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I .


\lThe Only Source IDf POd-Derug·e ShalieranialJ

SUM.MER 1.980


Queen.s, N:Y. Science F ~ction: itea'9ueJ B·Qcked I~y The Litef'ory Comlm;u.nirty!' Has O,ete·rm,.'ned' That The Shover Mys t ety" RS S And Roy' P:a ~. rn er Are Dc n'gerQ-Us E nemies la, Your SanHy I

Co pyrt pt 11980 ~ B. !oroDt 0

.:t.mI.m Gil. D8T1., , tbl11 :pt.el- i41m c,' tl!l.. 11ft -:Da'.'lft hb.1!.5bin,,~ CQ'rIlpaDy':f/ lo·ok., O'J!!tr th,e aDSQ" lert~er wlth the 'long li .... of "dpitu.l"es 8M. 'bilgeD. to worry., He WI· well miB.:rI!J' of the. pe1:d:.."on.i~ '\b.'t bi. ma,pidD8 t WJ;ZIHQ STlilIlS w_ c8U5in,g D" 1,~1',e'" 'but, bed \ol ~ IBm\. ·'·h., s:5:t.uatlQ'n,a~ l,t. lie .,e'lli:ne: Up.lRiNS t.o 90,,000' co.pte,s &. JtlQntih, wh.n. ot'M:t' !Ii,eienc'l!r-rictlcm ,pu'1.p

1ll1i!llgS .'ere lUlclq' t,o ·s;811. 50",'t'itX),. ,

. TntDr. 'i"n a 1IIiO", th"t st.~ ,o.:t ·Sbll.Ytfl" V.y$t.TY r-..-dle" am;. taM: I .DaY!!! .8ilI1O\m 0 ed. t.hBt hi. can-' ~JV I .~l~!.1·",e p.1 bll !Iih~ of th,e. ihm1"!t'r W,st.·I'J'" ·s't,nc,. 1943 end be·lll" to the mA:'!!i::sl""., s.'lel I_noret,.d by ·'be·

pal"'pet ~·t, Or' 'o.f ,Dl1 thi s ch8Ql!1!!1' 'ns. d,.r·o e pl:a;e; all

!ha-:"'Jer '''y5t e:ry II. t,o::rl" f:r~ th., p~" ,01 .JUAZiIE tiondl FAllTAS!!,iQ .ADV'!'I1\fRIS:. l"o.11ICJll'!:I!l.g. htl ,fulnOLino~nt .• She..Tjlr'to:5 1,on.,lme ed H.QI"·f! Jaymond AI@' Felmer t rM l.ped. f"r<:m Zi'ff~avi:s, decl.. riDS' he ''!!muld f~ bis (MD, 1I\&pz!no .nd continue 11:1.8, ccmJreg'e .of' the


ifhe l.tter !,n Da"i't:s" h:an4 wm. the tln81 DatI, :1n, th~ ·coHill CQU't rueteti by an. .nt, i..:Sb.s.'¥.'eJ" "&lme:r. ¢.fIai!,g;.

pal go. !1A1I!i'Mti;. t,o t'ini-In .,·l,{ t'il & :su at any CQ11t'ii' 'Do,.rd .. r-

iDg' on t.he bl'IB,ne •. it! ·t"s,me.:5, t.hl., m,QT"TtFI,:nt wall qu'i'te unique in. the· ,emw.i:s. of Sf' ll.\erat,u.r,.~

. Fri or' t.D the Im,'ris D'ec h~ lonll, RSS W.'I be!4,ed, .t'oor

.hat. 8,pp_ r.'ed to ~e 8· 11 te10:og career In· S7" not, only

filS e. lJr.:Ujer.· ,gd .e:r-tist~~ Nt ,8. 8, tbeDQilittllO-iA.. ~

hlTl',ltr'i' .. hO:li iC!I!' asp at lifl """'~vl·s hI gil ll,gbt~dl h is own ee.·rl!~l' ,of' ,Si ·"ri.ting :and edl.t,, oft&n- eredl,tedl him ..... self 1f'l'tb ~·'e'!'~Bt,1nt~ tb'p, ~ 8Dd .RSS, !"ta1:!! the cloY' of t'~n't p!rtTflO:Mea 1, t trst l .. t,te:r to .I.MAZ,ING 1n whlcb lIS!, ,tle.t.p!{ l,ed b'l s MantonS' 81 pbe:b t.t ·in 194;_;~.. llAP put a10t

O!f '~d.mself 'l,nt.o '1:;,11:11' SY. ani It paid o,i'l. Thtl' Mr,i,rtery &:5S,U"I'U:'a. gl"€!:a b,er pl"ib.port 1 tm.1!I t'han 8'mfQne cou'ld 'ba'V& lTi'!ie,;,giMdA iSS! .,8S tn~ bearer 0.., 'i~:!Iihock:ins truthj:lll ·the.t Wen thinly' Tell.ct. 1itl Sf puzejji nere· ... 8'S RAP "hawked. the VY3t.&ry :t'r~ tl'H~ ,ci"tediel of hi,s ,ed1-' t. o.r I i chair 111<.Q. 8 2Ot:h· e,e,·n:t·ul'1" 'oo'r,onie1 T.tiied..1ci n«r.lfiln"

.os 11 t. e trlo'!'t 'ftl oq_ut!!l'nt s'!pQk.",~e.n,~ Th,~' :sl!:l:np i.e ·to.f"C:>!! ,t4 ·to.beee two. mlftn c,aus·edl th.e g,baw:r ·M'y:9·tery t"ldel wav;e

~ be'to :im;una.t~. t·h~ 'ST w'orid . ass '1"ode' ·to·bat w.aVi!!' fOi~ 8 Imos t 5 ye~:r:s., ,r to WIts; be·rd. on b~· ii m s s t,omec.h




Menace, ?



_ ! . .DH.AMAN -a:ka~ R'.lCHARD S. SHAVE.R

p' 4f' . _ .... ' "_ iPiv.' __ · JII5:i.: .' _. 4.-qil~.--~" .... .,..Bw.a ... ~_I_L.t.P~_ .... 1IiIi£ ... _'. ~1

we: eo!";! Wti!'?!!I1 l!)ainfu.1 proof of t bet •

. ..

'1tlP .,BS q,ui'ok to re:c:ognl:t·., ,tba: elecr'artagnet,ic

qUflilit.y .of the t};:ing~ Sh,e.vtlfI" wrrQ'it·., about.. 'r1\" dy~i e ,.ne:l"W· at ms' mat!!lir lal 'ki8 pt l"e-8ders I' th.ought, rlveted. t,o tb,e en·te-dll'"vie:n world of B lls!I,t- .. r Hae~", \11 en bounced. t'b~, back: 1,nt!Q '~b& 20th c ent.,ury ·ande 1b~.,d of ~. be logs totally ~ gnol'~nt .of' t.h"i I" en."'"

$ :t.a Yeme:n,t to '~hf!~ evil d er.O Mce'; kt. t'be d'et.o;M;~ Or of

• t44eee. '. ,'. . . .' f·" (:~nt'.5

I '... p,

, _. -_. ':' .

!h.,'~' a~e' m.m:l~ftOU. t!'bnll"il!l:l'"l tl,ft; 'b.h.'Q. 'ISS' 'roc:,fo,9}OI l'\u'HrCh.,8M 1:., liS ~ n:irnilul, :!m!\!., ~Q*i! ~,.,. .1:1:0' .'ll,[el,' 'b~!I ,tj_., , __ hiD!: of' te8t'!b Iron ,tlu!i>!,r er,lt,I¢ •• y~t ,ot u'l" by,1I1 IlrIlI!\g;e:!!Ii - !IIU' :fl'ienJ[ 'M'ad'i_CD ..... ~!i!IJ' 16", &e~'l .lth, liD 'D~, de~i'b~ lilii! ,t"'t~[ lbt,g' ,.1Ie'" t, .S' .8,111: :n,o, :!I,t'r~F!' t,o, 1i!!d"'EI!'l! It:Jf tbH,e ,top!l~:.,!!! aid ~' "!IIitt

-- ...JI!I ... 'i..~ - - - ,J: 'i t -- -1-1 '1- ,ii, 'Ib __ - ------ ,Ii, ,,,'k.. L ........ ~ -, --r-

iIHII',l!;!I!:re 'g& ~ !p~''';:LU~, 00', , __ ,I!!) ~~~!l!lmillii ,&II!. I.\~ ~;. 0:-

ii ;IO,t tili'--' - - -},- --- --- -b-'lli,[ -iL<" -, '-r~_.d... -Ii, -- • -

:5'C:;L,,,nc,i9-""~ .... ,c ,,£ on p!l ,P' ifHi"g P _ - iJ.,e :!lI!~-e1t'!!!i Ii; ,~VA e!!o!' ,a ~,p

,of !tilll! CC'Q1' :t! lU:lit,git:1 0'. '~~ 't.hue; 'O:]!d, p!!.I'1.PI'" :Ill :Ja,l; n.N c~l'nc,lDg .. , 'M'S ,t'r~u:tu!'~,tlJr ai:llu_dt_ ,t,o 't:bs' .,'O~' ~:ftlft'li!!t, 'b'M' 'I!'!'!Ari,_ilIl 1'1'i~'Ilr 1'"ei!'i!!!rn'rfbl.:!liI,S' _, ,D-~'p 'biN, (bel mdU\ 'I:n '~b8 tr!!bld,$ ,of 'mfJ"p'z1:Qe' :ra&d~'N l.

'~i," X:ey po1.:r:tt'i!I; to MiZeq 'of' leel ICI.fbel ,hO"'n!I, :"~:t'b W'I'!!,l,N 'lird .'eery 'lmll!li,jJ'e,lI, :(1,.\1 !i;ilJI: ,e,:l"Q'gg ~'Iri t'lh_,~ T"l!te d, 'iTU,l1 den;" b:li:! t!b:eO'rl'e'I'I~Yll.t 't;lifl,_ hla fd8~:! ,n 'tied'. 'oak fo:1'" ~ii'"flilen,-ln-t'ral:~:lnf:"i 'Th~ puibl.,le bftll ~

!l, hilt l'~,!!1 f! t'ben ~~tbu, 1.i!dd~,lc le,biI;N.'~, h:li:l d:l.;ClO1''fi''"!i!!!

~- 'IA. ...... ''II'' --, ,''ill, ~,-. ,iI ,iii., iL'L...._., l' , UlII'I'- d -- ....... '11-, ........ ,

... es ~ I.~,!J!'.J'~· A/tj'Y Oiltp~A",U, ':&'1Ii' '''!.Jy.,_yl, "'~ e n,.;:o~ ~ ' ...

'b~\ &ub:l ht![i;iII!l ,Ph,i!'~(fI! 'beCBi'U$'8 .Ie; 1:Bl,1 "dUll). lim, ,gene!~l ,iii). ~ft;, w.nt ,to' knOWI~~ ~De US ha ai_ ~il"-ln ,~~d "0 ,d'h,'bliic\ Ji eq' '~J"IQlt'h!'2Z!1:a,,: t'ha t, c,QJl,t;m,le:t ,rb!o ,~IPGl!a~ :not,l,()_., r#' ufr,e~' ',dll H, _d':rlICB "i! f\mi1m~1l,;tio t.l ~hDloD,./·t' ,JQ~t a'rtls' l t1l.l!,te to'be WIDni'll :~!r.

M,re,",ry' f o:r !'u,':bl :bn:lml J''b~ ... ' aM, fOU'll :!I,.e ''b'be' I: bd ],,~J!'l t,. ~

1.,\, '~bilt ,~;~t ,~ his d,is'o01".:ry'I,OT "~Q~,Q "".:~l :nlil!l:grrcbe4, r,I'r-t':lic-l,e,. ii)D 't'ble 'p,l'\ob'I~"'I' ~nll11, of -hleh, We:r_ 'r~ject'N 'bJ' 'Mi to:nI' ,of scha;,ll,B::r'1y ~wi'Mlll; .~ th, ,C4il .... 1ti.Ilit4 1:1~ !Ngm~ifJ.'8." a:nd. IthIa !i,:&..~:ply cou;~dD. "t

'bft solng: O~j,~ I ~fI\l,C8l!. ,,1Pj:! ,th" 'IN! 0-1 'be' ~QU'nl,-](1:-. !le',]pe:riltiite., 'Cibs~Nm at 'UWO Who., 1!dLth.@il,t oot~"" :ln~ to 'leek ~b b1~; e,~,ll,if!U!l!'il 4l:amt:!in!!hed, Key' t:~ hl. 'Oft-lCN' :Bhcutd,'Il\S~1 !,llyOllL'" T,JIa\tl:o,s ~,' ,ell t,bitl, f~l,"b. T,w ,l!Jre ,a~~ ~:tJ!l'OJ:ling "yw'q: p"e-o pI e:l!ll' C:!(i)~"!'enee' In, tJl~, ~t~~.I' JOll :,b.01l1dJ 'b,e lodke,d!. up ,.~ is ,PliI,lilll'~ nut~e!:;I'

r - I!.; 1'1 r's:t ibook - :Su,'bl'l,'!Iim'Ii.'gl i,educt,icnl • '~,t ...

I~J .a .. ,t.,. _- .-', I"". . _" ~ _ .. : .... : _ , _

'*;;",1-' 1'""1" :!in Ceneda·· 'brw ~t 'iWn:llii'I1!111"'l!:i lie I'\i!nte ~I'

I~~, " !§II, - i . • -I! ' . ,~, "tI"~~!. 'il . _. . _.. "_ _. .

, h '~I.,:., -'.iii ~ ",'~.I;. 'L.' ..... ~ ... - -

f:l'(ltf!I: flh!ooe, '.101 'cruil!u m~, ;Lftiae:;..:q 1!-:.q .. ~ ~'~ ""'Il!Q-I:ee'

:!lm!ip3; 10£' ,8 '!!:t~i:e'" ~", ,"_'!tTfnal 'Mi'!i1lt';e~ ,p-ee:f\ed.

~e~"ri;t"O;1'll, has not <:m'l', f'~ :Ii. t:!!I; way' lilt I!), t'Ib,1t" lI!II'rc'l:d:1'"~!5, of t!h.1OI Solano: ~Ul'lty tUj(ltefl'7'~ 'tut 'h!!!,1tJo

't\;':b,B' I'il~ban:~'" :t"1:1IQ' o.f 8'8nB! ':Elltg, IllS 'w8'1t.~,

S 're(l!a.'~t;! li!Jhl 'eneCl1ral~ 'to, lp~i5 t'l,g-elt.. ',htu,:e' te.l, ... ''1,• dines f: o~ t.b~[!,t:l .. " Ii, 88 therey ~(f't,e~, ~\Q;ni-a In, b:l,tfcn."'!i,~ i,~ (.)1: i,p,t"T.'es,t to SM1!Ie:r.' ~':~;te'~ :f:e:P!1I ~ ii' •

ftle Be. ,j.,t'l,efllt tlDa, J'ou~l ;i 5163, :~2'lIidl AVe!i' lto,~ I' 'I!t~, y;;'i!!'-ts;'l;J'\U",lit ----rJla+ 337:1(l!~

T_i'NI~ :91.",,,,, hI:" '~'i fj)l:6:~:llr:' p z:C z B!a:. 621,~ Jll!l!8'bo

- ............... ' ~pw -

Tl"ee!f. CeI,;i '9'4~~.~

_lut1;nt_~,"J .,,{d_ Gnh~ ,M~O'~ft ~: 401 ... 1,04 '_blnr' £ on Sl ~ I lMC,Dl"-ab... I~ ~]:!Q!l ..

,:f;r_rau:ldl. ,GulICl~',~ ','"O;;,lBoJ: _ ~rt 741 ~a'fl't.,. :b.~, Scrntn - ,Daj,'bfi:ill,; ICO ,~, '3,1[.'05,.

P{ol~t{:l'he n" ,t In!,} 'fJi~'t,.r' = Dcrtll,t:hJ' 'It 1II.'tl" 26771-2 ''lb!-iri-- J.~~'~SD:~i1l1e;;g~~ -cj"tU:Ul3 .. ,--' -,- I'

.t \lil, t~:r.OUiP 'Cti.lbe;, of lei. lillr Ilta'hI at' '_r8l'rtn.", ftJe ~, '~,t' ,rDot,rI!!'" Co~, d_ - (,t~hll:-'~~',id. ".~M." lll'r!_'t ,illid,ye:rillit!'DI ~,!~:ncr) 1,.":1. thl!! book ~ •• ',0I.,1l1 c;P.;Ii)C:,1t.;!t., ~, "~'f acC~l\,l' "'U',pe-nl!!'ol" of Doy,l,.j ,~U8' ,~,ema no,t,oi ~ ~~"~ I.e,,.·'!, i 1 •• eeti;'l,cn 01 'tb.,

'ta,!Y(liln k";to 1M, 1'Qa;7 'iI',p;UiIQd'ul tbe 4~~iliu.i'~_ 'Of eo

~d ISitrvl'zobf;d, ,,.':l;I:o,.l i,'t.rili,!'t __

'fh.e' d_DlJaiI ~r' '.bal, ~:t d:l t'o~ oel'll WI,II. (mm.-e'a uBl,'Y'en .. :l, 'lmIoile<.I,) 'I :~O,I.Q 8:nd :.a b1 ~'na1..

,h.e\llO'n:M:IiB, is e:Ji.titOl;t \u:tJj,,'_:rllel In I, '.,elf' t. M&~~:;ball M[e~ ~:r' ha~ hi:t I.rl! ';,M' e'o:r. 'Dt 't.'b. "~Q';'bJlif!lm .e:n be sDii'll 1'1'984 'tf-M111y ba,p,~, ,II!:~ 19.30, "hr.' .'. Id,:14l:Drt, M,tvlc .';r;~,' I, 1. t'td.. "~-.":a' 11';an!;t:l~iI ,.,_,t:lnutn\

tm'lt, he:1 .rMtII;t, 'm~' !'!In, g,~:hcMr :Il:rttCI ~fb~,:I,rl,QI1 '.:i.'~out, '~'~cb g, • :I!U,cQDd, sl"ncel'ilil L!;:,. wou;l!d!, ltu;lI"e lon_g b-QD :f'OTIBct,t,flD. 'I:, h.'1! ".'8~ ii t _kl:n'S: tiM' :""U"O ,ud, -t/,· - toile c I J"Q,'d\ 'bot'b h.Qi :1::.1 '~be n and. ,1. c.,u.da ii, SO' 'gO

'bill 1:,_lI:i'D,I' ~,P fO"~ ,t'he~ .• '~ It, :ads,'t :I,t,limo1St, adebt, :a,iu#k'e~, i::m, ll."~5,1i; Owl, ,t,~ $htl,'T""t.' 'Uf!:ti,r8117 8!lU:"t",

.i,tbICii.rt _, -

. i~;_'~~~. .>:. "

- . , I _

AnC!OR;__C\~NG iO Ru:~AiftQ ,'S~ 5R~\$ER. Of ,S;uM M,rr!1 ARK -,,[I ~ '~'AC!£ Of CL'Vii t.t'ZM~QN ~MeRMelH!1 [c.'~~~ST6'D ou SA'~:TH! ~ A~!D WE ~e, ~I!sne:p, 6J SAijC.Ei~lM~ IN IIJ FQ!I:S~,_W\HOi TUeN IL,II~ FT fA IPICr,O~A!L. ,f.{'EiCO ~Il) ~N :3 -0 FGJ?M

~'~'1i~'~,~i i~""'CK':S, -''f.H.!'i'f U'E: C;AiM '~E 'E 1i00AY,

.'IIf!i;~iif9.U''IrI, ~- 'I,~""" !rr~l__ _ ~.

