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Spiritual Economics Now 16/10/08 5:59 PM

Here We Go, Again admin Sep 22, 9:34 AM

Here We Go, Again.

A fellow sent me a link to Conscious Media Network which is interviews with people who tell us about the latest psychology,
science, healing techniques, etc. – all fascinating, ʻgoodʼ news. I truly enjoy this website. One can choose to whom to listen
for 1/2 to 1 hour or so. Brilliant interviewer; brilliant website:

The picture I saw at the first of this video seemed to be one from Nazi concentration camps – bodies strewn into pits… youʼve
seen them… weʼve all seen them. I scanned the video … a few minutes at the beginning, a few minutes here and there, and
the last several minutes, waiting for the solution to all the horrors this video swore we were all about to encounter. There was
none. The entire video was “fear propaganda”. Someone had hacked this lovely, enlightening, often amusing, interview
website. So, I rang them and emailed them to apprise them that their site had been hacked and, it seemed, I was the only
one who knew this.

Regina, the beautiful woman who does the interviews, responded: ”Yes, we did put it up in response to viewer requests. A
couple of them are rather highly connected (former MI6 and CIA) and felt it important to put it up with a warning, which we did
do. I have some serious reservations about it as well as it leaves one feeling hopeless, which is not what we generally do.
This is why we said on the page that we have no way of verifying the source. Still…..the question is “Is there truth in it?”
Perhaps another question is “Even if there is truth in it, do we need to know?” Please let me know your opinion on both of
those questions, I would appreciate it.”

Her most alarming comment … did you notice it? … was, “… in response to viewer requests, a couple of whom are rather
highly connected - former MI-6 and CIA.” This jumped out at me and my first question to her was, “How do you know they
are “former”?” I suspect they are on Goebbelsʼ team. [Goebbels was the Nazi propaganda expert who had learned from
Bernays (Freud's nephew) about how to manipulate the people simply by using fear. They knew that when people are in a
state of fear, they are highly suggestible and obedient]

Here is what so many people are missing: We create that which is on our minds and which is connected to an emotion – any
emotion – because all emotions boil down to either ʻfearʼ or ʻloveʼ and it doesnʼt matter which. If emotion is involved, we will
manifest that which is on our minds, whether we want it or do NOT want it.

The propagandists want, on our minds, that which THEY want. So, they toss out precisely what they want us to think about.
Whether we agree with it, disagree with it, fear it, love it, whatever, they do NOT care, as long as it is in our minds. Television
is the best means by which they repetitiously instill what they want us to spend our time thinking about. Presently, I notice
they want us to think that we have a choice in the matter of the next CEO of the corporation called USA, Inc. which has
absolutely nothing to do with us because the CEO will be “appointed” by the psychopathocracy, not “elected” by the people of
a country with a similar name.

In my article, “The 144,000″, I mention that if one is not part of the solution, he remains part of the problem, by continuing to
promote, i.e.: cause people to think about, what the psychopathocracy wants us to think. (see the definition of psychopath: “…
has deficits or deviations in several areas: interpersonal relationships, emotion, and self-control.” (All corporations have been
proven, brilliantly, in the documentary film, “Corporation”, to be psychopathic. Most likely, so are the “suits” who live by their
policies.) So, these are NOT people whom we want suggesting to us where to put our attention.

Only when we stop giving these psychopaths our power, will they stop doing what they do. They NEED us to create for them
that which they cannot. They have neither the numbers nor the frequency/vibration to create for themselves. (They also have
not the means to create commercial energy – something we all know). They are emotionless; and emotion is required in order
to create. They NEED our attention, our energy, our time! They NEED us to keep thinking about what we do NOT want so
that we will create that which is on our minds which is only what THEY want. If we watch TV, if we react to their threats, if we
believe in Revelations, they will get what they want – FROM US. They are using our unique gift of emotion in order to get us
to give them what they want. If we comply, if we fall for this deception, we are digging our own graves. We already know
these ʻpeopleʼ cannot be trusted, so why promote what they want us to do for them? Why do their dirty work for them? If we
bumped into a psychopath in the street, we would walk away from him, not tell the next passer-by that which he has spewed
out to us. Yet, this is precisely what is happening every time someone sends an email full of the nonsense that these aberrant
entities are propounding, if we do not offer a solution to go with it. Since the solution is: not to send the email in the first place,
letʼs stop all this nonsense which continues to waste peopleʼs time, attention, energy, and emotion not to mention putting it
out into cyberspace where anyone can happen upon it. This stuff is tantamount to ʻchild pornʼ, in fact, worse, because child
porn is just another promotion of the psychopaths, via those whose minds were open to it. It is the pervert who created it; all
the psychopaths did was to inject the concept, via propaganda, into his mind. Same as those who sell drugs to kids. The
drug-pusher did it but at the behest of the psychopaths who are the real promoters of the drug biz…. same with kids shooting
kids… well, the list is endless.

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When will people catch onto How the Mind Works, How Energy Works, What Causes the Manifestation of the Physical? The
mere fact that I am giving this matter my time, attention, energy, and emotion, right now, is contrary to the entire point I am
making. What a conundrum! Yet, I feel as if it is required of me in order to get through to unconscious people – those who are
still protesting that which the psychopaths WANT us to protest. Iʼm not suggesting we remain unaware; I am suggesting that
we notice it and move onto where WE want to be. Do not allow anyone to cause you to deviate from your path. If we truly
know who we are, none of this will affect us; weʼll simply be able to say “no” and walk away.

Abraham uses a great analogy. I am at a buffet for a meal and I notice that lima beans are being served. I hate lima beans.
Do I rant and rave and complain and then get every patron in the place to sign a petition to stop the restaurant from serving
lima beans? Or do I simply pass them by knowing that they are not for me and choose another vegetable? Some people
actually WANT lima beans – believe it or not – so lima beans are fine … FOR THEM. Since lima beans are not something I
would choose, I do not give them my attention, my time, my energy, or my emotion.

I ask that you all think about what you are emailing and, if you do not offer a solution to whatever you suspect is “wrong”,
which immediately proves you have judged the matter, aka, already given it your time, attention, energy, and emotion and,
hence, a life of its own, then you remain part of the problem and, as yet, are NOT part of the solution. What is it you want? I
suspect that I know what it is that most of you who pass along this dreck and arrant nonsense want. Your ego is driven by the
desire to be recognized, in these cases, to be known as the one who knew first, the one who knows what is ʻreallyʼ going on
in the world, the one whom everyone will recall as, “He told me about that months ago; I sure wish I had listened to him,
then.” This is grandiosity, egotism, and the scourge of what is keeping us from ascending into our higher selves. It is holding
us back spiritually.

Are you quite certain that this is what you prefer? Or do you prefer simply to be rid of all this CRAP!? Only you can do it – by
NOT giving it your attention, time, energy, and emotion. Incidentally, if you think I am exempt from this, think again. Years
ago, I was as ʻguiltyʼ of this as the next fellow. I managed to GET OVER IT! This is how I know what is going on in the minds
which have yet to make the leap into knowing who they are. Please, think through what it is YOU truly want and focus on only
that. Create for yourself and your fellows, only! – not for those who intend to harm us by using, against us, our own power,
talent, and creativity.

We MUST begin to function at a higher vibration/frequency than the psychopaths. Remember when your mother told you to
“ignore your taunting older brother”? Well, my mother told me that and it is true; he did go away. Iʼm not suggesting that he
quit taunting me, I am saying that I essentially rose above it; I began to function at a higher vibration where he simply could
not reach me. Nothing needed to be said, no protests, no fights. It was truly a win for me to realize that anyone who would
treat his little sister like that was emotionally unsound. My knowing this afforded me the emotional resolve to shift ME – not
him. No doubt, he is still doing what he does best but I donʼt know about it because the result of my shift to a higher
frequency was, simply, his disappearance from my life.

For those of you who still think that we have to tell as many people as we can about what horrors are going on, I put forth, for
your consideration, this: What we see going on in the world is the RESULT of our thinking. We donʼt get to vote on the way
things are; we already did. Do people have a right to know? Yes, however, since we donʼt know which of the billions of
possible future outcomes will manifest, it is ludicrous to presume the worst. Since we do know that fear of circumstances
causes manifestation of more fearful circumstances (think ʻdownward spiralʼ) than if there were no fear, letʼs put our attention
onto how we want things to be. We can change our minds about anything and, thereby, alter the outcome. If you are familiar
with Lynne McTaggart, youʼll know that the instant we make any choice, billions of future possibilities are eliminated and
billions more are created. Remote Viewing was developed by the military for THEIR purposes – NOT altruistic purposes.
Knowing that infinite possibilities already exist, what the military did was to have participantsʼ minds, individually, focus on the
outcome which the military wanted to create in order to suit their agenda. Since more people focusing on one thing meant
more energy, it increased the possibility of that particular outcome. This tells us that we can do the same thing. This is
quantum physics/mechanics. The observer observes not what is observed but, rather, what the observer brings to the
observation. The more agreement we have, the stronger we are. Everything is the way it is because someone said so and
someone else agreed to it. So, when we have rogues out there putting their attention onto an outcome that does not suit us,
they are working for the psychopaths, not for us. We are all responsible for our experiences. Make your experiences what
YOU want, not what the psychopaths want.

We WILL prevail. We must learn and know that it can be done ONLY from a spiritual, vibrational perspective. We must rise to
a level where the psychopaths simply cannot go. What we intend for ourselves has NOTHING to do with them. It has to do
with what WE want and where WE want to go. “Ignore them and theyʼll go away” sounds trite, simplistic, and juvenile, yet, it is
accurate… with one caveat. We do have work to do, yet, it is ON OURSELVES. We must quit giving our resources to them
and start to use them for ourselves … whatever it takes to shift our emotional, spiritual, mental, and vibrational space/time to
where/when they cannot go.
Letʼs stay focused on what WE want - not what ʻtheyʼ want from us. We must get our attention off commerce. Letʼs all do what
we love to do and serve our fellow man by doing it. Trust me, somehow, weʼll be taken care of …. and we donʼt need to know

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we love to do and serve our fellow man by doing it. Trust me, somehow, weʼll be taken care of …. and we donʼt need to know

My final plea: Everything…. EVERYthing that has EVER been planned, attempted, and implemented, thus far, has NOT
accomplished our intent of healing the problems of this planet. The psychopaths are STILL running the world AND most of
us. Is it time to quit digging deeper in the same hole and think laterally for a solution? The ʻeverythingʼ I mention refers to
intending to change something outside ourselves – people, circumstances, institutions, policies, legislation, …. even nature.
Shall we now take a look at the cause? Shall we now look to the true point of power? Those are WE. We are at cause and
we are the power; nothing and no one else. We are the only entities which can be changed and we are the only ones who
can implement said change. Hop to it!

Mary Croft - October 2008

Read more…

Best Videos admin Sep 5, 12:49 AM


FCC FU (2.5 min)




2 videos - 2/3 down page (total: 20 min.)


