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by Subroto Mukerji

Old barriers, like the speed of light,

Are quite redundant, I must stress,
For beyond the barrier, out of sight,
Are Tachyons, at speeds unguessed.

You will notice, as we falter,

At the edge of cosmic truths,
Our perception of Reality alters,
Paradox of metaphysical fruits.

Matter is solid no longer,

There's empty space between the atoms;
Space within all space, to conquer,
And everything's energy, at bottom!

Thought is energy too, it's true,

So if matter is but energy,
Thought is simply matter, proved,
Matter's but thought—can’t yer see?!

So it seems that one can shatter

Or re-shape material things,
By the power of thought, all matter
Can transmute thro' imaginings!

So, it transpires, thought and matter,

Share the same pure melody,
They're the same, so please don't natter,
Because it's proved now, Q.E.D.!!

And from that, it surely follows

If we imagine, feel it’s true,
We can make solids from hollows,
What we think will happen, too!

For when we think, we energize,

Creating in a mental way,
Thoughts to latent matter rise,
Assembled on material plane!

Everything that we need is here,

Because our thoughts are all we need,
If we can but shed our fears,
And anger, selfishness and greed.

And note that in obscure dimensions,

Of the Superconsciousness,
Past and Future are inventions,
The Present's all that we possess!

Therefore, what was then, is now,

And what is now has always been;
What’s to come, I do allow
Will be the Present we are seeing!

So I think, we all agree, but

Imagination needs careful use,
Properly practiced, it can free us:
Wish fulfillment from the Muse!

© Subroto Mukerji

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