WMMMW,'" m~CJC PNam',S,

Su;nigl '~,!i t:bli!!i k.e:yMt,e' .11 i: ¢.l'bn_e:s 'It,!: :tt,nt j"tIi!l!! 'of ,Pl,'bILi ~i;i't It on iii Ie! '11,,;0 lSi !;k., Hd,l~n r,o~ h,gSiOa:t!, j[mUi. a 't,.., 'wlliI18,t, '.w.14 hlfi,i :1'" 1!i'!8!L.ce~ I. b8t.t;f!l:~'I. ~or..' po p;.iil:Bif 1~1iiDj' and, th;e' ¢!~~g" ;1Ii;l)pHi,'rS, "0 ,~, tIbet .,fe' 'B~~lAd, (,l,ll 1~'" Cl:efills[!t IOO:l'" ,mJrI)'ber" ,ot' .,pllS,l!i!I,'t 8l1i!l (:2) 'b'M'il, • ., c'E-il!ir p' a

tlIi~;b9:c,l"l p,t 'l,on f,ee, ~I J'n t:b." ,t:rw~ e~,f;"'S'~ e,f tllJ,e' ~:l,De.'j ''11ft

~a'l'~ :li,vieD In t'Q 'ba·tb prCJp~~1:5 t ~ _

We. b,op!!' tbal'i&, !!l'-.&~ ~ '.111 '~8in,h!l!l!M, 'tb.e :neces ;!'Ui,y -,~, .iii, "'.iio~ ,;I,1!'-iI!i- '.tale'" 'wll'-lI.. h!!lln t.,o; \!I'uurl!' S t~ 'c'Qn''t,'hw,'"

~l ~ ~1"lU ,jl'V._"1 l. __ , . _tl, _, i, ,~- '-F ~ _ ~ _. _ .. _. ~

'i:Da:: p'ibl IIClli t'i,0111 rtmd. t 'h:oret'u,i.1y,. ,p::m.e':r' :!,iilti'i e :new :r'eea.,,, e'~ :f:~: 'tb~ 'I'e.'t :15,eB of -Sf ,e:f:f'llc'l,onelli08 'w:ho e.ow.'n.~, uS,i!j t'ldi~ m!!t,e,'r:!ial. 'J~~ a~,U~'Ql'I 'eft. Ofililly l'n.c~;t.~ 'gJ~:n;y' '~y bru'l";i! Ig,' '.'O:tlic: :bl :S't' he ,~l:!o ,pap' fiOJr' ltSi '''!,I~,ntiDB. \lIe 'h,!l've' ~Qte'n t,o]id, thi, t~ ~'h.,:lts:e ftO te'el f\~I". ':s~ on];" d,~~8ir:l l t bii 'U~e' III'ytU31 t/Jt· :I!!lailie ,e op"! ~ I! flM' too ti, (1, :ton!eeflly ) 'rriO;Oil'l!l!Ii' 'l'i~!!IJt'iI 'fl,y be d!~ ,ttO 'g:~ if wei e:bli¥ f~l"' :I;t,.,

. Thi; f',ee~ '.i 11 t,h~n [pe'm'l:l t \\1;'3 ,t,[1) red:" r-f!;,;~'i9 [e- 1n

~!l'O zlne:s, ,fo,'r n~'l!' r~d.~ri!' II' aw, nt!81 ii!'V910,trUB ll:r ,pelJ;'''' m1 i., US t,OI 'I'X~ el!f!!'n, f1il :r~h!!:t: ~ 50' pI e~!i[B' 'ebe(:k n 00, II th,1It 't1I~' 'SILl b Dt iBiiS C11'ii. '~lg'li!!! 8,t

~ !!!!I ~'~!I!!II!!'-~'l& = _l~ :....,.~J"_ I':' I~ _ '~l _ ~I'l_ 1II~II_Jl_~:"'':'; .:. ~11:m ~'l~'~ ~"!!I!!!i ~ ~ ~"1!iIi ~ £i!i'~ ··81 S S·i§ ~'~"~I

. !!IIi'

"IlIi '-1"" iI!- ,f ...... , ·iIi, ,-........ ,_'L,t· h '1 ...... '6, .. ' .......... ill, I: 'iii. ~'. lL -1 . t- ~ :i

t - .· ... ) ... 0 'U~ D ,£-e!"""",,, '!"!In ~ """""",,II::..,. ¥..,.;I7"'''''',iIi,~ 'DU"Ji.I:',· ~n,_"" '_D.

j '" :..... ~ oiir --..... . tb;etr ~kil!ll~,P'1 f":rQti I.5,'~1fi! UDl1;errl~~rd f'or! ;!:eneMt, I O:n:f!

'. - - . ~. d !be 'm:I!!J'!!i1!iu,! bod" pn:s Bite ;c:'lIie(!il":l",. not, i!1RJ' ',b~t

j I' ~I n'"I''' ."'" .", .... a~- .'1, -.' e·· .. ~ ..... ~ r···,· . ~oal~l:!Ii!" ,.,DU'l.d bt -l'ntreh!8't.N '~:11:.. t._kiD~',~ '.~ ,thes e'

~. _IV. - .. I __ .... '~'Q\;tid, bt; the 01le'8 D.ei!ded. fQ1r' ~~tYS'lfS~'cr t,b", ,r;ban8el,

, Ie = S' II Rp..C:V- __ ,",,", __ ARIIC'~E ISY fAL LE V'ESQU~

'T'h~, _:!til ,p,pobl i!Im 'in t,lii$ ~tud.:r· of: t!he .. W 1.""6"11 ,P'to... tn ,~'b~i.eal II' 'hI Q~ QglJe~l ,etiiJ red. :to:l:o'll~.l leond:l t;16M!

L 'Q~~iJ, ,eM ,t.Ci,ol~ of' 't,b. nAl'l,,,~" CO'Mpi.:ra,cy' S':!!l 'tibllt, :1 t I tbl& .n~l 'bes ~M\~!~:t.'nd D'ItIi'1" t'ib:e' .pa;l!!!t ~:t! 'Wel!!'Jt!

l :l'! :(;'iilJe;e., !!lu1I.rlly 'belna; Pre',,'~1"'¢'bed i~.,~ e~l ~ut'B'l -e:cnt_h eMmontbl ,il 'M\tcb c-_.en, ''be det._iltted, 't'r~ gMnlD1A\.i o.n

",b'~'cb ha'5 "eit:r~e:dy bi!!l:~n meli:lpul,a,t,~. ~ th~' ei!1n$,l~&cy"1i of' ~~ect,l~: til· s~din~1 'hl!lh~',~ ~!;" ~n:l.ta18 .l!Jid. !n.t .. m,.

T<h ~ '"'S,t 'manl iud,,, ,~, t.~e< d, i,an, l.:!g, C'OT,erR. by l:i(:r"- ,81 '~1."~ ,.

e:r~ ot: (;Q:D,t~-l!Cti.'~ ~ 1\ ~eml!i; the:t ,t.b8i:r~ '1J1te.y ,~ ;'" De,T,1d ':Pe~k:1M, ,d.1'r:!!;c,t,c·t' ~r' A,~'M .. !,',j ('jJl!~l ~utllap'

. . ' ... , - _oR ~11'D'1ii ~'d' ~ ·1.... .... !'I ''ii.. ...;JII I . i:.:I' iii. l:o. t . - '11" - . t ,t.,:h~'M Pl'>o'be'\ '1 ~t,!!id. !.n. JaMe'l ""B. lil"!iD',' 11I'I,-'PtiI·~ '!D •. , '~.A •. " 'i..-,: .. :"'in,

'~iilt-l" 'W, .. ill ~~. en ' ..... ~,. '!;,J'Il1,'t"e'iS" u9 !!1!l,~ ',L,mI,: ... ~;!I!I '~,lrJI·I.:5 irlL8DJ":' ~ I - lI.l' .,.. \,L, "'" "" ~ iU. ~ !IO!Ii!l", ...

Tb,!!y haif" been .pl,'~T~~g !!,~r.,eil ,p.~'r' I~IO'~ ,m ~:r 5W~' ,1.or1:;.t l'og' '~':he' ,_n fiOl'i:!l ,w t,1I' .. ll,tb C:~ll O'~WM p!iJU:, em

I f'a~e- h~nU.,. fOir ,.lB.'!!:!!. 'They' ~y ,e.J!![P<eB!'1" 't.,~ be 'litt'l"e'· :!! '~pl of 'tm,e Uj'. ~A", ~:r. t);i! ye,M"S ,118 ",tp'pi9,r,>&o!. .r~or~

't.,.rrP.'~'t':r18,1l:s II' aM 'e~n 11, el i8 bout, '.ht!~ t~e:J i!!rre 11l!'em '" 'T'el.elt' '; :s'urrt'sc}ed be-tween, NUtii!J 5 1 t,e~ aM, DU'C1l ur

'&t 1 D 'h'81 :l-ty th'l S: 'I iii, tblvi r' :F.l~n6't,~ bei~!i -of ~_l!i!il1 t,jlU;:l.l.'1.ttt!l~ ,., The geoM~ll ptitem ;1'M:lcai8. a ,al~1.ndl't

.... I . ..l.i!"'.ii t ....... ..1 ,L';" t.. '1- iJ., 1 l:l:k :oiI.1 1~., .. ,t,'I'=I".-.-.· r~'1'Iii.,),".,'i"'.·~"'i,.",': '1I'i.., ..... ,

~,1l:i1I8in.iI')J:I;l:s1ii U;J .. 8:D:',s, Q!IU,;"dO:!ft 'W~IO . f.lClai me,", or ,I 'S:S'9 ::l.e !I;li ......... ·W-9 ~ IL?_U - ~~ .... Il! ""~u~~.

I '~~~ h~'U"e 'e'To1!.''I'-e& i'Ml,d~ 'tmle 'WtU:~thl fit:b t"heir ''I"'8rJi&afi ' To' .hflit, 'Rt!l!utfo could ,~:r.' ,pT~ri1n1'!nl'" b.!, b'llot-1!''ed:.~"i:n

~d ~i!D,¢ed 'te!:1!,nil:\O l~'gl,~:!,,~ ,ccfm.le ool:r.:6t.Jl'QU ''trlt:h, tll'~i.iU! br,'Rd..rg, :t'r<:rm :t~':r: '!8'l"'J1'{T'

Su:d,.:ee pe;l :f,t h:;·.e!:'l 'p",""!IJ~n '.'J" ~ e:Qnn.~lCtedi, ,t,;,o :i!li0"n18 ,Are ,t hell r m~ l'n!!i ~"'Ml 'mOire, :!l!: ,1.1;'\:1 ,:te1r" t.;hi!ig w'. iOil::irTlI'Ato!i!i

of ,the s'u bt'te\l"i"lInMI.'n, ,c:i;vl.1~. dt ~ 'otli!J ~, ~1 tU'r-i!!i' !:'e~ 1y SU8,_pe ct '?' T'~ M~ aM GA'I'Y ')t'Q!,ey' c" F61"l.!II' n.'~

'tiD be 'ma~lfLTI.1,let," :b~,tC!1 '&I!""elopb~te:, 'H~I!I~a1"'Ch S.'!:.'U!d't.,~:~ O;j~,Oi-~' 1004\) ,put ~,t a pJlbl~,C!!iltlti~ ~ntrl,'tl,ed S,tni~ATAI"

'"in i eh; 'In 'r'Hl ~,ty,~ :en f'ol" t'h:e' c;; on'! ~t'ii!1't,c'~h~il I! ':t'nml"", 'hi eli "'pO!ri!l, ~, ,t M· con:' :tn\IJinl 'i.~.e!'t l,pt ion l~~o '~'bl(t

d ,_If 1".'1 tlnt'l esS; '~'li,":& ~:t ,i!IiIl"~l m\~iM! tfttolons ot l,g .1.8!!!Iue ,4,

_I~"" ~, -

1I'h'!l1~ uto end Or;i~lt :lny,e~'ttp't'CJl":!!I! ftre' TrrIi!!,d.:I!' 'boo <::~e'r:' 197iBj 'here 'BiPJ-M,rsft 'm@lit 'U'm,II!!!;ul!IIl I!r(;!~t ,ot

!J pi n bl, ,., i'p¢l,p t i j['l[ '~he~' ,d;l'iO,. . t'il!!!' S&iU~e~ :te~Sl~ ,'" ~ .'QnIa_l'tl f~ .tic)" ill e. Arbb~:!5 '!i

,are U'!I'i:ng 'tib.iI!!i' su,t'£ae~iit ¢i:lJl\u'~-e:!!l tP)!!!I: II!{Jften:U.o:n1!!l: of' tll~'l'r 1m 1973 •. 'Wl"!; Lt, '(.all!!: ~ tIl call b8\r') •• :15: ,p'l.ckhil,g

~ DeWe-r' p.w nu,i;t ~ ~ 1ihity"~ !kc 'l!Iilu!1 ~''fVe t wt '~'e- 't.'be a[jlplH, oi' Sbe f·elll, f:f;.Cll'i1 '. laddL~':r~1 '.t,'r:Uc:ini~ ,.nd.. 1!I,'I!'i"I."

CiOn:l!lipl:r:(;J¢y" is 1"ul'! ~ed! i t b-eeon~s ,~l._r ",ba,t, 'thel'le '~'!1llr Clilj'~" t, inl CkUe Dr h.e:r- 1 '!I'. !!I' b sb& JLi!I,j( ~n t'ib-e'

'i!,~~' '~ld'djJn~ [pCWfe' ri'~'1 '1,It:Ulnnin,g,. t'~,e:nD,Q'l Qgl,e;EIll/M',,,,~e~\151 ~ !;rtMJd. t,!OCI' ~. ·t 0 rl'~ e'., :sh'e: ~iQ1If ,t.~ f 1,glIT'tl!!l i!!t p'pl",~.'db,-

~l Hat 1:~P"~' 'e-nj oylb\g. !hJ.p;;'rl,orl t:r ,~~ \b~ ri!!j!<t ,ott iD!'~ Onft '.,:!J'!i ti!ll Jll ~ ,t'bin,!, ,tb:e- ~ot ber' mu~':b. !;'~eft,.r.,

'ltlWlkbd,,. 'Th,'!!' giOT-iI!r:rrme:nt'l: of ,the' W,o~'i'ld, d.QI ~'~k iOI!l'D." -b th~::r :ftJeBr-edt, 11", 'I.,,, ICj~':t&, ~," ,t,o, hi!!:!" :1!J!!I:tiO~ls'!ttm"n\!I!'

I'o"ilh.l p' ,em. Cll'!l(ffled:i", in,!' of inf'(';inn!l'~.;l 0;1\ CD, th~.s, :!:u'b-, 'tbet ,a;l" hO\lSh~ ,they' we]". '~n~"Jd t 'tb"'Y' '.eN :no'\ 'Ib;.;m;.u ii,

,~ec't. t 'b!Q~Q!!i'i!]I)' ,~1.' tobe conce!~ ,of' !lirK::ll"'eiB:!!I tng d.i~e'Oi"''' Tih;e:y be'8~n ,t,~t iDS 'I!.JI!l" ibeill,rhl eed.i-n, 'l'e! '~1 t;~ a

itr," In'l'olTlnlB t';he t,r.-s:ceil ,and ,1!II~t,i',""i t1eis :relf!ji'ed, ,t,o ~~t"~I'e- '~¥:b:!:II!"~ '''1t'hi~ 'nd,.,t .. ~, all 'b\l~~U,n'g eM pe!ih1l.,

,t,b,,' ~'IH'ld!lefl!t' c\1il \'Uft8 '~ 'hie- :rlifM M 1:1 tj~,,; ,d,~ 11". :I!i :~f!n- fllld! :m;t,oli? pi!'dl,. ,ILiDd C!Dl,y 'th~ i!dl,gtrt.tJ~ Q:' scan ~~J.:rurd ,.

ply til) ,~:s'.rT'e ~~lt-1 Onl1 J"lIi:lls\'h'ell-,· IB!!!; '~"~,e1' .'I"e" T:'liiiJ IC,'r.U,t.,U"~· t.hl!l,_n ,pn:l!l,oe.nt,e4 '11,,"-' '",:U~:b fI, '1iT;!'i'-,t,el _l .• t

'w'i thoot u,p:s ilJt;t;bJ\g O\l~ :po,p;l'l)l!l;tdi an~ ,.UiiJl 'C«.n'blp. ~\I'!L :i t, ~

ftti~ '1 nf]ujlIw;:;e on, '.,rM:lI, ,of' ,the~ ~ m=lpuler\ 1nr :!n'" . g,lle ·thl<llk!d ~b-_, Il!Ind ;!lI!:"k:ed, .l t 'tlw'7 wwldi. ~:anl!l' t,o ih1! l'!'

'Rd,!!," I.e; :Mtr ,t,bo.:r'w"jll,. '~,erst,o!!id!! ,em t'~.'i!ih" S'Osl" hhll5:~' ,r,M:-' $'cmet,hhlg ''0 ,~",t' h8 hm'flbnid Hfl1.-iN \ha't

.. !:~ a~ ... 81"i. ,II!· '~' could! 'be., .t,I' 'l;e't/~' "8kellD.~ '~h~' did :r-JOi~ 'ti'at",lmt, oDll,y e'Ol1Saned, ~'!I~'~'i,e~r.. 1h~1l ,:!iM

,C'the-r l~fo:k _,i!iit t!lj, f:eDt~stlc erJji.~1 of 'i'he 'I'~~ loffe~l!!id!. :fm~t jU:!!.Cit, is,be 'iiIi\ti·i!!l: t'old, th~"., dV!dl :not d~lu.

fm~ll.. ,~Zld ~'i!8 'Wba,~ ' .. ~ d;o, 'bQIII. 'OD:e ,o:f' ,! r' ,~'l'l e< _ :!lame ki:nd, of ju:l~'e tbBt, ~.~ d ~nk t, fl!lrQ:~ ~:: by'

!i~p~rt.~:c!eim ',il'ti.l~e;~ltlM ~,lS t'~}e ahB.~f:i,lc:ZIJ of ~!!I:.~ n~,i,~e~f dJldl ~:be;y ~an blcCid'j ... ~t81. :f.l.\i,lds'i' 'b1"81n 01'"

'"1 lil!Itu~Jl ~nTll"cD!i'it!:U\'t ed, 'ifM-n--me.d.\e f,II!Ii~11:!! \ l''ll!ii!:;!!' gllEund i!I:"1:!¢'r~·'.'1 eM ,t'::rQt'l 'y;e·r l (iIU~ ',fm:1~!l!i:l:, iii, In'Ctucllng'

nJ~i.1'" OU:ri.Q8'!.'t",. Qz.te:md!!!l ,~o ~n~'ll!!i;j1 '''!ldl and. dcmel-' h~!I~B Ii t:bet, ,~ont~ll'n. 'itt '1Mil! 81nt'!Ii, ''IIh:I,'c'h 'they' :n-eerl fln'dl \\D:S,1i!

''''lc,~ tbi!! brlnp Ul!I to' tl~e In:~ill Mu't,llet,1'O:M,II "a ir:1!1i',1i.enh;ib the-i to i''':llf',1! forc:,,'ilt), ,Thl!t, ~fiJo-ldiS

(Id'one '.i t'h IJUl', pnc'le:'l,'OJ'l') 'whilOh S:!''e em:l"l'lml\::m,y ',,-alk~ ,a.'!t1Bty ft~, ~,be l'il!li±.,u-rnedl horni!' f'tf:U:.b ,till", Aml] ~t.

t8~d.m~ ,lee'e' all QYe:r '~'~~, pll.D:et~, Th'!!1 ~iMutdi'. ~r:ft 8 "hh:'h !!he I!!:tl 11 ~,e~5 toda!y~ 'fh~~,al"tl:rae;t, _5 'be •. B, 1I!l.,'-

~!tli!int ,~,t 'n",,_:UinS ,clue 't,o the' :rt!ft,\rr>e of' '~':h.ecm:l;n"" ,~l,~'. ~'~ t~e:~.,. e:r~ ,~H.I:D~iI! on 'k~'b !di'de~5Iil ~,~~ ,1!\iI-r--.

'~:S ut'o O'!illt\u:'iil)':!J;~, 0" iliF,~lu'l .e;nd ~f:s:b::iII3p!Od:ll,'hed, !I"it;.!I!Ii,'l'1i!,!~,~

The,,., dm, ttl. 'l'it.i!!ljpM't 1;!!i f'~", ,Ii;n:i_l Q,'!" '~", 'lh1! ~'~m&J.'s ~s:llx 'Wi!!! e;o lI!!Ii£"'~P t:..h~ .fit, pI e o:r.-ohi!i~. :!.Zil.t:: 1-

i'~t-l!ll'!;" ,e:N' d,!,!S'!!i~c,t.:1nl' :and, "It,ln,!!! ,~nbm~ls ' .. It.hou\' dle:n.t,. 't.e'.!' d,lo! tUll1',Qd. \I"p -mb!ll(8:1:n;s: ai:IA, 5'ha ,iI'~t out ,tiO'

rel~"rdl tlDW Ol!QlIiU~!;'nt~p Qr.' ~: ,conce:t'd", !he~~ Bi_'r~1 ,tQl"' 'l.t OD. foo,t,,, <Qat!,:nnS 't'O 'tbe _,S:e or _,

'iI'iIU t,i.]l!I'~ lrog. e're loc!cu?'lng cn '. s~lIi,l Ii!! ;!Inri hl -,e. JB 'wh 1 eh '~t n,r.J.;fi,~" s'b!!' ''lIP i'tne-.iI!I,i!HKl ,IIJ, 'bl'PI'r-r.,., ~e'II!De 4;' . ft'!'r'e,t :niS~

ba.",~ rn'l '!d.' ou,t If r or' ~!!f~':r;l eg!!!l, hl":$'t.'!,,~t,~t'j ') ,p'r'iitdl,t,on i' '~"!!t:I! h!!!ll ~.'f:'Q",t,e',~,. 1tIe" t,WQ' '~Mi "I ~ ''IIi~d:t,it C'Mt~i!liiJ1 ''Ii'\O':ric-

s l~ikl'e Iii",,! t.cnc'F8,t:1l' l~l,t,iJ 'j lInd "',gule,r m! '1 ~:tal'1' rf!'''''' ~:ng' 'M fa hon,!! t;bi9lt 'le7 1:n, 'the ,fl .• l,d,,,, Al,~tO 't'&:ere

$I~'reh t,l!iJct. i es t, ,11 el1l· o:'l;II:,.·"ijftl 'haQ ,~'ed t'be !!!I::l,g"" '-~' tQ' m~'n, :!n. 'wbet lin& ,tlh~~:t, '''.'l''e' ,Ii i~, f'O~8

. ,n!,flc~iI!!I' ot 'III·~. 'b~J\tlIt, tV~".;t.e17" ,'l~l:"fJ;:f'tU, ca,p ble o:r - '~tn:I:"QftI'i!l' i! .b;I, .hlll!, eOlpM1",j!!lQ. 't.,e, 'be· 'ib~ _sm., 'i.c, 'tnben'"

'~~i8.-U"'.!1!"iDI". at '!'.b !!lII'!I ... _d,!I 'wltli, 'lh.'".;rl'~d' eldll,t,,.;,. :old;!! ,tihl!!!.t ·~B.4i1 'iI;-~:A'I_~ ~"iL..i"'" i,~,,;f--,';'" . ..' . __ .. .' ' .. ' .