10 videos (total: 38 min.) *Parts 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 are particularly good


1. Part 1 (42 min.) september-clues-new-1st-half.aspx
2. Part 2 (50 min.)
3. Foxed Out, Part 1 (9 min.) foxed-out-part1.aspx
4. Foxed Out, Part 2 (8 min.) foxed-out-part2.aspx

Money As Debt (47 min)


1. Never Talk to the Police (47 min)

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1. Never Talk to the Police (47 min)

2. Philosophy of Liberty –

FUEL (6 min.) alcohol - easy, cheap, adaptable, home-made, etc.

MEDIA MAFIA (58 min)


1. Brain State Technology

2. EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique (7 min) * 4:07 - 5:15

3. Z-Point Process

4. Waking up to the World

5. Zero Limits

6. Master Key by Charles Haanel, /m2.mp3, etc.

MARRIAGE and WORLD HUNGER – Sam Kinison (6 min)

6.1 MB

Read more…

Red Ice Creations Radio with Mary Croft admin Aug 18, 11:32 PM
Natural Man vs. Artificial Person, Law, Money & Banking

Red Ice Creations Radio Click Here

20.5 MB

Read more…

Two Completely Different, Separate, Distinctive Forms of Ac … admin Jul 19, 9:58 AM
Two Completely Different, Separate, Distinctive Forms of Accounting.

(Iʼll make this as painless as I can)

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If we go into a bank, find the “loan” officer, and say, “I want you to monetize some of my credit for me; what is your fee?”, he
will not grasp this and ask if we want a loan. Do we explain, right then and there, that he will not be ʻlendingʼ us anything; he
will be only performing a service for which he is already being compensated, in the form of a bi-weekly salary, to make such
transactions, yet, what we want to know is, what percentage of said transaction does he charge for processing? .5%?, 3%?,
… how much?

Or do we play the game and sign the note, hand it over, and deal with it later? What about the mortgage? Why would any
sane man tell a bank that it can take his house from him if he fails to hand over a portion of his life and labour, over the next
20-30 years, in the form of notes which are meant for ʻprivate debtʼ only – not ʻpublic debtʼ, and, to boot, in violation of public
policy, after he has already fronted the credit to the bank for which he has received a cheque in return and that transaction
was complete the instant that occurred? He would do that only if:

1. he were tricked into believing that his signature on the promissory note
a) had no value, and b) did not fund the monetization of the cheque he received; or,
2. he was a victim of extortion and fraud; or,
3. all of the above.

At the end of every bank day, all accounts must balance or nobody goes home. Banks are audited every month and if there
is a glitch, Iʼm certain there are heavy-duty fines. No one leaves the bank at the end of the day until the ledger shows that
Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable are balanced and zeroed. But, if the bank has lent out ʻmoneyʼ or even credit,
wouldnʼt there be an imbalance? Wouldnʼt it show that the payable side of the ledger was in red or not matching the
receivable side? Do banksters just hope that people will pay back what was lent out? Would such a huge industry trust this?
Or would they get paid up front before anything ever left the bank? hmmm. I suspect that the reason that banks are the
wealthiest institutions on the planet – maybe with the exception of the genocidal pharmaceutical industry – is because they
get paid in advance before they risk any possible loss. When one is this big, one gets to call the shots. It would not work for
them to sit around hoping that those to whom they gave cash, cheques, credit, etc. would swing ʻround to their place of biz
every month in order to pay back what they ʻoweʼ. No corporation with any clout would do business that way. One might
argue that they can sell the collateral, yet, banks are not in the business of pawnbroking; they are in the business of
amassing cash. Pawnbroking is not a multibillion dollar industry. Wasting their time, even subcontracting it out to vendors, is
not their style. They simply want the cash to roll in and so they set up their business plan well in advance of any alleged loan,
in order to have that work for them. So, have we established that “hoping” to get paid back, even with collateral, is not good
business sense?

A friend complained recently, “Iʼm in so much debt; I donʼt know what to do.” Clearly, she had not read my book which
emphatically points out that men and women cannot possibly be ʻin debtʼ. We cannot pay a debt, ergo, we cannot incur debt.
It is an impossibility. Only the public can incur debt and incur it they do. Yet, this is their debt, not ours. We make the mistake
of falling for their inflicting upon us the responsibility of paying their debt simply because they have programmed us into
believing that we are the liable party. How did they manage this? By convincing us that we are a name and when they charge
the Name, this makes us the surety – the one responsible for paying the charge. This is fine as long as we know how to do
so, yet, we have been convinced that we can pay only with our labour which we exchange for dollars.

The glitch is that public entities can not pay their own debts because they are bankrupt and no bankrupt entity has any credit.
Since we believe we must earn our living, when the bills arrive, we think we must pay. But, how can we do that when there
are two entirely separate forms of ʻaccountingʼ and the one in which we operate – ʻcompensation for our labourʼ – has nothing
to do with the form of ʻaccountingʼ which the public uses to ʻadjust its booksʼ. The accounting sciences of private exchange
and public bookkeeping are as unrelated as any other of the sciences, e.g.: Medicine and Health, which have only one thing
in common – the human body, yet, that is where it all comes to a screeching halt. One involves pharmaceuticals and medical
treatments which keep a body ill; the other involves healing by nature which results in a body becoming healthy. One is based
upon big business, the other is handled by the spirit inhabiting the body. The differences between these two sciences are
innumerable compared to the one and only similarity.

This is tantamount to Astronomy and Astrology. They have one thing in common – stars. After that, the differences between
the two sciences are too numerous to list. They are completely unrelated; just as the means by which we men and women
become compensated by one to whom we have given our energy and time and the means by which the public creates debt
upon its books and desperately searches for someone willing to off-set it and allow them to balance their books. The first is
known as ʻmoney of exchangeʼ (compensation) and the second is known as ʻmoney of accountʼ (adjusting/balancing the
books). It is called ʻdouble-entry bookkeepingʼ. The two are completely unrelated, however, we have been tricked into
believing that the two systems cross over. They do not and cannot.

When we offer our energy and our time in the form of ʻlabourʼ we expect to be compensated for it by the one to whom we
give it. I shanʼt elaborate upon the spiritual mess into which this has gotten us; suffice it to say that this has to stop if we are
to prevail against the psychopathocracy which runs the world, if for no other reason than it will train our minds to see the
distinction between the two forms of accounting. Whether we are compensated by substance, i.e.: gold, silver, gifts, time, etc.

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distinction between the two forms of accounting. Whether we are compensated by substance, i.e.: gold, silver, gifts, time, etc.
or the paper commonly known as ʻmoneyʼ matters not to us because we have negotiated and agreed to what is fair ʻmoney of
exchangeʼ. Due to that agreement, it is no one elseʼs business. It is a private contract based upon a meeting of the minds. No
third party is permitted. Accordingly, that compensation, no matter what form it takes, cannot be taxed by a third party which
might suddenly want in on the contract. It is a private contract, not a public contract.

The other, completely unrelated, form of accounting is ʻmoney of accountʼ wherein the public creates debt. This is done all the
time because this is what the public does. This is how corporations come into being, aeroports get built, and yes, (yawn)
roads get maintained (where some people still think that taxes go). It has nothing to do with what we do; it is simply how they
operate in order to provide us what we need and want. They are involved in work which has to do with commerce. We are not
or, at least, ought not to be, yet, since we are, please letʼs learn how to do so without ruining our lives.

Public Accounting = Money of Account aka Double-entry Bookkeeping aka Debt Set-off

The public sends us a bill so we can set-off their debt. The billʼs amount indicates the amount of our unlimited credit they
have used without our consent. They created it, but, they cannot set it off. They require us to do this for them. I know that, at
this late date, we have had enough of them, yet, really, the problem is that no one ever told us how do to this. A man can
neither incur nor pay any debt. We could do them a favour and offset it for them. We mustnʼt allow them to confuse us with
the two forms of accounting. Money of Exchange = substance based upon your labour which is real and Money of Account =
just bookkeeping entries. All they need is our acceptance of their charges, our signature representing our authorization to
access the treasury account, and then we instruct IRS/CRA, via tax forms, to handle the tax return.

Now that the public is using our credit, we ought to be compensated for it, right? It is our value they are using. Remember,
they have no value themselves so they require ours. A line from A Course In Miracles reads: “Nothing ever leaves its source”.
Since all value must return to source and close the circuit or ʻclose the accountingʼ, when we are charged/billed, it is simply a
request on the part of the public to set-off their charges for them. When it comes full circle, we will be compensated. How?

The latest is the 1099 OID, W9, 1040V and T5008, T7DR, depending upon where we operate in commerce … but it is still
commerce, no matter where we are. Whatever value we personally have put into the public is against public policy; we were
never meant to put our value into the public (since 1933), however since we did, it is 100% tax – dollar for dollar. Therefore,
the corporation to which we gave it owes tax to IRS/CRA because it is withholding it and, if we donʼt claim back our funds,
they will keep it. The corporation will file a 1099 OID/ T5008 claiming that it is the source of the value and we now know that it
is not – we are. If we do not file the correct forms with IRS/CRA in order to claim back that which we erringly put into the
public, now IRS/CRA comes after us to pay the tax because, as it stands, it appears as if the ʻsourceʼ of value was the
corporation – because its filings indicate that. Since the tax must be paid and 100% of what we put into the public is tax, then
someone has to pay, right?

If we have paid thrice for an item (1. the original credit to create it came from us, the principal, via our bond which pre-paid it
(see my book); 2. the accepted return of their charge, indicated by our signature and social number; and, 3.
cash/cheque/card, etc. aka ʻdebtʼ payment) when it ought to have been only the first two, then we are entitled to the return of
the third – the cash. Unless we ask IRS/CRA for a “tax return”, it cannot balance its books and it will come after our labour (or
compensation therefrom – i.e.: cash) in order for it to do so. So, we send IRS/CRA the forms identifying the correct source of
the value which is we and not the corporation, and then IRS/CRA goes after them for ʻunreported incomeʼ and 100% is
returned to us, the principal from whom all credit came. These corporations, courts, etc. are all tax delinquents and in
violation of public policy and the bankruptcy.

There can be NO “paying off” a public debt. The National Debt (which doesnʼt really exist… well, it does, on paper, because
the corporations USA, Inc. and CANADA, Inc. owe us, the shareholders – even though the media continue to lie, “Americans
are in trillions of dollars of debt”. It is the corporations which are in ʻdebtʼ and this is because we continue to give them our
debt notes/dollars and this increases the debt. See my book wherein I reveal that “working for a living” is only making the
problem worse… for all of us. Paying a corporation with debt notes aka “dollars” only doubles its debt. One would think the
board would not want this, yet, they want that debt because this provides them ammunition to get us to ʻpayʼ more on the
alleged national debt. But there can be no ʻdebtʼ because everything is pre-paid. The corporations couldnʼt exist or operate
unless we funded them in the first place with our credit via the bond via the Birth Certificate. Yet, if we “set off” public debt, we
reduce the “national debt”.

