!;!! ~cemed '~he qliJ!!J1ity df ,ooflteen loed, wheroo~ eno her WOs alboult ili-OJlrii puiS '~I'ilJ_nspi:itftJHorl!. To ~!!,I'~' C 101'191 S~iY ~horl' • !l:!11 ~he [I'Ve ,e1emeflllis 'O'~ kaun:fl'us se(Q'Mtef'1J W>l3J'!8: put i'nioCll;tJionj ,e:m:lirlQ I!!p' wi~~ a '~m9~~iail o[ IiJI monJ)gjl'(lph sertes. fooo~ moll'e 1ho:n 30 monogll'Cpm hillV>8: bei3i1il clol1rnpl~ilirS_ KClmpus :SE'li]l~rel'(J' iSi now' I[]I maifisdiJ:f in ~he iOlJrrnw ~oYiar~ IQI more' ~OIClIllOed end lliclI·m.onlt!l!!!; oom,pus '~dC'iiHii\Unitv-' ,- a ~I pnr'it:ip~EI' c& rn ITIlPUS, devel!i)pmenl',

Th!i1!i oon..oopt 0fl1fD8, '10 the fGl1I3l in] 2008, wli~n USM WID:; d~i@nale:dI by ihe U~ited H\glion;s Un'i\'ersii)' based in 'TdkrD C!; fine of the ~n pi'OO8i?Tmg ~iDnai CMkas of bpgrlise en Eduoahion rol1' S!J~'ai'niJble Dei!l€t-l)pmefllt alfKl11hill.l 0011 000 inl t'h~ ~itANJ5~-iI3lE' hIDI Il:IgionJ. Ihi<s co inc'idled wi~\h '~ne deciclrc1u!5f]1 by 'I'h e~ Unft.MI Nitllioo~ 'Ihen, OJmliilBooingl iIlliH3, UnitEtd MmIon!< lD.~d$ Of] ~duoiJ'Ml@n ,For SUlSlainiJDr;e DJe'i'eh~pn!ieift~' 1[:2005,. 2D 114,)_ ThiiS OJroPLl~tedJ USM~ kalllrlPI,f15 ~[]h~rcr into ~he 'fQrekonl' ~m!f!iWlCi~tor~(!II~~ es e !J n~quel !D ppro.cldi1)!). m,Cl i I'll !i:~'r'!2ia n'tI the .de'c ~ iii ~ igllli!u !I3,cilllJcClltio nL. On 'jhe 00 me' fronl'. sej'ahfem has; Igradually become p~r¥Cl5.ive b!JI$$d ,oli1i dI~iml~ led b", !i1jJl~lciIMlballtr~ ,So iOliJ ,the: cllilemp~ to ~l'JiSlirI'!Jtiona lise i't" 'We i!lIOW h~:.r afliiClfil9I ,othe~ ,Se.bEfcuict ~,~: S8JCI~~~ Seh"e:fl:mtilf W{,)~ SeIGhtero .. g nd i~' iillesi, ~ol Sejai'ffem. fhi'::. i:;; Ollie '«OIf ,of B n:~!lJlfilngl '11m!3~' ths' :5e,fahr.ero 'CCI,nDEI pt c:on1inuM 10, be ~fll as 'the ,oo~ iufilher deMelopedl :!iiu\5!1t.IitilQbl", !for l~~ lU~Llmi. aver' '~iIiDB 'l~eFEI w~11 bE;!! ecceptence ijn~e'matiiil}fJ;i::dly' wheilll se,Filht'e,rQ' wl'l! be ~!JIr'idsd !:]:5; QI giklbol pnnQipre.

Gmiiu(ltes end J!Mli1iJn3il'S of 1 '912 0 197 ~ will meet for '" reunion d[nf1e:r' on 12 June il_ 7.30 pm 0' ~ll90'tlL. Joklt'l Pteoong,. Puliflu Plmt:i.flgThene w~l! be Ci ~k'!lil clll 6 pm. f'or dekllhiJ CDU 'K. Asal rinccni:iill ,!:It 0 ~ 2,-6079268 'm P:e er

1rI~ trl 019-22 \ 7902 .

• Su.o I(emooli Lamgll1 Pbrm[]i' 'Is I;] reuniOn 'Qr 51 U. derrti~'S who, fhlJ!(tirl of Oeso !li~-wc p~ rmti I f.-mll I?91 i'O 2000, 11 will 'be held {'Forn 11 to. '13 June lilt M1l'idBn Compllils. For dekJlIs. mil ~Id~h IJII 0 13-~,289 t 95.

The :l5!n ~IQy5'id n IlI1te""'I!";lIfsity S'a!f,f :Slloi1~ [SIJKU M tGe-35) W141 00 heidi in USM from 1 6 _ 26 Jiu1ne. Them wnl be a oi(]~ ~ 30 ~~f,*,En'J ilildiJ,s~ve o-f ~fI!I:irril'!g ~11 5. ['O'r ' h~ p-h1sicclly.


USM fraternity GJi'!J watdi Its hofoAe' sam pla';'ing in he PremfBli ~gu.e 0111 !its own. ~ljJri: in Q se:'Iie.i!i

mm'ihes !!].$. sr::twdllied be ow.

Dale "'" June

mlm!EII B,.4~ pm


~i115 fernCilildlJran M-JlJlr


S.~diu[,'f' litJl'I Sri DolOr 'Mi H~5!:li'i Yl,1ri,OS.

L.c OOn.r Jo~r'


,Et45 pm


JrlJ'IJi;WIKrJ'il c,.~ fhDt~jlmphs: ~, AdJr.OCrtii 'CPteah lit Citlmm. ""05

Wht~.~ falne Lhifil'kA aheut a'f\chQ:~"'oli)gY1! t~fiI!! ~~a~ .~ook baek t.e the adv!!m.rures of Indiarull. .r enes, d~ hlghly foO mantieised figill"e of an arch.aerOlo~t. nowever, tberetf!, m'!!lcn more thal!l meets the eye wlcD. i~ cllJlm,es ~Illl ~~avu.ling ar:tu[lIl~t!::l u:rW.Cir lB)"Cl't! uf lI'uit FVIr ~b 110"'. it mrriick Q:I1l~i'S CU1r1081,'ty 'to thiuk @lr :how TIFI~y MWa. yB ma.t.liages to fi.m.d the .ri.ght sp.ot '~D unearth [08 t dvili8~L'ti'!l1D.B in the Ilhlck. or the woods ln Siludl America?