0. Ii:t ~ !:ai I" ..., -- - ---- ~J lIm ~J.L~ ~"'r-'!!i' ,~.~~-'"i! IIJIII

,th!!!t, "a p,pfi !!I 'I" ·e:%'!ooM iIt!.d,·:l'h~t, I (l,D ~:l t'fJ!s.. :9 OlIr,ie look·, ,'m n t,'i' <~.~dd<8~11' t:~IiJ,:I,'IJ~ - 'h~' ,"'h:i~ 'l! :!!Ii.'CImi!t\,hlfl18:

,t he' ,cl,~,55!L!C i illca"s~~' :!!":bapleJ:8i-.~ lllne,lly .ecQDpani.ei& '\'r sb~1 '~ :not, ~u p~jn,H., t.o ,~,.e,~ Sh. ~pn to 'J'\l.D eway'

$WIB'~l.l.'P I!IIIIJ ,hl!l'r~'I. .b p~, fQlms... J.l~o~,~' t hl!e,. ~ but ':.lot.. ihef'o'N" '~hjJ '~llt,~~ . hi. t,llrft elll\81'rlt1j!!j:' 1!I:~tt,~,· . 't

,eero-tO(l'lll1 ~'r-8I;~ t:b&,t .'0\:I1d he. e~!!! ly ml:~,t·!ik.:m ail be'l'l'" h;e'~' ~ ~:i!: t.b~,~t, !in II! 'hd rd :!·Qliie!O~ nlm:i,ng .i!!Ilti'R 'hM"

CQ,p,t~T'lJji nt wttb&dt ra,tery 'hl-9tl'I!!;" - ,ar!!. ,,'l'\~:;~.,. ,~OT' ,81 bri,ffl' .. ht!,tt~ !hIQ!Q?i a hli!lii.1Ico,~'t,e; ~i~k']['1' Q'II'"e:rtCl:Ok

T~'" ~'\I~ :n.8t f-.em, act 1 ",i,t~J.!: ,.TIlt qu,' t,iI!' 'elLe" brJ,Mt,.", ,~ j; h~'1'; 'Bindl. 1b~~D '0 dle!,C&M oi, ,j, ~lu,~ 'Man I!)'f lJi. ght. ,.,eli!!!

_I" .'I"ft Ld,."a~ i na; -l'l'b :h,g,t,m\'j 'hr,I81OM ~IO hSJ"NI f:tex'p,erii'!' 4:1. r~ct,~" 1lI ~ Qn 'h-&rt, "rM'Uci:ng ,S:I!,'I"! 10M 'w:rii-S O-n. h,'8'!r' ':r-1 Pt.

't. e<::'hnl,~,a'l t.rfl,t,~~n!!· .,:pj .. '!!I'~;'f e:~.t'lf'!.'it!i ktl,~1.'iftd,I'e·' AI,l :! ldJe' t, 'for '.'hi9t~l" rN S ()Q~, the ,!!l remf.'t :s~lid;en1., 're''''

b',~ oo;!" '~~ I~ nll'l'n~. MM'~' ,f:n, lUI. un • .xplalnM .. T:I'.I"na,~, '~·oO·~ t '~~,t ltd endJ, _ ~'b@ .• r6IB 8 ibll'ilj' 'ti 0 !It,,,!: k hi!'lp 8ind. be:9: pil t~ll .... ·

~.'eh bJlood tbAD 1I!'m2il,d b~ 'n.-e~~fjd .r'or' 't,e5~lns ,~:l"POS'~ !j'._ 3 'Zllt,~,~~ 'Wh'~'l8i 'i'n t:h~' ho~,p:!l,t.lll;'l ':sll", W8'~ 'QU81t.ionM b,,.

Cc;'IU14 'l'l, 'be a 'f'oM !J-U'.P,lMiflDit, Qr' hl!!!.'e '.tJ~tJnl 'medle:l_:m '!!I~'~~)e' .,.ib!l!,U,en ~ 'S]!,:i!II 't.b:W·S'hi' 'tc,!8Y w~,r,!!< liktli]y' I,~m:'"




i TlliSfi:t eJ giimJ~ l!j: j tlil,we;h. ap,pe Tlentl:rWJ, !C:re(h~n,tl,:i:~l. '.'ei~". _ , ~'"T preiS ~nt'ilkl,., ,Aft,,, r helr.' 1'\ltl~a5ti, h~ tbe bO:!!i pi tol"il

,t'~.'~, IC:otI;~t,y '$~.f!'J;lrt' prer$ ,t!;,t'!!N~l in ''11<8,1 ntl\!il lnlng 'that,

• "-IIi''!iI~ '1",,. 'wa:-,' '~~"l"::-'-I~~ !!I ,,;,-.JII. -''''-h'''';'-, .h-·" 'W.i!Ii.m, ''''-'''~.!i:~~'~.;o;; f; .... "'"

!~ ill ~;IJ __ ~ ,~ "IirI '~l'~ ~~. _ ~;G "!II. 1 ~ ~ !1iiiII "'1 1" oIIIl!UJ..:J! r,._.,"""" ~ iU,~,'I!iI!. ,. ~~

Ul~ bon'", ~t,i''lliB:t, i,on,,; 'wlift ~'b, l(\,t4, ~iC,CUl'" :1 n ,the I~] rlD.8~' TItlI!!i '!!H~tr;'t!~\ 1111:SHt,:rer~g-.e: !peiCip,l iII'~' .ho, ~Ui,e:st i meAd, :h,e~ !It tbe: '~1$ pi tel, cont iWM t'Q' ... l~'i t ':h~:r 'b~le'" '~!likl:n~5' ,t. be ~~e ~ue8:'t I OXIlS 'J'\i:qpe'8;t, ~itd!l"'IIi' '!'U'!"el ':hE: M'Si$ti!leJ'l.'It", ,!'Jb!l' cl.ei,ft!l!i'i!

'11' ... f' ·ii, .... :L ... Ik .. ,[ Ii iii' :-"i ..... J: .:lI._~ ,iIi., ... g. 'i1 .... '., ... ,.,_.1 i'II".,iI 84.'1"""

.J!.Q .: ~~li1t11 !L!lllm,~l _"I~ "~ '~J!;I~:,;lU~ ~IW iL:If~'~, __ ~1IiIl~l IW_$'"--' ~~,I,I_.I!!I_'j/

lP.PoI'I't!, '!b.,o .rW t<f~,lI:l~el.~ :SUit,. 'I'D ,!!ii, :shol:ri, il,Imi6'1ii tne 'S,_Eif

111,9 t "tS)~" p~O,P:1L w t 'w'h,Q ,,"'lapd th~ 'i;n ,eetmSi:$. 'b.',gBn, apln, ... , At, ,th l:!!I! 'IIi:!"l. t :h'Jig'", t.'b,e'Y 'hfrife' 'IiI'_oTd, '~I p tn ,ad ~;r"

ii' - '.' '1i:- ,:Ii ... ,I, s·-·t- 'b- ,m·· :!: A,_·i . ,.,'~ Sit;!!·· . ,iii·,

J.D. !!!I,Ie<il::JI:. ~5, ~OI1l ,lII,~, _ ,QU . -' ~.Ii. ~:_ .. ,~!, .. ;In,,,,",", '~'I,_' - ~.'g 'J;,~,

'~Ddefl'w~-y ,edt. ~ ~ml :t 9"11~18,· ,~d, f~O!n ,d ~fte'Rn1i 4l RC:~ t'1 em'! I~' :In 'b;~JP~!!J of !!iitl:ediing mot'!;e ']!:l,gb,t, on. tlh.:i;s, ,i:m.d,

~ ... ,~,.1t ;ptr)t~nt :l~;~ly !~~Q!n;Bnt, CfliS "'!I: I 'r,e:-llfit,'tii, ,~,o '~,h~

! !'In'md.'el'' CeM pI, r.4iCJ'i!'1!I II,

'Is wt' p1lftD:e't u:nd:IB'r 'U'l~ 'hl1111.I,lI!!lru=e of ''!Gml,llIu::li!Il be:!,fII;g5 w:b~, I::ii I"'e' 'ma:n.'1 pu18't,ins '~s, on Q ,g;I,e,~l: '~,c.~l;e'! "1,0 ~'J' Id:~t,~i'J!l'l'_'ll"" 'h:e'ry(t~e' is: 8rfect,e,d~, 'l.n, 'nIi~~!P1,!1!:' d,e;wtlle$" by':&t:r-epg)!!' ~:""en",: t'it!Jt, ,t1le'f diem. 't ~~rs,trAM ~ OIl ~ ~'hiLd'!i ;a'r>llli' lb.:hlg' ,pl,ayed .l't.'h.!, 'c'~f~j,:1QD!l ~ blt mttne:l

'15 M,u~t 1.~"1 l:t,,!!:,s' end '~l!le old. 19a4~ It'd~lbl e t'hl:nkll' ~ 'The

W:lime;l ~ ~,~e be,ln,g phY:'J,:t c~Jl'l~' 1ENo''t i'ieft,ed,~, llii,t h_~!!!l.:i!ii e'~~ b@lng' p!!iyChle"lly '~t. i.h1j'~~dA', 'Our 'iIilh I nkfi,nfJ ,BI',p'p«r""" 8;t;~., I,~ 'be:i:ng d,e ::l+li'~J!L '~' :~,lQ.n, IChernilcals, 6nd "~bd ~;eii!!l,!'II~ ·ftJ,u8; 'W~~ elm iilti~l~ ,~nd, I'm~'b,e;:r'ti 'bu,i, _'r ,p~'(lrr!!!l, of r<l'!8;S op, reJ:nd dedtict-t om ,8're~ btd:Dfil ddm;ibl;"" 1,;s.'bf!ld"!!i "'8111:1 iOillla;t, flo~ dt' DIU" thCJl.lI!ht.8 i! ''bj< t;b,~ Ined'itl",!I] ,e,md t;hl!l!'~ r" f!iU,~r'rse'fi ,ell ~,e'5f, t~; I.m'lla", :hng ~r c l 'Idi'l 'i:za ... t~~,nii'

''M'Y' ,f'rl ~nd ~I au t,h!():r lil1c·b_~m g,l:ia.-e:'r, .. i t;b ,1!iI, 'rrJOtc1.I" 'Cii!:l~t'ralc't, C:M~em1:n,g ,t'h~ 5h8"'i~r '~t.el"1 'w,!!'l:t'i~ ~~,

ib hl 'tab] e' ,Sit 'beme ~ - d,i ed :sudd,'B'n'lly.. u,nd ~:r' 'ttr~t e~i QllUiS ~ l ~$t.,aD.c'8:S ~ fIe, 'bd, ,t o;Ld ':h, i 111: 'Wife 'that U\llle:yl! .'oo'lld '3,\ (l'p" h m ,f'rOOt ,t; ell ingll 8npO\~fI'rr '~,O t'h~ ~'ibl tiC &'ibou. e ,the" :::~u."bt·~t-B!H1!UUl, W((lr"l1Jd" ,a.M, t.'be rad''YculC'@~, toch (I!;!, 'M'! C!~ be' '~e1i;l SN'n .d'I~n i!,be'r.& .. ,

, .' ' __ . : "b '~_.', ~'l' . .--~,~: ~_.lI' ,~:.' JO,"!!j 'f'" - ii;''Ii.. l

,,b,,, - 0:1" iP.A:r'm ~, ~ ,Bt~,e ~"li .. r[;g, s:ir.i.'Qr~"&:',y ,8i":.C: i!li,ar" ,ge'!!<I~j!ir· ng

llii'o~e.l\, 1 CD ~b8;t ,tl!;)i'e edt h.~i'l' "t () ,conc:luG,e t'Mt ,the' !f'll:l;:'I';e.a.~,,"I'1ii We're 'Urde''1~' gl)~,~: '~i!U!, 'MH9di&S l:n t~~ 1J'S,A;1l I!I'_ 'W\ii:r-Q' .o.:"tk h~S' !W'l, \'b - "n uli':QY 181 bl.e ,gn.'!'~.nt·" iii :tLlt!J'ln ,t,h ~,s ~,~,t.:ry"" '~,ry d~y b1:"l,~gs P,jl'r.e btt~ lQM t"bB;t eqa/I.,~ iitn,t :1'9; H,i,ng Idl;efT,ell~:~~ mnii, 'U9,_ by' I'g/rid! <G!a'!fl@nn~nt:.,5:!l 't:t:J,e:t, cmly' :y'egtI';3 8'18.0' .,~:8 'l.;q,iIh'~,e4 ,e,:t, lilli, 1m p,o-S'll!r'J)l,e'ii If yw d.:!i~;lli, 'I';b hu11,eft the: ~t,or1 ~" ()\f' Sl!!.uc~;r People" 'wl,tb ~8'll/"D.g t,~ebM\l,DeYr nOfif '~b~ll. ,d,o, '¥"OU, :~riBIy 't.,o go?~_.-nt:; g8i'I,nlnJ~ '!tU:=C",!l:! ,it"Q. th~ '!!II_:e: '~d.nd ,ofl f:'~Ult~i:! t,le e"lq,u:~ f1T!~Dt t ,A,'re,.e: ne'h'!!ig ~8 ed'T'

By' .bJe!' ;etnd[ :fo~' .!bat·:i 'j"oo ~'~~ld ,~iS;k"

- '!:.lin:! "9Ie:t',i!!i 1'~,y or v ls'~ on:rl, 'rilt.S tH!,tcl'HJ'f,",! li~ 'I\!Bi ;e etual ]:y'

'ri;,."" ....... , ',:;"~-l'''' I._A ' .... ..-.-,,,.!!i ~J .... "'" ~- .. '~'n 'iji'.B!-"",.. 8"",'::'1 .4!""'c,--!i;!I!II &.ii.."""""

iU-G= ~;~, !LIlly '!UI iU' .. ~ l~'~LFh.,~·'~~ I~ ~;J..:" 1l~,.a.lI~' "" _ 'J'!~!IiI 'I _ ~+~ U'.-"~,." U,!f.W .... m.!:l

tn,t,o WOIN,!... :RGM ,tt~:j!JY ;~(t--i!!I' 'WOr-lt~'n,g Ian a :r.~ilJit,;fiI: :s,eHn~,Ci:t"iI' s,c' ~ t wilJ. n,Q~ 1b!!t D~!:ie3($;fi" t,Q ,Btt~j,(;h e] ~lc:tl"Qdl~ t,Q'

t h~~ s~;b,~'ect:!5 'rs e!a 1 [)'i' illec:t.lo:O-"-l!iiI':iIl,~:t. ~C' t 1,'1I'1~'9.. :r ron U:f~ c'l',ei:fbl' heViPl c~us;ed, [!:il!d,n, bu~!5 (.'!I~tI'Il,18,r.' to ~Wl

bu:r,n') d,:u.'Jtbl~: ,cl0'5,e, e~w._nt.,en, ~ Ano:th~ r. k;n,Qlr.R, e,'f'::fect

II~IILI.",- '1 tlF TiW:E TIUmE,,~~',Mkb~nl FiS~rr

t ,ot tt:l!fJ'i'~ f'lf!:ld's is aud:! ',iO~ :ae"~ :l:~u!~ 1.,O:~,i' . .j. _,y 1

,ti,c, 't'i"!d!; t5 cud, ;Vn pr.e'!J:i!Il~, O:Mi ,d:i~~ ctly 1 nt-o lib!!! 'br,fI!:o I

~p:!l;&'5'i'li!!i!' '~ he oe~r" 'LirS l:p'Jg 'it.tde.r~i;\'''fln~ ~ Su U~,e:b.~,Y' c,e(!;ed~, tb~' .All,e,M ~i8n (:,~e~~i'~,'e' ,,"0 I ~eLS:", :l:n :J'0'UJ'l' bead'-',l-eo :t,~amlc

j" -ll .. ,~t·'II:.¥,. ~ .. ~U·-"~"'.' '\0..,,,,,._, ''i'"~IIIiL''''' ,-'lI:i: !!;i ~,_.-d ;1.0 -1't

~I~' "¥r-:w..;.~ i[~4' ~ "JL,lUI~l ... ~-~, ~~'I!.rt;I l~ti"lIl g.IL_I ~~·iIW!I,~!::I., '''I ICIJ-~·I .

~i1i ~:'i'i".....;,,'",..,:- 'l""G-.::I: ~"",,~,~ ..,,~ - wh l,.;::n 1'8, ,ijl::iHg 'k»~ toO ':hi!ei ..... '

!:l1J"1~11I~ ~IIiJ ~.~ ~!!!I! ~!.P1a ~"'lrm ~~bI~1I1 -" - - -- .- - -

.~t.::r,_,elt ,p ot'i!!nt ,_yehQl;O,!I!i'Ml ,and 'blolS(i!Cil,el ,~,r~~ts (lin 'b,~h ~~~ mid, ,&ntllTrlB;li!ii,~ SaEe ,crf t'be 8n~ul '~t!, ... , J,~t,i.Ol'l8 :!5bWl :is 1 ~ ~t 'hl,g'b...;:m ~y,.,l Di'l~;rIO!"f4.""o i:rtM:i,';J't i on ~ Tb", :!:r ,:s"nte:::tM'][ ,ce 11~lB:r \,1 'I:e,\lfJ' ,,"fU!;, l :L't.@,n,ll,. me-1l.t,_~, 'tu'tned. to' '!IJl,\lsb,.,

-- f~al ,jm'~!i'1.!,(lj8n5, ,eM, SO!!l!i ;!t,~ '1P:f;~' oCll;i rr',~,tl,. t'll!ia~,lr!j!sr

DeM ,t~, Ui5,'B' 'I.L+li'., (' ex,t rl!!Qiie']l.:Y' 1,gw tr\"'bUt~ l,e-:::!l) Wlllft,:!!l'i" tOlr m:U:.1>"'I9l::t~~,. '~'~l,e;Q::~,i'Qnl'r: e'I~a:rce '51on'~'~· "ib !!If'" 1t;i'.I!n I\:rtml8,'-' '!iri1:~ :f re~le'~o:~ ,[5; tha t, d liS m,p~, ibn 11n ::r.b:Ytms. 'b~a~" bee;t,~,

8,~ loth~r 'btolo',i!lloCa:~ it"lfiechl~ni~i!!l;;' lflh.8'iIiI 'hl: '~o:re" ,Hi :1 !I, 1P(i!!!,51,1b1:"'~' \lJ~ 1n,s t~ls te,ei~l,~!!y tI, to, 1T~n;l pt:Ila:t.!; ,tbe!' oe:'r.-th ill, ire.e,t,tl.'e'l' ,aM ""J.8~"~ i,~ t:1,,~'lrl,9"j to g'&n,~'T:et~,- ~iBll"~hqUl;lik.,s 8bdl ,elVei!:l, !dli~!N,flt Ul,j~, tboo!p,t p:rQ~es,~'e(! of e<ntdN' lPofUlJiBl;t~,~. '9)0 '!IhB;,t, ~::!!i :OP'~I 't;b~ 1~:lBd'e':r,t'8 b~.~ 'been. dol~g th~:1IS tor:

!~!'!I ~ ''I lncl IC'(m,~ re,ll 'ri,:e, t'b,e 'tR~:h 5!i l'O'n Oif li'!lul~~, im:line,l st'~l'l;t,ll~ '"a:~ lJi~e ~.s,l~:r' whe:n 'T~,V'I' ,ani, :!',.':M'. 'tE:1dlo b'io~11 • tid,es pl:'e~d ~ 'New:l t, 13: pO!ii'i5~, Met;, 0 'ttimli t;Olr.' bou!!?e.holds 8U, ,e,prP'1.y' $i~;bl. '1m,b~':ru., 'br,~ tn"!Sih.'I~@l' j)n' r 'y~::r t ~l"l,~ i,on ot'l ta_d,'l ~ r:l Shti in ~,hel e ~rOir~ o.t, 1;.'h I!' 'ti!l7lile'!!1 ~'in'i eo 'Ii,e, 'l'1Pi!!'II!I"e!!!id. tbe 'boQk~ 19164:

n., 115 shc;c'k1:o,S: '\,0 'peDd'e'!" ",he ,ques t:~,oo or ,ou;r' cOiIIJ,pli (:1 toy td:ti.'b, t'li'a,!!': A 1l.1,en, lnft!!·4,!!:n; t ,d;lr'~,l'\e: £'or' ~lP'e rITrientl!ll:ll '''Qi~k ,on 8t,~rl c le(tl~!t~~, Do 't b:ey' ~n;'.e f.U~'tl(Ql, 1'li'~U'n 'baru'~' I t'he / '19:h1:R J;@iVBI~~. '\hie:t .'t'ill n¢t !,t,(jl" ft'h~ ,eor.p'lcdotdI' 'but ',d::11 'hlUl~, ,BI ,pl~;nlet bltO ei '~t~ - ~~m,~ e_!Il _ p'r,$i:l.'~,tll!id,' 'tUfH t:bey d tid;~ ~l~ Ig'ell;" 'it, ,ou;t of 't'l!:J;e ,N~:d,9; they '111@'.~d 'l,n,f;),o t~!e USA ,lind the'f;., hi _ 'o~, Q't thl}\ ,t:hb!l;8~ _ '1I'e d,o .. r QIl" 't.~e' l:J:ltad,t:!'1"S n'!!iW j, ,Al\(mg '.'l:fi,'b ell. ~1:ng tlle ~'I" 'ld~ilhli9,:p".i ngjo ,IP,l '~,ait'1,nl!: lend ~'lri'bi:l ,o[p;e;~a t, l,o:M'.. Wh eD you, ~t;t d:Q~ 'teo, wba,t tb:~ 1TI!0\,i'.'05

"!',........ "1'11 to ,I; ..... "".i!, 1.,1- 'Il' 1.......;:0 '"""'~'""!.'h , .. ,..,. ~t.~,.'Ii ;il_i~l! ~l Mt"'fi' "ill- .c ,1Ili',,,,,,,,~,,,,, ,!Ii< .'--A'io!"