Credit to them is debt to us and vice versa. Keep in mind that those at the bottom of the pyramid are trained not to know this
because the top of the pyramid has been charged (by the world bank, the IMF) with extorting the labour and lives of those of
us from whom they derive ALL their wealth in the form of dollars which is credit to those at the top. In other words, if we give
them our value in the form of dollars, the corporation sees this as a debt – because it IS debt – and therefore has more debt
to set-off, which is the way they want it because then they and their partners in crime, the feds and the banks, can call it the
“national debt” which of course canʼt exist, canʼt be “paid”, and yet, can be set-off, however, the CEOs et al, perceive our
dollars in the same way we do – dollars get us what we want.

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dollars in the same way we do – dollars get us what we want.

Commerce is a mirror of what is true. Debt=credit for men and women, yet, credit=debt for corporations. It is crazy. If we
continue to pay dollars when we are not obligated to do so, this makes our situation worse because we are giving debt to the
public, ergo, the excuse to demand more dollars, and giving the people behind the fictional corporations the very thing we are
intending to keep for ourselves and our families in order to acquire what we need and want. What an incredible scam!
Remember, though, not paying might get us into trouble that we donʼt personally want so, letʼs have another do our fighting
for us. Call in the IRS!!

All IRS/CRA wants, like any other corporation, is to balance their books and if we prevent this, by not filing properly, they
come after us, which now makes sense to me. If we comply, by filing the proper forms for a return of all the labour we have
put into the public which messed up their double-entry bookkeeping, we can charge (energize) IRS/CRA with securing our
value from where we left it and return it to us, the principal and source of all value. And we wondered why they call it a “Tax
Return”! It is so they can return the tax to the principal because it is our credit the public has been stealing via filing false
claims which is in violation of the criminal code (which is all based upon commerce… remember there are no laws as we
think of them; all statutes, codes, etc. are commercial law) This is why corporations appear so wealthy when, in fact, in
commerce, corporations cannot show a profit. (Their books must balance at the end of the day, just as the banksʼ books must
balance or the auditors would have a field day.) Huh?!?! They are the wealthiest “persons” on the planet. (remember the
definition of “person” is “corporation” and “legal fiction”.) But it is the board members, not the corporation, who are wealthy.
We have been letting them steal our labour and our lives!

Quite a concept, eh? IRS/CRA truly do work for our benefit! (We can go back 3 tax years and get back 100% of everything
we have ʻpaidʼ) All this time, weʼve been fighting them. As Winston says, “The IRS is my new best-friend.”

Money of Exchange (dollars) must NOT co-mingle with Money of Account (our ability to set-off public debt via acceptance
and our signature). We cannot pay a debt with a debt and, yet, we do it every second of the day. We must accept their bills,
return them with our signatures (the TRUE value) and the Treasury Account number (SSN/SIN) and, if vendors ask to be paid
again, then, we honour them by giving them money of exchange (because we wonʼt be able to leave the shops without their
thinking they have received something for the goods, even though we know that the goods are not for what we are ʻpayingʼ –
we exchange payment for the receipt (see my book), yet, since ʻpayingʼ messes up their books – i.e.: doubles their debt – we
handle this by having IRS/CRA get it back not only for us but also for all involved because it is a huge accounting error – not
to mention, paying with cash is a crime. It only gets crazier, doesnʼt it? This is why we will ultimately move into a cashless
society! … for our benefit, not theirs, and to think that, for decades, I feared this ! Now I see that I am instrumental in its

Remember that anything we receive from the public – tickets, court orders, bills, etc. – is an OFFER and all we are required
to do is ACCEPT it, sign it back to them so they can balance their books. Their accounting has nothing to do with ours (ie:
cash) and if they intend to convince us that we are to give them our labour/cash, IRS/CRA is in the biz of getting it back for
us. Corporations and courts donʼt like this, however, IRS/CRA is designed to collect tax – nothing personal, its just business.
They are the best collection agents in the world as they work for the IMF. It is their way of telling us that if we file, we get our
tax returned. (Yes, people are already doing this).

Iʼll say it again: Never go to court – unless you are dragged and if you are, your first questions ought to be, “What is your
TIN? What is your authority? Where is the 1099 OID? (meaning: Prove your claim to MY credit. Are you trying to trick me into
suretyship?) If we ask the right questions up front, they canʼt get past the fact that we are not going to give them anything;
rather, we will file a 1099 OID/T5008, listing the true source of value, and get back that amount. Put the courts out of
commission! Call out the IRS!

When a collection agent calls, I ask for their Tax ID Number. If they wonʼt tell, I say, “Thatʼs OK, whatʼs your address? Iʼll
send you a W9/Request for TIN and if you fail to complete and return it to me, you will be subject to IRS/CRA fines and
penalties. Then we will talk about how much YOU OWE ME for your unauthorized use of my credit.”


If you are interested in a interim, non-commercial, financial remedy to the imminent economic shift, go to: and This is the easiest, fastest,
fairest, most equitable, and most ethical way to get cash into your mitts without involving the banksʼ control over our lives. In
his book Stop Being a Victim, the author discusses the myriad of Internet and Home-Based Business Opportunities and
concludes that a ʻOne-Upʼ program, such as the one I offer, is the only ʻbiz-oppʼ which is fair and equitable to everyone – not
just those at the top. This activity began over 5 years ago and never a glitch … because it is private.

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by: Mary-Elizabeth: Croft

Posted: July 18, 2008

For more of my latest and greatest articles, go to:

For my book: How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man –– A Spiritual Economics Book
on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are
go to:

Read more…

The Authority Hoax admin Jul 7, 11:53 PM

The Authority Hoax

To: All those who think they have authority over me – agents of IRS/CRA, insurance, bank, government, and, in particular,

I know you think you have authority over me. What has caused you to think this? The only possible answer is that someone,
whom you believe to have authority over YOU, has told you that you have authority over another. In other words, because
we are all created equal, in order for you to believe in a concept which is contrary to this truth, you must have been
programmed to believe a lie. Whoever did so is not your friend. What is true is that, unless one Man grants to another his
God-given authority, it is impossible for another to have it. No one would willingly, knowingly, or intentionally grant another
Man authority over his property, his body, or his life. So, if you believe that someone has authority over you, it is because you
have either willingly granted it or you have been deceived into granting it to him and if you believe you have authority over
me, it is because you believe in a false concept. Accordingly, you must provide proof that you do, indeed, have true – not
what you might have obtained against my will – but, true authority over me. If you canʼt prove it; you donʼt have it.

Birth Certificate (aka: BC)

No man or woman has a NAME or is a NAME. Men and women use a NAME. Men and woman act in capacity of principal of
a NAME which is on all documents based upon the Birth Certificate – which is not to be used to identify any Man (man or
woman). The BC is a bond which evidences a treasury account which was set-up for the use of the bearer of the BC. Until
recently, the BC, which is evidence of the account has never served us; it has only caused government officials to hold us as
surety for charges against the account and we did not know how to accept this suretyship to our advantage.

In 1933, after the 1929 Depression – instigated by the banks to threaten governments to pay their debts – governments were
forced to declare bankruptcy. Yet, they pledged the future labour and productivity of the people in order to repay the interest
on the loans. When we work for ʻpayʼ, it only appears as if we are compensated for our labour. (Whatʼs true is, then, we
exchange the cheque – a promise to pay – for debt so we were never compensated at all. The only thing that occurred is that
the company which allegedly paid us got off the hook for having to pay tax on an asset – our labour. The paycheque is their
way of getting out of tax – nothing else. We did not ʻget paidʼ.) The NAME which is ʻpaidʼ, via either cheque or direct deposit is
owned by the province/state to which our parents gave a NAME to be registered. They were tricked into allowing the feds to
create an account which could be charged. Because the NAME is so similar to what parents called their child, everyone came
to believe that the NAME on the account is the child. The entity which is ʻpaidʼ, owns the bank account, the house, car, etc. is
the NAME which is owned by the state/province. This is why we do not ʻownʼ our houses - in the estimation of the banks, yet,
we most certainly do own what we have because we were the ones who gave the credit to obtain it and we are in lawful
possession of it.

Recently, I asked a bank manager, “Why were you so adamant about my providing you ʻgovernment-issued IDʼ in order for
you to obtain the precise ʻnameʼ in which to open the account when, now, I see youʼve listed the account in a name which is
nothing like the name on the passport?” She had no answer.

We can no longer pay our debts, hence, we can no longer create debt because no bankrupt entity (government) can make a
lawful claim against us. So, these entities charge the NAME and convince us that we ARE that NAME, thereby making us
surety for the charge and hoping we will be the one to pay the tax on the funds which ʻtheyʼ create in order to pay back the
banks. This is how we have become slaves. We MUST quit identifying with the NAME. All that is required of us, in order to
obtain all we need and desire, is our signature so that the store/service can charge the account for credit to make another of
whatever we just purchased, at no cost to us, because we already paid for it when the feds floated a bond against the NAME
which never would have existed if our parents hadnʼt allowed them to use it. This account was designed for OUR benefit. The
feds would never take a chance on acting fraudulently so when we look at different ʻlawsʼ we see that they do not apply to us,
they apply to the feds so that they will not take advantage of us. We all have experienced the bureaucratsʼ violation of their
own laws and we have all asked, “Where can we go for our remedy when courts, once designed for law and justice, no
longer exist?” The only courts in existence now are commercial courts meant solely for the collection of revenue in order to
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longer exist?” The only courts in existence now are commercial courts meant solely for the collection of revenue in order to
pay the interest on the loans to the World Bank…. not to mention pad the judges pension. Fortunately, via the Uniform
Commercial Code, we can now regain our control.

When we all learn what is truly going, we will no longer believe that we are the NAME on the summons, we can start asking
questions of cops, registries, IRS/CRA agents, bureaucrats. What name are you taxing/charging? Prove I am that NAME. I
donʼt have a NAME and I am not a NAME. I use a NAME when I operate in commerce just as the CEO of SEARS uses that
NAME in commerce, yet, he ʻisʼ not that NAME. The CEO canʼt be held liable if it is SEARS which is being sued. This is how
we must begin to think. We can act as surety for the NAME as long as we have our ducks in a row. The latest on this is to
have IRS/CRA to handle, for us, all charges against the NAME. It seems that this is what they were designed to do all along;
we simply got tricked into paying things with “tax” (cash) without knowing how to get the “tax return” accurate so that the tax
is refunded.