C~o:S!i1llr ·to h O·ri1Iii!ll (111111:1 Ii n In·a ~'- :;,o,-th i-i:;: k.-woodi:s gJdJ!Eolog'is~ Q~ Un~'(€~I~ ~iml, Nm~>s'la have Qcl~l:f Iunoo:rlhscl wilDt ~:; lb.a~ievecl '~f!' i~ i!l (:iv.iil~-SfitJioo d~'lin.g loock'~ ~M' 151' oonlurp', He!:!doo I~ AssoCi: Pmf Moknk~r' SilJ'id i'nl of LlISM's Giobfii Ceiil~r'@i for Alrchtleo~oQ!( IResoo rdfi, Iher have ~u rr~n~l~ il'ICi:de· :seve~o[!ll ~.arNEnfi di5~'D'i\8mi!3:S wnich lIiIlCl!f. ~l3ad 10 h'i;!Dty bei:n~ rEHHrnrlttJ2in.

iIJ;i n 9 !tI tJ a:sil' a f IilHfI ft..t,d!; ;51J1; h !D!l 1!3 ndI is LJJYII3 ~ rn m cli3! seniS1ng 'iJnd geo~p'h'f$iCSr ~be· 'teem has, to@ date Illf'Iapjre{i out 9']' '5~S, ifrl 'ii£1Ie B!JiiiJli8 VDmey .dli~id of Kedt.h ,rDli" e](oOOVJl:!~ion. 501la~, ~he lei! m 00s e_~w~ed ~ n slres our. of whicl; eighl' itI isptD!f ,ev~dGrlIa;i of 1 ~51' oanilury QfChUedure Iln:tll 'lire remainlllQl 'Iwo .shawi ng eiljder'lc;e oFiroru-:Sri1eJilTng !DdF/rfJiilllS_

"'U a~1 bB(l!tlliII '~alrs: !D'S C! WhElli1I pabD-€ili1!yilrG:niI'ri8nEtll s.tJl.ldies. ~f-,e' ccrried Qui' vn .}ung)CIl Bah., i'n ~~e. (! ree (!if tile; ~llJi!D-n9 VD~ley. These :;iI1J!i1i.Els, :shDwBodl '~h(]t bc!l;:k. inl 1he 11:ft 'ce:nlufl!. 'Iihe fi'rer It! nd 't>1re sea ~n I~~ {!'i'OO 'iro:5: !D t .~ ~ EI1 :stJJ" J!!i I ev.e ~ i'" M 0 klfrnJ r lOti KI_

.un,131i1i ~riI 2007 ~ '!AlB dkl :5'OmB l!JInd S!!ll"'.fel'!;i~ g;ao-~tml 11:1 nd remo1e .. sen:singl iflilJaies 1w ga~her mOJ..e· daf{l !!JFlI the, criEtI" AJf,em vi5.1fJililQl fue· iI~~ whil;h now ts fi p'c:ilm o'il E!t}:ro1'e" we found brteks :tc!ltitered Q"OtlIlllIcl ihe mea~ wlfrtic:h is D pos:itiv;8' $;igl'1l th!JI~' 'fll!ie :sile Ifriifl¥ h:::Ii'lB heosed !J comrn IJflIi1y bock 'j n ~h:~: pa:J1'. '" he e_!o!prQi·ned.

iJp.on '~h8J di_~CO¥EIn1f of bri~b ~111 '~h9 areal' MokhfClIf' propesed '!QIl:l,t ~ne slte U!llld;e.rge Ilfii~re :s11!d'f and S;(c'D1'!'clilic!Tl to fJie a[ppr.\opnmsi ICl!llllllo,ri~ie:s in KU(]II(] lLurnpuFClnd'W{!i5! given the dlecm::moo 10 do so 'in 200,]. Tha 'Iin:dilnQ:5 iilm of iiligrnUflca:nca to ~niB h i~to:lJ' of' '~hl;!l t'I roo es 'l'h~'f ilK!!l'ln~ '~O c:ommerclal sITl~hing 'ac1w,jlf,e:s. llmln,g aImed Qui' ithernl tDlfiEiIf srucliilS

end 6nd~~$ wer-e iooEa 00 J~Ulg[Qn wid] t,n,a' d~~a'ifEll)' o[ mCIil" C'tI'lldr [a n!i:j;e,I'1i~' '~©!m b h::mp~;e.s) 1'n;e:re.

JulSi' !C1Ib[JlJ~' Iwo Imcmfn:s iIJ Qd'~ tth?i team diGoOOvEIrBdI al ] 15'00 Y-BClII o~d niClfi!lJll1enl FEi5BIiI1ibliJi9 13 :!iunelial which 'i'i'(]!; buill' wl:tlii IcielllifEid ,gsom~1ii'iplll pre;;i~iali1il bs~ievocl to 1013' 'Ine oIdll3:5IT nfjiillll-'.mCII:iS: !ilr'!lp;ct\lre lin SDIJ!h8i:l1~'] . 1Bi:J~1 ,on diiirol1ctiflEiln!C rkijifl~ .. his liifIonulifiElltl' PI'iEI~ ot:heir mll:n-n'ilClda, slrucrurras: it! the msiolill tue'h 05 *"9

An,s ker Wei' r 1 2:0 QAD) iIJ n d IBmdbu dllllr' (900AD)1 a d~:tta'IfEI()' 'W;ni~ 1'IiltI't (leocl '1'0 'thsi ~roo~: hIStory IbEri'Jig I18wuiillstr.