,~~ '9;111 ~,_, ,Ji~~~ ~.t;t _ J·t11 o.~ 'd! u.~. ,. !i:Jiol_llu 1iD.,JI, ~ U_I-_,_Il ~.!IJ _.~,Jl1H ;I ~~ ......... ~ Ii:r. jl i",ll'T_.;r- .

d'fJl ;B P ~e~n." 'mQ'~ 1 i h, t\i!JJ' ~"'V'~t1JIiin :ban S,p~c;~!'~ <: ootll, lnxJH/'r! wt~:r.:) \Th'la'il. lIb-'e' w'l!I9J,lely ':r'e'g&Tded, W'f~H~'~, Genor'''l,!;t P,!8',ace- 3l,O'V~'i1g ,e:n' All,..tlo5'llrlll,~: IIlj'Bpe.U:=\el, 'itJ:roU'ltvrsrt fTm 'the 11111,lon

'~'iI'iill ,",,_~n 1""",-4."' I";"':' t-, ~I'''''''''' :~:~IJ,it".J!.JI;,ll;l1 ~-~ ~I;II);I;~ _ ~~~liI!

U, ~y K1!eiJll 1b8 tha'~"" 'J[ i b Sire WAilS,., tllls eiM ,of' tb,e p1i91Y' liS, ,@':n,g,_6,s;edL ~:tm, e w,a,r!' b&tw~a,n Jr.l1 sht ,~'f".d, '~::fk f'C'l'Ce'Si;) 'F.oo oo'di 'Ire I.~e the' d;~1b pawn, 'in :!i,~~on,'E!I ~l~,~ II'S ga!lle'lj Wh_,r,,:: ~CJiII~!ll'~' ld'BJ'i.r"'ibce tba.v 'lI\:ll'l '~~t '!!.U!II n l!iiV 'Rhe;m, ,l:t (::cm~s 'to Q'

rIo- ',~ ,t" Iii· ;-

~l- -iL, - iilil'- - ill i.,'J:. -:- ... -- -;1'" .i..: .. l' ... 1i"!i ... ..1 ~ B.'.'H m~In.' DOUt'i!:"OJ

~" ~l1ii~~,ary 11'!B:r'j ''I'i'':L;~,,[j, ~,. J]!IiI'~ j' iiI:,v~ii!:' '''':~'w, ,iII,,_'~'v:..,' c~.:..,.,'" • __, _:" ".

:, ,-- _ .... , .. .:!i - 1":': ;!II c.;ij ~. - a;fl 'II "if ,~~ '""!"", .. ; .... ' ii '~~"',t.,,6 ;"i,'lil 8,""'· tl'" &',il!i""t'l t'h~9""

1B:l'\!:7,1iJ,otil"@"" _:El_1,;i:, :y,e _ 1!J,',:!O\I.!""r..:L AoIM'" 'Ero:;;!' ~,Ii""" , _ ,t",w, _ ¥'IO!' . """ I!I ,"I! .. _~. 'IO!I

'killle!l" ''II''e!3i,plons,~ wh'~.l~ t'ni& d!:i!!:8:,e~!tt'$t,~ '!,:5 and 't;bli' e']lect, fp' r~:h'Jo b:1dLd.1!UI, 'in t:hel T' ,eGi.~':t:.. E'o'~,lf!<1i en~l roDiI1ieut, 'SUb ... ,

c;11~· .. !iles'j! dleep wi,th~:n the' ,~la~e-tA!' 'lars, 'Ifhl~ 'ba,ppened, btlc:rllt on l' ,~,ti, ,t:hft !eI;'t:~nte:~:'t f'ieI'~'l'i:~g it Wq8:S '.' I~W,ay t.'l~~, 'FdC:! ~, w,i,th YOU'i,ii

P,!)t'tI'3,'C'l"~t ; _ ,~_ " .. _.

Th~ _In,,ad],e,rs; 1nS:",e 'be;en 'b~i" f':tn B ::! :~V: «b~l'o:r~' t"el_ ... ,

'\ - - - u-,- '. -

,,,~· ~ I'n, :f~IQ't:~, t,bey '~t \11::1: ,,1.]['1 t(~ 'h.eivg OO,I1.'~ 'Bett,~,r

to e1l)~t Nil yiOlU 1btil' ~ 'e:~ ~ 'Y~'I" '~i'" 's ~t eRn, M 'U:5i H, ,8:1 B rmoott Dr' ot,,'~ t is:ounds ,a'r,~Edl {:Ii, ,iii, 'Bwt 'ib!l!it'ti<I!!l't' :Y'f"!t,,. ,D $lib"!!!"

1 n~' --'1 l'ma -, 11 ,re, .B.:nd the'" ,~nd, 'IiliCilJ! ''11'-, ""cit, mO'!it, cf.' the

, _. , ,~ I .. ,~8 , e _. __ _ , . _ _. . _.. ;U'. Il!!! 0;. -.' --

ftli!!If'lns: ,cpllet ['M ll1t,:ri!llln'O',ed... S (i!i~' ou,t, f'r~ i~Xr.' !Il~ i:.e~t,

, .

., .

S;pirr~ 'writin.,g;j~,~,F0$31.l~ tn{!d lfuJ:d :'It-]i~~'era,l ffJrm~t; tl.-"Cre O~1C€ bel'ii~tr,~d ,1.0 l~n~e !'~een ere- 11"ttJ'd ,b,Y l4lf'Jd~&r:gml'u~d ,spirits., Abote dri1'l~tn,g8" j'rmn K;;i'n;/1'ei'?s ~'hlnd't.s S\~bt'€.:r.f,a-,

. .~ n~O~IS:, lOO4~ wet'e ,fup-l,08;eil t-Q. be·:t ru~: f.~pr€:fe;rj:t'(l1"UC~lhS of .i.ll.i:?ciu~ml~ IJ'ClwI'lly. fou,J'Id,.

.. fI'~ Sh[iill .... ii"]1

~hll5 :scl'enott r;l,etio:a/:reJ'il::~t bamlbsblltll .8S, JSs,~, tJn,e' Oir8w

-'11 f' .... --'-1' - "'-1-' - .. ' - ,",iL.. .I" iI.Ii. .. Inl'loj!"O--.:I .' ,

-~;!!.," ICE.!B! [C:O~iIliII· - O'!Y' !!O ijl' :-'l:g<a, AJ'iii"lkd!ll,'I<! 4I.11;!!' lji !l!I,~ ..... ':!.,,'e!llli, pl!ury

.-~1C!iQI lew ''lf' ~s's:bll~'b~ 'Scle'llce,!O\ Tmth~, g;e,\d. B9S.'

I iB.te.: i:nd,i!'-eod. !it'~DiB~'r 'b.~: __ 'SF :rlrl:n![om c~ld t-me..g:iM. 11'1

. ,)"-,,S" .. .()'~er' ,~t (:!! Q-! .... tl ,e'l:~l e 1 wool,d ,""f) W l,tb l to It : 'b~,. 'knew I twaS, r'Mit m 1 ~:Dd!.H·ro.Q,t, ~ni thet He'lll • 'ill,

gefwi'nl!' I.UC I e~t e ~ '" '.'1 t'b PiI'W b:t(l! gh,rrJ'I,;lll ~,n 1 t" U 'b. Itdd,., uS 18'.0'.. I 10WId., cut 'bet, knPi!I'~ h. tb~' le'l m Wfu;;;l U);i!i,:r., _8 :II horr! lb'le reell 't,' ~~b. lItorfli· ey,ll t.heD, I"~ ,t~ giD'!. Cl"l8ert'J:re c\QUld be ~ U:!~ '", Ian Itt 'friUeb kllek :1 n t.b~[ !;ynthet, ~,e. e~(u=t i.c~ Ocr I! '1"11, ~~.

.}II.lfl"".rt.he'!,,!-a II' t,he'iiJe" c,.e'kpl!)t:JJ: CCI.t :H~ut., I. lair;. ,O',R' '1.1 IN,ym.g-p''''!lr top' '~il,p~t1\"8 ' •• ill., (U~,,"\1N' tboll., ~iJaden 1,\, t. obly' :ftRI!'~S.1'Y 't,o. ~"b1.1!)h, lsliUM, ,cf' .NIDII;; ItCI:il~. e,o:n.t !!!I!t'D!:q Bt4r~til!lJl: '_Ileib p.:ro,,!i,t,:ltii,t.1

t:tl, •• 11 el'8~k:PGtll' "~, In. t'le',lo_l p.:I; •• 'I'.' ," •• "':l" hfiil, :1.u-blt~t,-edl 'b~iI '1.ry' t~M:d,.,n'

In 'l'9(~ t when t,b!s IIln'lelll _,pI,f!'Iareilll t.he '1M 'litill 'bd MiOllOu 'cwf~ ,!I' of' ,.ell" t~ ;nm, hfoH t'b.~ 'f'QC[i. c:ane b fl"'Qfl'll 'he. ,s ... l..,h. o,t' jIJ''lu'.l:~: Itat,iI!QPe'.t8 'w ,bdl""tdl,,.. 'U~l[iI aD! g~1PI f·aw .'1.,1 OYeZ" ,t!!l:. 'wo,r:}.'." An ~id:I!i'ri,l. '18: f~ In. "'h .• Sprl~g. 1'1'5.0 l!J.:I.~!!II of' 'SLQI' .. n J:,~l:I:h :f,_,-

'I: lH [mil bbed. IOU ~ of 'I!II~:1' t ... .L T't, <Eo, ;I .~ 1 ii,-

'be f!lllfliTgy exu£ledl ~ \'tw! ~Y!'tjJr.y" 'IlfliS !t~ d,OWI1if:i!lil'll" .. .. ir-,,'-'·' ,-,'[ ''-- '~:.I!;!'''' II' ,;1,,_: 'QQIl,iq;,.,~.q ,!!Ii ,!I:~,t .. r

'!!Ii long 81l!1, SF cl"wehed 'In !:>t:s, nlc.'he ilJ!I en, i!.Dt'e-~Q:lD.'ft;j,n' ';ti,ped br an '.!Ii!!li,b, '~.f"'lide':r' ,.p~ltl!J' Uthat Ih -1:t1;y

- !II;,I;I,l!Ie",:t.'8 'lilQll! br~i;U,D;! 'o.ftl" :Br.lt1.:!IiI, f8nt_:~t -,j, '.,"~

1iIiedflln ,t.:her--.iJ '.'S 'no meed lot 81'1,lil'!'h ,:&!t, when '.0 me G C' ~_L. " 'Iii" .

- --.. '. ~iiWl;!A1!!!i '0" TMke:rt.,Q1t., A[R' ..r-otil[ C,

I \UI!. it '1;,0.' N~'l .Pt., t~t!IJ,.' 'cl:!IIim in, 'f"'I!!i!C\, lSi ., w~'rld"1.' .. , I'IiI .

. - -- .II ._. - - ~ 'iLl: - , .' - t-··- oJ . ., . =rs . :l;j,,- - . -''11;1' to-;li"Ib.'1: l[tcmaeDIII.lal fnta.Il'i!eI, of' m,C[ba,N B,., 8:btto:r.. i! ~

,CQM 'l. t,"e,cy (II ,!!liD e .... l. eD, mClieo !O;ie9;!LI< r~ ~c ~r!lID.l.iI1'7 ~ .e~ '!!I 'h&, :Ii. t 11-1 'ib..,.1d- ~]- iI. -

lbat., '. ~~t t!!)'O mucb. .~ ". 8ga Ui_ ' •• '- - p1"Ol~:'-,.Ii, ty' Wc>c'aiiild :18 lon-'riDI '~h.

. ". ,_.1_. . .... - ,", . . ]. _. _ . s\.ttilN[ 01 e .. :rt..Il1 'p'~O<z1.11 'II, :1'. riD (ttUi, ,_~,qv : :II,DDI iml;~

1, Cl:lose ,1::l;m(I,ll~rl',y eM, 'bel I"'ou:-, :liL ~;hla 'wti_,!e:r-/r .. ,i .. \,1!l:!1l' cal :'.nt!i!Jtl!ll'ellll, B'III, _Clh. ~.ON the:m, 1,1; 'boi,' ' •• eQ,1 "hl'1 are ~e'l,.trhi!M'bl:p lmt'n'JI!I(I, 'L. 10n 'HUlbbe,1'd ,IJM J'IOM W',~,,~ll. IQleri'1.t[ ,and lll~riit'fi1 .• aid lahen"erllea .It'b 6b1u:m

01' ,m«Jlm,tJfG lC:tlJCD: rIa l:[pl',., c.mlP.b 11.11[ t,o.Oil' 1'0'[ :i;'nt.,o ,t pT'-o.I1ts., I[ '[ 'lL. :h:·rrous '. \I"m 9's. e" .d~~tm.'.~t[.. ,ad

hot W8.'tilt' ... i,I,b. Sf trfln, :rol' ,·lp,t,..lkl:t\,! 't.he f:lne li:ne _ b:y.!it ... lcal _,.t:np .piut tM It,mutliorlt:les" MI_-

~tR.[~ lie I ~Dee-,ft[Ci,l OJ!) and, I_ct I' NO'lftul~ I[ wbo 1maln 1,ft. b11Z111 tu, l •• t, !I:'I!j,_, of. ,'eJl'I ~t Ion 'mud.,.. 'tb.ea J:

'b!!!l8'l,d of lJu,lbibaINt, enee ,II 'lo.w'I1' Sf wl.',l,t'et' _long '.'l:t'~, eonf~s;. llI'I7' pill\idco iHc:Qltes :1!I]~Mlbet. ~1!!i'tr.etbtjM.l,.

,Sb!g~AI,r'l ",in~ :t'o.r- 5'pi!I,ee I:Q t.'b., pulps, QOW Ii[ lmllti.-' I". ,!lire told \! n sh~Jld it'u"n" ;tMgtrMnt GD,

m,I.llli,oDllilrl' ·.M, p:N, of S-c,l.n.t,olcO" 'F~ ,0.1.' ,.lMWD1J,G, \'1'u;, Wpte':ty;, t_~ 'W& [Iboul,., !I\'oiy ~ihli 1!'p~I!" affefr'ed

:5T i!:;cmp1!l!d.IUtd ibl"t4~r-17 ,m,bou'\ Cemt"·~!Ll;~ _ '!L'b!!:[Q'lQ,~fj' '8:5.:\'&, ~ v~~. S&,al¥'e:r. ellnl[ where .re' th'~"[ Ui8Ulil [7 in ,t~ i;a d,lul1'lcs .• wlu, 'We:nt .'0 :r.,r- e~ to c.laim ,he', hls ,d,,6U-'next_ i,!iSUlf· .. , I':! then[. I.~ \be' ',,'b'~le' drell~ R;S~. ~' ~b'.r,r,J "(rOk~A, 'illS; •• iI, m.e~.e., fiD 'WOI 'hello '~~e8:D5 til 'MrtJ Sh"Y-i!n~II'i!!I1 "'Q'rks~ •• ltD (Oge '1 ittl.[ ,o8i'i!!liil: M e-ndle:llCe ,dl,an..e\ic ,t:beJ1l!Pr,.. Blbl.,m, 8,Ulmm 't'be ~'l:..u,Sbt; _ t~.'t.; would 3U*tl.fy t;,be 'eoMl,d,~l'atl,OD [01' .in, :b,.potb",I.!~

1"'.1,14 not '. a t,bNISe!nt 't'!", .. , 1~1, t.ld il~l ~11 t~u., 'b :1:1: cwal

SIl to-iN!! beF t.o 'l'l,~ up 8"OS;t lal: 1:(J,0ll, '~B the;,' "'AlI 0fl:.:~ _,-".d~ 'II: ~, 8;Qod 'tblq. \!at 1t, '£s fiot.i, ',he

:nl_' ,th'e Ii 1'1,' -!N' ~tl(Mry in M:A'ZJIlaiI, M tbe Bl\f.t.l., - !I_e. •• pl'l!,bil1,1,.., tet us :t~Ml" t,blat t~ "'~:rlc. .. 1'

.1!J.~1:r-' '~O'f\.,._n-' ~;lned, i!,"(!If!Im. artrlle;'l&1 fJCJ'ped UI :bl [t)r.'ge~I.I!_ II DIlL_ii, t'!J',_', ,~t , etlTmal cr.,"" t.J It~',l,. r-e""

M,t _i[OMJ'l _ • p ~:l'n" l_ent lll@: '~,'h~[ d'e~\'[b.s, "01 '"ifl'i[ch S 'hf14.j~?~ ~1Ii"':,'r mld ,eIlL, 11 ~~; ~~I'~~: ,B,m, ~.~. '~~ _l(!fi;t~,~ '.~ _ "TI,U:ik" :I!I'M .. mlng: 0" \,b.~ per.i'l!1 of' \,he 'SM. OM of t~8.' ~1'1' .. ~l[d.~ ~I,~~":t.:or~ ~ ~e8\~ 'D~ ~.e'te~~",i~l[d

It)',l''ller ~es ,fJj,plpee--:! bli, JB:frIIRS"., tn, '\be hpt,.,b.r, t.~, '1ID!~ln~IJ _aM. _~[e'~Z'a1 ' .. e'~~bt,: of ;opi,ll;, ,t~~ ,'tut'lr

1.,[94S1sl,ue~1 1m,. a,rl1cl'it by. ,Wll.llem S,,,. !B~~.~e:~d, dJII- ~1:t[~I~'.'. '~~, '~'~hl'~:~ ,~,t_~ u _l~~~~~: t,'~. :~~~_1'ftte';~'!'~Iit.

ti,al1 et\\ ,t be pC I t .. !I" IItal'e of. ltm8!r'ten '9,' ],:I;t .. ""t .. e~,rJ~ It'1'ery 1.~I,OUs, "mIM,. 1 0'1'~. 0". ~"~,~~m:l!' ~'I,c,t 1 OD_ln ,

lirM ,:p ••• , iP"'M' 'lmgtbs ,a lwJa. t, t.,tNt Sb8'!1'[i!I"l'r l'i~1! ~~"~.1i1 i!:s~~ '11t)~ie: ~,'1b:l~,b,_ olJ!lly' .1~'!!J.~fI! ,:rUT'~.':I!.'[ the

• ~~ld, trr!,'H, 'oot - t[O 'h'ld., 'hi .•. , f II ",! ltDl!. '.h_, 'he ~'~~t~;" ,01 _Ir .,;~. ~h"" m l~~ oir. '~,ble' PU,b~! e ~ who .. 1~1'

wr •• s b~~~ at 'c::"e~t.n, ~'.,:z1 I, .M, ,theirc'Ol\iJt'I,'t .111;0-

if~ ilEIII p'!.~ .. -If; ,t;:1ru. 'ftiJ'Y tiC\,ttrlll of' tn.: lielt sh~:!II.d c.:!!!lr'''I_ !,t.;It~.1 t!b 4:l,rt,y' beck~,tHe[t. ~h-o':p,: .nd eJluJ' ,po'm""

be ~liJ!lI.~~ f'cr ,.tllrlllC, StW'mJ'I' ~ ~'~,it_ ~~.f~ l~e it krll,t,'Q-' 0,11'8 ~~,:." . .' c-, .. ~. , t, _ _.~~, , _ _ , _,

~1:'fIt ,of Scl>&Dei'~P:I,~tl!Im~"il' 'B~ palbll;lb.dl 'b7 Zlft~na.15 , ~I' ,~d, Ge1'iiir.D6. n,N!{~ ~ tbl! only _ ,~llIll!i~ _bo,. ,It:her'

_ _ __ _'. _.. _ (5,1Im'!'R'Dedt tbrill'tued. OT ,tr:lr!d t.!o saft t,be tt':r1n.p

undie1" t;~e Mlt,o~bt,p of' 1a)!"irlc'Di ,A~ P~eft~~~. r.eBti,eH:bip'" (1<1 the .'I!! 'bif,!![ nn1l7'b.!tl. tl':lll,p.[ of

". l!)outd, q\1,a.~i~ f':I'lD'l 8:n, 1 .. :rtl,o.:lr11 h7 'b~.~ S, .. i)a!min;el"' tbfil s,ei,.,.f"l 'wcMr'ld :S'~H,.,~y, bee •• ll,ole,ted!. tt'Q'ft !btu,

0-1". t.b,e ,~JJfT~ 90!D!j:~iI'_ II Kir '[', '~Idl :I:&n _mail t'bt, nQ[t "~':sc:l~l l:trsig.hiils,l. ~ ., [o,peMY elBim:IA! 1M.lil,I bl,

,cDlr _ 1M'be'IA"ed., '6[,imve.'1" em hlmer. '1M' t.ih .,11' f,ans. •• t't:! e !IIi't t:hey t~~ 'b~_e Qib~";i!! ,,,, "1i1[t'r8,1 ~~b,'1 bDlI,!lil~

'II'>ell ~_ _ ~ It,.~, -

_ triTh~ e.1:"ae.'k,~:I![I;", lIS the:r "'I"~ >U:I"" • .ll,. <:l!il'1,~,. ~!-r - In, til, boo1k". 'mAStiC sc:m_.Il' l:tm,IIDI AM ('197'5.\1

'B~ ~[!le!5" '., ~1,11.1,0fl 'tn ~lb:e 1Jt~~, !be", ,are,. In the .'.IJ'lo. Bnl'' &~) Lest'!o1F Del BeYr, 'bhi.elf' ill. r,,~,g,'·

l!idul~!I" ,e:. haft, ~u,cl!iitlcn.l l,.w-e,lll '~,l~ll ~E'QIl, n_Ji e1ontrl,tutOI'" to "b.' ,Paff,JiIJ of' ,D' ,Jrul., '_p,[ "rl\eil 'hI.'