Several years ago I opted to get a CANADA PASSPORT. Since one is required to have a guarantor, I asked my chiropractor
to be that (only professionals are trust-worthy – because only they have a licence which can be revoked if their statements
are discovered to be false – the investigation of which only a government minion would do since they all come from a
presumption that we are as deceitful as they are – talk about ʻprojectionʼ, eh?…. The woman in the cage (literally and
figuratively) asked me if, when they rang my chiropractor to determine if I were the liar they clearly (and accurately) suspect
themselves to be, would he know me by that NAME. I exclaimed, “Oh, no, actually, he would know me better as Mary …..”
She said, “You canʼt use two names!” “Oh, yes, I can! – as long as it is not with intent to defraud.” She never said another


The Natives/Indians have always known that no one can ʻownʼ anything which was granted us by our Creator. This means
that NO ONE – including any ʻgovernmentʼ can own air, water, or land OR control anyone elseʼs respectful use of them. Yet,
all we hear about is people ʻbuying propertyʼ. How did this occur?

We have been programmed to believe that we can own something by labouring for it and this simply isnʼt true. The only
reason we are labouring for the $$$ to ʻbuyʼ property is because we must compensate the previous Man who paid the
previous owner from whom he ʻboughtʼ the property. The one who staked it out originally could have claimed it for his own
use, yet, he fell for the scam of having to pay the government. Now that he has invested his labour, he most certainly wants
that, plus a profit, from anyone who buys it from him… and so on, when, in fact, no one was ever required to labour to pay for
something he will never own. We can only ʻuseʼ what Nature has to offer. We were never meant to labour for anything we
need or desire and we were never meant to ʻearn our livingʼ. We were GIVEN all we could ever need or desire and we have
been conned into believing that someone else owns it and if we want it, weʼll have to labour for that which we already have a
natural, Creator-given right to use.

If you were to investigate who owns your land, you would see the NAME under “Tenant”. We now know that the NAME is
owned by the state/province. We cannot be a tenant, driver, defendant, operator, consumer, etc. unless we agree to be called
that. This ʻagreementʼ, which is nothing more than the result of conditioning, programming, intimidation, duress, coercion,
threat, etc., can only get us into trouble because we do not know who we are. All the years I worked as a registered nurse,
when one would ask me what I did, I was careful to reply, “I work as a nurse”, not, “Iʼm a nurse”. We tend to believe what we
are told and we must remain vigilant about how it serves others for us to fall for their programming. People still believe they
want to keep their jobs and, in order to do so, they must do as they are told. They presume that a job is a good thing to have,
yet, if they were to question that premise, they might see that it is fear which is prompting them to behave in unethical ways
which do not serve their fellows so that they can get the almighty ʻpaychequeʼ which is not payable to them anyway; it is
payable to the NAME.

When we labour, we are not compensated for it because we cannot play the Commerce Game. Only the NAME, which we
have been conditioned to believe identifies us… that we are the name, gets paid for our labour. So, how do we get
compensated for our labour? We donʼt. Not at all. Never. What are we doing with our lives?! We were tricked into playing the
Commerce Game because those who run the world require a slave-labour force and… they got it.


The courts are no longer courts of law and justice; there are courts of commerce – only. No case goes to court which is not
about “money”. Everything changed in 1933 or so when USA and Canada declared bankruptcy. No bankrupt entity can have
any commercial claim or charge against anyone or anything else. The banks insisted on being paid the interest on the loan so
the feds, already having experienced the power of the banks – (the Great Depression was thrust upon us as a warning of how
they could completely destroy nations) – so the President and Prime Minister acquiesced and agreed to declare bankruptcy
and realized that since the gold was gone and the natural resources of the land had already been relinquished, the only thing
left was the future productivity and labour of the people. So, they began to tax us at every conceivable opportunity. This is
why, in case you were wondering, there are so many completely senseless charges with which they stick us for the fruits of
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why, in case you were wondering, there are so many completely senseless charges with which they stick us for the fruits of
our labour at every turn. They began to create ʻlawsʼ which are so totally absurd that they will be broken just in the very act of
living life. There is not one law which applies to the people. Talk about having gotten out-of-hand and under complete control
of the bankers who wish to enslave us via the alleged governments – which are not governments but private, foreign,
belligerent corporations acting only as minions/puppets of the banks. Unless we practise saying, “NO! Not only NO, but
HELL, NO!”, next year, we wonʼt have the chance.

Here is what most people – and almost ALL attorneys – do not know about courts:
1. Courts no longer have anything to do with the private disputes between men and women; they are for the purpose of
collecting revenue only. ʻChargesʼ are only a smokescreen to create debt money. There is no compensation for ʻvictimsʼ.
2. When we think we are summonsed to court, the NAME on the summons is not ours; we have not been called as ʻaccusedʼ
or ʻdefendantʼ; they are simply letting us know that the account in that NAME has been charged and, since we have an
interest in that account, we might want to mozy over to the courthouse to make sure they do not steal the credit of said
account; But…
3. if we go to court, they will presume we are the surety for the charges because our very going to court grants them
jurisdiction over us. We wind up in court only if we think that it is our name on the summons – it is not. Accordingly, we must
learn to handle the ʻchargesʼ administratively prior to court; essentially give them what they want so that they donʼt want our
bodies. We can give them what they want via our signatures.
4. We never see the alleged charges so we must realize they do not exist; same goes with a warrant. They exist only after
they have tricked us into agreeing to contract. ALL charges and warrants are Money Orders. They are created for the
purpose of selling bonds on the securities market, yet, until they have our signatures – as the signature IS the money – they
are ʻCounterfeit Securitiesʼ which they sell on the securities market and then pull every trick in the book to threaten us into
being the surety – the one liable for the tax payable every time debt funds are created. As long as we donʼt sign or agree to
anything, they are stuck with the liability which is why they threaten us with jail, fines, etc. However, if we can know that the
charges were never directed towards us in the first place, we can avoid all this by forcing them to prove their case, which is
impossible for them to do. You see how frantically desperate they are to continue to pay the interest on the debt which can
never, ever be done, by the way, so, the sooner we make this game work for ALL of us, the happier weʼll all be. If this sounds
like a contradiction, it is simply a matter of position – debtor or creditor.

We must be careful that our signature does not get us into a position of debtor to a contract - the terms of which they have
dictated. We want to accept their offer of contract so that we can own it and then control it and then settle the matter. We
must remain in control of these events. It seems the only way to do this is to have our paper in place prior to these events.
Then we can bond everyone involved so they work for us. More on this in another article.

If our courts were not commercial and we still had courts where people could take their disputes and expect an impartial
verdict, we could have a court with a jury OF ONEʼS PEERS to adjudicate and discern if one must make amends. I am always
amused by jurors who have absolutely nothing in common with either the plaintiff or the alleged defendant. How can we get
jurors who are absolutely impartial? – by the agreement of both the complainant and the accused - NOT their attorneys. How
simple is that?


The only thing you need to know about laws – codes, rules, regulations, statutes, by-laws, ordinances, constitutions,
legislations, laws, bills, and acts – is that they have nothing to do with you. NOTHING! The USA and CANADA are
corporations and have a Policy Manual just as SEARS has. Unless we work for SEARS, their Policy Manual does not apply
to us. The proof is in the definition of the words used in said ʻlawsʼ. Remember, legalese truly is another language. They have
used English words, of which we believe we know the meanings, and changed the meanings for the sole purpose of deceit.

In Canadaʼs Interpretation Act, section 35 (1) … (US codes have an equivalent)

“person”, or any word or expression descriptive of a person, includes a corporation;
“includes” means: “confines within”. Legal Maxim Blacks Law Dictionary Revised 4th Edition 1968 Inclusio unius est exclusio
alterius - The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another. I finally got around to looking up the word ʻCanadaʼ.
“Canada, for greater certainty, includes the internal waters of Canada and the territorial sea of Canada.” So, Canada is not
land; it is water! It is also a corporation registered with the SEC in Washington, DC.

Peace Officers vs. Policy Enforcers

All Peace Officers ought to be apprised of not only the above but also what follows. They will soon discover that they have
been deceived even more than we have. We have ALL been lied to – this means we are foolish, yet, it means they are foolish
AND complicit. We are waking up to whatʼs true, yet, cops have more concerns. Not only have they been deceived, as we
have, but also they are passing along, to us, those lies. Their conflict is showing up in their private lives – suicides and
spousal abuse is four (4!) times the national average. They are now catching on that their jobs are not good for their souls.
Their third hit will be that they stand to be punished, by themselves out of guilt, or by those whom they have injured, or by

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Their third hit will be that they stand to be punished, by themselves out of guilt, or by those whom they have injured, or by
those whom they presently believe will ʻsaveʼ them from punishment for their having been good minions and carried out their
vicious orders. I remind them to remember Nuremberg Principle IV: “Subordinates who claimed, “I was only following orders”
were also executed”.
“No man escapes when freedom fails; the best men rot in filthy jails. And those who cried ʻAppease,ʼ ʻAppease, ʻAre hanged
by those they tried to please!” - Hiram Mann

They are compromising their ethics and integrity for a paycheque and the ʻprivilegeʼ of keeping their jobs, yet, one Royal
Canadian Mounted Police officer told me that he did not know ONE officer who wouldnʼt quit his job tomorrow if he had a job
elsewhere. So, what they are doing, day in and day out, is harming their fellow Man – not to mention their own families – for a
paycheque today, which adds to their personal debt, and a pension theyʼll never see, for performing tasks the repercussions
of which they will experience. What we do to another we do to ourselves.
Its difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it. – Upton Sinclair

Peace officers are employed to serve the people; they swore an oath of office and oath of allegiance. Subsequently, they
unwittingly subcontracted with the province/state – a private corporation – employed as “policy enforcers” for the purpose of
revenue collection. Accordingly, they cannot lawfully act as a peace officer and a policy enforcer at the same time, such as
they do in court. They cannot swear in as a peace officer and then testify as a policy enforcer. Since we can and will claim
them as our witnesses to the facts, they will not be able to testify that the Traffic Safety Act, or any other ʻactʼ applies to us.
They cannot serve both employers at once.

A driver licence and car registration, plates, and insurance are required only by those operating in commerce – taxi, bus, and
delivery drivers. The rest of us are riding in our cars for our pleasure – not business.

As a peace officer, acting lawfully for the people, they cannot file charges at all. As a policy enforcer they can charge only
corporate entities, yet, corporations cannot contract. Hence, they must trick a Man into contracting, yet, they can do that only
by creating joinder which requires their making a legal determination. They are then in violation of the law because they do
not have a licence to practise law.

We are all equal under the law of nature. All other ʻlawsʼ are fictions. Man is not required to have ID, yet, public servants, i.e.:
police, ARE – because they agreed to operate under these ʻlawsʼ – we did not. Accordingly, we can demand, respectfully, that
they identify themselves via their badges, identification, social number, and business cards which reveal their risk
management and their bond number. If they fail to produce, they can be criminally charged with ʻconcealmentʼ.

So, you see that police are in a very precarious position. It is lose/lose for them and the sooner they catch on and get out
while they can, the happier they and their families will be.

WHAT!? Me Work?