"ln ,oo.i~i~n 'I'orreligiool '1M2' n~ koow tlmol' tliita reo W!:!I Ii (] p retr i siD ri it eM I 1m ~!:I1lI In ere 'i'ho1' d,ep e:lI'I!dedl 0111 b~'~i~ Ikrmwlad8JiI;!ll trada, 1[]li1icl brge :SCDIia ~ ndus~ rle ~ predu etten," Ih e se td,

:~al'lief', 1M' i'OO rn 'IJnco¥ei'OO' 'I\hlwe(~;}r whlch I[]Fe 'flu bes 1J@li8'i'Biti ito be lliIseodl

es nonf:~ JOJ a~If' to be chen nemed lll1l'fo Q fu rneee,

"This dls'C:QNery w,:u:' ~~e fiil'¥I' for 1he QOlJnihy il:llI'1d when I 'EDn~u~[ad BlqJi!ir4~ lrorlil Illmlil~Ei alnd Irtdi(l, ith~' mit! me Iherl' these teels w-ere IJIs!5!d f-OJ' I'oolll ,smeUifllg. Jj kh.ieIJYJ ililf-ormCltiiOIil 'on th:i! Maial ,Age inl MaJ~1l iit q,wife: UITlit~d ooITllJl[ured 1'@! all ihe! o-f;her oges.." and we Ihape ~~_t our 'ffindil1ilJ5 ma:f. hi3 l6mnef;kial tid, 1ih_i!!!i g r1E!D[i3I1" 1!Jl1Idet.S~nding 'of this piJr!iiC\llll!:lr !f~~l ~n 'It!e oo!.JlI1Ifl'!(:, II he 5fi'id.

"OUII" r:li:5(:Q'Vi;IIliie:51 SIiilC~ as th i;!I IIilQnUm~n~'~ '~rtI03:i Df htalll-smrl!!il~~ngi (( ndi allao ""vidE! nee' 01 i!3iliti~ in ih!3 a r~itI a II [pC! i'riiit '1'0 thwe ~itI ct 'th9 conilmulnffy tril!i1i3 i'n '~!3 ] sJ C!l!inil1ulf"!f 'Wti!5 '13 Il!ristr-f-Elch soosly~

"".one 'W,oll1del'i5i ,wlhc.i' IIitIClI'f lllitlV9 lhcrppsriEld to <Ih~m - OUT n]'!!ooh is ~fict rnr!lJ~be thsy were ~EJ cut b-r 'Atod's: orlh~ ri'i'Eir' baDtuil'!8 luli\riJ'lfitl~oobI81'" Miokl-oot ~QLtI1.

!HISI (ltldled thai' ~h~ 'team 'W[]5 now -focusing ,on UIilCCWol3~1 sv;icill31ii;:cl3! of hlll!ri'lafl!i in ffis ItlliEic 10 ttJrih!!ir salfidiJry. t:hailf t!rxllirm(J5.

"'We ho;p.a 'we !;On :findl sOfilil~ lDr'm of hU-IifI!:JaiI riElRillJllil& lin <1M' lrE'liri!:Jinjli'iliJ 8'( n'ilourKl\s ...d;khi wi II be ID:OJiIlIiltadl SD!:IIi'Ii~ IT hEr siD.tI_ll

JOfifl,Jl~' d~ ~ elli.i'lefilq fI'~ ~~Pfri.1j' ~gi$PifI;i' '(l' r.i1e, ~"e~rdl ~~ity Mfifi~E~~ O.rt~e iRCMO); U$.M.. Hi3 OOIij 00 rooci'md' of jt!nI;Ir,r,!ljl(clr~.m@m.c~lmDi1'.,[jJffl


~l:r~~aiJ' B~ !!.It rBI,~!,!d . IPUI1l.c!i f}i'IJ ill r ~

(P!l'I!j'~!'I!lI 1-.1 1111 ",;Q~

~1 ih i iQl! ,!'I I ~

. - _'j'" "'"10 ''lIPltIt ~ir~!"'!1'l "" ;;j!i"._;.!I..

aLlWJl!'; Kill ~ iii ~L~'~ 1.~.C'n

[P-ili111 r a.r~~.

I iRjI Ii" 'i'I~

1:)t.WII'~MIJ~1 ~

11M .i4I.Gl

Yonv a-:l "Ibon ~ ~~ g,f ..c/ikIr Ir1 PIiotrot Potr1aivan &CIrl ~ Nutnr.lf ~ USM. Ha>CQr1 !It WJdw,d ~ dJs.a J"IXII"I@,

~1Ce it\; roaid.e~ publiC"~on i!lI. 2006~ Tke lAaJer has moei.\led tnn~ ()r.r~I~ .' Som-e: of the comments ¥f£re penned dQ'WIl and given 00 1.115 diJuci:ly w.hiik: ·!J}'I1'!;e:j,"!1. l.\e3cbe.d. IB vl;i\ ,e-,~~'i:~l, :Mil!fly oW these have been pl:j.hll:fih~ill illl !the \\1t::i.! Say \;lh, .. : d~pmtJocnt. some ~ wgeili.CI' ,vim our FCSpOtiC. Quite a nmnbe.c ef !:he C!/)DUmel'l!~; :~mvever, {;a.~~te Iti' us 'IJ~M~l ver'bottl I!lteat~:;. Ui1'li~t: d1AJiSir:: comments which "t'f€I',j3: WiIi~te.1J! in OIlQ; ·WIly ,0[ anethcr and thcrefere recorded lor Pt'tijj,b:: !'ityJ. verbal (:{ift"i_me:n~~ l~C<1LL'ie of tlkui!" nr.,I,f!.:,;)IDDY .~I!.m:'e, ""'t"t!'e oflLeri f~"t:.n. :and! overlooked, Bu~ some eemments a:p,pi2iMCcli Gil such :a. regular basis 'that wr' feel cl1-re need IDl) atk1fe~ ll11t!:_n here i~ 11]~:!i L'1KlJe.

B '-ill ,d' 'TIll. , 'GI:-'''' e

_ e y _ IlL ,II FJi " !!II ~ eli

Th8~ OOnil m~nt:5 !\8h:rta to '~M' IProms~ ,of iPl"O 0 I!! dnSI 1he mcga~ine • nQ'W ide~s and $l!~~e:~tioJ1ls. 'idii"-e: put ~~th~r 'it!, brirng tilbd!l1li t:h~ flliltil", gll~' product ~liitm ~Ollll no-w ho~qJ illl ';'QIJ r h~Ild~.