'!!1"O "0.1 '~b,[o,~., lof 'Ph!!!lD!ii,·:8 enp lied; '1:1}, t.,M_l081 OlI?WfI-- illll,rl, D,S; tih~ SIt ::rd'~~, II .. ,IMAZ'J! IC" 91!,1J!l1,_ 'W8:s .. <I' ,~,B.p.ftt',l !'DI

t 1 amlh ,I'~ 118,l":'bo[r" :I e:r'l (IUs ~ldl.l:.IUI,~' Ji[o:1lS ~l, lUI"" \,Q iI qu;H; e Ii lfte'Nst, .uU ene',1[ "M.n the, mtIIi' It 'had

,e~ ~~~ C 1 'Ii 1, 'I, -~,:1,0llS, .a'pe!I,[~:r. t,CI ~;" 111 hl'len l'D, ~'"" be.n, steDt.M t t:IIH!I 'm 10"1"1 ~IDfllltl'" "btl, _t'orles '.eire ~ld.'ololT AM, ',",he' like '. IndJ.l!il~d,~, _ tb,ere ,ar-. "otI,a7 ItI, "UrliB Qft,en, e :rud,'!, ,em, fr.tlqu'eu\.ty .. !Ii. o'lent.·. wi:UlIl only t,i rei

'eoml"'~ 'II, , .. Pill "1I.ourle: _,o.c:Il.e.,tll\.! M !!I, [ed, tUi L.m:url .• il VUIl' '~i~ "';it: --I ...... .,;:. ... .iIIi .. "EtI""""', ,iI!l'"' ........... t-- 'If-'~'" '''' __ "'I_'''~' 1 [1[, __ . - ''L. .. ,_,

- J. . . [~. B nLJl.lS! eii31 ' ~ w .•.• i'k.iij·'!'MI\17 a-. W~IJ iii! U iD'-ii l. !C'IIIJI .. ',;I! III..P O'II.,JIbrU "'i(;Ii";' ~ + . -y,>-I""iI1 Il!h:nt~'''.&:11

,.t.l"D:t.l:!,~ 'mae' :PlftIl.'r.l,nl~ '01'lfF !SO.~ m«nH'P" _,t;~l[d, 't.'helt. bJ' hh~'r -:used - t'~' ~d"1,'11!I hl~, wrt,t.~ th~:t.

,0' - '1:,," [t J\e;li1t. pg.,




wheJl !II .t(r:fy 1 o !lib ~u:: tl OlD I' "'bey s'bwld ,i!l:rop ft. ,ef.twt:l 'QIIoJ!t· !of ,thoe !ik:J' a,"i.W!11y t In .. !!I1 ~ea,d tha, t~ ~"t,i ... ,,17ft 'tot 1000ft Dr Ua· stHl):tle.' s,- .:-4. \;. u'se' t:hr- ":rick .~O!,t

1:1 te'l'8.111·'~u

V"I" I .• 1 Rey t1q,ute(, ".'b.e· :SU' .Utb 1111~cul','I,In'!i~·,j; aM.

IUi",!; t'~~t i~jffte' l"'eiiSU1u:t 'I'eI enore' "lct'I,Q'D 'f'8DI; d·~o,ped the' '_!!*,:l1n,.' :!i:m, Slb/tICkd, I:il',gu.t.· .. '''d, WeT',. ulW ,uvUll"e ''-~. rfi!!plac ... 'by '. ,d:l.ff'Ie.HIIi't ".YP . [o.r r;e.d~l'iI!'U

It .11. NChl,!!' al' t~ •• Ii m'l':I,p l.,.i '1'1, atli8DJt;'II; Su S I

f '._ tba., tbe ,I' .. t ftIj,IIh'·I, WtU:ltie,d,. to. .88' 'th., I. t.'0-

" .. ll¥ [d. !:I·C·ir\ed!:l!t.,.iIl ~ 1.· is.O, ~ct.,8, "h .. ~'~.17 .\~lj not '" d,15:,,1 'y". \f' 1·'·r-eJ,ptll,blli~' map " ArM. t.,ho. 5c.1:~1. mil'" g.U'~Q'P':$i -.:lid hi It,eFl,..d ,of t:be ,'Oi!I!J,Qn th;l:' (U~A'"

.iltamt.'ly ~D.~.ct ~ lJ;m:t'Q "hell' bra:!.. ",La ,III'.lZl.1G 'STOR11I ", Tbq It,! 1'1 'rn:tlht hei' 'worth. •• '1.11 ,gl. n., at. '1 M.I Ii III ·the0:r:Y',1i 18:1":1 ~., ·rcu.pI! tend ed. 't,oget:bx. r' t.o • tie. 'lh l,_ ,t~.l"w.'1!!l At the iLead! of t'bj, l,o-.t,1,o. '.8, the Qu, ..

(IY) :SC-l.!lIl~·' ric t~lw. teDsue ~ 'T,-o t.~u!l,lr .".mal 'cr-Mi.i t iii 'tbie,.. i!!il\l(tci!!I'd,Mi 1a .l.ln)'l_t IDg: t.b,1t .' f:~ tblt PI' 'li[e . .f,e., At 1'111J:9" Wlrtll 'm 'be.Pn, ·to ,pul) hi' OWD. ~p.,

'I'he-;D 'u. 'l~ ,~id,dl tha,t ![~Ig'I:ricML t'fJiDi(ItaJ Il!Ditll:,J' ra',i,tt.' . ,ej 9h!l'l'e.J! and ,11'111. :ld:s '.emu[. 1:, i~ De~' doubt in ';r.I,f,,(t" ... I.Cl" 'Ii). 'the QilifU;~ SBl ~,C\l'Q.:rh en 11 :lat 11)" SaDS*-.'J!';I' 'hu'H,dly CQlnPOSN lind, IIUS ~'!bn,t ·t>be!· :!!II~ Ifb~ eDt.l~e ,I.'\:nigbt s·r' 'ww1.dl, .'(It; ,cl,ol)'l~1 In :fcrt·mlift. kill.

'S,,!'lll :r 11. l-l 'im I: :t:rQ'i!j t'h:I:!I d,It."..t..·,bIS r • .D1 o·f yl:t:r.l,ul i tm-. .' f,WDi :!it,I'I.1£ thil ~u~bject at ~, .:rtf,cle' 'on II' :i'e, t'he 'U,S,.· .. 21, i 195,]' 'il! lIu>., icd' un Yap z in .. ~ Ursuill. 'l'i., aliy k hJi 0,1' ,fU,lbl'l e l 't(J' t,s, hel,lPflill [I' 'lut :!in t~i!i:I!I' eel:.' !.t. oQIy hel,ed, ",he 9d fO'!!I!I, by ICftmd,eu;milq: I,t a~ "~·il" .·the _p'1101;' t.ilt'l O~ ,~f ,Ii, :!,pec :18'1. '~:rpe 0,( 'ban 'e b.J IB--:Y'ed" mOP-I,t.e", ·tb19t 1 Ii ~ .. ~ 'Ihl the' ·mo·st eel e.ilb,:t'8,t~'ui, ni'n,p,u1f. ,thaIt. rcckl[!ihd. "he wori'!d of :!!I'c'l,'liI"JiD:e 4"I'c\ Ion ... -oihh~1 SIb8,'I"'e'r H~· ,.,

l,rn (!:iri!1!1C~ndoM ·I.t.s. ,elc., !CD. ,tbli!!l i·Sbi8.1',.r· ~. t.o, :lt~ ,Q:lim: X;

I Ti:ully[. 'ttu; f'"a tGUldD,~lt I·t~, it 'aDJ' longr.

'm 1 'b'or ·r:a.17!IIfU~'111 In, t:hfi,l 1,1' .,.;~,~ •• ~ dleiM~r'l!Ii8 ~be .t·b~~11

or i!I: I~i\~nc!e f l,e '10ft, ;l'g I, ~:tU:limiJ'l.B:5 ·8"tt nrt, t,o 110.,\ c I r~ eumat'l,on, 'b:Y' iT'!'le:fJit.·i'ng :ft·otl,on. 'filii, tb~' ,gli,d;lle' at. :faet~, !h,e [rau.e!f:_ (rr) Sh::~'e:mce lb~~t:l,on Llliape paS.,lIl-t " 1"61101-

l:ll.rti..'iolil, [fIi·lI:l).:r8~:s.·~,:D\g the' o"di:ti:~!i:l!~ tl:i.i!:'!!i,'it. tItle Slbff'if'i!!:Z' i5:t,or~I. ••

",I.fl",e ~~',u9ily eNt.all;Irrr..lultbe' :lanl \,J' of 't.m,11 i I" I'Md,ers: :s;nd! Ibrwrgbt t~ i.5 l"_ 9;'~lu~, 1101], ·to '!i;be ,SJt'ti91nt l,on, lot '~biJ' Soc ll&ty f,ol" "h~ SUI,iP(I'\e.S;I:1 OD 'of' ytc ft. DI!!II]!,e·IPt.,!fIs·~ c a,l,e .fl$fi ';iC1,Df[e,.rMlCe· tbre,et·.mei "0 d:rsw 1.1, I pe~tt!,~ to I~t. 'Ii:b,t~ P'o~,t MIle_, ·tc. _in .laZLIHG Sf ala,

r.-' .... - ,1L:i"-_ """ ... ~I''II" ... ,~ iii'ifi..""".1i' .... ,.!I" ...... ' ·~~·'!iI·il __ :.:I1 f:-·;Oii, ... 1~ll~ iIi,''''iiii!!

&-'VJI!I iWWJh~1 I-"JI~~~LQ1~ JIlI~~I'iJII JlI IILlh~I.~9.1 IUia~.;M.1WW~ ._ ~~ ,~. 'li1U'oIIb-

!:i!Ll~.e!:r is IiIcII1!p~; .I;~, ,'hI;" "o1i: t ~lcme'bCidY[t accalri.!Dg ",0 '.:!,:!'IIi!i'"Jl', ~·Cin;I'~.n'(:M b'l!!iii ,p.1."bll~,[b .. rI!U . .l.lam. :9 .. :Z,tff~ u;·tbert t~" t,'beQiI":I!!I, of 'lbsTer ani! P8br..e'r' ."it!:"';!.1 ~,:" :f111;t, ccm:t,re.d,i~:t;.:I.Q'n tlo .Al,h,:n, 11pst'e.hl"a; 'th~Ql1'Y ot le']!at i:1"I:ty"

th:b~ III ·o'bv.ll~s.11y" 'W' _s ·t,oo. 11'N.eb III !b;e ShBTer g,t.'OI"·!'1) '.'.'1"8 ,dll;c~·tllUea,,~ l!d,lltO'P 'P81mel"~ 5,t;lml, af·t'l:rmding bbl, :r.'i:th '~,n "!h,e, u:lat'elfi~e or d'e'r.c~1 fOil;! pea, b,ii! ~Q'biliU

:!t. iSqp~.IU'S t,barb, SJ!ii fO~1 e\oul,do tt. dlecbltl' ,_ll'lrth~l" "0; k~1! p 't,'be, '. ffiifi t :;Nill~ tied! i8l1' an :1 rJSa'M _'l~g,t~ ,or' to rt!:bgbillts .. '" th~ 8M tb,~tJj q']:cotle '\b~ '_~:k ',"01 tbe.' fo'la ~ :iu::r,ely,t thB ,eIli,~:I. '''h8;ye~%t C_,p!I ti. en _5 d~:s 19nei '\'0. 'try 81M rtthn'b'1'l!.·I,tiD·it;e tb,p by' :refi:iQ."flq 'fjI _.t.~I.e.l ·tfOR ~be ,ne.'~8£Ms[li .n:l,eh 'wou'lld, 'bop«rull·1~1 I::na'i t~CW' back ·\!o 1:>&8,1:1"',.. !blii qU,el,ii,Q1'i, Qf' '''he' ~art:iy ¢II .8M r.e.ud,'IWt,5111 s,iinlty ' __ .5n,~lt b'l":eli(ib·ed ,888:10. unt,.i,l all al-I ~

!I:!bJf!I"re r Is !·1JLtJ· IDf :r1ilfPmIIC -. -'i!i,r,u:l;ne, ~Ip'p Mru.d !i:n, Ju:lly' [0.£' 19:58,. ft.e. f:cllt·ar'i' 'Pa'i)il\, :'a,l~nt ill ik,eep:ing .1,'1:1, 'k'l:s;

le.ns:'t :lll8fi'iie't~ iii 1 sc r_tlly ;tux'~i8lr"l"N. ,8 1 ~. Tldly ant. i ~bA'"':r' ,p:h~~,e' :!,n. t be .elk o.f t.h .. · !is'sue' 'by ene . ~ ;oJ' ~ 9',ftl(·:!'It.Il~

]jilL I t"t Ite'~,¢'hfl'1't lal1b; ~"B ~t B~ it'h. 1:..(1 [II,,. '.', by

~~ 1,i'-.ptlOl':im"t;!! tb~ lJd,l!t.. 'Ii,hll' su;'bte'l'tane«Ll 't'7It'.~ ,iI.ol !-.~e:d to ·~11.~. :In',o the elrr~hl upl., i n~d. aWBY h.Ch. :I1.derr, !r-~'C'b iII,l, the, 'tel&'U-I: h~.Ul!!l e t,'t[t£'t8' :ls nol ;CWil':r Iw-r~' ·I·C' stl'oq DIS ,"0 pndlUi Q. II' thee' '1'81'8\, 1"Dy:I. lnvol,_~' grillot..d. b[o'We:ve::rt, ·that ShUY6:t bad Ci'i~'~·UH',II6d 'UfO::5 .. 1, .....

'I t 1:08' &8.I'·t11 1 ems; bero.'re Amoi]l.dl II pDt ted b is '.,'t,:. :.lnj,lll!ll' 6

~.", '1 - .... .~U 1" 19"~' L" . ~ . ,i ,. ~~

lU,Y. n,! : 6U;ii:..·r.· " ,ifi :..:.,r. QUI,' t'Ui~'Fbeg a1.'CUui ;aM, !:-~cGUI;I'_1

BIB ,o.:f '~'re8J' 10'; '~'ih.· ent· i i.. QlI,t w~ ~t:' utG-' "~~n~ted. - . by the gubl :1,0 I tbe fly l.g !l!aUc;en ~ I!ti" 'MB!1B~t_llw. ,'he~'U:rrt .. no;a UlYWay't I Slcc_d,iag ·to ltte,I,'e:'he,::rt,. [!tc QUid. M'Ye 'been au. ,to. thfli OOc_l1.tblliJ,ou., ·~,lJi~"l,cm or 'f_1" ,M,n t~t A~eb :1\01"iel! ,~ SM'" .. 1n,\"'ot'elJ; be_,rillS ,=5 :I., dl.t!l. 'OD a&~

oJ tiflc,e-nt 'DM, ·hl.iTi!i'-t,.mi~B 'mlJ.nd.II>1i n :H;. ."1 '1:01 .c~,,, I rmd lbu:Qr' '0" 111bu:! ld .. D,S' B .~! .:1:.. Dr ~il,!I"'d!e eHmIQS(~ JPlIllfi1l' 'WOin1:1!1 QPIDl!t onilt 'IIIinQ"h.t,,1 t[D CftfI"[II' t,htill 'U'_'oeg ,I!ll,'bli'be'.

it ,bill' Ii". 'lm.[~ 'ihl~'"':!rlr h., Iilmnl.' tIbet :u' i'.

myJI,t'!,;, lid ." botb :Pa:hte,;:r 'J '!I:I~L •• 'r. ill .blllt,,. 't<o. 'I~'ecl,-

.11.. .. ,..... '~" ,il.- '1- .-. ._ '.-,-. -~-,- 1[10, - &111. - "·· ... oID'·"-il1

'pjU iI;Ig" .'10;11>\1,1, :1:0 . ~,I.'~QW'D, ~c' f!ii;ui!!a I.' lIi,;i(!i~'61,1l~;o

9.t.:icb.,::rt,~ 'Dr~ ~bl,.c-Coek" 1 :'. ' .• ~. -. U,.ri,t, 0=_1 t,'aLii _ ... 't.-he't h .. h~· • ..:1 iI!:nt __ i' -,~ '~&.'Ii. '_111-''''"'' ...... .JIII _Gill ........ _.i ....... _..:iI

!l!T!I'Iir. l e- .-~IIp; _ UP ~i, , IW;~ ",,'ali. j"'~ '~"'tlJ! 11m 'tH-(t [1iiiI[~u. L __ g! . ~~"".I~~laul

tM,t WMt., t:bey WfI!rtIJ· dlolns ''''8'' 'Ff.jlM:lii.J ': bill !!l:l1iM, .. '· .Il'" t ;(Mah P.l'iT-II,· ·a.n1't,t,M tHl.; .. ome elS,' 'to -l.Nlt'li. 9bnr ldml"" '~:!!!II,t M"fIer' ~.I ~ a. ... ,,?1l." '~o 'bI'~ li~llp.~'}dic'!~1 ad In r~Q'~[ii' fT~ O:D \tJ.. tl:iJilo,rltJti o.f 111.0. ~l" 1!1'tIt-., '1m i'-t.p'bP 1,¢!3 .rlir! ~.:P'll!tl,tdl S.'il

- M~t ipl •. ~ bill of' all jI - C:C.Cft i~e: ,t 0-1 at. et .. ~b:r.t Ii .a~,

t-b-',II '1[IJii/il.--.'ILII .-,iIi" . 1..1 .. - .. - . ~ -.:Ii." ~-.---

..• hi!1 '"Iilii,e ~,."",uy ',III 19:~~!I' liIion!eMiIJ. m.OS'i!i ,4user'"

,.s lMc!I;g;ij e 1 ts ~;e.M,el 1'1IN'mII ,to 'mBikI! .' ... :. iji'u Tb.:li.s' .fP.,~ab, 'tiO ~8'" 'bI-D, 'he 't:hmiii:t ,01' the I;A'll-Sb nl" mc'_e;g:' :In ,a! 1!U~'lih 0'1 I,!!

!o t'l lase ."bIos e ~o1b1 It· ·11· t.o mBk:., [II_ •.. !I!l t:be ~c.:!,g,tl.5t. ,ld .l"tt"~$ of' s~leHc.., :tletli,ODiI, ,BhaY1e'r' be"!!!'