We are slave-labouring for nothing. We are working for free; we do not get compensated. The NAME is what gets paid and,
since the NAME belongs to the province/state, it is that which gets paid. If you think the funds in your bank account are yours,
wait until IRS/CRA thinks you owe it. They could never steal from us as we could then charge the bank with theft so you must
see that the account is theirs – not ours. The NAME on bank accounts, birth certificates, passports, property deeds, driver
licences, etc. belongs to the province/state and as long as you think it is your name or that said name identifies you, you will
be liable for any and all charges which have nothing to do with you. However, we now can accept all charges and settle them
immediately. We now allow the public access to our exemption account, give them back the voucher/money order, and then
apprise IRS/CRA that the public has used our credit and they can then get the funds in order to return them to source (us) in
the form of a tax return - as long as we file the correct forms.

We can no longer afford to work. When one fails to “make ends meet”, he is tempted to correct the effect instead of the cause
so he tends to get more work – which appears to create more income – rather than to work less which will, in fact, heal the
cause. To make the problem of the Commerce Game disappear completely, we will have to quit “work” altogether and begin
to do what we love and serve others by doing that. Unless you are working for yourself or your friend or your family, you are
supporting corporations which are destroying our lives, our fellows, and our planet. Only the elite could come up with the
concept of ʻslave-labourʼ – such an ingenious way to control the masses. As long as we continue to “work”, believing we were
meant to “earn our living”, we will not be free.

“The main reason people struggle financially is because in school they learned to work for money but never learned to have
money work for them.” Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad). My comment on that is, “and donʼt think that wasnʼt by design.”

You might well ask, what can one do in the meantime while others are catching on to the fact that slave-labouring for a
corporation or government can only make the problem worse for ALL of us.

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If you are interested in a interim, non-commercial, financial remedy to the imminent economic shift, go to: and This is the easiest, fastest,
fairest, most equitable, and most ethical way to get cash into your mitts without involving the banksʼ control over our lives. In
his book Stop Being a Victim, the author discusses the myriad of Internet and Home-Based Business Opportunities and
concludes that a ʻOne-Upʼ program, such as the one I offer, is the only ʻbiz-oppʼ which is fair and equitable to everyone – not
just those at the top. This program began over 5 years ago and never a glitch … because it is private.

by: Mary-Elizabeth: Croft

July 7, 2008

For more of my latest and greatest articles, go to:

This article and subsequent articles will ultimately be made into a book: Remember Who You Are; Remember Who “They”
Are, a sequel to How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man –– A Spiritual Economics
Book on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are

Read more…

The Cause of ALL our Problems with Alleged Authorities admin Jun 14, 4:01 AM
In an early episode of Boston Legal, a prosecuting attorney did his best to discredit a woman who, he said, was not as honest
as she claimed because, when she was questioned by police, she reported one thing and, yet, here on the stand, she
reported precisely the opposite. Immediately, I knew what she ought to have said and I was sorry the writers of the episode
failed to see it. Rather, it would have cleared up something once and for all, but, it would have ruined many future episodes.
The woman was under oath to state her truth on the stand, however, she was under no such obligation to say what is true to
a police officer. There is no law against lying; it is done every second of the day in business, in families, in social situations
and, it seems, lying is acceptable or, at least, not meant to hang upon anyoneʼs conscience. But, when we lie in commercial
situations which involve the psychopathocracy* (coined by Dr. Kevin Barrett to describe the psychopaths in charge of the
operation of our society - corporations, government, institutions, etc.), punishment awaits us. But this wasnʼt the real problem.

The actual original problem arose from her having ʻtalked with the policeʼ in the first place. They will ALWAYS use this against
us, even if what we say is true and, in fact, if we have absolutely nothing to do with whatever they are questioning. “Anything
you say can and will be used against you in a court of law” (as if there still exist any ʻcourts of lawʼ) means exactly that – it will
be used AGAINST you. Cops NEVER say, “…can and will be used “in your favour” in a court of law.” So, this is proof
enough: NEVER talk to the police… about ANYthing EVER, even when you are completely innocent. Donʼt apprise them,
teach them, explain anything (especially the ʻlawʼ) … NOTHING!

As we all know about communications, with certain members of our families: “If you talk about anything more than the
weather, you are wasting your time.” It applies here, yet, donʼt even discuss the weather. We would be wasting our freedom.
We are under no obligation to talk with them and, yet, they are under every obligation to answer our questions, simply
because they are public servants, they work for us, they are at work and being paid during all this, not to mention court, and
we are not being compensated for our time. We are NOT to waste our precious time and energy on them.

I flew to Toronto, recently, and was asked, by a man in some ʻofficialʼ position, before I got to the “Security Checkpoint
Charlie”, if I had any water bottles, gels, liquids, or lotions. I told him that the airline employees themselves tell us to drink
more water whilst flying so, of course, I had water. He told me to dump it. I asked where I was going to get water to drink on
board and he told me the water fountains on the other side (East Berlin). As long as I was in ʻWest Berlinʼ, I could drink any
sort of water I wanted, but passing through Checkpoint Charlie I was required to be waterless. It was then that I realized that
I had failed to take my own advice which is, never say what is true to any “official” unless I had sworn to do so. I was under
no obligation to do that.

So, I walked away, drank the remainder of my ionized, alkalinized, micro-clustered water and returned showing him my empty
water bottle. I still had another water bottle in my bag and I was actually willing not to fly, over this matter, if I were challenged
by ʻSecurityʼ. Along with my water bottle, I also had a bunch of “gels, lotions, and liquids” in my pack. I had consciously opted
not to let them get away with this any longer. I was willing to call their bluff and, as they looked at my pack, I was ready to
create a scene. If I were told I couldnʼt take them onto the aeroplane, I was prepared to tell them to get my case out of the
plane because I would not be flying and to march over to the airline counter to get a refund. I had it clear in my mind that it
was not necessary for me to go to my auntʼs funeral.

No one said a word. I looked around me at all those who were taking off their shoes and all I could think of was the Nazi war
films where we see people lining up to meet their death without even questioning it. Why didnʼt these people at least attempt
to flee? Surely, being shot was better than their probable fate! At every opportunity in dealing with these TSA (transportation
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to flee? Surely, being shot was better than their probable fate! At every opportunity in dealing with these TSA (transportation
security), I am very friendly and ask them about their jobs. Every single one KNOWS that his job is a joke. They look out from
under their eyebrows at me and nod. It is a “make work” job. Those machines cost a fortune, for which we pay (if you
scrutinize the contract for your air ticket, youʼll see the ʻsecurity feeʼ along with airport fees, departure fees, taxes, etc. listed; it
is utter insanity.) We are paying, in most cases with our labour, to be humiliated. My suggestion is that we simply not take it
any longer. I doubt it will take much. It is always a numbers game. CALL THEIR BLUFF.

“Name me a leader who has a better idea for homeland security than making us take off our shoes in airports and throw away
our shampoo?” - Lee Iococca

Book a short flight, be willing to lose the cost, or better, pay for it with your signature in the first place, and put into your
pack/carry-on as much contraband as you can, refuse to open your ʻlaptopʼ and to take off your shoes; in fact, I think we
ought to refuse to go through the damn line at all. Anyway, make it work for you.

On another flight, a few years ago, someone wanted to take my nail scissors and I refused. I told them to call the airline and
get someone over there asap and to get my case off the plane and put the scissors into my checked bag. Believe it or not
they did it! Again, I was not going to stand for their nonsense. I admit I feigned crying and sobbed, “My mother gave me those
scissors”, however, I was prepared to do whatever it took to prevail and I did. CALL THEIR BLUFF! They have absolutely no
power until we give it to them VIA OUR CONSENT.

Bbe certain to see: and related videos.

I watched them four times. A man is driving on a highway in the middle of the desert in Arizona, I think about 30-40 miles
from the Mexican border. He sees a STOP sign at Homeland Security with a bunch of state police cars and men in uniform.
He is filming the entire episode. He opens his window just a crack, I suspect, and before the agent says anything, he asks,
“Agent, what is your name?” She says, “What is your citizenship, Sir?” and here is how it goes: “Agent, what is your name?”
“Sir, you need to tell me your citizenship.” “What is the purpose of the stop?” “What is your citizenship?” “Am I being
detained?” “Are you an American citizen?” “Am I free to go?” “You need to state your citizenship.” “What is the purpose of this
stop, Maʼam?” “Sir, I need your citizenship.” “Agent, what is your name.”

This goes on until she tells him to “pull over to the ʻsecondary inspectionʼ.” He never moves. He put down his camera which
had snapped about 20 pics of all the other dozen or so agents who were there solely for the purpose of intimidating him.
They also took photos of him on their cell phones. So, he had a video recorder and a camera and … only four (4) questions
which he never stopped asking. After he sat there for a minute, without having moved over to “secondary inspection”, the
agent said, “Sir, youʼre blocking traffic; youʼre going to have to move.” “Am I free to go?” “You are free to go. Leave this area,
immediately.” As he said, and I paraphrase, “This is ONLY a show of force for purposes of intimidation to see who among us
will obey and who among us know who we are.”

Notice he NEVER, EVER makes an assertion. NEVER does a statement escape his lips. *(I found this: wherein he makes the statement: “I donʼt need your permission.”) ONLY QUESTIONS!
In particular, be sure to ask: “Who are you? What is your badge number? Do you have a business card to give me? What is
your bond number? Who is your risk management?/bonding company?” My past incidents with alleged authorities flashed
before my eyes and I immediately saw why I got into the trouble I did. It was because I made statements, thereby entering
into a contract with them. For all of us who think we know more about commerce than most people and certainly more than
the thugs with whom we are dealing, we must be VERY careful not to TELL them what we think we know. If they hear that we
are willing to make a statement - of any kind, they will know that we are liable to make another statement and more than
likely, about ourselves. Bingo! Contract! Its over for us. Then they know they can tell us what to do. It is mind-boggling when
one finally gets how this works. As my friend, Gary, says, “The only two crimes in this world are ʻBeing Thereʼ and
ʻCommunicatingʼ. Since we all know that ʻcommunicationʼ is the solution to almost everything, we hesitate to think that it is
also the cause of most of our problems. Alleged authorities have the job of talking us out of our freedom and they see us as
simply the catalyst for them to do so.