1I'he, joumev cflen I~gim;, r6ltier ~rmorWot!l,sfy~ wllh I!ll :58 nfl,s o[ rfi'8ii1iflilng:s haM f,o [ro:n out ~ini31 thelm81 of' 01 Il:I!lJft'icull!:lf i$$u;e, Ih<e' ,fi.1or,il~ t-o be, fe>!:!1l!.1red 'thai 'woordl fit inl 'UJlfn 'Ine ttn~lifIe; :5G1~~ and to (j1SC!JiS5 how lbe!st '1'0' '~U 1ne: ,stones ~n1o the 'lfari{!!1IS depmlrnenl.s, fo.1 1 cwtedl 11:,' 'flits, I\ofrlitsom8i praCEl!i!j of :sElillling tllam:niInEiSi. W~ ere ~hen lell' t,o, 0 ur own de'y;l~ecS 'to :s~rI' out ~Ui1" ~Iildi ... id~a! ·'tis~]gn.m~n_f.,

Ii.. WEitik. or two lala::rl ,tiM!icIEl$: wtl",td :5iOOt!i 'lliiiMing in. Ii'll ~Ihe eyelnt i(!H~t The Chief cd nor fi nds this IUlnsGIr$1iDChDryl ~8~1J\t]1 'gerlitle Irnitiilli'ind\e ~ 1l1i\l3' ohenl ii,ssued, l~l!<rwe<ll by g ~el'llll, O!:I U~iOMIi"f wam'il!l!!) Ihlll' ii~ ItiEI'i8 I" Itilhli1i I i9h~~ Iby Ihe 11'85t~ A lilWl" day-s, 1!l1e:l"l m1ii::Ie:s: W@!Jrdl S'lO"' :!)uthfng i'n1 'illlh~!Jgh unfQITumdel';.' iilil '~hei'lr If<J,Wt l!IiiiElditEld '(PIiilTi~.



Ftl'md wilhi al ~OOnfi i~ detlldlli n~ ;!;! nd a pile ,of IJnedi~edll[! i1ldes-J' [m!JIll~ get 'D1l)ifClsd I[]rid 'Il:n~iDU:±:l" D'ut hy In~n~lheless l~ ~ed ~he WC! nk dOlfie_ Ai5 :5Q;D1II (li~, tll@i ;edi~ed mildes come in" more dri~!.J\5;;ldifl:5i m~ Iti3M~ IFtri8Jid Iy 100 n~e:r end Ug'h~'. heened [iJketi ClI~Ei common diu FUllIgl thi3:5:9 d1sw~'ioos, ElU'~ so (Ire he<l~ed

al"8U!1fn8n~S; crrnd ruihlil;lS-'S verbtJ! I8;i)ChfmJ9;a~ alflho!J{IIh none are '~a~e n 'to neaifi', Co m me nts (lire gliven" fi3sdlbOi dk is plrovild,~,d CI nd ,:;;uSI9,S,:5:i i,cH"iIS !ti Iilidl ~lrr!me~di]tiol1l5 ere made, M~~iJ1lgs Fik"e lilli's .gMen IIEt tne ~ole dClJ:, sariOOlimes l!rm~ I~ ~ning., Som~ ~'ion$ ~'~~v.en mnied u.s ~~nd~, wUn 1M: romil:(, This; goes Olil U nli~ ~ ro:ni~ to en Cl9~ElmEimfl' th!JIfl' tJ;~ malet'i'als C[-,e: all tit f{ilr priniing.

Iv; :S0011l os '~he 001001' p~oo~' ls, ~he mll[des gil) fuiitiusn '01 rouliidl ~:som!3liliitE!~ $B'i',Elrt:l1 rit!!J'iid-s] af-'ladiou$ $c:wu~i n~', IE~ery word 'is dhecbd 'for !llOC:lllIl"j'C1!C:~ (llndl ODII"II1!iI;~nEl:S-$~ E'i'eiry 11;'D1pliDlil i':s fllillllySl8d,. Th!31 cobllm !!lInd ~Oi!ltn:lS~ or ev-eiJ)' p idufe is; :s1iudfed. M~n@~' [iiiodrifitCl~j',OM (if dntry]' it! rn liIiIadet 111M onl." fhiEin it!II'B l'h;e' nil'!]'j'e1ri (] 1 s i(!IIPi~ioIl'Q~'e:d ('0 r m ess !Hi n(1 i n.g,






B - cl' 'TIll. 'G -,II- -

_ eyi!Hlli_ ,II FJi " I!!h eli

Il ~$: at iil;'i::;; pD~nt t:na~' wa' begin IiKrv.JITIIQ :~;liMlp~s~ nliQllt'l$;, 'Tha I?rj_nitin~1 1p.101t.a~ ~a",a. to IlEt:u:h it~1I31 IProdllJCfiioo ,mx.i' ¢It itlliii31 cdloooiltltl 'himEl!; Pn!:;lIi to 'fil1l1fJ't 'h~ p~ilniter. ittl5, itO b~ ilnifor\ritiecli of tl1£i' wl1of.a IP~'815$, cmdl ti:m~lin~J' 00 alii ncrf,' to tscpcrdli':r,e th80 aem' .... i3iV ICi~ the I'IIIIl'9D'ZinEi$~ !.J:-5UOmlf fixB.d iilil tn~ tlliSt wG!?,\;: of '!hEll malilth.; lf~, wIlolie plfOCG~S US -frnuglm w,rEh d1&fk,ulli:e5, amid ~5f,rfi~ion_ SommililiES: iiltgU,tiI'Ii3:flls, amd p8liSisti~nQ2i II ~ In~i3dsdl to ~I3-ou!\EIlllill3l allr~i~5'Ii' prcejluali:onl :sIal