,ca!l~I,.' • 'm:~,t'ei",'ry ]l.,e:z:,;, b the ':IJilIl!J tUbN rI".r f~rt;b"J" ,iI',s.a:l:ut, t:nl! !1M, '.6:V· 10'" b,I, iCor;,'~'PQ"n'lMi ·ahu:m.ld l:rl,f, preiS:etJ,ee, I'd,s '!lrQl'lI;:" .rd, ·th'l'o:r.!..... 'Rag ftl'lll ipl - ,f'Qr

eD. t·u'taM. r. ~, b is BtirJ·n r r-_, :-', t'~re,eI'liIi·ntng 1. et'_:r.'

iI'l .'to'te, '0 'lay' :PalmO'r" whl,ch '~ed 'lilt.' ,JIlAZlm

ic:eft~ Ii ud. .tel! :l'~it ~;l.l '. ma;' .,:rl .. 1. , ft.l1l! I,p ~ t~e,liiII! m~he .. kt. lei' '~III. 'hoptt.J.! lIi1l:!.d. U' .·cui,. :k1t1. \lbe mQ:rm :8taff ·If It. 'w~a'!n'" !,topp.a~ AI' It b~i"D-1rdl ,wi,. iii claIm:! be. D.ot,:I.e~;I "I_,lipc uO:II.mU:iL ~·fm;t!!li!l ·',l~t em

"'"'II: .;L iii: __ -'IIII[ ... -..:II! . - - iii. ''II.., -- ~ I. ~ ill I ri' " ~ 'Y ....... ".ii

,,';al'C~Ii.!fI,!I\IIL -, ,~ SIO [iI:!D:D''!li~!I,!lrl'' • C,,I.''''-'':li. .. _'_;I!!Ii;J;O .a!!ll ,~raJi! ~

~'e'~ "~,e' II' 0.: ci~lh1"" by' 1M 1.'",1: 'to 'la' .. Id!\'-&iI 'hone (c:lNe 19.'B50) Sba ..... r,l·il e\OD,'t, _ _'o'~l'.Ie.. 'It~11, :f',~ud. 't:lmil '0 [~lr_ ge up .bII' I.;t:t,beltill to. 'as i:. 11 1.

d i r;p;C . 1'm\ iii

Jim P-Oi'bl,t" _,n .-tborit', iOJ'J, MS, I "141817 ~~ill"lt de 'CM.l;eft· ~,' 8 •• C .... e.f t' .. 'iii i,'th,e, ib~I-ri;_~,di It." t .. iklng tima ,uu' :f~~Q'Ii "heir :liC ' __ 1:I,ap e.,boot c~e_ii'!!i: 1at~fptlell t (II ,~ID!.B 'R . --[~ ani cc,lllec.t. t .,,,:1:,' eu:rb "t aliip (:ASS) ,I' :1., Uti· "0.,: of 'i,,\e·:I"I.,1 ,or tiLt I: ~ 1,'U.'fie ... U

ITo 'tb = '11<\ ra:l,.'t sel-tl' lIr1 ,.,n; ,1Md, t:_,,, '~'h'fJ ., "!5 _ g~r . ·"itle~t,i,;~I.r:}1i enough!!!, Ct.I:iL'l,c, D$ft~ I'O_ed. 't,e, 'tin of d5:5c~adll,':lq :Sh&~1f '.", ,'bllo':rle. AD4 cl.lms'l

mil. of wb:l,£~, 8cr'ual'li,:r ·ml!lit.~:i.ll. tid In. t~'b llmil ,.,t,.:r ", •• ,,~ f'-4\" lilt-Ii) 'lih.' ,Al'k~u h:UIJ., ',., :1'" the r."lru, 17' 'l,:S'!!I1 1:911 1.'lUre lot ICIBt"'I.1 D, l,."tt,_ f:ral

.Sf ."I'!i,t.r ';0111 .i:D4e,'gan, hl •. tedly 1.4"d .. t,t,M \10 ShD.Tft I d·'lmp:. t4 'bb., lat,ur.11

- ''''Ii 'It l'll'l, mO'!'lI' illM:,pl5,lo..,'1:,· .D'8'),II eihid. .t'l "la, al I'd

ii, iL'L~. ".'1-" .~ .I1"if.i. '!i"t!' 11,;;!;' !C!iiI'ii'!i'l!!i!'l"iiiidr f·'·-- .... '!Ii.- - - 1Ii;...,.t ' -,-

m 'If,!I'!I!!!I1 ,']1" '.$ ~ ~~,,, '!.!II' l!!ii~.'I!ioU1!i"' . .DiiI :..:'0'1" '"Ui!: 'pa:n IU!l:!· .• 8.l1.

eb~t. '11'4:5 aM l! 9 iO' " D.l:l'lD, tbe<5'i!i1 ',eIilN !Iii lie ri, litll at na,rN,t'.'dI; '.P:,i8."od'l ." 9 . BlehaN, I,~ ;Shaft~. *' >Ii'

1~1·'QQ~'l.r j ~hl!l'Ter hlt!1 'l"edl'~ cte(i, (1,) • iO'1 II 1'" ,,.:~lcil., ."I:l1l i'GD C' 1 :1,) 'lib" 811-,1' !lind 1!IIi41i,SeDt.c' !.t:tactdl or 'i:OB'l-:d,D;g nd:LiI,',ion" aM (ll~,) t-eCent "':lDi:l~ •• 8 t,OI


". ~,~ ~¥Jdenoo wb_l';b 'him", up' • "api!ml ~lId lnl, Iih,e ,~r.a!te of W~lIwa W th~' U.I .. ;mdlicaled] OJat R(!GllS iO;f' Ulle Eanb .. ~ •. weR· )lQPldated. l(uuitB ,a:bo.11itt, . ., ·mJnIQJL ~r IIQJ bJ' ~gm;., lbtr>ds,. [lelMed 'to!

.~~~ -d 'OOI1Iil.OfUII: -IUit,_~ ... ..,.,d~I[IoJi!i' . .ti .. , ~'I'lIIII'" ""'-'!j;iI!i'¥'

l~ " .~ ~ ~MYlII~ll WI ~'ItP ~'-~':QI

~' o.n 15 f.t taU. 'ft't, Pl:-w1o~. ~1!lbi)WD b~dl ,- --,~' , ~ tIdkd ~dB~ was tban~ilzed by' flligh~ ~ fow' "bkli . .wAm ~derWllte~"' . -- -"_. , .. - -,".' •

" ~. - ':w: .. j J._' 1"7~"··. _' 'I H •• • , ~

Experiment Killed .m

MGI,I:wn'tnMll" 'W'~ 'V,II1.

I Jo'b!m, 'ButtJ~rk:k~ a '~~t,~g, ~'W~tV1fgl:r1'13 Un'l:v,er.~81W" ':re!:elfI''C. . cr,~ 'bled 1.0 'dgtiil frQm 'lI; dmous 'OO1i'iImG"iiiJ:Y used, 'to klrul~ :ratsJi 3'~a:r.l,elillt$y:1n ,an e:~r.L~~H}"~ ~e' ~ ~~

ooUll'd erte:nd, his Ir.~ ,;), :_~e md·

mllG:f'nCl~' :slIld ::rutemllJ.'.

Dr'" JaroeB: fu., ~, ,as.sisbmi~ "~tste~ mEdit'!iJII Ifj'~m!lriE!f'. r~~ 'wt ~grel~r; ,m, BUJtt:eri:¢,k'~ dear. ,Ja[Jjl\l~

e{~ ':tim'''' .... , ~~ ... ~ ii<i!iiI" ",r;;..ij'iiili,oII' ',OJilI IHtls: -liiil.I• n~1 ~. ',r'!I1RliJl .l~~~. , "\1

ad _ J;n, . hm ~,Pilrtm~~ and ib'~~,

~~ ;;l8., t~Wld '~n~~: _~J~dle$~~8t~tr~~~ b gI~, t~~ W~hefl ,rloor ,gd, in

tbe 'liJatfi:mom;,

I I"rost; m'd - ,th~ stl!ld) :ifidteams .. :i:be pD,we:rtuJ~ ,IUlU-C;Qaa:tIlaDit ~,arl~ ;rarm 'caU5eti Ui,e 'lJlee~ SInd l~ e{:fec~ w~,e probaiib'J,y amp!lIf1edl b,y tfu,e UJse' ,of M"p[rr:an.

WlIly' w,~ul,d. 'UIJe 3~'Yea:r'"'O'~d :iB~tte:Tlek" d,@8~dbed. by' Fmt as 1:1 '~.~ry mtelJlig:enrl youP!: Qlan!,~i' ~s:e '~Se!mt as ,;I, :pme:a PIG aDd, Ii]~t SM'1j;: Qut 'medle~d belp '~"e ,ilte'

"", ~ ~ - - "" -- -_- - • hi ;ifi[iV' ,~iI1 '? ~a;m1;:;! 5m u ~ ';2:- ,i!1M,,'

. !1j,e ''W~ ,got diS'Bldined to '~1,!t Wm.:g9; 00, ~:u't Fir.M 'scdd_. 'iiroD.@' i5~eb 'c~_i;i@ WU documem;tedj by 'lids @x~wl',!!, He w,~ ;9, JH!3M1 :Jil0~le t'o ~ry' ·thlqa (tD, :b1ims.~f"

'~'lolln I.'B1!j.t~rttk 'W,98l .an, 'pendent and. :5tubMr,[l, perniiOQ wlito d~.JiIln·t hBi'hl'e 'Qlu)(:'I!Il, J.ieg.:iIlrd fOr' doe-- 1-01.:8'. He lU'11b~ltl[y dllid~"'t 'fbJn..k d~'IlI)l~ €ouiid do :mllcb. for 'fum. .


i'lh:~ 'w~ls a ~hll~ man wbose 0.\]~1~)(ll 'WQ i@,Uml.$tl\e" He tt.®~d 0then'thait be mi[(bt l~~ t~, 'bu' 0Xi '~e9!rS! ,~dJ, He' w,a~.'ted, 'to' U~e :m Ba!!IlIS' ~A' I~~ 1t,n, hf,!' ~ '~J'f!" oild ~:E!iP,,''''

St;I'1 (" U!]li I!:cl'si ~:' l,1 i ~';·Iij;lmn· ,b-1:llll:. 'r ~,m t :J n!rli ~I ~l!,i! 'i:\'~" ,of ~ ~iit1~ Ij;I'ilnil~ ~U!!' f~ I, I'.

1"h~'· IJ"!~~\(~ JE'X ~jill]lr~"fK, ~I[ r'~Ii!!;edl ~ u ~llll1"lW~d ~ ~~,~ 11;, i ~l~, ~ h f:i'~ r !!.::h~ ~~UUl~, ,~!!],d 'W1u~b~~~] hli~n a 11~~'!oi;;I' ,tPIII~ ili,~ ~".'ati!r ~h'll~"l~'il~~" I,II;!!II,~ 1IfI~~~'\'~ld!i!;(~ ~ i~lll~' f~~~~ r I iii·

il.: h,{',:o; ~~, ~ ~~ ~ ,I,' " .... I~~lfV Ii;' ~~ flit:!!'

br'(i',;;d hl'll'!l~ hlf n~t· Bt?o~: :i1i I h'id.

. ',~\J ~'r' ! h~i i '!J;;°'l" :-'l~~~U;I.:'~' ... ),·~,1 t hn~'!lI~h ~I [1!:~ Ui~My lt~I'·,I.~wl W!!,Y €or ,~ibll~:! 21li1Ji f,;,,~II! tlF~ ~D ~n]~ ~ I ,~I i!i't%U'fl'1_ 'W ~.' nji! 1~;''!,!p''!;·YI I hI:'

::-H rr.,~~H1I'~ It ,'u oil I ~"r ~ t· !If'~, iI;.'l ~ r

11Xi':iil.~~\II!:!.'t~ w~, l~eol.~~~iii!:ml:r-J~~~Ii, a!-l,

~, 'R, ,S, ,S



,one .'. 'hedl f't'.IUM ur!l!.:I'8~ l:ll, ,'roeilt.,Q'rr CaTO~, ,II dpl.:i;l;,miii,

ed, 'T~ Gl"8C8!nl n.,

kiC1c;rilng: t,o 'tilb,lIJJ 't'Ra\~ th,e' ,p;:Il~~g,e 1~~nto,bI1n@, ,tb. ~:'~'rl_ we.~, !:(;, blBlll ,tb!iI:Y' 'tad, to Cl':re1!Pit .llh 080 ~l!.:r' :hl "'he ~8t'l\:r hi!) ,pI'lIIIc,n ~ .t, th1i!il' c,~ ... ,:g,.eet !!!~Ji!!, 'i!d:nt the ps,s,~ IQP~~ed 1in,t,o' '. 118 ~tH.:t ~1:'!Jl,"r ,tr,m; rln, Q','I;!~cur" 'hI Q',31,tei' il!11I.'l"

t'b,~ ~1!,lll :lng, 0:£" '~hlJ ,p~ ~iI!II,ge t,

11IC(hg;Ci!!!: ,6r.1!' we: 'lII~ld ~ot. h8ye ,t',~md t:he 'CCf.m:tect ion, f'tlail1 the! "~tO'l" Ce,¥,\1 ,eM 'heiODtt'8,tII_ ,t/be _ ce~~ing '11~ad, .lII'!!II id,dd~n 'le !ilt!I,!1~'iIi,n!i;9L4 J'tCi);'hg 1i'1'1)~Ql("

ot'h,!!'r" '~,em'b"n'I ot ,t'h~ ~,"" el'Qr~!' l,on Pfi:riy wen' ~, 'IIf~11!i!:'l""1i' :22 j ,g ,e-'1 ~c:t'r:!lical 9~lDe<e'r.ll\.! iII,'t'd~,t, ,flit 't:.he' (!ta,{,o 'S't.ielt 11:1 Uial'Ye!f.',s:l t,y 8M r'e:!!!l Ld:elnt IDt Ci~:il'_'bi:.. 01'1 18m, ~ '5'~e'k'"r+ le;R ,eud 1,0, :i!i'e"~!C;~ 'm •• ,I!':r- "'t-;Q!f!1 :N5::;.h",11:l!.'~it 1,1'. ,-

!hi!l, Jlil\ t .. ~~t, f:h'd. i,~ ,an,

1)£ 8 ' ... "e' of' ~'8iY~ d Bi:!!i!lICi01''e,ri!!s tnJ!,t ibe,~ 'OB )l's:y ';a? ii, 19t'91~

- & - - 'Ii:fi_ iihjil";' '!Q-~!;'ii'Ii-'.2I "I"'Vii"iiril'l ''''lIi~liIJ',iIl .nY\eI-;Ii, ,lI;!\L' - _'_""',:10' 'l!:I'I!i!l,iI., ,,Ij;i~'~.!.i.;

W ~l'j[ e. 1!',I;,p,,(u!!,lle Iii '1,'50 IM,t dJ,~, !.'ap.~, In, Jroc'tQ:r'

t~'v~'. they !riQt.I!ldi ,3 pll~se

SUI f~, w~dlc by :M ~~t ~lh iG_lalhu;ul!lg ~ :r~y,er Uowi!ng: ,at

t~,e' rate ,Q\F 2S (:~~~c f~t ~r

~nl!ftLdl ~ 1& 'm 1~~iIO'ITh p[OJI'S Il!!:f diay) , They mam~1 it, Hi,fwik~,m~ Riiver' II~t@lr' lUll e'

• ,- -,- -' I' ... r.-, ......... i' "fIoit 'U'''ID~th

~IYPfir;~lih!l:i ~1ft:~1!I" '!ill I; ,I~,_._l __ -- _

C3;~e h'athmal P!tk~, ~, HawkiH.

SuliJ~ql!llen' e;xp~loT.a:lil):ms, ~M ,sumr~ Qf' 1'979 ~,~¥r.aln! ~Ul~e! ill ii:t v;el] iitkr a~O'lb~". Th.e' ,l'iY~Ir' 'waS;

~' ;11- J - ,~'iii' 11Mii1i fiee'l I~I} a,

II ill . !l}W~ ,I,VVV _

''J'""j lI,t'j!rst:e UElln" 'TIiI,~ e~,~ JI~or~ts ~~ Idi'fti',3I' WI!:t syi~ ;!iiiHdJ i:juw(r ~Q~, ~o p1i!il~'1 the ri~t·baru!J :fD:j'ik; ,on~~:;~f mli I@' t~ ~ Ip'latCe.· w'bewe 'Ih~ lPa:s~a B~ (l~iIl1:liJlill.!lie~ 1ii~I~X~

,11::ir~(t _.

'ftte~ teaf~hal!d raft '~eads l~' mil ('.:5, Q f i5 pe~ ~"a"c U ~,fi:~' ~~~Ml~wary.s, ~~t~r:a:t'C~ w~lHi ]i'~e :n~w,~,'~@nti s'la,I;tJl!::~i,~'e!.i\~ a ~ d $ t am a;~lm iit es . S;i]llm'c ~~amber~ ,al@: iiIJ~ ,laf1,:e ,~l\i 100 h'!~t 'Wi\~:h~ ~"y GI1J leel. hi_.

Tb., :","Vim""fL'i"Jio'""" t"'rt. ilil!l31llY

_ ,~!!,-t:: ""'''''' ...... U'lIO ~I, !iI! ~- - - - - ,iI!

~ea$; litiilcl'luiln as the,y pf\@~

~ Ute' ma~n ri'Ve;r,' ~~I~, M~~~' @f t~5.e ,O,l'e wal,k~tig\·, hei:~bl ,pa~'5al~; op tr1l 00 fH~, wide boy u) teet 1lI8h."

:ROIer 8fU!~klr:r ~t'i,I1jUiHII~' ~h~:m: U:ce 'iscu¥el't~ CQ1!ddl !i;,!;!j.~i~y ~Ql;a:1 ,30 mil~e'£, ,~(r p:li;5:SBBleW:~-1 b,:; the Bm~ l~ejeadJs ,a,re run" e<XP~'O~OO ,a,nd

t~~ riv@I,"S pmtuxi tQ 'lh¢iw ,ends.

PlriQf' 'Q tftie eoilJj~Uo:~, Uu.e F~li;n! .M' C'av,e' S,y.sJiJem was, 8,1:r;~dy :kn:o:wn as til€: w.w;h~?s runnIest.. I~ '~'97,2 the'. P.LiftU Rilid.g,@ (';o'!L;,I\e S'~siltm i 91 Ma:Q1lm@Ul IC,iIi ii"i~ Ii ~tiom,aJ I, :Panik ljif,i'~:Sl l:be J~:n~l n~~~ f'Bl'Ve ;all, ,I!1 :rn~!I~, ManUiD'N)llti Ca've ,ramk.'~ ed~ Ilbird w~Ul 51 m~~es ~ap·,

'dl [- ,~ -,I t. ,-- - 11..0"",--, 'I il!>"ffl'

,pe_,_~ In .;;,:ellh;,emlU!l;'..f. , c"'l,,"!

,J;(Ih Wru~!c~ led a t~m ~f ,Cave ~3i[Ctl. 1F~IJ!j!ldath:m, le~pilloo:'~rs Ulal[ ['u~~~-dJ ithe :mtltUtF'~W eOH,@iCI~l~1'l tie~,Wi.,,·in Un~' hY\~, c<avfS t.broQ:glt! if: stream ,:a'sslllge., 'Fbe: ~i.nkg,p, il'Qtm,ed, ~ :s~mgle '~a~e' ,s,~,rrem aJb(:m;t lJ~m~ms; '~ol7lg.

Sl'nii':@ tb~ t, [i"rn i@ Cft.F' s~v,e:y' ~.ea,m$ ~i;aYe ~al jlII'Ui.~ill:g d~(nrerie~ :s:LMdiJ:y !' B:y ~he! :S~mm@;r rof 1911111 lhe,y Il'la II e~telllded !bB' tGl~,1 L'C~~b ,01' U'fL-~, 'CEfj¥e' sy5:h~im I~O a__lOOil!JJt

un' 'm~i,es. -

P!l'~~r Ca've\ UQ, Miam~ miO:ltl CBiw-e' N!aI~ilOnil P,a:rk ~ 'WEill, dl~i~B".er,ed' i:n, '~IM3: It)" ,J(!QWlba ~ IJiO'JlJe. U:~ fo~nd Ii bOIUlt I ~la,1 f - m i le t~ (' ~~P_WilY,~, meut the 'e~-

...... ~-~-.- 'I!! 111"_ Il~ _.__ I

'lraJE'c'. ,1.:liJler' ~iL'll{i~ ,J, Pre-

,(:bui". OWl'teiL" and o;per-:alh)(r 't1if 100 ,e;8i'~iI!. ~ el ij]m~d, to ha've. J,'QUM, 8i~ u~derl)r,®undl r]v'Cf lm.UIiiI.p 'i ruo:l1g cr3;,lwa,Y,.