I talked with a friend who told me she had been arrested. I asked her what happened. She gave me some detail and told me
that she told the cop, “I do not wish to enter into a contract with you.” Then she was in the back of a cop car. I asked, “How
did that happen?” She gave me more explanation but seemed to skip over how she got from her car to the cop car. I asked
again and she said, “He told me to get out of the car.” I said, “And you did? So, you contracted.” She truly had not seen that
she had entered into a contract by obeying him. We must be so vigilant of this. Do not do anything they ask; do NOT “co-
operate” because that “operation” in which we often “co - operate” is one which is against us, be polite but firm and only ASK
questions. We have the ability to say, in the form of a question, anything we want to express. It is the question which changes
everything. As questioner, we remain in control, we maintain our power, we remain the creditor, and, AS LONG AS WE ARE

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For a cash solution without the abuse:

June, Friday 13th, 2008



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American “election”/ Canadian “bill” admin Jun 2, 1:23 AM

American “election” and Canadian “bill”

I received an email from a woman, in the states, who claimed, “this is the scariest election in my lifetime.” Here is my
response: You state this is a scary “election”. There is no ʻelectionʼ. Not one corporation in the history of commerce has ever
“elected” a CEO/President. CEOs are ALWAYS appointed. What makes you think the corporation called, “United States
Government” is any different? The Board members will appoint Hilary, I suspect, who, incidentally, has renounced her US
citizenship and is now a citizen of England. What does this tell you? Corporations do not care about the citizenship of their
CEOs. Why would they, as long as the CEO is qualified to do the job that the Board expects of them?

This situation has no more to do with you than whom the Board of Directors appoints as the next CEO of Sears. Please do
not spend one more second thinking about this corporation. What you see on TV is simply to keep you from thinking about
what you ought to be thinking about in order to run your life. As long as you give this dreck and arrant nonsense your
attention, the Board has control of your mind.

The people and country of America have not had a government in 75 years. Ergo, the people have not had a President to
lead said country. This cannot be the “scariest election of your lifetime” because, in your lifetime, you have never witnessed
ANY election, never mind a scary one.

Accordingly, Iʼll bet that MOST of the people in the states want Ron Paul to be President of the government of said states,
however, since this office simply does not exist, there is no possible way he can prevail.

When, do you guess, are the people of the provinces going to ʻgetʼ that they are not “Canadians” and that any “bill, law,
statute, ordinance, by-law, constitution, legislation, code, rule, regulation, act” of Canada does not apply to the people - only
to Canadians, i.e.: those who are employed by the corporation, Canada?

If you have a friend who works for Sears, he is obliged to read the Sears Policy Manual. In it, he discovers a policy which
reads, “Sandals are not to be worn at any time.” You agree to meet this friend on Sunday for a walk in the park. You turn up
wearing sandals and he tells you that you are not allowed to wear sandals. After you pull your eyes back into your skull, you
ask what makes him say that. He pulls out his Sears Policy Manual and points to the section which reads, “Sandals are not to
be worn at any time.” You are stunned that your friend could be this stupid and so, you explain, “That has nothing to do with
ME; I donʼt work for Sears; YOU do. YOU agreed to this policy; I didnʼt. What makes you think that the policy of any
corporation has any power over anyone other than those who have agreed to abide by it?! i.e.: an employee. I am not an
employee of Sears.” Will he ever get that it is alright for you to wear sandals? I wonder. Most of us are NOT employees of
Canada, or Alberta, or BC, etc. Most Americans are NOT employees of United States of America or its subsidiaries. The
policies of those corporations do not apply to us, the people of the provinces/states.

Pursuant to this latest and greatest “Bill C-51” which, BTW, can be accepted, owned, controlled, and set-off, by us:
What we resist persists.
If we just ʼallowʼ it, we will dissipate its energy and then, from a higher
vibration, we can create what we want.
As long as we are at the same vibration/energy level that this is, weʼll only create more of it because to
whatever we give our attention and energy, we increase.
By our fighting what IS and our not asking ourselves how we want something to be, instead, we will be left with things the
way they are.

As it stands, you people who are fighting this Bill C-51 (whilst Bill C-52 is much more daunting) are energetically holding it in
place - right where the psychopathocracy* wants it. You are supporting psychopaths. (see the flick: The Corporation)
Are you certain that this is what you want to do?
I suspect that you have been emotionally caught up in this and those of you in the health field think it is up to you to DO
something about it. I know we all have to do what we believe we have to do, yet, doing something about anything proves you
believe it is real. Complete detachment is what will grant us peace of mind because it proves that we can roll with whatever
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believe it is real. Complete detachment is what will grant us peace of mind because it proves that we can roll with whatever
ʻappears to beʼ and that we know we are above it all - because we are. The psychopathocracy is dragging you into their
nonsense because they require your emotional energy - fear and anger - which is what they need to propagate their agenda.
You fell for it.

* Dr. Kevin Barrett – to describe the psychopaths in charge of the operation of our society - corporations, government,
institutions, etc.

The way to observe this is: ”Good news; bad news… who knows?” This is the Zen Buddhist manner of assessment because
the truth is, since none of us has the entire picture, none of us knows what the outcome will be, yet, we do know that giving
something our attention makes it real for us. Question whether this is truly something you want.

Once upon a time, the people in a particular part of Holland collectively refused to pay tax to the Romans – a corporation –
and so the Romans went home empty-handed – not having acquired jurisdiction over the people who did not volunteer to
give it. The people did not hand over their authority to the Romans via elections and they had no fear of the Romans. Without
the consent of the people, the Romans had no authority over the people and so departed. The people knew who they were.
They knew they are the creators of wealth and that Rome – a thing – is not. The Romans intended to confiscate their assets
via fear and intimidation, yet, the people had no fear and thus did not submit to any authority outside themselves. People do
not need government; government needs people. No government can exist without people yet people can most certainly live
very well without government. Things, such as government, corporations, banks, do not produce wealth because they cannot.
They are, however, an expense to the people who do. We are not about protesting taxation, or government, or laws, or
anything else; we are about Truth and the freedom which comes from knowing it.

A evil man was holding captive a little girl. He told her that he had put into a cloth bag a black stone and a white stone from
the path along which they were walking. If she chose the white stone from the bag, she could go free, however, if she chose
the black stone, she would remain with him. She put her hand into the bag, pulled out a stone, and promptly dropped in onto
the path. It was lost among the other stones. She appeared regretful and then put her hand into the bag and pulled out a
black stone. She said, ”Since the black stone remains in the bag, the stone I chose must have been the white.” Of course, he
had put two black stones into the bag and yet, due to her cleverness, he was forced to free her. We must develop this
cleverness if we are deal with tyrants.

When I was young, my father was adamant that I remain safe walking to and from school. He told me, “Play a game. If you
see a car coming, pretend it is trying to hit you and get to a place where it canʼt.” I suggest we all do the same: play a game;
pretend that the media, the corporations, the alleged ʻgovernmentsʼ are all trying to hurt us – or at least trick us – and put
ourselves into a state of mind where they simply cannot affect us.

The answer to all our alleged ʻproblemsʼ is to change our minds about who we think we are. We must begin to operate at a
level of consciousness which the psychopathocracy simply cannot attain. If they could attain it, they could not survive there.
They would either die or be forced to change what they are doing.

Best of Eckhart Tolle:

The only winning move is not to play. – from the movie, War Games. We must remove ourselves from their game. We cannot
expect to know what that will look like while we are still playing. How can we expect to see the entire picture when we are
seeing it from inside the frame? We must move to a higher level of energy where tyrants and psychopaths cannot survive.
Then, everything will change. If we are not willing to take a chance on our faith in Who We Are then we will lose, through our

Since “we do not know what anything is for” (from A Course In Miracles) letʼs take another perspective on this matter. Since
the ʻgovernmentʼ appears to be the parent treating us as if we are children, letʼs try this on for size. What if it is playing the
game of “tough love”? Iʼm not saying it is, Iʼm only taking a look from another perspective. What if their job, as ʻpublic
servantsʼ is to provoke us into standing up for ourselves? I am reminded of a time, 6 years ago, when I was working as a
Registered Nurse, and I heard a nurse mention how outraged she was about “Alberta Health is no longer going to cover…..”
whatever the treatment or procedure happened to be. Another nurse was equally exasperated. I said, “This is good news!”
They both looked askance at me. I explained, “This means that it is even more likely now that the people of the province will
catch onto the fact that they cannot rely upon Alberta Health to keep them healthy or even be their catalyst back to good
health. We are left on our own to take responsibility for our state of health.” They didnʼt like what I said, but that is only
because their livelihoods depended upon serving the genocidal pharmaceutical industry and not their patients, yet, relying
upon oneself, as opposed to a commercial agency, is, without question, a safer place to be – always.

This applies to any and all codes, rules, regulations, laws, statutes, acts, bills, ordinances, by-laws, constitutions, and
legislations. We cannot rely upon them one way or another. We cannot expect them to assist us and we cannot allow them to
thwart us – whether it be concerning our health, wealth, love, or peace of mind.

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June 1, 2008

See my other articles on my blog:

1. The Authority Hoax
2. Notice to Canada Employees
3. the 144,000
4. Rick Simpsonʼs video, “Run from the Cure”, about Hemp Oil

*** For a NON-COMMERCIAL SOLUTION to our financial woes, go to:

How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to

Man……A Spiritual Economics Book on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are

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Run From The Cure admin Mar 3, 2:09 AM

The Rick Simpson Story

View all 7 parts at

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THE 144,000 admin Mar 1, 10:10 AM

THE 144,000

When I wrote in my book, How I Clobbered…, that I suspected that the 144,000, mentioned in the Bible, would be the number
of us who had opted out of the Commerce Game (hereinafter, the Debt Game), I was kidding on the square. I meant it
because I felt certain that it is true and, yet, I couldnʼt see how that might be, or even how it might come about, or even why I
would trust anything written in the Bible because it has been SO tampered with over the millennia. Since I suspect that
Revelations has been written from the future to program those in the past, not to mention the ʻPsych 101′ concept that, if you
believe that it is God who told you that the “Mark of the Beast” will come to pass, well then, youʼll be programmed to behave
in a way which manifests that outcome. I concluded, of course, I donʼt need to know how this event might come about,
however, here is how I see it, now that I have more information.

Someone sent me an email which mentioned the Verichip and the fact that MasterCard has come up with the card called
“MonDex”, meaning, ʻmoneyʼ and ʻright handʼ. You know the routine…. theyʼll put a chip into our foreheads or right hands, all
under the guise of “identity-theft prevention” and if we refuse, we wonʼt be able to buy and sell – a very frightening concept to
those who do not know who they are. So, my thinking was, well, there are several million Christians, right off the bat, who will
refuse the “Mark of the Beast” so, what is this 144,000? That number simply cannot be the number of Christians who refuse
it. Then, WHO?!