lfhsm ii5 nO. '~l;i;sd fJiiITi~ -rot' 'I III SI pr1ililtirng wDmk 10, :!if,art ,_ iit 'COIn b£i €i[J~:r iin tI1~ 1Itri!tilitrlinS Qt Icf.a i:niha ,~i:n9- D.c~h:ins ita Ina prodllU;:tkHl fJooli ~niI ~nEi W131:1 h;ou~ of 'ifllBi lIiIorning iES :5Dmad;in;g1 itIn til I' W!3i hDl'i'!3J 9 otiIlEi nl IU:i-'I'lO't i3:ipiOC1illir ~h_~n 'ISCh:niQ]] doubll5 aJ\8 1'!f:Ii:e£:d b-r' thSI puod~d'~Dnl o,pEiraJDi'1:,; Wben 'Ene pri:nlililQ i:5i iOOtiIiIpl~1 we 1;CJ!iEi fb grO throoeh thm InoiUJiEiIli9 l!lind n®i\rI3-'vmiking woit '[1-5 '~he ifiJii5hsd mcte_riDiIs: IQ;O 'Ihrough ~Ei praCEl$\5 of trnliTiil'lillilnSi tlliild ~llli1iliJntl~ior1J ~a1i (:b"'~r'$lll tfollO'W-!3cdI b!f Ibllildilllg, ~ dslii....srw otJrn b!31 made.

Wih~1'E! daii'!'!?1)' E5 con:(-.arhEla/ the da:tjXI~11 boy,t .!~Jjlltntldl is 1ihsl ¥Iilal link b~~'n ~n~ prilnl~r CI_nd UiS_ IHI~ i~ ith~ '!:!mJ~ -wIliIe, Imahs, :sure lhut !I3'1!IEI~nlli!1g i~ !ds~i"'-8:.ii8d itO IU:; :silk. alild !iitrurnd_

ThS!\I3I ~~ nO. 9 ~'ter' t,(Jlti~rc~fJiOfi llfitlril :!ie:ei n9 The i!.ead'~t ro~1 GU~' iftol'nl thai pfCJtr~' em ~inn~ itIt1d IlJaffiin,gl e-:mCl~!O: ,[1'OITtI F$IJ:d@11i itD'f,ililgl tinm '~loo(~

- - ~ ~

Irn-oaivGd ith$'ir IiTiIlQrruna:;,; B!ll!fi' boor im [min.dl1h.c~ ICS: 1/ou (]_~ ItEIdldin(j1

tile 11!8\!'f i551UElI we ItiFEI c!l'etldy em au r iP!JIi'Ifl!l!iY lit!1 produce ~nE1 rHI..rr Lead:.;.t I!:!

~~ C!hill! i~ fi .;ko~rwi' i.!l' T.uoof' C~'l'iimiilili'tlIDi'O_i\\, ot.~ ,~tM ~,>to:Wlftifi~ ,U;! ~r~jllli:,l~rt1I;t'(iil"l.


'Jlcbd ~r.hiIV :too m~ o'-ft J"i~ Snlt.~ )~l.~

5~iE p.~ G~Uf1Df' uRd 1~'CtRIJ mtJ1J" Jf liN' ~~. T UClmJ Tim 5t:r~rJmr ~ d.."'rFu~ Ii:. nar [,(JJi)' p:r.tJm,fl1e~1. it ~ ba JJf:'verr lEi ,fmS#'fl1S' llNZ~6t ant! ~~'y d fwI ,a.l:lfl $Br.7ifflrJ I:tD~iJ% Im.(jll M~ fmJd liT rAt: r.wmmll. k ~ a QlfifiV (I( ItKai ~ rAm VDiJ (/ r'dl~'i~ ~ SJMfl1 (o.r di,iMaJ. fiJw ~M ;bw,jiII dt .' ~i!Ej1J.,m. 111 h tm/a/ fITfflll'1~ poNce tDp bmi;", QIij/ «hffr ~llc flr]~:J «re: r.r;~ • f.~ pf d.1:!! ,rr;Mh. (;[f rltt .fdod .(:r)!J1t. tm:iuJJilr;) (t~ Slffaflal !iluiJ- 5tmt( C~~UiI{$6 r;~NnrI as ffil~ Q~ from· s'klq'apr;lfi: mid Sal'l&l?d ~~ffl NiJ ~ pwdtJd m ~d fD ~aJU MI'l" cQamW WJtl&tJ.~ ~n.~~!:i llm:J' ~1Ja: ~m- ~ ~. en rdlENi! N rt1Jl a1rprr.

S b

. .

- - - .

. '." .. ". .' .~'. -' I'~" ["' ". '. ." '. • _':. ", ' .



HiWm 'h:i,p'- !lIi'Jd! J!i!mit~~JlII

The· :sNJ11 tI1ti1~ ·go~ by it&tJ!3 lnljJlftI~ S'erob[]lt SpsckrJ s8111:5 :S13i(;[]l.~j'l (JI [kina (!if pCl!IlIcake .hot f-s eeten wmh !l:I ~hiick ,creomy smsce, Here 1118 sembfii i!'\dail!ld :5!3U~ like hoi C!JI~!;i_ ir'i'i'D sii5f£ln;. _ . .Jo m(]~~ah [Hla~Fi arid Jbllii1~loJon FI!.tJ~on •. stiJrI' II\eir bu~iness 11:11' 6.:30 'ilm and u:5lfall", by 111 C11if1 011' ecrilie;rl 'ihey 'woo[c! hCJlt!8 ~[]IE-8d tt !fiI ·dey, 'JIhe!f Clfle, 0000001 genemU@n .serob!J.f ~11et.S. hrntin@1 ~nherited 'It!'e ,3:5-;r,sor:-old b!J~ili.El:;s -[rom lh~ir PCFElIMS1 HosslJli'I lP€Jk '"We n Ci k CI Fid Uiitol'1l 19i1::1$!SjJn\r 1 S, ~oo I'S; ega.