I,n 19t1li"l1' CR,:F' I'fIl a p:p:i n:g ~~PS] to :SlU~~.Y 'PrQc',· [Qi' ~''Ve'I' h'~ :197Gi UiC,y ~~~ nd t:til,1! hj',ii!'B' e:r,ijj'w'lw~I,~' ,8.:hlid! M;~ctic: ni'Ye\I",~ ;iIl qua I"1Litr'-:I'r'~Jl~' ,~;t~am n~~t ~rn~l~,~, i noo aJ pl,t rn~!, ~'97,J: I~x.ploi'e:i',s. $~"Il. l'~ c~et:k: U~e :put £O'Ulliiid :~!i!!!ads I~p·, ~i~fJdl. 1I1~.e:JI' d:i:iroov,cf\~dl,rii, set, Qr ~ar,g,e' ~:~~!Ii"·le'!.i'iltl Wi! Ik~ 11;& :p~~g~,. - -,some (~rr- wbii(fh

wer¢ ~:~,ti.r~Uy' de(;"(!r!llll~~d WIIIJaI :1Y,~rm cr.)':Jt~i~~. N~iJ1U2' (jif tllile: u~pcrr I,eY~is haJd] ~~~iili reni~redJ :by' Im~UI bc[()rIC. :B,)P"

,f.'",e bli'li!,~ ry 'I' '[ '9'79!1 :r'r'~,c.:IQ .

C&V~ -was 6.,B mru~;es :I(j\n~l

The: M,B :iillmoUa ~'Pr~e'l~:i" ,c'aJ'~@' 'COIiiiIl,ecf~~~n was U;II!I~'

,res Wit of 'rn,~~, l~j]'A ~~I ,11U]'lltB, .0£' ,(.i!~ p~,~~r,a,[t.iJOnJ by :!ij~v~lia,:1 dl(1~ie,~i !E!'~ ~)'I!!:m,r~rs. J!t!-f:in W uh~'I!1~,~ w~~~ ,hl'd !Mliillin:",,' Q,[ Uu.-e l~r'u~I' !itt'@! ~tai'[Jlmut~ Cjl~t ~~a_di~l~l t.ow,~:r'd lh(!' fU,J'W' ri'ver. ~~d ~h i! 24·:twq,g-r ~,I'ti,,~, wel"t' ,!H)'m,e of ~lrue· mos,[

- - - - - .

r,ig'@fOMlc'j!, knu,wlIi! to Jm~J'Ii1

ca:ve e:x'~!l!I:r'iIl!r£\. 4'~n:Jil W,c(lll':r , WM, ft. ... rilliei,;f'"",(',t'd 'iii'll miP''i,ij.! .'ilr'

• ~ ~~., ~~ I. , __ , __ , _ '!!!II.J ~,

the' t~i r»i f,ro:m the' :Proe.I.'~iJj Cal've- ()l~~d., :sali;~, ~!h\lilt tfu@: - ex-",

,p~~ti~r~: liad. toO :~ Uft ~~p P~Y,ii~iC8J~ sh~,:p@'" a fitW ;iibl<e lo rn UwroU,l§h '7' "~:·Ji[lc.'h S":QUi~~,.



, - , ' , ,- ;tr - - "- t .. " " ,

nT' ~1Di'_'&'!T[!iE6, ,i:iI.'@: iC~Uliill!,~ .

IDIU jl I, tCLlJI!.iL~ ~ - - , . . - - - - -


liIio.iiI- ."liiL. -. /- -1.R"l. , ..J:d -, 1-'~'1' ~- -II '''''If:l'lnlUt;.lJf.m''~ ',.

,~rgr',o'uln _ Th're


" ,


!\.}]j :Qd',eVQQ f"eeClting on. 0@a!l mer.y~ b11i;[n_in.~ ~emmt!i' '~be tm,' :lo~, . mf. . 'Cetmk-alia 'llI'r~ten_S1 'ml

POO:90U, its :p!@.\1J:ulati~n" t~, Phjklid,e],~ pb'ia BUWleuq lie;,pfirj~ed. ,~1lelJ'id:ay.

~, :fiR' !begM a'bt))llt ,28 y~ ago 'beneatb, the slm.t:ac·e m~ '~l!Iie Scltn~:y,IIkUI, ~,ruwty ,1til)'W~i\ ,md, continues to' s:pI'ead ~br>oqlt iiii!b:.a;o,,," .tj,onM ~Dtb_f~~Ue' ~~ I, tjg:I]Mls'~ ~bt~ newsp.cJI~e-;n" :iSaiiL :It®cal~, state' and,

:i:'i ....... ' .... ---1- iOl...,.,;en; - ,- - EflItSi '1lo19i\!,m;, ~~nt iIl'~L:'a!, !bC~~!!;f,l!,,~ _.OJ - ~ - -' -... ~Fr"'--

,:f;.,'2J3 mjjlUon ,~n at!tcml~~ m ~:diD,~ ~Il~b. a'be Maz.c'.

Ih~r~ r.'$sid~1lits' b(fne~'e. 'tbi~ ,amQWlils; of' ,earbo.n m()uxi-~e ,~asl ~~, I:b;.e: l!evel5 ot 'Ulndef"glf~:ml!d ®em:~'l",~,M1J1m' -- ' '~IiI~eb. '~m S@m~ ~k.ya)~ llQ,ve :r'(1;_g~r~!"oo 'nil ~egl"ie~. - air'€; ,I1UJW' art tb-eu" ,b'ighest anti m,ml, ~that U];e' :8J1lLI~etin re-


NlIiii'iI;...-. ... I_ ~~w-~Il

'_D' _' ''I_'i ,t_' ',IIfi.o_ ',," ,,11,,1 ~. - ii- . iii. ""'...... .. ...... 1.

JD'U ~,Il ",luB" nlj~~ ,~:

,aD't t'~mDi[ dillr-u"tol' ,~i abil! .dOm.edl m~i!l.e laIi;d!ii, tin, the' Office ~ Sl1r:t~~e: MIlIir~n,g, ~A:&; i;'W'(/1 inching, ;arlitD(g because 'Wo''y,e!' :neve dane itb~ befl))m', We'(,e ,nat g£J~ to qwt 0:0 ltkem.··

,Qm,e pos.sjlbIe, ml!u~~ me' ~8ui ]~l~D, ,rt,pOO1M", is, eQ~l!Ultlng. ill: ... i!OJlite 'q'Wil" mt~@r tll~ kfJilg t( ]jIUft out, 'die, ,fl!',C'.

. C····· -J11-!e:,' ',G'·· -Ir·· La",-, k' ·.· .. ··18-'1 Earthq.,,·" ua··· ke

- - - _, I _ _ _, _' __ ' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" _ ,_, __

W"" 'm' ", "'al-n"'" F--I'o" '--n:1 d" 'I -I-(t-.

,0.1,.··. "u,' ,

,~ .... 'I'u= Jo,

~ --f

A dd artlqr~ ra'ttied me, Chamber ,af' Co~.

Clear Late" ,area' or :Lake, ''County- Not 'mtU tb_~WOOillM, WEmt '~.'!rn' ,jarte !llI'l~ n~ld;, ,N\0 ,~, W!lr.:k 'Uu:. .De:~:t, morn;i:ng a:nJ "Was 'f\e~! _oot IQ<U' ~ldlegJt l\m,~, lberle' bad 'been ,an 'eara,h., ,t~tt'Urlglt :*~''.dl, '~ ~~~, b,Y ,q,uak~~ Lueidi said" wu she'surt!: tn devWL :sm.,e: hadn'~[; had, :3i lVmt ,from ~tli~~rm uU~!nJ ,f'O[~.

1be Stlfill!n~gmpmc Sm1ion ,a'~, tl!"e' 'Umll'~ib' of: .(!dif'om1a ,at 'If), "-~ ... "'~ ... c smd -t~~ ... ; ,'-I:l:a~.,._'" ~rw;."--k ,at

Ji.)~f,M;;I~,~ = 1Ql!;~ q ~ _ _ _ . __

:U;4B p.m., 'with !aJ m_i~, tude' -j;jf :rl'. If;fI, e:pieellitel;' was

pJa~, raiWD'I/lt, '. m:i1.\e5, north of' Ber:h~e,y n~' Clear UB

i!, Tb@ ~~itt" b~d ~:~t '~, OD 'w:te'1s{en~ :aDd Urlls: one gaJ, gmbbed, ,b,ej" :~~ bH.ds bd,~ ~tm1ied on ,ev~' ,p~er.' ::;,ihe' :lrne-w'., :Slle, ,a~li!Ui:U.f U~o~bt :~h.e~ ~ee1li,

:~soo: wM-J].".lwr _~, ;s~L" _ .• aall!;;'Qjg MOlm{f,1 sa~d SJIJ.<§lr'®m: ,. -1iI='

c'jcit. ma;_lIiI_a~ .,f:' 1ba 'Cl~r La.~e

'~ln US§;ELS, = 'Tille N,url~ ,A:~h~in~ ,( W ~ T rc a, lj" '~lr gan:i'za U~:rrI ~'~ ,E~~ope8n lml'~ Ilita, ry {:'@Hl!mand i5 g~I~'n ~I u.a:nrlelr'gr'(!FllIlbld, ~ILCl~OJ.idi;nlf 'to, tile' As~O€i.iiIj'~ed P,rnsS"",

- - T~e' :rlil~)!'l@ 'W~U Icoi'IU,~,IIlIJl~ 'wUffiI ~n~ :scilmd.urled: c{),mplel[on in ~983 ,olr a,rru 'l.Ullde,[',g,rolJud CVlJlil rnJ bu; [l_~,iJl r e" ~,~, 'l~'aJjj~, ~1:le' wire 8tlvil~e s;a:id"

_ B.ld~,i an :P efernl S e M i ni,st~y, 100iF:n..eiiid:s: ;i!l::IilIll10illlln~d, ~hj~ mOrV@, AI? ropor!cd.. a nd ~ a,~ dJ th~ t 'bll:d~; f!O,r t~e es.ti mlam;d :858.5 :m inioni 'pr~l~c~ 'a,J"l~ b~~ mg a,c~~p'l,ed ,frn'O'JIU ,f~reill,~fiiI

. a p rn' d~~m f;:dUG' Ii rl§-

l'3!PI GMA,Tl. I9:D, :lnt'[r~,'g@J Il.,g ~'! ne '\.10 bil:ll ':ul,li')D'1 lr.r T,Utn M.H(f,HS rI " .. 0,.. :b 1, ~4J'~ 'PBlI"~,!5i: .' T~, ~, ? !54iSO

~i ~:m! ,PU bll~:bj_ ~U~ rt ~rly .t .'," 00 pel" y_,~~, - $:~,~gl.'- CQ!,pl'H ,1 ii' 50 ~B~.h.~, h,p~mt ~ mBkI, ,iDll ,c:h~cks I>:r. 'ilnmli8Y - ,ciN • riB' ,pey8Jb'l. ~ 't,o lU c'be:rdl, - 1!..:r-9!:~I'i aoo

--I: -- iIr; Ilail.. -t- ----~!i- ........ -'I - , ,

pil"J<DJ~, - iiOI!\a-J:8:,..'e-:r:;'~,:F ~·:a.n '''''!!i~le~ ...c.,CItf~:m'

l"l ~l1IltMM c~mer~, ,1'1l ,pBi~e;n,t!'l, '~."t N :nJ1 UU, f\lfrn;d. Q.~. :!in,t,er"'"

Mt :t,~_l 'lif!!ierJii!lly ,OQ:teil,"$1Il :If,@

Iteeiil, ,t-o 5 aM ,~gl". ~!: 1$ ::

. '_ :;:i.. .


WDliI:t,ed,:: ''bg~k~/lTIli,P cn wl,tch"" 'c:~.err'lb. satarrl_!I!' .,.'ocd:CIIOIt :!!i:B~,'" rl fi ct ~l~'~ ~afriri1li'B:o iI! '~ ~,

P' ~ .DQiI!T!f j :~,5, z. U't~llll!'

h b~tl ~'ld, ~ CA ~ g4im~,,,


'b:r 1R:t1i,t.8IJpu. __

B'I!!i ,.1"in\" 'm th, P.M'nl!ISfd .. OD or GeJ'Y' ,. ~ ftrtjl ,

eM, '~he 'U'lil'",&T:I,iiil I.fut,litto.nal .p',e4,l,uc~, !'.-.

-r . ,F 7 ',. = • _' . z: W' .. ~ ~ _~ .. ~ ~':'ri.5s ._-- .. '~'zFr' . ,'jF-...;gJ!!!!I

mt." ... ~' ... ",1-:- _!I'_If 'flb"'l-l- "i!I,-i.lL,j;ji ,1i,'II"ft"'" _, ... ..,P'iIIl' __ '.- f

-~·"v ~-lWJ.,'· V~· ]L!II~'!:!ii U1¥_., un ..... ~ ~~W-iL iIA;g lr-r- g' !Ij'lbl, ... ~· ''''!!II! _I

.rH~.teD, to filil!t lm. 81 lett,re·!" PO!,d~'lBl'rk," RO"nnber' tal 'l.'m f'r~ 11'1' J,O'k'11 ,J,ol:me,t,!).D,';'

11i'I. th~ 'i!I'UlmlmIU' Df 1966 I 'ttlD, il!iC~S: lJ. 'ml,4ile 6,g-e!l ,Pe'r',S:OR wliIQ'. 'w'h 11 $ l:n b'be' :s ."""ee' Gf' '''be ,a_ed

:f o.l"ClfS ,t 'e',. . mti,o.'. ''b.' ~huc.,~ e.lo;s.'s:1 f:I,I!id, lnlQ_at:l\'~D. "iDld, lei r,!!mt.fJ iii trl e ~t. o.r;, ~

HiiJI _II 'my' lle'lgh'Ml" t'ben, and I8ft,'lIiI" 'toel':-' in~J hl~ e:~ou', '~ 'lh,o.'biby' of 'ut·c, II' 11.'11 :!I!eemedi. 8m p'p.t> I'~t·.r.@;g ted ~ tiold of' OD"llr' Qm;q' b.l~.I"l'\e s\ary a(F f"ll,~' h!!l' cliiI'I'Ur.

'9i~~O~S: by ~'CctdMl,', !.n1:I'!Ii ::Hft nil 'ID, 'tih. ,,bmy' bl T'axu ,8'm e elfllrx 'tib ~ Ii!

He [!· to, '~aft D,o.t:l'ced,· f·'.le ~'.ebinet. u~l~lted, '_'rk~. nO,e$:!lfled ,Onll::T11• W"JU!~ ~'Ceu,:8. ,o,f' "b~,B. bu'man,. (l[~t., ['5 Bi!!I,y ~:rl ,W!!) be!dlMl, t;D; ~e:.k l:nta ' c,m;b,I:Mt ud. cam)!!Ii' \Ii,' wrt:t.h II d!.:181"1' [of [C..,t~diD JAmiiJ5 Cook',. dlJti"i!d. 1m. "!h.e '1'10) I~ ii, 'I"b~ il,ier,y', 'bl. COQk!!!!. 0IlD, '~~l'"I:nR, p"f,e; III (L'ot lIed ilJ~~ l.on, eFf P"IlI'. \;:hst t,[ook ";18.0. In, '~he fs:r n,-:!i,t.!!Di1 a,f' t~,e

," . l _. . '_. _. ... ., .r' _.. . _. - . . l!:ll •. l

Sou,t~, P'D'me ~

. C<;.'l ng' '011 "h~.t h;" hau ftadil ·th!!ir d i.:ir7'1 be inn'i~b·.r[Nl '.he t C'o.o'k bad. 'ul tt. e:ii: ,BM, , il!Jl'D .ft. i ']1 e" upJ. o~.t:lon o.f ''"he Sw:l'1I1 "'8~ 'lb ,1'<0.1"8.1; .• '

Cl!:Iill1k' dl.'!iil!!c·l":i "bed lal"lfl!!i 'lI'AIIeh:! ililiel!!ll am C 1"1f.iI b:l.'~1e' 'iiI'i!.,,n, w!t.h lerle· !"I!!,t ,8M 't.d·' snnill qui:tfl! ,!!!It'l"tm,g c~ ..

~ll "nmk:,. 'Very t.1i1Jl-'~F.c\IlM. " :I'~f!"'Ii" ~!i!i.llt~ 'w'itb ",,'e'I']" IUlI,t,le' DO~!!!i caning ."~tm sp",cb.. if .Blt ,11.11 ~i!i!I:a,',nB t.elre'p.tbl.~ ~~:l,~at!.,a~ Ihe:y' "'fii':~I' .;.;~ • f~'r:-- J: ... ,~'1.'V' ·1'!"1IiiI,io.;ii,-j,....,..., ,_.~JII ""crik its [C:~W~~!!Ji O'fIe' ,of' wh.

~1i '-. ).' ~'!ii!"::r:o. ,J}' ,lI;iILEIi:1if.'liIIlllfl·"i:iij ~I \.Ii. ". . ~~_~ ~ _, . _ J

diM dU1"lfi8 'it"b pol~.r' t'r1p ....... 'the :R'St. wlt.!h :tdm

f.i!:1 t. C[i,t e ~'e :Ii. fill 1:((mi]I!' mat.mftr '.'1 t:b t l1!,e p,'!Il,opt eo 0'1" !!.IiI ~ MIS ..

Cook tot'l tbe '~·l.l!Id.rl' 'U~8,t b, •. 1!Ii.e.a~, ~Cft!~, ,.1't~ ~ D "'.If8.:Ii-r :h,~~· .hl.'1 to g.t _c·l( bo! :.ltlt .. mi.. These' f.e.o,le d,.ld. 'help wUH] :r-18,pe'l'r.!: eDli, C'~k: "hen slI!!I,:SJLI!Id :heel( ·to ifrb. hMi!-l'nl,t 'hi be· 'Wl"O'~ 1:11.1, BO~ount:! ,cf ~b~, 19th. f,ol e ,gj !!115 " ~ttBU]:t 'bl~ d!1,81l'J', whet,be:r

IL t !I: -_ Il,,- . . ... -,-,- "

Iiim,11!i 01' no: ii' ~'l!!i :m.,...... .D.l'mJ' pro.pv·,1; "'YER' .

Cra,,, 'n,a\,e- !C"oak ·'9 H:,pe!:Ult:.iOD. '\0 tb,., ,pole "IIr"l!!!I 'bet.wi8eD

t7'2'~11" 5,,)

______ 5~~ ~-_~~~~ ~ _

IlnJ '~he IC~I!:,tdS doned Gl!IarHatrupe iMlolilll1[ta:j'ns, (111. Mew M~ncl!) Its· a des,·

.. .

!D~ile ,a~!)a wht~~ .on~r Ule f;GY1o'te. ~eer,. "'mo~iiltain !icm a ndi Il~ai~' hDld oollu1: am;c;ng Uu~ 5'IlJi~up-' SDI'lnll~i5 of ~l1e Spalilis'hi tl~gg er U: ~$ ,~n a'f!ea I'n~CI whlCih I~e.w 'lervUJr-e, ·~ilId ifij) ollie II We 5<.

B@I1l~ath UI'tB IIJIlP:e1l' lreaJ:;l1tes; Q'~ ~h9 ~tllamh.!lpe lP·e~ks;. . ~5 I~ca~m ~hSJ l'a1'Qes'~ lilaltural cavern [iJllId C[lrVs ~ri:ml~ 1ft! NIlU1[nl Amen~. Near ibiS, ·ama ts ili!llE!' till' Iii' Cit rJSbifl1, [New Me'J(iG:~I;, larlme(l[ J~f [i.1s Icaverns a~d po~ ash millies:. TODIJiSimCrS 0'1 Iliilllrist'5, :frack here !~, !~C 'lhB g.r~1'l'~ naJnu:3J1 b&luty. 10m 'nile c.~lI'mst~atl[ cav~ Isms.

Ill. Ij\ia/S, iii I.nis ,al~[e1i ~o title N[j:J(rth

iIlnli 'est or Ca:ri5oo(l ~n a f'8.iFilimI:e hading pos~ th~~ iii ::itf,ilI[lilge ·and ~omlllwna.t e!ni(3 II! v Bfli't ~[rvl'o~de.dJ ~n I~ iii' ea~ li@ r ' .. ars m~f 'U,:ls [~fiitU.··. .

, . Wi} Ir ii~r~ whi!JI f(!D'Iffli'fi 'I'f'Ii!ffr I

-' '- .11, ,a[MI :smail I ,am(IIJ1liJit.s,_[g!f '~,a!i;::m!!i'

-. -s 0" mlner.a::s '3 'ilN'Ij' I --:- .. ~ : e 'QI:i!ll .

-,~~ 'ltl.e moulil ams. s. ~mtiIed tme:-darv

Enl'O llile .D~Sl and f~~ticaJltry bal:l!l1lei] Iijll~Im a bJz3rre ~~~e-.