It will be we – the ones who opt out of the Debt Game – who will be the 144,000. According to my calculations based upon
what I have gathered from innumerable emails and telephone calls from every country Iʼve ever heard of, there are already
several thousand of us – probably tens of thousands – with more catching onto the ʻtruthʼ every second of every hour of every
day. People whom I never would have suspected would find out the ʻtruthʼ are letting me know that they know: men and
women, young and old, English-speaking and others, ʻself-employedʼ and ʻcorporate suitsʼ, those in the West, Europe, the
East, the South, Africa, Down Under, and even North of me, as if there could be any ʻnorth of meʼ – I already feel as Iʼm
living in the tundra. People are finding out so fast and so furiously what is going on in their world that it causes my eyes to
pop out. There are meetings in every town and city in every province and state in every country I know and on every
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pop out. There are meetings in every town and city in every province and state in every country I know and on every
afternoon and evening of every week. People are inviting other people to these meetings simply by asking, “Do you hate your
job?”, or, “Do you know you are not required to pay income tax?”, or, “Do you know that you paid your mortgage, in total, the
minute you signed the note and donʼt owe the bank anything because it never lent you anything?”, or, “Do you know that
YOU funded the credit on your credit card and that the bank took $100,000 of that credit and monetized it and maybe gave
you the use of only $10,000 of it – none of which you could possibly owe?”, or, “Do you know that the name on every
government-issued document you have in your possession belongs to the state/province, not to you, and that this is good
news because, since ʻowner always paysʼ, then IT is required to set-off any charge you incur?” etc. and people are agreeing
to come to meetings to find out about this information without which they have lived for decades. Some are stunned to learn
this; some are enraged, some are grateful, and most are determined to stop being coerced to ʻpay forʼ one more thing, with
their lives. WE WILL PREVAIL!

Immediately after I read the ʻVerichip/MonDex cardʼ story, I didnʼt feel too great, yet, opted not to give it another flicker of my
energy and deleted it. Then I went to another, completely unrelated, email wherein the question just happened to be, “How
will we PAY for things?” This had nothing to do with the Verichip story; it had to do with getting the state/province to obey its
own laws and pay for any items that it will own and we will use. This is the way its always been…. nothing wrong with this
idea. How to make it work….

Suddenly, my eyes were riveted to the wall and I felt them enlarge as I witnessed my mind – that fabulous computer – join the
concepts of the two emails. They actually ʻclickedʼ into place. The Verichip will manifest only if we believe it will and if we stop
believing it will, it will not make it past our minds. “Thoughts never leave their source.” Since everything we see out in the
world is only the result, NOT the cause, of what was in our minds in the past (recent or far), then, if we intend to change the
world, the only way to do so is to change what is in our minds and project a different image onto the screen. Remember,
again, that the world is the RESULT of our thinking and if we donʼt like it, ʻchanging the worldʼ will NOT ʻchange the worldʼ;
changing our minds is what will change the world.

Accordingly, those who continue to project their fear, e.g.: those who send out emails about ʻVerichipʼ, are, in fact, thwarting
those of us who intend to make the world a better place. Their fear energy, albeit not as strong as love energy, nevertheless
must be countered by love and, ergo, will simply take more time for those of us putting love energy out into the ʻworldʼ to
ʻchange the worldʼ. Please believe me when I tell you…. you who are sending out fearful emails: you are only wasting the
time and energy of those of us who want the world to be a better place for all of us. You might CLAIM to want the world to be
a better place, yet, your actions tell me otherwise. If it were true that you want to ʻmake the world a better placeʼ you would be
projecting love, not fear, onto it. I ask that you discontinue putting out emails which suggest that the world is bad because this
makes you responsible for making it thus. You will be held accountable for your contribution which, via those emails, is fear-
induced. NONE of us needs any more information about how bad the world is; we GOT IT! So, please stop telling people.
You are only making it more real, granting it more energy, and creating that which you claim not to want. Please stop the
hypocrisy! Either you want love or you want fear. Make the choice and stick to it. If you want fear, feel free to continue to
send out emails which show that, yet, do not send them to those of us who want love. We will be forced to spend more
energy on the matter at hand - not only energy to create things the way we want them but also energy to counter that which
you are putting into the mix. Please quit thwarting us. You know that ʻtheyʼ want you angry because then they can control
you. “They” cannot control love; love causes them to back away as it conflicts with their nature. ʻTheyʼ want and need energy
which matches their energy in order for them to function and so, when you offer up fear and anger, they thrive on it and this
only makes our work a bit more difficult. We will prevail, however, and you will not, so it truly is only a matter of time, now, not
a matter of win/lose for us. So, your sending out negative information is only delaying the manifestation of love which will win-

Even more important than your holding up those of us who intend to manifest a ʻhappy dreamʼ and take us out of the
ʻnightmareʼ of life on this planet is the fact that you are delaying your own personal spiritual evolution. Why suffer any longer
than you need to suffer? For every negatively-charged thought you entertain and every email you send out, you are harming
yourself more than anyone else. For your own sakes, please stop this. I know it is difficult because your ego mind is patting
you on the back for taking on the daunting and honourable task of waking up the masses to what is really going on in the
world. Please stop this self-grandiosity. This ʻtaskʼ has now become completely unnecessary because there is not one soul on
the planet who does not know that something is amiss. Please do not state the obvious. Please spend your time and energy
implementing some action to change your mind and heart and, hence, the world.

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That being said, here is my explanation of the ʻclickʼ. Those of us who will refuse the chip, if it even ever gets to that point…
because we CAN undo this right now, will be of various philosophies, principles, beliefs, etc. however, those of us who refuse
it with an alternative solution in mind will have NO FEAR. We will not be wondering how we will ʻpay forʼ our food, shelter, etc.
and, no, we will not be relying upon the second coming of the Christ to ʻsaveʼ us. Since that promise was made 2,000 years
ago, as Sam Kinison used to ask, “When are you going to get it, he isnʼt coming back!?” The ʻsecond comingʼ always refers to
a man coming to save us. This is idiocy. We can be saved by only ourselves. The only way to do so is to take on the concept
of the Christ. It is about love and forgiveness, not about a man who will come to save us. What puerile thinking that is! This
entire matter is simply about taking responsibility for ourselves and this is all that love and forgiveness is. Once we take on
accountability for having created this mess and we all agree to change the nightmare into a happy dream via changing our
minds from fear to love, we will prevail. This is the Christ Consciousness. It is not a man who saves others. How
disempowering! Since there will always be those who prefer fear to love, these are the ones who will continue to look for
someone to take care of them and/or blame for not doing so, and they will simply reason that the Verichip makes sense. The
government/ God will take care of me; I canʼt function without the chip; the government tells me to take the chip; A=B, B=C,
therefore A=C. Easy math.

However, those of us who choose to take on the responsibility of having created the world precisely the way it is and opt to
take on the responsibility for changing it via the ONLY means possible - that of changing our minds and hearts from fear,
dependency, irresponsibility, and blame to that of love, self-reliance, accountability, forgiveness, and Christ Consciousness
will have a slightly different perception of what is actually going on. Since the Debt Game was designed for the purpose of
perpetrating debt in order to control others, the Illuminati want us to continue to ʻpay forʼ, everything that we use, with our
labour. As we ʻoweʼ more, we must labour more. Since all we have of life are ʻtimeʼ and ʻenergyʼ, the less we have for our
own purposes, then the less life we have to do what we have been created to do - create a world of the ʻhappy dreamʼ. As
long as we are giving our time, energy, and lives to the corporations/ banks/ Illuminati, then the more time we are devoting to
their plans - that of the nightmare. Its your life; choose. Isnʼt it better to live your life under your own time, energy, and
principles than to give your life to faceless, heartless corporations the plan of which is to destroy not only the lives of you and
your family but also the life of our planet.

Many of us have caught on that the rules of the Debt Game actually include a few clauses which describe how ʻtheyʼ have
agreed to be responsible for any debt that we incur. Hence, they agree that they will ʻpayʼ it. Since there has been, for the
past 75 years, nothing with which to pay any debt, it stands to reason that we cannot possibly incur any debt. It is THEIR debt
and they simply want us to step forward to pay, via our jobs/labour, aka our time and energy, aka our lives, a debt which is
not ours to pay. All we have to do is kindly remind them that they have agreed to set-off their OWN debt and we will happily
assist them via signing, FOR them, and allowing them access to our account of unlimited credit in order to do so. The reason
it is their debt – which appears to be difficult to understand when we see ourselves buying a new car – is because it is they
who own the car the second we register it. Many of us have tried to avoid this by not registering the car and found way to
much trouble accompanying such resolve so, it is easier to go with the program and simply have them pay for their car. We
are permitted to sign for them because the Birth Certificate is the credit card they gave us to use. So, we buy the car for the
state/province and we use it. If we get a ticket, whilst on business for that corporation – which is ongoing due to our having
put many years of our lives, albeit unwittingly, into said corporation – they also agree to pay the ticket. Somehow, they have
tricked us into believing that it is our car and, therefore, we are required to pay for it, insure it, pay for registration, plates,
licence, etc. if we want to use it. All we have to do is not fall for the trickery any longer. Once we know that we can (kindly)
allow them to recall that they agreed to pay, we can then direct any and ALL charges over to them to handle and, PRESTO!,
we no longer have to give one more minute to the corporations/ banks/ Illuminati/ Crown/ Vatican and we can get our lives
back. Those of us in love and forgiveness and responsibility will be able to do this kindly without anger, fear, and vengeance.
Those who are still in fear, anger, resentment and trying to change the world, as opposed to changing their belief system, will
inevitably be those who either opt for the Verichip or refuse it with a vengeance and then live in fear over how to get what
they need to survive. As this is a daunting task – changing the world via changing our minds and hearts via taking on
responsibility, love, and forgiveness for the insanity that we see every minute of every day in a world of duality – most …. in
fact, all but 144,000, will opt not to do so.

The chip is about “paying for”. When we wake up to the alarming realization that we were never meant to spend our
lives labouring to ʻpay forʼ, we will realize, only at that precise instant, that we will have NO NEED to accept the chip.

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“The main reason people struggle financially is because in school they learned to work for money but never learned to have
money work for them.” Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad). My comment on that is, “and donʼt think that wasnʼt by design.”

You might well ask, what can one do in the meantime while others are catching on to the fact that slave-labouring for a
corporation or government can only make the problem worse for ALL of us.

If you are interested in a interim, non-commercial, financial remedy to the imminent economic shift, go to:

This is the easiest, fastest, most equitable, fairest, and most ethical way to get cash into your mitts without involving the
banksʼ control over our lives. In his book Stop Being a Victim, the author discusses the myriad of Internet and Home-Based
Business Opportunities and concludes that a ʻOne-Upʼ program, such as the one I offer, is the only ʻbiz-oppʼ which is fair and
equitable to everyone – not just those at the top. This program began over 5 years ago and never a glitch … because it is

This article and subsequent articles will ultimately be made into a book: Remember Who You Are; Remember Who “They”

a sequel to: How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-Confiscatory Agency Known to Man –– A Spiritual Economics Book
on $$$ and Remembering Who You Are

March 3, 2008



Read more…




… in response to the question: “How do we write a script that would cause a revelation in the minds of the police, judges,
prosecutors, governors, military personnel, state officials etc., to get them to stop and think about who and what they are
serving and how to get them to know that the same dark forces that they are serving will turn on them, and that what they are
perpetrating is total slavery for all of mankind including themselves as well as their current and future family.”

1. For everything that follows, I ask that you do your own investigation and do not rely upon mine. For every reference to
PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, you can substitute the name of the subsidiary corporation which employs you. For every reference
to “Alberta Province”, you can substitute the land on which you are living and over which you have been misled to believe you
have some jurisdiction. The following is only for those in possession of an honourable, open mind. “Man” describes both
ʻmenʼ and ʻwomenʼ.