Acicordin@ 10 lIamaNilJn. ,e;lUDar 'fflJ500dmon'l:l11:r $ell¥ed 10; '[amil!f In'ieimb!3.I'5. alilitl f,ri'Ei~ who ,CIItte:.i'ld PKl~8t:s ·qEl:aliEld oDIil tih~ :!ia.';,'BtI~h da\i' !l)f the doo~h ~ a MU$1im. This, ,tiUditaon is IFiO' ~~nge-r ~ol:!clfredl l~ the· PDr'lCl:Jlka carmliirUB$ tQ bi8 eJ'ihO~1 65~Ih[ CIS ClI·&iI!::dtible dessert~ o.n a ~ide nole~. ~lme iPenm'lg pe,ano~!J-Jls rll1!l:!};e 'il :5lmila~' IpCI:noJk!8· untis!" '~hB riliimsi ·of cpom ,bohra 1(01 c,o:rruipnDIlI ~: iIin!3! nome IcrpoJ:r1 berJWa~1 er .~ fiC:akeS wilh .sauc;eI .. "<:I filii what we IklilQw~ :!;E'r1:ilJlor iiiS a deiS$'8 rt ·fouliiilll ~Iiii tltSI liiiorth~ri'n :slgi'ts s.

Sember i5 lrilads: ·Fralin (II mi~n;o of Ifios -nO!!l!r'1 ·~:stl arid WJ!:!ie:r .soaked 'overnight 10 iJlrQW rei'1lllerrlaHiofll 'to; ~r;. gr ... ing lllii81 ft1ooIIPrdd~di ·13 ~Ii!g n~~' wu r ·~fiI:;it~. CO~Dlilut ,milk emd silll' ere ,then SI1irred -rill ~fl~ 'Ihe Wlext mornlrlg l~ra pouring :~!;D.Q.prull::;; of·lltis. mi~kv '¥Mil!;! liq;ui:tll ~1frtO ei@hi circ;ular' 'QoY.'Uies, oodi G:!w!Ji' 1@ ,em il1l dig meter, of tI 8!3~:-kGmad biifi55. nooukl .. A rid! i~ iIlIIBlil pl!3ced a'i'Slf" 1trem and '~~e ·nuff)! pill'\"cakes i!Jre FeFl'lQ:'fea JJ~FI'l ~he tmou~d 'oh ,EI !5'ptJiIlllIf{]1 ·orru[t;. a la~ :sttri~IEls.s .\ifsel tmy when 'Ihey Clilf:e done, sy .hi;]; ~imer c;ust,oFl'lef"$ ;(! Fe 'OAen al~lI'EIlltl" 'NO i li ng iilil tllaEi qlu 8illJle to bEl :Sil3'rve&

Tihe pan!;cbs i'~ !!!!Clan hot mlit$r Idippirmg ~n ilJllltick.:gO uc_~ IIJ~fed rmrm rice: flour" ooconut m~lk" >!] nd Ci miJdlJre of' mJ~1il8d rnn~ ~lfQiil:r CI~clI brown :su.g,(r r.

"'i/tf,a (]I~ abL\er: to !iEi1~ ahoLlit .500 pj!303~ lOr- !!il8rn.b.trj on week_d~r]' andl doub1e '~hgIIFlUflllber en weekmds,!!' ~id J(]maiiah. NMoodi!JITS are nur iA3!IT diD),.,'"

JiJthoogh lif.s t;rtldiilinn Iorr Is!i:l~ins :58'robtl'i i:5i n10 fontl,alf Ipmdlsed.1be Sorn.!m~rom pancake, is, :slill bel'i!1Igl efli~1 lby 1iOO1i'r- .Ali 100'51" WI3I !Dr'SI ~ooJf..r3ii1e.rl ito lIiI3it1~i~ fJit'llt ~~i:t 11K! ncake 'i$ oorved 'F~iOm ~he brink or ~~;d~n;cHoJ1lI b.,. paoP~13i rrih Jrlrn(]llitlh IliCl~illn and! Jmil1liitlfDn HlDI~~1i1 wh~ poP!J:la~ise 'Hhe .ae::5l5lert, !,!I

y~~ (ned: ~I'l i.$: CI!J~try ~fti ediJ~.ii'i f.ejQ~' PE!~l;Ififll (;!C!i'i Perfil;l~,(IfM~J"j M"1;It:iMj ~f'f"f'AJ. :lJSi!A. I'-Ae M.II! ~e' ~etied <I)' dili:KK_j"OOI'I@yuJimo,IIlOllTJ, l~~~i O:smcl'l ~ "l:\l1'!3ntl'y (II J'aa;!!JrEI'l' CIt 'fhB &iioor of i\1oo~, EltlfJ'd'in,g Dl'ld NOl'ltltmg... USM., H'e ~ ~ fei1icned ~I' z.l!~rfu,I~in.m,r-

A m~orond'1jfffi o.f IlJInd~muroolimg WlCIG ili!1d !J1 Milling IlIllfdi Ib~ MAA '1i:..I'F~ I B .. rh~,1 1f,AAAT'i, ... ..-,1 I, ~el~ ...... , 1 '1' ~ h i~j~:" IIA i"iij'I"n.Ij_.L,_ ____ . ~"&!.!iI .... ~!,! ~ ;'.r .,,!-no! "';iL!~!....,." o,I! !"'JW~. ~ ' ... P ... I''''~' ~

Gm1l!p lPs:mo:no I A,ccidi3nt 'il'illkoful S(:lhSIiI1I8 fo pmv;idB P.'f,j~tIl!di"1D1il oo¥e-rimg ~mf:!ihi]li"ml~. iJ~!!"mi1l!n~j;l' di~!Jbll:!liF1~' ~nd (h::'=Ilh 'for ell r1!!;!W Jnr.g~e !!._~lJdlei'l!~ Q~ 20110/.2'011 1'0 20,1 <'1J2cr~.5 ~tma!L 5!!Jdl i"w.allrn.nOlli s!JhE!m~ has also beam offered '~O :iiludi3nls OYW -t~ pas~ fl",e '~eC!l$,

tFour f,eIMlni!l G~'OJJl!f Rullli19 AlUII1ii1ru [abO"ile BiIInk MUi!ml_o!lIlaI~ wIitkh i3 ~lfiIdl br Pe-r:m~uen Alumll·i IUiSM. Th.;, blj~ne~:;e.:; indll.lJt:Je· H(Zl tBe~ £dn Bhd [pniiilill1g,. !phoktonpt(fl'1i1J., fa~~ Ce!.fDllll1 (Ml Berhodi ~ rJ~ btwd~n~ ~el"Yi~. rnr ~~t I~rnk~d EFitupti:;~ [b~ and al~ tro'(l!!l~ (!:ndi 5ekd-oh Mem.andu $-)'OWiJ (01 d'rivJng 5~n~;,

'The PajcOOl· ~JlIlqluoli1l.dan Femwungan Alumni· (RiF.A) printacll 1 CO~OO ~SIOO~ ~FI Fe-'bnuiliiry ,dq;l!::!1i~ lJS.M ,S~ Qiild ~!!lFl~ 97 ,'GOO' of ,~~ '1\0 il~ alll[mn'i to updole tfileir p!3l'!1onol illf£im1atron~ The C'esponS8 se 91:1l n~ b~~n 'CinOOiJrogJti19.