Tllte''fwo md be~m ~e.a.r,~nlr"U .~m' [iini!1E1rai ite po Sift s' in '~he mountains 'when lh~1·. ~me UPQn Iii ~aJrgeJ 'Ciawm"

1ill'l'n,'king tha:1 ~.~'I~ablt1: Ofle ,depo·

s'i~,&l might ~alywlthil!l ~ ~1'I!ey made' $(!Ime! Inrche.s, I it 'tlnem. 8iild'b'f~r[ed Illte inky bl~ckne$s iQ~ 'Ihe il1!~enor.

lltrwy had Ig 0 Iil 1:1: ,fIj wars. frdo !.n!;!, [cavern. ac.cordiiil~, I~ ~he. SitOi)'·. '~hen ~hay begl1iln lID heaT vofl:e:s. which :see"med ~o be ~~;l1nU I1Q"

A ~igJl'1fm 10 ~how ahead cd mhrl!mI '50 ~e·v e)!,~~ngl!l isltled ~:hellr I'QF~ '~.h·es and' e.rept '~o.m~rd 1DW~~I!l Ihe '\f.cic~:i! . 1111 ~im@ ,Ii lairy;e' room 'Q;rJelile.cI

up ool'ilue 'Itnem .. , -

_ They h i~ b:eh~fijj a ~'(ie. '''l\JrllM~ ion

01 'r,ock ,a;oo 'watched ~m ,greai~ surprise,; [~h3l ,!s~OIl clumgoo t1l;l ~~m}rk 'IC~f1Dr. as UIB. s;c.ene. ull1'toiJd[ed bf!.!loF,El: '1l1tem_

In thll' (:';Hlile~ Of ~Ille' riOOm ;siood lO!]OO ItglMias in 3: circfB' aniH nd a greal altar s·t~n e i ~nd upon [~~e ~tr~ar r-e!)lle'~ 3 htl'gie! n::rys.f~~ tflc .source of '111ie 'lIfckerilllg I~ght TIti~J;;ny~!!1 Ulley 'SiW 's.e8'~eti ~D .Emlsa~e wi'tl1l Ute '~i!Sing Palnd MII~ing voiiCes eJuHllirrlQ.

SlIIddEmly' ~h~ ~hmnTrngl st'rJ1P,l'-ei1l andllJh,e cry S! ilIll ~cgan In speak. ln a t,ongu.8: mortel mus;~a ~ .lhan \1011:'011. lreey sai~ iI" was an carie so!.!!nd. ml.u;1\I ~,fJte tlilal: 1Ji'l' a )l.y.IO;phi)Ae,

iHoumed. Ilt'I;ey 'wi31ltliled lU'l'~il[ Uu~ gl~'e~t cliJ$l!ai sIG~~·ed. then Jii!QS& Srf:iwJy !J',nilil II' rea.cllled Ui!DJ oomng ~~ I:h~ Q!r-eaIC r~om. su.s,~~'J'1de(j1 amo ng) I h& 11~F!g. sharp ~ll'l'91ililg mrr;~~ ~~ the. [~arv(mn Milj n[!l. Then illJegan tOI

d'im. ~l!id l]hi! IiIJJl1e~ flig!Jr~;s sl.arlel1 ~ ch;;linl" a1i!d 001~ h!!l1thil~ 'Ihe a1lh~r. [desceru;fi[!d: [nlto '!h~ ~iBpllhcs Dr thei ili:aY'lern,.

Shakelil ~y [~Il!' eJ:pe~ielilc'~. the! tralilers, ma;d1e! a ~'as:my depa rtulre" I'i(llt 11J['fly hom tile. CfIJ'lJem" b~llmm ~Ii\Fl: !i3nti'[i8; 'I'Drl!)rf1 al~e'a.. They s·t,oJ)',p;ed' only bri\ ~l thle· .pest [rOf S"oI!IU!~

·.P~O~iih!lfll$. '1m tH\eilr j~U.lrA13Y tCI nnlklilowiiI 1~latlBS. iIlm~ 'to Inab'b:l'e 0111'

111'10111 ~b:,;anne' ~o.1Y ~

WlfliU W.iiliS the slJiill!Ige It:ry~.tal?

Wlho we ne·lll1.e r,~tleo {pmts?' W1ruy did Um.1f d'es!;~nd ·in'to. ~he de~ilhls ~r ttle iCa,'!ie<fil'!i? QllJ!eS;Ur~m;$ tlilat may lileV\Sf ~31jf-.e' ,answers. 'h)r' ~~. is Iilil;)s: (f;IOSl 0'1 ni~ legend's of Ilh.e lpast No. en e remauns to g:lva: lilCa;nCHi11S .a11l,~ de4aii:!; ilni:l Ul!e @fie~ who may remBmb~~ "ee'l lil t-s bel.tEllf 'l·o~gO'U:en.

o ,n 'Ibf' :BaTy '~'., 8'1;, •• :1 .•

the Importance 0' Wrlfinq Letters



T.ld~ pI ~ee I:!; 'be:!;'~ I [Ciwl,a, a,o 'ee,~'tIlse of' di! riC'

~~t,e'rI·, .. 1'i- ,1lie.'111 'B~,i!!IIo'i<i!! to oc,,, !!,,~ t:h.~" I t, T,f'iU~t be. q~,t t.e' :~'p'Q'ri,Q,t 'fo:p 'fIlie and ~t;b~,rI.. 11 [,11 16"·'I'M· .. n\ :8eid.oa C:lcm8 et 5,1.' Dlt "'bat gOT"~$~t', 9:~~t' ,!J0.,..,~:nm.Rt I

,.~ r-ot,t.en p!!tn:c1I.I!Iil elC:p8:1"i.enee's .. i.ib 'US ,g~ft, .. ~ d.el"ol' t ray en \~[ .. I k:rmw In,' OWllill 8ni ().,t:bI!'B .1. future' ,d,~"e-Dd~ li~ on h~' ~.. g~t!I'" l'81,td I !blJ,~"'l" i:s' m rpill~ DO\ to '!I!I:r5. t.. Ion;; .puc les :a·1ld l!l!t-~d[&J:\i!!Ii ~ OBl,. .,'.ttl e, 'I at·trl',!" in. ~ - [!Ci'It .• _ ~e.Me~' tfp._ hand:! ,ca., :T,!ltr.05. 'ray'- IO~ f'ee,l:l::g,t5 1"0, ,'. I)~~' , '!II·~lq t.bli!' 1.'&\"'.1"'", lottu.r",

.is,e,., 'you, sr- c,l·d, 8m, ai"le ,f!ilotitll,., .

__ .... ,iIi. ,.II"", 'iIr e .... 1IiiI .... _ 11.' lII'on'iIi '1 !I, ,ft[;--'li tm nu,~e !liPID, ,i!f.DBj,

n'I~:'JDiJiI Q~ . .III. ~lllIil!"l:l, I 13' ~._' "ti1~ - - _

airy thouglbiti'!!I \~·a:rd m.! Ath,gt,!,OfII, ,&fid . e.ti!QD, II; t.1h~

'ke,... .

You, b~lj I 'T! "~:Jlked 'w.l.\;}31 fnr ,lIg!!'nts DOI!',;. .iO~e. he,,·. t'h - "t,t 1 tua e. 'th. 1 .. 0"' liI· .w,ld 'beJ_1 filly [of .~!t b'8'1'el" 'fft~i!Il! 111~hSl'rd ".9 l~f'~ 8,1 nne f'_ ~ ~~:r~ Y'0\l1f),:1 rI,G\[!jt~· :£1e rc~ rs,et :hlft"" 'Up.. 'He hd to ,SQ ~,~,

01 tlYi'b ''l.p aoo p,l) ,_ flag ,ot" · ... bllJt,eift'r~· ~ i, _ I(.m.,

not&i: "bi!; tel'. will lbi!i' t..'D 1 dl, :If;il e, .!\ttu:tft :15:11u .• ) [Ii 'lhuill

'~ I!!Ir~ net, l'ia:nrved. '~Dli!:5s ,t.hQ" I[e~lre·" !hI!! god iii' r.eal!l2;fi!I,u!!! ,'i.~:n It::lt:l.a_ lI!!I,:r.e_ }u!lIY!Im,l'l!!!as. t",,[ 1.t .. !hie,t'r

11 iI;. ' .... b JI:I' - 'l~'- .. ,I iIIl'.i1!I,..... ,- ........ I

po' . J. c,Y '{>'O ;ilU'" .ll. if) ,.,.;:S. ~ ,gi='Y. !!: .~ I;Jimn·~.. ~: ,

'I"f ~ ferM ot.bJe~ d,e'c·!.{il'I!!' to '''rlt,P.i· (~QDe.r' o.rr l.e"iJlr) '\ 0. the C!I. on b8il'pl,ft,e:' l' ['fPrI1 i!II, Mer\ :c'1 'Ii,\ 1,!Zu and, n,o! ,ill nut., ... --nd hB'ck nI,,. cUi c·Q;ftT'1.~~ 8~ ~li[e'l'l!lble~ etc~ ~ ;I;C'" ,'" I,M. c~ld c~e ;~!l!iid we'd. .pt lo,t.o i(I, h!!'Jlll af ~ 'beti.t !IU"

1 ~.felll' (~a o!' Itot,e·.:e,t:r 'Ste:e1.i :!;e:rs he bl!!'~ t.~'B· f'ol"n""id,8, t,[o

liD !u~h~~~l~'~'~~lgh~! ",'xt'U~'1 .'l!ic7b be 'w-ls.ih.~5 't,o

!;i!!lt ,for ,10 li,111 !'o:a}'.,

The ,F'''t. ... tully 'l'\~all t'p'!; '~~I!I' .P'UlblL:h~, ,~,t CleJl ,!!,t "i!li1ite Sha"e!T ':1. bd~Omet,loft. 91. iI. CIA 8!],P,t, Cllfu,!!'r;lr of>lt,fla'l'~d: '0 me,!! ·mm ~o "b~ ~e'ntr. fe,jb.[r us, aDd 'CIU.r.

t[e-l'll.l'il! ~·UC'lll ,~e;i[~ ~ _

'I: :r~.ll be5;q, 't.e.u,ght 81· II, child 't.'mB.'t ,~~I.t,i.'~e_! _be .t.ry ·aM. c'o~d~.eJ~'" 't;.'hel:r· g,QT\~ ai'-1e lo'~ I!JJ~m:l ~' tbe. god,. 8~ 111 K-Ood !!.80l! miOil"->!I' !!i:Dtailll!,8:e:mt 'thaD t:be ttU!iSiUI!Sl ..

NI or~ u ~t;!U'ld l'nB'!!'_ _. .

,(f'iD81, m,:it.Or'iI not.e:l· t~ ,!lin t e[., Mr St.el'II' I!Itl'lil: "'r:l\te~

~o t,'be P::re~,:ldent. 't:be 'ope" StIll' Gr.M- _ I .1 ph I; 'd'-,I"'f tbe hp',ed. tt-f t.h" CU, and! FBI" Fred. -qyl. .. ~ V;·'i'-,l.'Tlm :B!lljl 'IU.XOll.1, !"C'MT "'·he 'Sup.'r!!Jlli~ 'Coon, ~.,rO'lii! 'lTiO~~ :!!!tI!lU~

.• ttl t'o,p .iSc,l'i!~nt.t:!!i]t!l"t 30 r,~'p[l1 be Is: !l·U.,'1;l .s.:l·t;,:lq' lOT

Ij[jr:rt !l!!il!lien'!!.!I"", 'I! I! 'I!!!XC,I!!: :pt. frO'iir 'S: lit .. btO! iSl!!Ii !I,d t-ll,_Ji!r'if'li._.~:I n~""

th 1 !Ii s.' h,ft1 'eoyld d.g" Whe.,t ,d..o. 10U ~eder!!l "h!O")

.. ...

· rsL

1I.,'r' Ib:b8M iii.

:I'n. 9 ·ifJlQI. Ii' J: .. 'Imlct. Inte:'I"-' ,9\!I1't. e.l 'r~ ·t;hll!l _ n'IltJCl'tMiIi"'. ~~'.POl't ,~

D.r.'~ wm II' m.II'e of ~e'Ran b 'II be ... 8tiwl:yI:p.g "~e~!II' 'fol7' ~"')l:Mjl! pan :DOIi'jI' He cl,alm:l ·thifli S'ovt,.e;ti'l: .1'.' ~._cml~:I!dl:i:nl· •• ilJllt,t Ore·SOD. 'lim.~het ~;m;1 ,PB'o.f1.'1i' i!11~-e; .,lck ani4 c OIIi;ooo fU:!!!I'4!lt!l.,iii

Ye.I,teri.aY"'B t;v. .Ia~d mrl,(:i ~CMlill¥ •• ,8.'~~.' tbe' 'talLl lbid,ldln., ,lli UIC ,U'N 'iEIlff'!iM::t.Ji~1 ,t o;ar1 !i,tl!l, ,w, :1,eCl'Ili"18,;rili'-3 ,Boo, m:.he!r ,offlOIl .'cmen '_0 are'l,n dlre·et line .. It·h ~,b«fi·ii'

_ ao·:r;. t ~ ,D ]pIIi.,e'l' \aek. .B . ..,.:t!l.a'bl,e t~8:', ;1::1, "!I~ .·Jel.l .,on-. _ al..~D8' tbuJe 1 b~lls '., Gett Ill. eo",.· 01' CJfICU!'IIQlf:

'Mllm ~' ;._. 'IiiI"D- .. -iii; n ';''fjl

-, ._- ~,,~ rlJ!J !"!!,o. _-'- e;l;',,,,1I' ;l!;l'e.:.lIl

&dU ,$:1 '"' 9:s,~, I.~, 'l~ 8i~ un'be'i:l e.n:bl.· 5 t,c~,~ .' !! .1], ":Ne,' -

'X 11\".. ',,,eft ,Ill,eel,i,. 'l11-..aJ. nd 'bl W:ea,theY' ~od ,I "'leat· :!lIon, 1"01" • "'Grill year.1 -, I,t;,ud,yl nl' t.t" ondj, yoo cam;' nO" ~glne .. het our- ,~-rn:men.t ,e-lld. "b~ S;01"let" ,Ir.e dlQ'IDJ - 'wlt'h '.eal'~b"r.' '.'e!J PO,M, .. :real. bQ~ storry •.

, . :8.eq,rufJuJ't ,Ii _ f.R·"" eo." e,' t'ih,~ ~~ .. ·~;~l Regl,5·t'erU! fr.Qn :,(lUl" cc:~, gr..ilI i!Jr'N!IiD. f',o ,-, toll' 'Yal\C'h 5;,i 1979

'1 :H!lQe "' It" e,:tl!l of" t'~l @I' -1]' ;~9 .i

,AJ r.lQr·ce· fI'S: ,!!!,!. .\u:t.b ~l'·lf'le8.-· .It. t Oil 'talJ! eb.rdilqlJlct.iJ I ,BDlwh.t· t,h.,. fI;f-,fI' ,~~I:n,-lD, 11!(J.U~" i!I,"ber." ion i!i '!lhdllJ -".'1 I· i' 'God. ke :m j uS ,~'

lIfti.lX. to:r 't:be D ..... ~Ali~t,~1'~iii 1:\, i IJ '. r.,a:\, .~'

'm' - ±z" . ¥


Carerg.' '~e:r,:pj,1I

.. i

11'\_,.. [IlIo1i ... 'L. W~ll~ ,DA~U'!11

fil,e ,All.C:IENT 'Ul-QS £'[H t ,,~Iil' [011

pa,g.,. ':II _il en t 1. ~}~ilt'I"8.·',d "ti'li,W"1 ~;n :I'erne d,,' ~l'1' pa.f.en, Me-t· :bll the 'M~,d •• :U~SO I Ill' a.. •• 11: 'CJ'll!Iti:' .d. "i 'ot't'D Bl:Pderr r(,m'k;'_" liifUdo' :B~m.!lfl'.' It 't'~'I!!' "",ll"'Pmin I:~ i"encll!!l-f 1 c~ I 'on ~

,llM:d..[nIO'l",. .H,ei ' •• 'iI!! ,~ n'I)" 'f",Bt''I'orl'' ~I, II!

,t;lt;t.,o :sl!'n,t '1iIlI'''' III GI 0'fI pile" '" II!Illlilt ,Qt· t'~":I:'!J' ff.!li,t\u"es -hl_.e.b w.,re' ,lietUJi!lll ifi'SJlil1ey.'Slf of" e-ech .i!.\i'!'k f!J '!equoDC~ 1be. ,:tJ·:tI. "" '_' liB!! ed. OD ufo !!i:'lsb·t ... :lm8." ,a!,~j. t.hi!i' '.n-"1!l!,,~

e~. of ''Il!''I'J' ~·b1:l,~'t.'hQH i.l, '~iI!Ii't,lHl ~te~OJt ~ lit, '.\~s ,8, O1lle.-'"bot ,d".,.:11 'I' l:D t:IiitT:IS'I\l' '-, how 1& 'Ie. Ii I' h~ Ii '2 5,'h~~ii.e_ b:1.1 [II It' s·cm. filr :Joor r'!I!Iect,p.'l'!!I .--a,n't :a, eO',P7', 'bIrr,., ,B,l"P.'

.,,11.1:-'111 • - - - '~-. 'k .Ii ,- - -, - 'iII-~,~ ....

~J:.;,~.:Ib, IOlQrliJal ~c"~, &i!!!!,!,tHliS .&,[IIt~·!li, .:II-or

1_-' ':ill 'fiI~--- , b ,-.:II. "',," ;;.;l·t e,iBiC _ [Il

SJlnc."'J."ie'l,. t Ce\DC DIal p'me,n,ti,er l? :Sbet teoo St ,. 'Wlll,_.l.~ Dat'l! Canada ll~' 11]6

~'Jfb~nkl; tI, a.,n_e,.~ f,o-r't, be' tl 0"8 em 't.brt, 'lhe,r,fjir' 't'e~t,u:tl' In 1,Ii:s't i!",u'i!!liI w',~, ~adl ,1~D.e _ ,?,t,b.~:f" Ti~~d.~:r.· '.'ho lr.ifn::,os'"

:nl:',~-oJ. tlll1~ Bhld-I!J'F ,d"o <::'0.3,,'_ nil' -



Ycu, :l'\f1jacl~r,:li, TP8¥.' 'rt!nui'iIP1b~i" Gi!!:tn!'

.!8J~ 'the ].'0lI& ,',~~ ~'l t,or (j)f uSs-1I),~·.r"l :S palCO !ii1Ind SCi 1 e:n-'C~'lfl~ .h. -,e:'h_ 1I1UI II!Ii -

'.e'll'-r-ec~·I·""'!!IIi B'nd ·.'ell c'Cnc'~I'T1ld. ·mBlgs,~d,M." ~~e_ ha~ ~i~e' II 11!!,t,. ,,111 of ut'o, ... ·r.elat;,edl. ~Ookl' illiN !Z1fli.U ,f,or-

~~ le iii :s (Ii TT;IiB 110. 70U '(\ CAr'lIl ,It· 0, .:r~:ii. 8. ,~,o b !nh ~~ -

·Ib.t 1 !!II: DaM-ea..., tb-l:!!I, .pol:nt :Il:n ·the I" m~:r.' 9biB-Ye:r 'M;yat'e:r,y t&h" A, 0_ ,ft'!til'ki!l!t iii Tb,!ltn w'. 'wlll .,ee 'I'JIIO:r.,i IhlanT' ma,·tarlam e·cme lata prlIL'1' l:,t .'is .'1,-lI'iO'5.'" D. CatiCh,.,·22. s I. tuat,I.(ql:1

W'-l t;h~t, Sb6iT!lf' )I~tj"'-Y 11"at.'1"I.1l

, l_D ,'ri.nt. ":here' '.'i.'_ -1 1M ~ I. an' :f:8Di8J·~ ~ ti ~ _ '.'l,t,'ii!~~~, m'i),]"'!l ten..: II "ii,1t

'l:r- ... _".-li"w _.!I"I "11 '--'1:--- '~'-n~,iIl;. _- 't- ....... 1 ill,i'I'

m;,-·",·li''I;!<-.,l- !!'II ,~.£,.Ib ~'I;I!l1;0<JIi, B ~ ,,,,""'100 -' '"':,-jf', -l!J1i!' ..

_ :ilUgel:!!I,t !!I.lo:M I ',I',

n •••• '

l)eIU!' if c·haN.,

i fOWJd\ t'be If;j'I!!I811:tng IDf U,lIpot,'b-'

80s t :!ji,!4! ( 'r"t'-':t. .ir, to, ~ Ir" 11.. i' i.smIJ 2:

o,r IJ'~ ltiot a. uw tU"et.l,OMl"J' •

.... l.. ;I'l~-=- ~ - 'Ipo ... ~' B~·;I-' l'~, i ",,;:~&8.1i ~ -,II - ~od.

'n'~H~ ~ ~~;pjr,'.J • ~J 'Iji ~ ~ - ... ,if)pi CIl'~ --

o:m) ," 'w:!!, btlit.~n"li 'lt~~ (:'01.1 els;lB~ - :D'ic" l,o(D8 r;['iI1 __ ' _ _ __

.1.P0 th,o!5I ~,~ De?Bt Bd 't,o do l vine

i,t~'tUB,-~ ~,~ pen'!IJjC;t HlIm,J.,'OIii'

m·t 1,_l,sho8.

Day!'d 'G_hem;


·f.t-:-,~j'not, b8.\r 1'I1,1It[e'~ iliO!''''',' .':is.h IES, hll:d.. had. ii)~" ,of t:~JO'~e. la1c.t.".~n.''' ~'r:t ell: w~,.,.n .11: ''''I\Glt e lii~he l~!Ot'hel_ls

'Df Iall.-t,i'I' ,!II -

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