2. The only reason you believe you have authority over another Man is because you have been told, by one whom you
believe has authority over you, that one Man can have authority over another; yet, how can that be, particularly when you
have agreed to the rules in your policy manual, one of which states that “we are all equal under the law” (see §15 of the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms). In fact, the opposite is true. You have sworn an Oath of Office to protect the
rights of the people. If you are at work and being paid, who is paying you?

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3. CANADA is defined as “water” and “corporation”, not land. There is no land called Canada. There is land which is
described as “Canada” on paper and on maps, yet, it is a description in ʻfictionʼ.

4. The corporation called PROVINCE OF ALBERTA is not registered to do business in Alberta province. The corporation for
which you work has no licence to do business. Even worse for you is that it cannot lawfully involve itself in the affairs of any
Man. So, all of its corporate profit is obtained unlawfully. CRA will be notified of this “unreported income”.

5. Consider: a Man was arrested and taken to jail instead of to a magistrate where both he and the complainant could be
heard. The Man, during the HOURS he was held, by a Policy Enforcer (PE), was NEVER charged. The PE spent those
HOURS at a computer looking for a Name to charge. The PROVINCE might have jurisdiction over a Name, yet, the
PROVINCE OF ALBERTA has admitted that it “has no jurisdiction over the people of Alberta.” After all that time, in the end,
the PE charged not the Man but a Name, owned by the corporation and which the Man uses to operate in commerce. Had the
Man truly been a suspect, the PE would have charged him immediately, wouldnʼt he? Why didnʼt he? He couldnʼt because
the Man is not subject to any charges, as the “laws” of the corporation, Canada, do not apply to any Man. They apply only to
the employees of the corporation. (Do not go unconscious! - stay with this; your commercial viability and liability depend upon
your knowing this.)

So, when the Man did not go to court on date because … well, why would He when there are no more “courts of law” - there
are only “courts of commerce”, an attorney sent a letter stating there was a warrant issued for the arrest of the Name for
“Failure To Appear”. You and I both know that the Name was already in court on date. How do we know? … The Name is
what the judge called that day. Why? … The Name is what got charged. Who is the surety for the Name? In this case, it is
THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA. Accordingly, it is that corporation which must cough up any fines. A man can waive all
government benefits and privileges so, since the Crown is the prosecutor which represents that corporation, then it is the
prosecutor who will be stuck with paying the bill.

The attorney letter was, therefore, very revealing, however, again, it had nothing to do with the Man, unless, of course, one of
you - clerk of court, attorney, judge, peace officer, etc. can prove it does. No warrant was ever issued for the Man; the warrant
was issued for a Name. When, out of curiosity, the Man requested a copy of said warrant, the clerk of the court dishonoured
Him. Is it because the warrant has nothing to do with the Man? You and I both know the answer is “Yes!” unless, of course,
you are relying upon an alleged “contract”. You cannot proceed in any way without a Manʼs consent. So, was he coerced and
threatened to sign some fiction paper wherein He agreed to show up in court? Was He deliberately lied to and misled to
believe something untrue? Was there full disclosure? Surely, you know that any contract obtained via any of those means is
invalid! The Man was not bound because the ʻcontractʼ lacked the primary requirement of ALL contracts: a meeting of the
minds. None of you has anything to do with ʻjusticeʼ or ʻrestitutionʼ which are the purposes of any “court of law”; is this not
true? It is easy to conclude from this that there are no courts of law, only courts of commerce. It IS all about the almighty

I am truly sorry that your grasp of contract law is so lacking. You cannot lawfully do anything with or to any Man without his
express consent. I suspect you would not agree to my telling you how to run your life? Then, how can you think anyone else
might? This is all just one huge commercial venture for all of you and you are not even licensed to do this! If I were in your
circumstance, I should prepare myself for serious penalties … or quit. Remember Principal IV of the Nuremberg Trials: those
who claimed “I was only following orders” were also executed.

6. The Governor General of Canada (the corporation, not the waters) has posted on her website that there is no ʻde jureʼ,
only a ʻde factoʼ, government. Section 15 of the Criminal Code of Canada© (hereinafter CCC© - notice it is copyrighted which
means that no Man can use this “code” so, it follows that if we canʼt use it, it most certainly cannot apply to us) states that no
one is obligated to obey any law of any de facto government. However, those who do agree to obey them, such as those
who work for the corporation Canada, i.e.: all peace officers, judges, attorneys, clerks, bailiffs, are obliged to obey the policy
manual for Canada, the corporation. Said “laws” have nothing to do with any Man because We are not employed by the
corporation, Canada, and we never agreed to obey them. If you are having trouble grasping this concept, please consider this

Your friend goes to work at Sears. He is required to read the policy manual wherein he discovers, “Sandals are not to be
worn at ANY time.” You meet him in the park for a walk and you happen to be wearing sandals. He tells you that you are not
permitted to wear sandals and, to prove it, he whips out his Sears Policy Manual and points to the section. What are your
first words after, “What are you smoking?!” You tell him that this manual applies only to Sears employees because they are
the only ones who agreed to it. NO policies, aka “laws”, of ANY corporation apply to anyone who does not agree to them and,
letʼs be honest, no one who does not work for the corporation would ever wittingly do so. Accordingly, all “Laws of Canada” -
the corporation, apply to its employees ONLY. So, no Man is bound by the CCC©, yet, YOU ARE. So, any Peace Officer,
acting as a Policy Enforcer for the PROVINCE, who steals property, in which a Man is in peaceful possession, including his
body (see §39.1 of the CCC ©) is in violation of §322 of the CCC© because he agreed to be subject to that code. That code
has nothing to do with any other Man. It was designed to keep YOU in line, not us, just as Sears Policy Manual is designed to

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keep in line its employees - not its customers. What makes you think you can impose this upon those of us who not only are
not employed by Canada, the corporation, but also donʼt even shop there?

7. Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that we are all equal under the law. This is for YOUR
information, not ours. So, unless a Man granted you, knowingly, willingly, and intentionally, authority over Him, NO ONE has
any authority over Him - not even the laws of a private, foreign, belligerent corporation, commonly known as “The
Government of Canada” which is owned by the World Bank aka International Monetary Fund.

8. If you or any of your minions, commonly known as Police, ever drag any Man, against His will, into a court of commerce to
appear in front of a man in a black dress, the first question the Man will ask is, “By what authority do you come before me?”
As you know, the “judge” cannot answer this because he cannot prove he has any authority over any Man. People are
waking up by the thousands, every day, and learning that since ʻcourtʼ doesnʼt even exist until we show up, that Man has the
right to arrest that “judge” along with any others who do not obey his orders.

9. For your sakes, I suggest you all take the time to study quantum physics whereby we learn that everything that occurs in
our lives demands, at an energetic level, agreement of all involved or else it could never occur. Ergo, now you know that no
Man can be found “guilty” of anything because there is no Common Law Court where this can occur. There are only courts of
commerce (”money”) which no longer have anything to do with any Man unless he contracts in which he NEVER wittingly
does. ʻGuiltʼ is just ʻegotistical judgementʼ - the very illusion by which you do your job every day. Every occurrence in life is
due to our agreement, albeit 95% of said agreements come from our unconscious mind which is why we are so stunned by
life-events to which we would never consciously agree. EVERYTHING in life is done by AGREEMENT - aka CONTRACT -
conscious or not - and no one ever has any right to judge these events. Taking 100% responsibility, however, for
circumstances we donʼt like, IS the power to create the shift we all want to experience. (read: Zero Limits by Dr. Vitale and Dr.
Hew Len)

Until you can prove that any Man intentionally granted you authority over him, which you and I both know is not a
possibility, your orders, citations, warrants, charges, and any and all other fiction paper apply only to the fiction entity - the
Name - and, until you prove that we ARE a Name and not a Man, or that we are the surety for that Name, we will carry on our
lives as we choose, just as, we trust, you will do the same with yours. We do not bother trying to trick you into believing that
we have authority over your lives so, the question begs asking, why do you effort in tricking us into believing that you have
authority over ours? For ʻmoneyʼ? Oh! If only it still existed! So, to that end, please let us all know how much you want in
order for us to settle. With the Certificate of Birth in our possession, we can authorize you to access that registered account
in order to set-off your debt. You are the one who created the debt (charge) and, since the one who creates the debt must
provide the remedy, all you have to do is send us a signed bill in order for us to set-off your debt. (see: Bills of Exchange Act
of Canada, § 57.1) Remember that since HJR 192, June 5, 1933, the people can neither incur nor pay any debt.

Your failure to prove, within 10 days, that you have ANY authority over Me, the Man, will constitute your tacit agreement that
the following is true:

1. I am the only authority in my life;

2. I can do what I choose to do as long as I do not hurt another Man and, even if I do unintentionally harm another Man, it
was by agreement, at some level of energy which most of you do not yet comprehend, and of which we are probably
consciously unaware, which still makes it NONE of your business;

3. As I accept your offer of your oath of office wherein you have sworn to protect My rights, you agree to be culpable if
anyone attempts to prevent me from living my life in a manner in which I choose and which, unlike yours, is for the purpose of
assisting others;

4. I cannot hurt any faceless, heartless corporation, e.g.: THE PROVINCE OF ALBERTA, ergo, none of you can lawfully file
any claim against Me without violating YOUR law which tells you that you cannot bring forth a false claim.

Now that you know this - do yourselves a favour and be willing to give up your job for the truth. Youʼll never have to work
again; your life will change for the better; you will be happy; your “four (4) !!! times the national average” spousal abuse and
suicides will plummet. Do you know that the cause of this is due to your inner conflict of: doing a job which only harms your
fellow Man and knowing that you ARE that Man? Imagine doing what you love to do every day and serving your fellow Man,
i.e.: yourself, by doing so?

Imagine how people will interact with each other when they know they cannot harm another person, place, condition or thing
without harming themselves. Imagine the difference when people everywhere accept the divine truth: as they give, so shall
they receive. (Mayan) Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj

I suggest you pass this along to your fellows and stop the nonsense by which you believe you are being compensated for
your labour, which, by the way, you are not, yet, this is another subject. The drift is that since you are being ʻpaidʼ with debt

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your labour, which, by the way, you are not, yet, this is another subject. The drift is that since you are being ʻpaidʼ with debt
notes, not ʻmoneyʼ, anything you purchase with debt notes belongs to the ones to whom you owe for using them. You do not
ʻownʼ your house, car, because you purchased them with debt, not substance. Wonʼt you be surprised when they are taken
from you just as you are taking them from others? Think about how you are slave-labouring, every day, for a faceless,
heartless corporation which is stealing not only your life but also those of your children and grandchildren… not to mention
the life of our planet.

If not you, who? If not now, when?

Wake up to your life for your life.

Read more…

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