On 1 (Ii.March tIil)3; ViJoI1Reft'a, l~priI1efltJ It:isaao CEinfJa 1[KANTlii\;i ,1.7; ~bl'Ql!:ld1IF1~rFl!:i3IOFI!J WofilEftI's ICilmr 1jIW"1D'~ !CI~ ~hi3' lEa !Inn 1·lliz~'ti:j11 IPU!ilU PiIMnQl. KAN ITA.r.~ airect,ar. !Prof [lOOn Rti~hidGh ShWib~ ~fitllfI!:!1 'Ih~ 't1!;i!!.~oor;lI~ !fir Um.ti~ q.ff:ki"alarl ~ne !!!fl!3nt·, Tthe llu"'g_hliQhl" of tlni3' rWD 8wn~ 'WC!$ !i:j fe;riJli'IfI !llId\i!~~:!iing Inii; r~!:;Jr"$ ~!C:m:'!l:.r 'l5!:jool righl\;J i!!!!lIuo I..:if).porrumitle!l. progre!l~ for ICU'.

Plr!j-Chi1mcc:'lI~, Tgn Sri ~Jllfl II~rttfil Qd~ ~nl:!· ~liI1pU~ oomririilllFll1li ~1;lI BI!lSII!f!3< that whi:Jl"er.ler d-Bll!l!lopmi3nt w.DS eorried O-U~ ~n LlS/IJI die no~ d~fro'f 'Iht ;:m ... ltwr1imoc:lirt ,gfld ·Ihidl' i' d\i!l;lwld he ~Clfoob'", mlMIWrl!!. H'e 'Ii«I~ !.p!3f]kin~ at ·Ine lo unodllng of'lhe IGof..::mg ~iJ;:l1ig:" a,t the 2:50- hr:K;h;(J1l:! !..P5,M R,,~r~1 pgrl( Qq 21 M;II1Ow,

The ~-Cha.lTi83l!cir alltJliwr9'tI'i Sa'ins IM-cl~ (lISM.)1 Tan So..rii 1~li ~~rniJ_:iI Flr~:;id!:!dl '~~Ii 'rmi:! ,til ~ USM CooYoOlil~iOn ncld iilil Inc: U!SM IEngiDl!iaring Co rnpus CiflI 20 MOFCh_ ne GOIlf'lOCOitii)'.l!j ceramon.,. lwYllJh'ed 'G!' '1Q1\ll11 ~~ 8211 IIlIm;lergJ'I:U~I"l:iIre~, I1lIliIdl IPOttgi'!Jti Ulg~~~, torno' BiJooruddin Z;iJil1ilJl~ 01 and ,ddJingui~h!3cl1lrrl!3I~1!!D1 'WiJ$ ~f~~ 1hc HOFl~_j\[;jrv [!octor of Le'flm.

On 26. ~rd11 'ilile iiAini:rtar intne,lPrililll!!' Mt~r;;; [lapar1liriE'-IlIt" ~ljflo:r IDwluk $t:ifi rdri3 JgliJ p~!:!rnl~dI 'Tne IBr!l~ tlmUrc!Jrc Awo_rol:h 2009'- 1 (!I'~ 0" {the, fo.aiolll lfi;cdfic Rmn-d8 ~ooFid!l!lt~O:I1iI ~~ IUW '~IT ;1:> 'oo~1'd; bfa ~ims. Thi~; i!&; ~Il~ !!tlOOfTiilll 'Iiim:i in ,[I row ihol USM, h~ dr:rde!!ll tllte awu rd.

S:ix US~ ledureJ'S who ~_ft!i Il'eco-gnisacll i[]~, Ifl!ll~ndi~-g IeSI!ICIll'Chefli I~~~d ~ 'AJii.!!i:rCOi;Jll Tokon ~n~gt;lr ~niimgr 2!Jol}9 at 'Ihc:S!;l~Q:Jr SGn~I!IFiQI AweD rds fuSanr{lfiiJI:lli ,[I~' '!he EqOOt.DriDl IHID alt. ~J1iIJ",g om 1 9 Mord:i, TiIi!!l Pru-ChMldIlIlior of" lJ5.M. TeFl Sn IkmJli I~QII,~i'dc~'edi ~hl3 OlhllroS to fh!31 ll'!!!_cilll'lEinti, lDuJinQllhe fillndiant. 12£1 'o{o.mEilil1lk: iIlInd! I1lIdrninimliliC ,@gH,oIf !!.JSM ~ gl~1Ji llol1lOO~ fOr 'I~dli '!Jt:niev~iiii!C!iII3,

C:h8fi1Li~J1! .Alt'fllll'iIi ks_ooi:llioo pA!) lhe"orl III sarias of iiDl~ 'iJOOU~ ~~ifI!iJ cmplO}'I1IlCfiI afller !jjImd'oolt~FI gnd a ~ ~1'9~Fli~ cign~ oormpmlias '!i) orm.cwd' l'ob intsl'!.'l'l!!!\iY!l' rO:f ~:li, meJllbarn,!::iR 1 2~ !J r;;d 13 Mtiy af 'IJE; Soo~l oJ CiIn~rn1i~trr;. Th'i~ !ji; t~;cI '~r;3t 'Ifmc tho!, CAA orn!llngli!d lob. rJrlaf'l'iErN CipJiDrIllmiii)' fD_f iEsi Rll!!!llmbal'!l"

fut by S'aw Ctt.ellln~' KN. ,~lIifcrJ\i ,DIlIIl'WIIl'B_mJ. oDd l'it!1!J~' Cnec&: ¥'OO_1'1'.

~,l fIri~~~ byfolM'Mdi ~ 'Y(i~ dJ~ ¥""I ~d ~rffiG ,[li(i~ M~.

Za~n,>O! ~Tdin Alnn~ $hi:jj~ff IB. ~lIrntIlli1lt!11!~ 'IS AsiiE-l,

~QliJ IJJm~!j"r

VGnu Gr:t;pGI Kun]1 l~mi1i!liflll!illi - lit SiX. 51: •. "9.2

lliaiJd, Proie-cr D~lopmSfir. Gime«ll Aclmljl'jl@(]l~1II Da-piJi'lmenl.,

IE!<:Jmk 51mp;:looJlJ NomI€iFi!d, !KuiJIQ tump!.I'r-

lie@w 1iJD'1'Lg1 Mifl,tll

II!J.. Sf.. '97' -

G ~ I;;tg I .M,g iii tlgr. r.

k!.!imefi Sde.rnlnc Sdn ~cl. 1f.\\I-'l!'!I ~ n !i!1¥.I1

WbJil MD'I'KII SIlIg_iif Wan AU ~:$I;.. ·'19

G~~f.!h~J!l1 Cfil'i!klil!Jl'lt. [fi(:~ CgrigQ!i Sdnl Bnd, IKufllo Lum~ll;:r-

~Ihidi:ii :!)ulailmQ)1fIi B. ,~Iffi~. '93 Cc:!~rr

~ ~~ Iil!!~~nlifil :!ll!!m~t 'Vi.-bsmingi:on\o


H~nlf IIGRIIS, Hi.. SCI;:. ~_ ~~a

$ ilf.11 QI'" Su pDJiY1 rolf, ifl(ItMQfiJ.jr~ring ~ ~ BIltII, Me"-<l~'

AbodNlI :S'a:!Iii!!l' Mohl!j!i»OciI B .. ~_ Sf .. '.Bi!!

~Ii;ir;;:!if t.!~rI:~. CElil5f1i'fj ~j] Bt'Jd, :kJIQITPll~

hil, Chl)!l!] :$lQiI;: liI~1'lI B.,~. ,Sc.. '9'~

It!!gi_~r~' Fini!i~'i!II lfilmrui~i KiJ.(;.kJ Iln,.~r

~11ik.e H(il1lg ~h fe_1'I;1lI1 e,~, 5~JOO


e!i~ 11i$!lliDrnQ~-,i

P-w I iJ 111 f.\in[] iii iii

r.~n $U!illn Gaik ,t!L SI;. "~~

Gfi!.il!!lly MiJFilQilr.

~ rki n Elm ~I :MI'Ii B:htll., SelllJigor

i!l!:i-h cAji ILe~ let se, '96,

S!}rlior :5glt;:lj lE!,!gl~~ ~flUi"i Elmai' Sdi1 MllI~ If.'il'll\! F'in!1!!IilI1

O~t'!I 'Yew U~I

llil Sf.. '00 S~iorMQ~r;. IFLii'i'iI{j~lkil ~) Be_ifuicl. I~\I---'ll~ F!nl:l!!!i1J1

Ko C! P ~ nil Ire I[ k

JOaJi liRTli SB-Dk IKnBFlg ~ Sgr;... :x. "00

IL.llni MUilJ!ig!!ll,

IE ti(JQ l!TiIiu roo;;..:: I' iPi/{illJ P'il'iili~1


MfI!)I!_1l: ~lLParpr;}!e~ iPtlg'i,l Il'irii!l~1

1~1~1l1 ~:ilrrll Namioo!lll 1& SG. ~HBF? '07

AA~rnt $~[~I¥;.

Iflooli1G:e ~p!l!ri!mBflt,

\,!kirk.:; Mi Ftii511"j~

~!JliJ ILumpl.ilr

,-toot .Ailina ,MIBl'clJl

~ IEng. [WQ'~!ri1;!1 qm;;!

MIi"iIHi:1l1 iRMfiUrug] '00

~·~li1I· \li,"~ ~idc:!i1~, ~AediIiII~rndilir i\;bI!!f~ Sdl!i eficl.. Jgf;.,;.",".

En.gku INor ~V(n~li C e: .MD'I1~1 Ghom Ii

i6. SG. ~

~i~I' ,M..:im~~; ~.eOC'fAutQ ~ri~I!J~ :s~~~ ,~dfl llIIi~, il':i3:ltH1t! ~ IJ n IJ

AIlidy Sii1'ii M\ur~rel'~:rain Rdh'im

~ M!3!l1t - ~Of!" 5i~r.

l!',!i.'1l!l.! Pi!1 !1! !!!iI'

EIPci iuirn:llly Mill YCie;ob, B. T~e!;. 11:2

~.n~ Iti pltH'iB.JJ f.

EZ ~iglll ~~rem" .~I!J~pr

Mend IF~[I, PrIIi1Ilit'1 1Pi..~. ,Se_ "Ill S!.lI,pBfiI'lroII",.

~ (lub

«Ii. tl!Je; $mrL\;JFi!J tbl3\ iKvclc IWmpl!!r

Cl1!liifilotao Mi:!tiItcirii(ll 1:1. Lemm. 'LiB

. .

Ph! hi II e IR'e.1il11 (i I1r!- ()ffkti f. LldfiilHi le5;;jf" lHoh!il·

r~~~ _. - - - ~

N.G:Rm.JRI Am.!l:Ol'" ,e.., SG. ~002

inZI,l~' Ci,!llli,[rnt'~

AjiiJIl.~oo ~riku':rul'!ll ~ra:Il Sdftl BI1~i


ifi;lif'll 'ting Yinl1!l 1!Ii. AI5!;,. ~j)' 'iFl;,li~i~ri;::lr Y'¥1(;!iIil\riJigm.. 1P,if.ofIllJ Pirii!l~1

ilioogb:! ,MD'hdl Hlniiilll'i i!'i!1!:!1I'! tt~@~

III Sf.. ~OB,

Sl;i~n(;(l OO;;er"

Mlnl5hy of SdflilCEi, 'II"~'hngll;J!3!J' qnQ 111!1~ig!li" lP~tl~{il "


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